Build predefined configurations for repeated translation workloads

For each portal, you can create predefined configurations, known as translation templates. These templates let portal users quickly and consistently perform common translation tasks.

For example, if users frequently translate from English to Spanish with a particular glossary, you can create a template with these settings. Portal users can then select this template to request translations instead of having to specify the source language, target language, and glossary each time.

Translation Hub has a limit on the number of administrator-created templates per portal. For more information, see Quotas and limits.

Create a translation template

You create translation templates for portals by using the Google Cloud console. These templates are available to all users in that portal.

You cannot edit templates after you create them. Instead, you must delete and recreate them.

  1. In the Translation Hub section of the Google Cloud console, go to the Portals page.

    Go to the Portals page

  2. Click a portal to view its details page.

  3. Click Translation templates to open the Translation templates pane.

    1. Click Add an item.

    2. Enter a name for the template.

    3. Set the source language.

    4. Select a target language. You can also select a glossary to use with that target language.

    5. To add additional target languages, click Add rule.

  4. Click Save.

Portal users can also create their own templates within each portal, which are not shared with any other portal user. For more information, see Translate documents.