
Response message for FeaturestoreOnlineServingService.ReadFeatureValues.

header object (Header)

Response header.

entityView object (EntityView)

Entity view with feature values. This may be the entity in the Featurestore if values for all Features were requested, or a projection of the entity in the Featurestore if values for only some Features were requested.

JSON representation
  "header": {
    object (Header)
  "entityView": {
    object (EntityView)

Response header with metadata for the requested ReadFeatureValuesRequest.entity_type and Features.

entityType string

The resource name of the EntityType from the ReadFeatureValuesRequest. value format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/featurestores/{featurestore}/entityTypes/{entityType}.

featureDescriptors[] object (FeatureDescriptor)

List of feature metadata corresponding to each piece of

JSON representation
  "entityType": string,
  "featureDescriptors": [
      object (FeatureDescriptor)


metadata for requested Features.

id string

feature id.

JSON representation
  "id": string


Entity view with feature values.

entityId string

id of the requested entity.

data[] object (Data)

Each piece of data holds the k requested values for one requested feature. If no values for the requested feature exist, the corresponding cell will be empty. This has the same size and is in the same order as the features from the header ReadFeatureValuesResponse.header.

JSON representation
  "entityId": string,
  "data": [
      object (Data)


Container to hold value(s), successive in time, for one feature from the request.


Union field data.

data can be only one of the following:

value object (FeatureValue)

feature value if a single value is requested.

values object (FeatureValueList)

feature values list if values, successive in time, are requested. If the requested number of values is greater than the number of existing feature values, nonexistent values are omitted instead of being returned as empty.

JSON representation

  // Union field data can be only one of the following:
  "value": {
    object (FeatureValue)
  "values": {
    object (FeatureValueList)
  // End of list of possible types for union field data.


Container for list of values.

values[] object (FeatureValue)

A list of feature values. All of them should be the same data type.

JSON representation
  "values": [
      object (FeatureValue)