Vertex AI API

Train high-quality custom machine learning models with minimal machine learning expertise and effort.


To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries. If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.

Discovery document

A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming REST APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. One service may provide multiple discovery documents. This service provides the following discovery documents:

Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoints and all URIs below are relative to these service endpoints:


See Feature availability for the supported features for each region.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations

evaluateInstances POST /v1/{location}:evaluateInstances
Evaluates instances based on a given metric.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.batchPredictionJobs

cancel POST /v1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a BatchPredictionJob.
create POST /v1/{parent}/batchPredictionJobs
Creates a BatchPredictionJob.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a BatchPredictionJob.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a BatchPredictionJob
list GET /v1/{parent}/batchPredictionJobs
Lists BatchPredictionJobs in a Location.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.customJobs

cancel POST /v1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a CustomJob.
create POST /v1/{parent}/customJobs
Creates a CustomJob.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a CustomJob.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a CustomJob.
list GET /v1/{parent}/customJobs
Lists CustomJobs in a Location.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.datasets

create POST /v1/{parent}/datasets
Creates a Dataset.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a Dataset.
export POST /v1/{name}:export
Exports data from a Dataset.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a Dataset.
import POST /v1/{name}:import
Imports data into a Dataset.
list GET /v1/{parent}/datasets
Lists Datasets in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a Dataset.
searchDataItems GET /v1/{dataset}:searchDataItems
Searches DataItems in a Dataset.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.datasets.annotationSpecs

get GET /v1/{name}
Gets an AnnotationSpec.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.datasets.dataItems

list GET /v1/{parent}/dataItems
Lists DataItems in a Dataset.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.datasets.dataItems.annotations

list GET /v1/{parent}/annotations
Lists Annotations belongs to a dataitem This RPC is only available in InternalDatasetService.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.datasets.datasetVersions

create POST /v1/{parent}/datasetVersions
Create a version from a Dataset.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a Dataset version.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a Dataset version.
list GET /v1/{parent}/datasetVersions
Lists DatasetVersions in a Dataset.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a DatasetVersion.
restore GET /v1/{name}:restore
Restores a dataset version.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.datasets.savedQueries

delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a SavedQuery.
list GET /v1/{parent}/savedQueries
Lists SavedQueries in a Dataset.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.deploymentResourcePools

create POST /v1/{parent}/deploymentResourcePools
Create a DeploymentResourcePool.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Delete a DeploymentResourcePool.
get GET /v1/{name}
Get a DeploymentResourcePool.
list GET /v1/{parent}/deploymentResourcePools
List DeploymentResourcePools in a location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Update a DeploymentResourcePool.
queryDeployedModels GET /v1/{deploymentResourcePool}:queryDeployedModels
List DeployedModels that have been deployed on this DeploymentResourcePool.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.endpoints

computeTokens POST /v1/{endpoint}:computeTokens
Return a list of tokens based on the input text.
countTokens POST /v1/{endpoint}:countTokens
Perform a token counting.
create POST /v1/{parent}/endpoints
Creates an Endpoint.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes an Endpoint.
deployModel POST /v1/{endpoint}:deployModel
Deploys a Model into this Endpoint, creating a DeployedModel within it.
directPredict POST /v1/{endpoint}:directPredict
Perform an unary online prediction request to a gRPC model server for Vertex first-party products and frameworks.
directRawPredict POST /v1/{endpoint}:directRawPredict
Perform an unary online prediction request to a gRPC model server for custom containers.
explain POST /v1/{endpoint}:explain
Perform an online explanation.
generateContent POST /v1/{model}:generateContent
Generate content with multimodal inputs.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets an Endpoint.
list GET /v1/{parent}/endpoints
Lists Endpoints in a Location.
mutateDeployedModel POST /v1/{endpoint}:mutateDeployedModel
Updates an existing deployed model.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates an Endpoint.
predict POST /v1/{endpoint}:predict
Perform an online prediction.
rawPredict POST /v1/{endpoint}:rawPredict
Perform an online prediction with an arbitrary HTTP payload.
serverStreamingPredict POST /v1/{endpoint}:serverStreamingPredict
Perform a server-side streaming online prediction request for Vertex LLM streaming.
streamGenerateContent POST /v1/{model}:streamGenerateContent
Generate content with multimodal inputs with streaming support.
streamRawPredict POST /v1/{endpoint}:streamRawPredict
Perform a streaming online prediction with an arbitrary HTTP payload.
undeployModel POST /v1/{endpoint}:undeployModel
Undeploys a Model from an Endpoint, removing a DeployedModel from it, and freeing all resources it's using.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.featureGroups

create POST /v1/{parent}/featureGroups
Creates a new FeatureGroup in a given project and location.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a single FeatureGroup.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets details of a single FeatureGroup.
list GET /v1/{parent}/featureGroups
Lists FeatureGroups in a given project and location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single FeatureGroup.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.featureGroups.features

batchCreate POST /v1/{parent}/features:batchCreate
Creates a batch of Features in a given FeatureGroup.
create POST /v1/{parent}/features
Creates a new Feature in a given FeatureGroup.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a single Feature.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets details of a single Feature.
list GET /v1/{parent}/features
Lists Features in a given FeatureGroup.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single Feature.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.featureOnlineStores

create POST /v1/{parent}/featureOnlineStores
Creates a new FeatureOnlineStore in a given project and location.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a single FeatureOnlineStore.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets details of a single FeatureOnlineStore.
list GET /v1/{parent}/featureOnlineStores
Lists FeatureOnlineStores in a given project and location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single FeatureOnlineStore.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.featureOnlineStores.featureViews

create POST /v1/{parent}/featureViews
Creates a new FeatureView in a given FeatureOnlineStore.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a single FeatureView.
fetchFeatureValues POST /v1/{featureView}:fetchFeatureValues
Fetch feature values under a FeatureView.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets details of a single FeatureView.
list GET /v1/{parent}/featureViews
Lists FeatureViews in a given FeatureOnlineStore.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single FeatureView.
searchNearestEntities POST /v1/{featureView}:searchNearestEntities
Search the nearest entities under a FeatureView.
sync POST /v1/{featureView}:sync
Triggers on-demand sync for the FeatureView.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.featureOnlineStores.featureViews.featureViewSyncs

get GET /v1/{name}
Gets details of a single FeatureViewSync.
list GET /v1/{parent}/featureViewSyncs
Lists FeatureViewSyncs in a given FeatureView.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.featurestores

batchReadFeatureValues POST /v1/{featurestore}:batchReadFeatureValues
Batch reads Feature values from a Featurestore.
create POST /v1/{parent}/featurestores
Creates a new Featurestore in a given project and location.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a single Featurestore.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets details of a single Featurestore.
getIamPolicy POST /v1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1/{parent}/featurestores
Lists Featurestores in a given project and location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single Featurestore.
searchFeatures GET /v1/{location}/featurestores:searchFeatures
Searches Features matching a query in a given project.
setIamPolicy POST /v1/{resource}:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
testIamPermissions POST /v1/{resource}:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.featurestores.entityTypes

create POST /v1/{parent}/entityTypes
Creates a new EntityType in a given Featurestore.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a single EntityType.
deleteFeatureValues POST /v1/{entityType}:deleteFeatureValues
Delete Feature values from Featurestore.
exportFeatureValues POST /v1/{entityType}:exportFeatureValues
Exports Feature values from all the entities of a target EntityType.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets details of a single EntityType.
getIamPolicy POST /v1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
importFeatureValues POST /v1/{entityType}:importFeatureValues
Imports Feature values into the Featurestore from a source storage.
list GET /v1/{parent}/entityTypes
Lists EntityTypes in a given Featurestore.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single EntityType.
readFeatureValues POST /v1/{entityType}:readFeatureValues
Reads Feature values of a specific entity of an EntityType.
setIamPolicy POST /v1/{resource}:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
streamingReadFeatureValues POST /v1/{entityType}:streamingReadFeatureValues
Reads Feature values for multiple entities.
testIamPermissions POST /v1/{resource}:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.
writeFeatureValues POST /v1/{entityType}:writeFeatureValues
Writes Feature values of one or more entities of an EntityType.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.featurestores.entityTypes.features

batchCreate POST /v1/{parent}/features:batchCreate
Creates a batch of Features in a given EntityType.
create POST /v1/{parent}/features
Creates a new Feature in a given EntityType.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a single Feature.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets details of a single Feature.
list GET /v1/{parent}/features
Lists Features in a given EntityType.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single Feature.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.hyperparameterTuningJobs

cancel POST /v1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a HyperparameterTuningJob.
create POST /v1/{parent}/hyperparameterTuningJobs
Creates a HyperparameterTuningJob
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a HyperparameterTuningJob.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a HyperparameterTuningJob
list GET /v1/{parent}/hyperparameterTuningJobs
Lists HyperparameterTuningJobs in a Location.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.indexEndpoints

create POST /v1/{parent}/indexEndpoints
Creates an IndexEndpoint.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes an IndexEndpoint.
deployIndex POST /v1/{indexEndpoint}:deployIndex
Deploys an Index into this IndexEndpoint, creating a DeployedIndex within it.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets an IndexEndpoint.
list GET /v1/{parent}/indexEndpoints
Lists IndexEndpoints in a Location.
mutateDeployedIndex POST /v1/{indexEndpoint}:mutateDeployedIndex
Update an existing DeployedIndex under an IndexEndpoint.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates an IndexEndpoint.
undeployIndex POST /v1/{indexEndpoint}:undeployIndex
Undeploys an Index from an IndexEndpoint, removing a DeployedIndex from it, and freeing all resources it's using.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.indexes

create POST /v1/{parent}/indexes
Creates an Index.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes an Index.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets an Index.
list GET /v1/{parent}/indexes
Lists Indexes in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates an Index.
removeDatapoints POST /v1/{index}:removeDatapoints
Remove Datapoints from an Index.
upsertDatapoints POST /v1/{index}:upsertDatapoints
Add/update Datapoints into an Index.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.metadataStores

create POST /v1/{parent}/metadataStores
Initializes a MetadataStore, including allocation of resources.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a single MetadataStore and all its child resources (Artifacts, Executions, and Contexts).
get GET /v1/{name}
Retrieves a specific MetadataStore.
list GET /v1/{parent}/metadataStores
Lists MetadataStores for a Location.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.metadataStores.artifacts

create POST /v1/{parent}/artifacts
Creates an Artifact associated with a MetadataStore.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes an Artifact.
get GET /v1/{name}
Retrieves a specific Artifact.
list GET /v1/{parent}/artifacts
Lists Artifacts in the MetadataStore.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a stored Artifact.
purge POST /v1/{parent}/artifacts:purge
Purges Artifacts.
queryArtifactLineageSubgraph GET /v1/{artifact}:queryArtifactLineageSubgraph
Retrieves lineage of an Artifact represented through Artifacts and Executions connected by Event edges and returned as a LineageSubgraph.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.metadataStores.contexts

addContextArtifactsAndExecutions POST /v1/{context}:addContextArtifactsAndExecutions
Adds a set of Artifacts and Executions to a Context.
addContextChildren POST /v1/{context}:addContextChildren
Adds a set of Contexts as children to a parent Context.
create POST /v1/{parent}/contexts
Creates a Context associated with a MetadataStore.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a stored Context.
get GET /v1/{name}
Retrieves a specific Context.
list GET /v1/{parent}/contexts
Lists Contexts on the MetadataStore.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a stored Context.
purge POST /v1/{parent}/contexts:purge
Purges Contexts.
queryContextLineageSubgraph GET /v1/{context}:queryContextLineageSubgraph
Retrieves Artifacts and Executions within the specified Context, connected by Event edges and returned as a LineageSubgraph.
removeContextChildren POST /v1/{context}:removeContextChildren
Remove a set of children contexts from a parent Context.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.metadataStores.executions

addExecutionEvents POST /v1/{execution}:addExecutionEvents
Adds Events to the specified Execution.
create POST /v1/{parent}/executions
Creates an Execution associated with a MetadataStore.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes an Execution.
get GET /v1/{name}
Retrieves a specific Execution.
list GET /v1/{parent}/executions
Lists Executions in the MetadataStore.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a stored Execution.
purge POST /v1/{parent}/executions:purge
Purges Executions.
queryExecutionInputsAndOutputs GET /v1/{execution}:queryExecutionInputsAndOutputs
Obtains the set of input and output Artifacts for this Execution, in the form of LineageSubgraph that also contains the Execution and connecting Events.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.metadataStores.metadataSchemas

create POST /v1/{parent}/metadataSchemas
Creates a MetadataSchema.
get GET /v1/{name}
Retrieves a specific MetadataSchema.
list GET /v1/{parent}/metadataSchemas
Lists MetadataSchemas.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.migratableResources

batchMigrate POST /v1/{parent}/migratableResources:batchMigrate
Batch migrates resources from,, and to Vertex AI.
search POST /v1/{parent}/migratableResources:search
Searches all of the resources in, and that can be migrated to Vertex AI's given location.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.modelDeploymentMonitoringJobs

create POST /v1/{parent}/modelDeploymentMonitoringJobs
Creates a ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
list GET /v1/{parent}/modelDeploymentMonitoringJobs
Lists ModelDeploymentMonitoringJobs in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
pause POST /v1/{name}:pause
Pauses a ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
resume POST /v1/{name}:resume
Resumes a paused ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
searchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomalies POST /v1/{modelDeploymentMonitoringJob}:searchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomalies
Searches Model Monitoring Statistics generated within a given time window.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.models

copy POST /v1/{parent}/models:copy
Copies an already existing Vertex AI Model into the specified Location.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a Model.
deleteVersion DELETE /v1/{name}:deleteVersion
Deletes a Model version.
export POST /v1/{name}:export
Exports a trained, exportable Model to a location specified by the user.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a Model.
getIamPolicy POST /v1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1/{parent}/models
Lists Models in a Location.
listVersions GET /v1/{name}:listVersions
Lists versions of the specified model.
mergeVersionAliases POST /v1/{name}:mergeVersionAliases
Merges a set of aliases for a Model version.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a Model.
setIamPolicy POST /v1/{resource}:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
testIamPermissions POST /v1/{resource}:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.
updateExplanationDataset POST /v1/{model}:updateExplanationDataset
Incrementally update the dataset used for an examples model.
upload POST /v1/{parent}/models:upload
Uploads a Model artifact into Vertex AI.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.models.evaluations

get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a ModelEvaluation.
import POST /v1/{parent}/evaluations:import
Imports an externally generated ModelEvaluation.
list GET /v1/{parent}/evaluations
Lists ModelEvaluations in a Model.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.models.evaluations.slices

batchImport POST /v1/{parent}:batchImport
Imports a list of externally generated EvaluatedAnnotations.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a ModelEvaluationSlice.
list GET /v1/{parent}/slices
Lists ModelEvaluationSlices in a ModelEvaluation.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.nasJobs

cancel POST /v1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a NasJob.
create POST /v1/{parent}/nasJobs
Creates a NasJob
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a NasJob.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a NasJob
list GET /v1/{parent}/nasJobs
Lists NasJobs in a Location.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.nasJobs.nasTrialDetails

get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a NasTrialDetail.
list GET /v1/{parent}/nasTrialDetails
List top NasTrialDetails of a NasJob.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.notebookExecutionJobs

create POST /v1/{parent}/notebookExecutionJobs
Creates a NotebookExecutionJob.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a NotebookExecutionJob.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a NotebookExecutionJob.
list GET /v1/{parent}/notebookExecutionJobs
Lists NotebookExecutionJobs in a Location.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.notebookRuntimeTemplates

create POST /v1/{parent}/notebookRuntimeTemplates
Creates a NotebookRuntimeTemplate.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a NotebookRuntimeTemplate.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a NotebookRuntimeTemplate.
getIamPolicy POST /v1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1/{parent}/notebookRuntimeTemplates
Lists NotebookRuntimeTemplates in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a NotebookRuntimeTemplate.
setIamPolicy POST /v1/{resource}:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
testIamPermissions POST /v1/{resource}:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.notebookRuntimes

assign POST /v1/{parent}/notebookRuntimes:assign
Assigns a NotebookRuntime to a user for a particular Notebook file.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a NotebookRuntime.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a NotebookRuntime.
list GET /v1/{parent}/notebookRuntimes
Lists NotebookRuntimes in a Location.
start POST /v1/{name}:start
Starts a NotebookRuntime.
upgrade POST /v1/{name}:upgrade
Upgrades a NotebookRuntime.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.operations

cancel POST /v1/{name}:cancel
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a long-running operation.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
list GET /v1/{name}/operations
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.
wait POST /v1/{name}:wait
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most a specified timeout, returning the latest state.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.persistentResources

create POST /v1/{parent}/persistentResources
Creates a PersistentResource.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a PersistentResource.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a PersistentResource.
list GET /v1/{parent}/persistentResources
Lists PersistentResources in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a PersistentResource.
reboot POST /v1/{name}:reboot
Reboots a PersistentResource.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.pipelineJobs

batchCancel POST /v1/{parent}/pipelineJobs:batchCancel
Batch cancel PipelineJobs.
batchDelete POST /v1/{parent}/pipelineJobs:batchDelete
Batch deletes PipelineJobs The Operation is atomic.
cancel POST /v1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a PipelineJob.
create POST /v1/{parent}/pipelineJobs
Creates a PipelineJob.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a PipelineJob.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a PipelineJob.
list GET /v1/{parent}/pipelineJobs
Lists PipelineJobs in a Location.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.publishers.models

computeTokens POST /v1/{endpoint}:computeTokens
Return a list of tokens based on the input text.
countTokens POST /v1/{endpoint}:countTokens
Perform a token counting.
generateContent POST /v1/{model}:generateContent
Generate content with multimodal inputs.
predict POST /v1/{endpoint}:predict
Perform an online prediction.
rawPredict POST /v1/{endpoint}:rawPredict
Perform an online prediction with an arbitrary HTTP payload.
serverStreamingPredict POST /v1/{endpoint}:serverStreamingPredict
Perform a server-side streaming online prediction request for Vertex LLM streaming.
streamGenerateContent POST /v1/{model}:streamGenerateContent
Generate content with multimodal inputs with streaming support.
streamRawPredict POST /v1/{endpoint}:streamRawPredict
Perform a streaming online prediction with an arbitrary HTTP payload.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.schedules

create POST /v1/{parent}/schedules
Creates a Schedule.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a Schedule.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a Schedule.
list GET /v1/{parent}/schedules
Lists Schedules in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates an active or paused Schedule.
pause POST /v1/{name}:pause
Pauses a Schedule.
resume POST /v1/{name}:resume
Resumes a paused Schedule to start scheduling new runs.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.specialistPools

create POST /v1/{parent}/specialistPools
Creates a SpecialistPool.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a SpecialistPool as well as all Specialists in the pool.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a SpecialistPool.
list GET /v1/{parent}/specialistPools
Lists SpecialistPools in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a SpecialistPool.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.studies

create POST /v1/{parent}/studies
Creates a Study.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a Study.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a Study by name.
list GET /v1/{parent}/studies
Lists all the studies in a region for an associated project.
lookup POST /v1/{parent}/studies:lookup
Looks a study up using the user-defined display_name field instead of the fully qualified resource name.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.studies.trials

addTrialMeasurement POST /v1/{trialName}:addTrialMeasurement
Adds a measurement of the objective metrics to a Trial.
checkTrialEarlyStoppingState POST /v1/{trialName}:checkTrialEarlyStoppingState
Checks whether a Trial should stop or not.
complete POST /v1/{name}:complete
Marks a Trial as complete.
create POST /v1/{parent}/trials
Adds a user provided Trial to a Study.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a Trial.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a Trial.
list GET /v1/{parent}/trials
Lists the Trials associated with a Study.
listOptimalTrials POST /v1/{parent}/trials:listOptimalTrials
Lists the pareto-optimal Trials for multi-objective Study or the optimal Trials for single-objective Study.
stop POST /v1/{name}:stop
Stops a Trial.
suggest POST /v1/{parent}/trials:suggest
Adds one or more Trials to a Study, with parameter values suggested by Vertex AI Vizier.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.tensorboards

batchRead GET /v1/{tensorboard}:batchRead
Reads multiple TensorboardTimeSeries' data.
create POST /v1/{parent}/tensorboards
Creates a Tensorboard.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a Tensorboard.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a Tensorboard.
list GET /v1/{parent}/tensorboards
Lists Tensorboards in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a Tensorboard.
readSize GET /v1/{tensorboard}:readSize
Returns the storage size for a given TensorBoard instance.
readUsage GET /v1/{tensorboard}:readUsage
Returns a list of monthly active users for a given TensorBoard instance.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.tensorboards.experiments

batchCreate POST /v1/{parent}:batchCreate
Batch create TensorboardTimeSeries that belong to a TensorboardExperiment.
create POST /v1/{parent}/experiments
Creates a TensorboardExperiment.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a TensorboardExperiment.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a TensorboardExperiment.
list GET /v1/{parent}/experiments
Lists TensorboardExperiments in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a TensorboardExperiment.
write POST /v1/{tensorboardExperiment}:write
Write time series data points of multiple TensorboardTimeSeries in multiple TensorboardRun's.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.tensorboards.experiments.runs

batchCreate POST /v1/{parent}/runs:batchCreate
Batch create TensorboardRuns.
create POST /v1/{parent}/runs
Creates a TensorboardRun.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a TensorboardRun.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a TensorboardRun.
list GET /v1/{parent}/runs
Lists TensorboardRuns in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a TensorboardRun.
write POST /v1/{tensorboardRun}:write
Write time series data points into multiple TensorboardTimeSeries under a TensorboardRun.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.tensorboards.experiments.runs.timeSeries

create POST /v1/{parent}/timeSeries
Creates a TensorboardTimeSeries.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a TensorboardTimeSeries.
exportTensorboardTimeSeries POST /v1/{tensorboardTimeSeries}:exportTensorboardTimeSeries
Exports a TensorboardTimeSeries' data.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a TensorboardTimeSeries.
list GET /v1/{parent}/timeSeries
Lists TensorboardTimeSeries in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1/{}
Updates a TensorboardTimeSeries.
read GET /v1/{tensorboardTimeSeries}:read
Reads a TensorboardTimeSeries' data.
readBlobData GET /v1/{timeSeries}:readBlobData
Gets bytes of TensorboardBlobs.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.trainingPipelines

cancel POST /v1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a TrainingPipeline.
create POST /v1/{parent}/trainingPipelines
Creates a TrainingPipeline.
delete DELETE /v1/{name}
Deletes a TrainingPipeline.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a TrainingPipeline.
list GET /v1/{parent}/trainingPipelines
Lists TrainingPipelines in a Location.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.tuningJobs

cancel POST /v1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a TuningJob.
create POST /v1/{parent}/tuningJobs
Creates a TuningJob.
get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a TuningJob.
list GET /v1/{parent}/tuningJobs
Lists TuningJobs in a Location.
rebaseTunedModel POST /v1/{parent}/tuningJobs:rebaseTunedModel
Rebase a TunedModel.

REST Resource: v1.publishers.models

get GET /v1/{name}
Gets a Model Garden publisher model.

REST Resource:

upload POST /v1beta1/{parent}/ragFiles:upload
POST /upload/v1beta1/{parent}/ragFiles:upload
Upload a file into a RagCorpus.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects

getCacheConfig GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a GenAI cache config.
updateCacheConfig PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a cache config.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations

evaluateInstances POST /v1beta1/{location}:evaluateInstances
Evaluates instances based on a given metric.
retrieveContexts POST /v1beta1/{parent}:retrieveContexts
Retrieves relevant contexts for a query.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.batchPredictionJobs

cancel POST /v1beta1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a BatchPredictionJob.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/batchPredictionJobs
Creates a BatchPredictionJob.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a BatchPredictionJob.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a BatchPredictionJob
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/batchPredictionJobs
Lists BatchPredictionJobs in a Location.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.cachedContents

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/cachedContents
Creates cached content, this call will initialize the cached content in the data storage, and users need to pay for the cache data storage.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes cached content
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets cached content configurations
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/cachedContents
Lists cached contents in a project
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates cached content configurations

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.customJobs

cancel POST /v1beta1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a CustomJob.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/customJobs
Creates a CustomJob.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a CustomJob.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a CustomJob.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/customJobs
Lists CustomJobs in a Location.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.datasets

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/datasets
Creates a Dataset.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a Dataset.
export POST /v1beta1/{name}:export
Exports data from a Dataset.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a Dataset.
import POST /v1beta1/{name}:import
Imports data into a Dataset.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/datasets
Lists Datasets in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a Dataset.
searchDataItems GET /v1beta1/{dataset}:searchDataItems
Searches DataItems in a Dataset.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.datasets.annotationSpecs

get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets an AnnotationSpec.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.datasets.dataItems

list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/dataItems
Lists DataItems in a Dataset.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.datasets.dataItems.annotations

list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/annotations
Lists Annotations belongs to a dataitem This RPC is only available in InternalDatasetService.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.datasets.datasetVersions

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/datasetVersions
Create a version from a Dataset.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a Dataset version.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a Dataset version.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/datasetVersions
Lists DatasetVersions in a Dataset.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a DatasetVersion.
restore GET /v1beta1/{name}:restore
Restores a dataset version.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.datasets.savedQueries

delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a SavedQuery.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/savedQueries
Lists SavedQueries in a Dataset.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.deploymentResourcePools

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/deploymentResourcePools
Create a DeploymentResourcePool.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Delete a DeploymentResourcePool.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Get a DeploymentResourcePool.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/deploymentResourcePools
List DeploymentResourcePools in a location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Update a DeploymentResourcePool.
queryDeployedModels GET /v1beta1/{deploymentResourcePool}:queryDeployedModels
List DeployedModels that have been deployed on this DeploymentResourcePool.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.endpoints

computeTokens POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:computeTokens
Return a list of tokens based on the input text.
countTokens POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:countTokens
Perform a token counting.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/endpoints
Creates an Endpoint.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes an Endpoint.
deployModel POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:deployModel
Deploys a Model into this Endpoint, creating a DeployedModel within it.
directPredict POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:directPredict
Perform an unary online prediction request to a gRPC model server for Vertex first-party products and frameworks.
directRawPredict POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:directRawPredict
Perform an unary online prediction request to a gRPC model server for custom containers.
explain POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:explain
Perform an online explanation.
generateContent POST /v1beta1/{model}:generateContent
Generate content with multimodal inputs.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets an Endpoint.
getIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/endpoints
Lists Endpoints in a Location.
mutateDeployedModel POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:mutateDeployedModel
Updates an existing deployed model.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates an Endpoint.
predict POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:predict
Perform an online prediction.
rawPredict POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:rawPredict
Perform an online prediction with an arbitrary HTTP payload.
serverStreamingPredict POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:serverStreamingPredict
Perform a server-side streaming online prediction request for Vertex LLM streaming.
setIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
streamGenerateContent POST /v1beta1/{model}:streamGenerateContent
Generate content with multimodal inputs with streaming support.
streamRawPredict POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:streamRawPredict
Perform a streaming online prediction with an arbitrary HTTP payload.
testIamPermissions POST /v1beta1/{resource}:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.
undeployModel POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:undeployModel
Undeploys a Model from an Endpoint, removing a DeployedModel from it, and freeing all resources it's using.

REST Resource:

completions POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}/chat/completions
Exposes an OpenAI-compatible endpoint for chat completions.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.extensions

delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes an Extension.
execute POST /v1beta1/{name}:execute
Executes the request against a given extension.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets an Extension.
import POST /v1beta1/{parent}/extensions:import
Imports an Extension.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/extensions
Lists Extensions in a location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates an Extension.
query POST /v1beta1/{name}:query
Queries an extension with a default controller.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.featureGroups

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/featureGroups
Creates a new FeatureGroup in a given project and location.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a single FeatureGroup.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets details of a single FeatureGroup.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/featureGroups
Lists FeatureGroups in a given project and location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single FeatureGroup.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.featureGroups.features

batchCreate POST /v1beta1/{parent}/features:batchCreate
Creates a batch of Features in a given FeatureGroup.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/features
Creates a new Feature in a given FeatureGroup.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a single Feature.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets details of a single Feature.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/features
Lists Features in a given FeatureGroup.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single Feature.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.featureOnlineStores

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/featureOnlineStores
Creates a new FeatureOnlineStore in a given project and location.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a single FeatureOnlineStore.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets details of a single FeatureOnlineStore.
getIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/featureOnlineStores
Lists FeatureOnlineStores in a given project and location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single FeatureOnlineStore.
setIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
testIamPermissions POST /v1beta1/{resource}:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.featureOnlineStores.featureViews

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/featureViews
Creates a new FeatureView in a given FeatureOnlineStore.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a single FeatureView.
fetchFeatureValues POST /v1beta1/{featureView}:fetchFeatureValues
Fetch feature values under a FeatureView.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets details of a single FeatureView.
getIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/featureViews
Lists FeatureViews in a given FeatureOnlineStore.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single FeatureView.
searchNearestEntities POST /v1beta1/{featureView}:searchNearestEntities
Search the nearest entities under a FeatureView.
setIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
streamingFetchFeatureValues POST /v1beta1/{featureView}:streamingFetchFeatureValues
Bidirectional streaming RPC to fetch feature values under a FeatureView.
sync POST /v1beta1/{featureView}:sync
Triggers on-demand sync for the FeatureView.
testIamPermissions POST /v1beta1/{resource}:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.featureOnlineStores.featureViews.featureViewSyncs

get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets details of a single FeatureViewSync.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/featureViewSyncs
Lists FeatureViewSyncs in a given FeatureView.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.featurestores

batchReadFeatureValues POST /v1beta1/{featurestore}:batchReadFeatureValues
Batch reads Feature values from a Featurestore.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/featurestores
Creates a new Featurestore in a given project and location.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a single Featurestore.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets details of a single Featurestore.
getIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/featurestores
Lists Featurestores in a given project and location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single Featurestore.
searchFeatures GET /v1beta1/{location}/featurestores:searchFeatures
Searches Features matching a query in a given project.
setIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
testIamPermissions POST /v1beta1/{resource}:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.featurestores.entityTypes

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/entityTypes
Creates a new EntityType in a given Featurestore.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a single EntityType.
deleteFeatureValues POST /v1beta1/{entityType}:deleteFeatureValues
Delete Feature values from Featurestore.
exportFeatureValues POST /v1beta1/{entityType}:exportFeatureValues
Exports Feature values from all the entities of a target EntityType.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets details of a single EntityType.
getIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
importFeatureValues POST /v1beta1/{entityType}:importFeatureValues
Imports Feature values into the Featurestore from a source storage.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/entityTypes
Lists EntityTypes in a given Featurestore.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single EntityType.
readFeatureValues POST /v1beta1/{entityType}:readFeatureValues
Reads Feature values of a specific entity of an EntityType.
setIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
streamingReadFeatureValues POST /v1beta1/{entityType}:streamingReadFeatureValues
Reads Feature values for multiple entities.
testIamPermissions POST /v1beta1/{resource}:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.
writeFeatureValues POST /v1beta1/{entityType}:writeFeatureValues
Writes Feature values of one or more entities of an EntityType.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.featurestores.entityTypes.features

batchCreate POST /v1beta1/{parent}/features:batchCreate
Creates a batch of Features in a given EntityType.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/features
Creates a new Feature in a given EntityType.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a single Feature.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets details of a single Feature.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/features
Lists Features in a given EntityType.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates the parameters of a single Feature.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.hyperparameterTuningJobs

cancel POST /v1beta1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a HyperparameterTuningJob.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/hyperparameterTuningJobs
Creates a HyperparameterTuningJob
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a HyperparameterTuningJob.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a HyperparameterTuningJob
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/hyperparameterTuningJobs
Lists HyperparameterTuningJobs in a Location.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.indexEndpoints

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/indexEndpoints
Creates an IndexEndpoint.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes an IndexEndpoint.
deployIndex POST /v1beta1/{indexEndpoint}:deployIndex
Deploys an Index into this IndexEndpoint, creating a DeployedIndex within it.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets an IndexEndpoint.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/indexEndpoints
Lists IndexEndpoints in a Location.
mutateDeployedIndex POST /v1beta1/{indexEndpoint}:mutateDeployedIndex
Update an existing DeployedIndex under an IndexEndpoint.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates an IndexEndpoint.
undeployIndex POST /v1beta1/{indexEndpoint}:undeployIndex
Undeploys an Index from an IndexEndpoint, removing a DeployedIndex from it, and freeing all resources it's using.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.indexes

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/indexes
Creates an Index.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes an Index.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets an Index.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/indexes
Lists Indexes in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates an Index.
removeDatapoints POST /v1beta1/{index}:removeDatapoints
Remove Datapoints from an Index.
upsertDatapoints POST /v1beta1/{index}:upsertDatapoints
Add/update Datapoints into an Index.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.metadataStores

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/metadataStores
Initializes a MetadataStore, including allocation of resources.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a single MetadataStore and all its child resources (Artifacts, Executions, and Contexts).
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Retrieves a specific MetadataStore.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/metadataStores
Lists MetadataStores for a Location.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.metadataStores.artifacts

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/artifacts
Creates an Artifact associated with a MetadataStore.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes an Artifact.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Retrieves a specific Artifact.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/artifacts
Lists Artifacts in the MetadataStore.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a stored Artifact.
purge POST /v1beta1/{parent}/artifacts:purge
Purges Artifacts.
queryArtifactLineageSubgraph GET /v1beta1/{artifact}:queryArtifactLineageSubgraph
Retrieves lineage of an Artifact represented through Artifacts and Executions connected by Event edges and returned as a LineageSubgraph.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.metadataStores.contexts

addContextArtifactsAndExecutions POST /v1beta1/{context}:addContextArtifactsAndExecutions
Adds a set of Artifacts and Executions to a Context.
addContextChildren POST /v1beta1/{context}:addContextChildren
Adds a set of Contexts as children to a parent Context.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/contexts
Creates a Context associated with a MetadataStore.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a stored Context.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Retrieves a specific Context.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/contexts
Lists Contexts on the MetadataStore.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a stored Context.
purge POST /v1beta1/{parent}/contexts:purge
Purges Contexts.
queryContextLineageSubgraph GET /v1beta1/{context}:queryContextLineageSubgraph
Retrieves Artifacts and Executions within the specified Context, connected by Event edges and returned as a LineageSubgraph.
removeContextChildren POST /v1beta1/{context}:removeContextChildren
Remove a set of children contexts from a parent Context.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.metadataStores.executions

addExecutionEvents POST /v1beta1/{execution}:addExecutionEvents
Adds Events to the specified Execution.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/executions
Creates an Execution associated with a MetadataStore.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes an Execution.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Retrieves a specific Execution.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/executions
Lists Executions in the MetadataStore.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a stored Execution.
purge POST /v1beta1/{parent}/executions:purge
Purges Executions.
queryExecutionInputsAndOutputs GET /v1beta1/{execution}:queryExecutionInputsAndOutputs
Obtains the set of input and output Artifacts for this Execution, in the form of LineageSubgraph that also contains the Execution and connecting Events.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.metadataStores.metadataSchemas

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/metadataSchemas
Creates a MetadataSchema.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Retrieves a specific MetadataSchema.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/metadataSchemas
Lists MetadataSchemas.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.migratableResources

batchMigrate POST /v1beta1/{parent}/migratableResources:batchMigrate
Batch migrates resources from,, and to Vertex AI.
search POST /v1beta1/{parent}/migratableResources:search
Searches all of the resources in, and that can be migrated to Vertex AI's given location.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.modelDeploymentMonitoringJobs

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/modelDeploymentMonitoringJobs
Creates a ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/modelDeploymentMonitoringJobs
Lists ModelDeploymentMonitoringJobs in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
pause POST /v1beta1/{name}:pause
Pauses a ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
resume POST /v1beta1/{name}:resume
Resumes a paused ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
searchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomalies POST /v1beta1/{modelDeploymentMonitoringJob}:searchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomalies
Searches Model Monitoring Statistics generated within a given time window.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.modelMonitors

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/modelMonitors
Creates a ModelMonitor.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a ModelMonitor.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a ModelMonitor.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/modelMonitors
Lists ModelMonitors in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a ModelMonitor.
searchModelMonitoringAlerts POST /v1beta1/{modelMonitor}:searchModelMonitoringAlerts
Returns the Model Monitoring alerts.
searchModelMonitoringStats POST /v1beta1/{modelMonitor}:searchModelMonitoringStats
Searches Model Monitoring Stats generated within a given time window.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.modelMonitors.modelMonitoringJobs

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/modelMonitoringJobs
Creates a ModelMonitoringJob.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a ModelMonitoringJob.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a ModelMonitoringJob.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/modelMonitoringJobs
Lists ModelMonitoringJobs.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.models

copy POST /v1beta1/{parent}/models:copy
Copies an already existing Vertex AI Model into the specified Location.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a Model.
deleteVersion DELETE /v1beta1/{name}:deleteVersion
Deletes a Model version.
export POST /v1beta1/{name}:export
Exports a trained, exportable Model to a location specified by the user.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a Model.
getIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/models
Lists Models in a Location.
listVersions GET /v1beta1/{name}:listVersions
Lists versions of the specified model.
mergeVersionAliases POST /v1beta1/{name}:mergeVersionAliases
Merges a set of aliases for a Model version.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a Model.
setIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
testIamPermissions POST /v1beta1/{resource}:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.
updateExplanationDataset POST /v1beta1/{model}:updateExplanationDataset
Incrementally update the dataset used for an examples model.
upload POST /v1beta1/{parent}/models:upload
Uploads a Model artifact into Vertex AI.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.models.evaluations

get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a ModelEvaluation.
import POST /v1beta1/{parent}/evaluations:import
Imports an externally generated ModelEvaluation.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/evaluations
Lists ModelEvaluations in a Model.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.models.evaluations.slices

batchImport POST /v1beta1/{parent}:batchImport
Imports a list of externally generated EvaluatedAnnotations.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a ModelEvaluationSlice.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/slices
Lists ModelEvaluationSlices in a ModelEvaluation.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.notebookExecutionJobs

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/notebookExecutionJobs
Creates a NotebookExecutionJob.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a NotebookExecutionJob.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a NotebookExecutionJob.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/notebookExecutionJobs
Lists NotebookExecutionJobs in a Location.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.notebookRuntimeTemplates

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/notebookRuntimeTemplates
Creates a NotebookRuntimeTemplate.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a NotebookRuntimeTemplate.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a NotebookRuntimeTemplate.
getIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/notebookRuntimeTemplates
Lists NotebookRuntimeTemplates in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a NotebookRuntimeTemplate.
setIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
testIamPermissions POST /v1beta1/{resource}:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.notebookRuntimes

assign POST /v1beta1/{parent}/notebookRuntimes:assign
Assigns a NotebookRuntime to a user for a particular Notebook file.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a NotebookRuntime.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a NotebookRuntime.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/notebookRuntimes
Lists NotebookRuntimes in a Location.
start POST /v1beta1/{name}:start
Starts a NotebookRuntime.
upgrade POST /v1beta1/{name}:upgrade
Upgrades a NotebookRuntime.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.operations

cancel POST /v1beta1/{name}:cancel
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a long-running operation.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
list GET /v1beta1/{name}/operations
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.
wait POST /v1beta1/{name}:wait
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most a specified timeout, returning the latest state.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.persistentResources

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/persistentResources
Creates a PersistentResource.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a PersistentResource.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a PersistentResource.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/persistentResources
Lists PersistentResources in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a PersistentResource.
reboot POST /v1beta1/{name}:reboot
Reboots a PersistentResource.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.pipelineJobs

batchCancel POST /v1beta1/{parent}/pipelineJobs:batchCancel
Batch cancel PipelineJobs.
batchDelete POST /v1beta1/{parent}/pipelineJobs:batchDelete
Batch deletes PipelineJobs The Operation is atomic.
cancel POST /v1beta1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a PipelineJob.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/pipelineJobs
Creates a PipelineJob.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a PipelineJob.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a PipelineJob.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/pipelineJobs
Lists PipelineJobs in a Location.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.publishers.models

computeTokens POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:computeTokens
Return a list of tokens based on the input text.
countTokens POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:countTokens
Perform a token counting.
generateContent POST /v1beta1/{model}:generateContent
Generate content with multimodal inputs.
getIamPolicy POST /v1beta1/{resource}:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
predict POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:predict
Perform an online prediction.
rawPredict POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:rawPredict
Perform an online prediction with an arbitrary HTTP payload.
serverStreamingPredict POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:serverStreamingPredict
Perform a server-side streaming online prediction request for Vertex LLM streaming.
streamGenerateContent POST /v1beta1/{model}:streamGenerateContent
Generate content with multimodal inputs with streaming support.
streamRawPredict POST /v1beta1/{endpoint}:streamRawPredict
Perform a streaming online prediction with an arbitrary HTTP payload.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.ragCorpora

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/ragCorpora
Creates a RagCorpus.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a RagCorpus.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a RagCorpus.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/ragCorpora
Lists RagCorpora in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a RagCorpus.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.ragCorpora.ragFiles

delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a RagFile.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a RagFile.
import POST /v1beta1/{parent}/ragFiles:import
Import files from Google Cloud Storage or Google Drive into a RagCorpus.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/ragFiles
Lists RagFiles in a RagCorpus.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.reasoningEngines

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/reasoningEngines
Creates a reasoning engine.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a reasoning engine.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a reasoning engine.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/reasoningEngines
Lists reasoning engines in a location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a reasoning engine.
query POST /v1beta1/{name}:query
Queries using a reasoning engine.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.schedules

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/schedules
Creates a Schedule.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a Schedule.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a Schedule.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/schedules
Lists Schedules in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates an active or paused Schedule.
pause POST /v1beta1/{name}:pause
Pauses a Schedule.
resume POST /v1beta1/{name}:resume
Resumes a paused Schedule to start scheduling new runs.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.specialistPools

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/specialistPools
Creates a SpecialistPool.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a SpecialistPool as well as all Specialists in the pool.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a SpecialistPool.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/specialistPools
Lists SpecialistPools in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a SpecialistPool.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.studies

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/studies
Creates a Study.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a Study.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a Study by name.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/studies
Lists all the studies in a region for an associated project.
lookup POST /v1beta1/{parent}/studies:lookup
Looks a study up using the user-defined display_name field instead of the fully qualified resource name.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.studies.trials

addTrialMeasurement POST /v1beta1/{trialName}:addTrialMeasurement
Adds a measurement of the objective metrics to a Trial.
checkTrialEarlyStoppingState POST /v1beta1/{trialName}:checkTrialEarlyStoppingState
Checks whether a Trial should stop or not.
complete POST /v1beta1/{name}:complete
Marks a Trial as complete.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/trials
Adds a user provided Trial to a Study.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a Trial.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a Trial.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/trials
Lists the Trials associated with a Study.
listOptimalTrials POST /v1beta1/{parent}/trials:listOptimalTrials
Lists the pareto-optimal Trials for multi-objective Study or the optimal Trials for single-objective Study.
stop POST /v1beta1/{name}:stop
Stops a Trial.
suggest POST /v1beta1/{parent}/trials:suggest
Adds one or more Trials to a Study, with parameter values suggested by Vertex AI Vizier.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.tensorboards

batchRead GET /v1beta1/{tensorboard}:batchRead
Reads multiple TensorboardTimeSeries' data.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/tensorboards
Creates a Tensorboard.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a Tensorboard.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a Tensorboard.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/tensorboards
Lists Tensorboards in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a Tensorboard.
readSize GET /v1beta1/{tensorboard}:readSize
Returns the storage size for a given TensorBoard instance.
readUsage GET /v1beta1/{tensorboard}:readUsage
Returns a list of monthly active users for a given TensorBoard instance.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.tensorboards.experiments

batchCreate POST /v1beta1/{parent}:batchCreate
Batch create TensorboardTimeSeries that belong to a TensorboardExperiment.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/experiments
Creates a TensorboardExperiment.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a TensorboardExperiment.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a TensorboardExperiment.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/experiments
Lists TensorboardExperiments in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a TensorboardExperiment.
write POST /v1beta1/{tensorboardExperiment}:write
Write time series data points of multiple TensorboardTimeSeries in multiple TensorboardRun's.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.tensorboards.experiments.runs

batchCreate POST /v1beta1/{parent}/runs:batchCreate
Batch create TensorboardRuns.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/runs
Creates a TensorboardRun.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a TensorboardRun.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a TensorboardRun.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/runs
Lists TensorboardRuns in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a TensorboardRun.
write POST /v1beta1/{tensorboardRun}:write
Write time series data points into multiple TensorboardTimeSeries under a TensorboardRun.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.tensorboards.experiments.runs.timeSeries

create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/timeSeries
Creates a TensorboardTimeSeries.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a TensorboardTimeSeries.
exportTensorboardTimeSeries POST /v1beta1/{tensorboardTimeSeries}:exportTensorboardTimeSeries
Exports a TensorboardTimeSeries' data.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a TensorboardTimeSeries.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/timeSeries
Lists TensorboardTimeSeries in a Location.
patch PATCH /v1beta1/{}
Updates a TensorboardTimeSeries.
read GET /v1beta1/{tensorboardTimeSeries}:read
Reads a TensorboardTimeSeries' data.
readBlobData GET /v1beta1/{timeSeries}:readBlobData
Gets bytes of TensorboardBlobs.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.trainingPipelines

cancel POST /v1beta1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a TrainingPipeline.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/trainingPipelines
Creates a TrainingPipeline.
delete DELETE /v1beta1/{name}
Deletes a TrainingPipeline.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a TrainingPipeline.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/trainingPipelines
Lists TrainingPipelines in a Location.

REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.locations.tuningJobs

cancel POST /v1beta1/{name}:cancel
Cancels a TuningJob.
create POST /v1beta1/{parent}/tuningJobs
Creates a TuningJob.
get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a TuningJob.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/tuningJobs
Lists TuningJobs in a Location.
rebaseTunedModel POST /v1beta1/{parent}/tuningJobs:rebaseTunedModel
Rebase a TunedModel.

REST Resource: v1beta1.publishers.models

get GET /v1beta1/{name}
Gets a Model Garden publisher model.
list GET /v1beta1/{parent}/models
Lists publisher models in Model Garden.