Resolve common issues

Identify and solve common issues that you might encounter with Translation Hub.

Portal user forgot password

For portal users who sign in by using an email and password, you can reset their password by going to

After entering your email address, click Trouble signing in? to reset your password.

This operation is restricted to administrators only

Contact your Translation Hub administrators and request that they add your account to a Translation Hub portal.

Unable to load translation resources when using a portal

When Google Cloud administrators create a portal, Translation Hub assigns the portal a service account. Use Identity and Access Management to check that the service account was assigned the Translation Hub Portal User role, which allows portal users to view and use translation resources. For more information, see Enable users to request translations.

Overlapping text

In some cases, native PDF translations might include translated text overlaid on the source text. Typically, these cases include multiple layers of text, like when selectable text is on top of a background image that also includes text.

Convert the PDF document to an image and then translate it. To do this conversion, you can use Chrome (print as image) or other third-party tools. Converting the PDF to an image enables Translation Hub to process the document as a scanned PDF.