REST Resource: projects.locations.extensions

Resource: Extension

extensions are tools for large language models to access external data, run computations, etc.

name string

Identifier. The resource name of the Extension.

displayName string

Required. The display name of the Extension. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can consist of any UTF-8 characters.

description string

Optional. The description of the Extension.

createTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. timestamp when this Extension was created.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

updateTime string (Timestamp format)

Output only. timestamp when this Extension was most recently updated.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

etag string

Optional. Used to perform consistent read-modify-write updates. If not set, a blind "overwrite" update happens.

manifest object (ExtensionManifest)

Required. Manifest of the Extension.

extensionOperations[] object (ExtensionOperation)

Output only. Supported operations.

runtimeConfig object (RuntimeConfig)

Optional. Runtime config controlling the runtime behavior of this Extension.

toolUseExamples[] object (ToolUseExample)

Optional. Examples to illustrate the usage of the extension as a tool.

privateServiceConnectConfig object (ExtensionPrivateServiceConnectConfig)

Optional. The PrivateServiceConnect config for the extension. If specified, the service endpoints associated with the Extension should be registered with private network access in the provided service Directory.

If the service contains more than one endpoint with a network, the service will arbitrarilty choose one of the endpoints to use for extension execution.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "displayName": string,
  "description": string,
  "createTime": string,
  "updateTime": string,
  "etag": string,
  "manifest": {
    object (ExtensionManifest)
  "extensionOperations": [
      object (ExtensionOperation)
  "runtimeConfig": {
    object (RuntimeConfig)
  "toolUseExamples": [
      object (ToolUseExample)
  "privateServiceConnectConfig": {
    object (ExtensionPrivateServiceConnectConfig)


Manifest spec of an Extension needed for runtime execution.

name string

Required. Extension name shown to the LLM. The name can be up to 128 characters long.

description string

Required. The natural language description shown to the LLM. It should describe the usage of the extension, and is essential for the LLM to perform reasoning. e.g., if the extension is a data store, you can let the LLM know what data it contains.

apiSpec object (ApiSpec)

Required. Immutable. The API specification shown to the LLM.

authConfig object (AuthConfig)

Required. Immutable. type of auth supported by this extension.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "description": string,
  "apiSpec": {
    object (ApiSpec)
  "authConfig": {
    object (AuthConfig)


The API specification shown to the LLM.


Union field api_spec.

api_spec can be only one of the following:

openApiYaml string

The API spec in Open API standard and YAML format.

openApiGcsUri string

Cloud Storage URI pointing to the OpenAPI spec.

JSON representation

  // Union field api_spec can be only one of the following:
  "openApiYaml": string,
  "openApiGcsUri": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field api_spec.


Auth configuration to run the extension.

authType enum (AuthType)

type of auth scheme.

Union field auth_config.

auth_config can be only one of the following:

apiKeyConfig object (ApiKeyConfig)

Config for API key auth.

httpBasicAuthConfig object (HttpBasicAuthConfig)

Config for HTTP Basic auth.

googleServiceAccountConfig object (GoogleServiceAccountConfig)

Config for Google service Account auth.

oauthConfig object (OauthConfig)

Config for user oauth.

oidcConfig object (OidcConfig)

Config for user OIDC auth.

JSON representation
  "authType": enum (AuthType),

  // Union field auth_config can be only one of the following:
  "apiKeyConfig": {
    object (ApiKeyConfig)
  "httpBasicAuthConfig": {
    object (HttpBasicAuthConfig)
  "googleServiceAccountConfig": {
    object (GoogleServiceAccountConfig)
  "oauthConfig": {
    object (OauthConfig)
  "oidcConfig": {
    object (OidcConfig)
  // End of list of possible types for union field auth_config.


Config for authentication with API key.

name string

Required. The parameter name of the API key. E.g. If the API request is "", "apiKey" would be the parameter name.

apiKeySecret string

Required. The name of the SecretManager secret version resource storing the API key. Format: projects/{project}/secrets/{secrete}/versions/{version}

httpElementLocation enum (HttpElementLocation)

Required. The location of the API key.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "apiKeySecret": string,
  "httpElementLocation": enum (HttpElementLocation)


Enum of location an HTTP element can be.

HTTP_IN_QUERY Element is in the HTTP request query.
HTTP_IN_HEADER Element is in the HTTP request header.
HTTP_IN_PATH Element is in the HTTP request path.
HTTP_IN_BODY Element is in the HTTP request body.


Config for HTTP Basic Authentication.

credentialSecret string

Required. The name of the SecretManager secret version resource storing the base64 encoded credentials. Format: projects/{project}/secrets/{secrete}/versions/{version}

JSON representation
  "credentialSecret": string


Config for Google service Account Authentication.

serviceAccount string

Optional. The service account that the extension execution service runs as.

JSON representation
  "serviceAccount": string


Config for user oauth.


Union field oauth_config.

oauth_config can be only one of the following:

accessToken string

Access token for extension endpoint. Only used to propagate token from [[ExecuteExtensionRequest.runtime_auth_config]] at request time.

serviceAccount string

The service account used to generate access tokens for executing the Extension.

JSON representation

  // Union field oauth_config can be only one of the following:
  "accessToken": string,
  "serviceAccount": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field oauth_config.


Config for user OIDC auth.


Union field oidc_config.

oidc_config can be only one of the following:

idToken string

OpenID Connect formatted id token for extension endpoint. Only used to propagate token from [[ExecuteExtensionRequest.runtime_auth_config]] at request time.

serviceAccount string

The service account used to generate an OpenID Connect (OIDC)-compatible JWT token signed by the Google OIDC Provider ( for extension endpoint (

JSON representation

  // Union field oidc_config can be only one of the following:
  "idToken": string,
  "serviceAccount": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field oidc_config.


type of Auth.

NO_AUTH No Auth.
GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_AUTH Google service Account Auth.
OAUTH OAuth auth.
OIDC_AUTH OpenID Connect (OIDC) Auth.


Operation of an extension.

operationId string

Operation id that uniquely identifies the operations among the extension. See: "Operation Object" in

This field is parsed from the OpenAPI spec. For HTTP extensions, if it does not exist in the spec, we will generate one from the HTTP method and path.

functionDeclaration object (FunctionDeclaration)

Output only. Structured representation of a function declaration as defined by the OpenAPI Spec.

JSON representation
  "operationId": string,
  "functionDeclaration": {
    object (FunctionDeclaration)


Runtime configuration to run the extension.

defaultParams object (Struct format)

Optional. Default parameters that will be set for all the execution of this extension. If specified, the parameter values can be overridden by values in [[ExecuteExtensionRequest.operation_params]] at request time.

The struct should be in a form of map with param name as the key and actual param value as the value. E.g. If this operation requires a param "name" to be set to "abc". you can set this to something like {"name": "abc"}.

Union field GoogleFirstPartyExtensionConfig. Runtime configurations for Google first party extensions. GoogleFirstPartyExtensionConfig can be only one of the following:
codeInterpreterRuntimeConfig object (CodeInterpreterRuntimeConfig)

code execution runtime configurations for code interpreter extension.

vertexAiSearchRuntimeConfig object (VertexAISearchRuntimeConfig)

Runtime configuration for Vertex AI Search extension.

JSON representation
  "defaultParams": {

  // Union field GoogleFirstPartyExtensionConfig can be only one of the
  // following:
  "codeInterpreterRuntimeConfig": {
    object (CodeInterpreterRuntimeConfig)
  "vertexAiSearchRuntimeConfig": {
    object (VertexAISearchRuntimeConfig)
  // End of list of possible types for union field
  // GoogleFirstPartyExtensionConfig.


fileInputGcsBucket string

Optional. The Cloud Storage bucket for file input of this Extension. If specified, support input from the Cloud Storage bucket. Vertex Extension Custom code service Agent should be granted file reader to this bucket. If not specified, the extension will only accept file contents from request body and reject Cloud Storage file inputs.

fileOutputGcsBucket string

Optional. The Cloud Storage bucket for file output of this Extension. If specified, write all output files to the Cloud Storage bucket. Vertex Extension Custom code service Agent should be granted file writer to this bucket. If not specified, the file content will be output in response body.

JSON representation
  "fileInputGcsBucket": string,
  "fileOutputGcsBucket": string


servingConfigName string

Optional. Vertex AI Search serving config name. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/collections/{collection}/engines/{engine}/servingConfigs/{serving_config}

engineId string

Optional. Vertex AI Search engine id. This is used to construct the search request. By setting this engineId, API will construct the serving config using the default value to call search API for the user. The engineId and servingConfigName cannot both be empty at the same time.

JSON representation
  "servingConfigName": string,
  "engineId": string


A single example of the tool usage.

displayName string

Required. The display name for example.

query string

Required. Query that should be routed to this tool.

requestParams object (Struct format)

Request parameters used for executing this tool.

responseParams object (Struct format)

Response parameters generated by this tool.

responseSummary string

Summary of the tool response to the user query.

Union field Target. Target tool to use. Target can be only one of the following:
extensionOperation object (ExtensionOperation)

Extension operation to call.

functionName string

Function name to call.

JSON representation
  "displayName": string,
  "query": string,
  "requestParams": {
  "responseParams": {
  "responseSummary": string,

  // Union field Target can be only one of the following:
  "extensionOperation": {
    object (ExtensionOperation)
  "functionName": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field Target.


Identifies one operation of the extension.

extension string

Resource name of the extension.

operationId string

Required. Operation id of the extension.

JSON representation
  "extension": string,
  "operationId": string


PrivateExtensionConfig configuration for the extension.

serviceDirectory string

Required. The service Directory resource name in which the service endpoints associated to the extension are registered. Format: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/namespaces/{namespace_id}/services/{serviceId}

JSON representation
  "serviceDirectory": string



Deletes an Extension.


Executes the request against a given extension.


Gets an Extension.


Imports an Extension.


Lists Extensions in a location.


Updates an Extension.


Queries an extension with a default controller.