Einbettungsmodell mit den angegebenen Parametern optimieren

Dieses Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein Embedding-Modell mit Vertex AI optimieren. Im Beispiel wird ein vortrainiertes Modell verwendet und für ein bestimmtes Dataset optimiert.

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import re

from google.cloud.aiplatform import initializer as aiplatform_init
from vertexai.language_models import TextEmbeddingModel

def tune_embedding_model(
    api_endpoint: str,
    base_model_name: str = "text-embedding-005",
    corpus_path: str = "gs://cloud-samples-data/ai-platform/embedding/goog-10k-2024/r11/corpus.jsonl",
    queries_path: str = "gs://cloud-samples-data/ai-platform/embedding/goog-10k-2024/r11/queries.jsonl",
    train_label_path: str = "gs://cloud-samples-data/ai-platform/embedding/goog-10k-2024/r11/train.tsv",
    test_label_path: str = "gs://cloud-samples-data/ai-platform/embedding/goog-10k-2024/r11/test.tsv",
):  # noqa: ANN201
    """Tune an embedding model using the specified parameters.
        api_endpoint (str): The API endpoint for the Vertex AI service.
        base_model_name (str): The name of the base model to use for tuning.
        corpus_path (str): GCS URI of the JSONL file containing the corpus data.
        queries_path (str): GCS URI of the JSONL file containing the queries data.
        train_label_path (str): GCS URI of the TSV file containing the training labels.
        test_label_path (str): GCS URI of the TSV file containing the test labels.
    match = re.search(r"^(\w+-\w+)", api_endpoint)
    location = match.group(1) if match else "us-central1"
    base_model = TextEmbeddingModel.from_pretrained(base_model_name)
    tuning_job = base_model.tune_model(
        batch_size=128,  # The batch size to use for training.
        train_steps=1000,  # The number of training steps.
        output_dimensionality=768,  # The dimensionality of the output embeddings.
        learning_rate_multiplier=1.0,  # The multiplier for the learning rate.
    return tuning_job

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