Protocol buffer functions in GoogleSQL

GoogleSQL for Spanner supports the following protocol buffer functions.

Function list

Name Summary
REPLACE_FIELDS Replaces the values in one or more protocol buffer fields.


REPLACE_FIELDS(proto_expression, value AS field_path [, ... ])


Returns a copy of a protocol buffer, replacing the values in one or more fields. field_path is a delimited path to the protocol buffer field that is replaced. When using replace_fields, the following limitations apply:

  • If value is NULL, it un-sets field_path or returns an error if the last component of field_path is a required field.
  • Replacing subfields will succeed only if the message containing the field is set.
  • Replacing subfields of repeated field isn't allowed.
  • A repeated field can be replaced with an ARRAY value.

Return type

Type of proto_expression


The following example uses protocol buffer messages Book and BookDetails.

message Book {
  required string title = 1;
  repeated string reviews = 2;
  optional BookDetails details = 3;

message BookDetails {
  optional string author = 1;
  optional int32 chapters = 2;

This statement replaces the values of the field title and subfield chapters of proto type Book. Note that field details must be set for the statement to succeed.

  NEW Book(
    "The Hummingbird" AS title,
    NEW BookDetails(10 AS chapters) AS details),
  "The Hummingbird II" AS title,
  11 AS details.chapters)
AS proto;

 | proto                                                                       |
 |{title: "The Hummingbird II" details: {chapters: 11 }}                       |

The function can replace value of repeated fields.

  NEW Book("The Hummingbird" AS title,
    NEW BookDetails(10 AS chapters) AS details),
  ["A good read!", "Highly recommended."] AS reviews)
AS proto;

 | proto                                                                       |
 |{title: "The Hummingbird" review: "A good read" review: "Highly recommended."|
 | details: {chapters: 10 }}                                                   |

The function can also set a field to NULL.

  NEW Book("The Hummingbird" AS title,
    NEW BookDetails(10 AS chapters) AS details),
  NULL AS details)
AS proto;

 | proto                                                                       |
 |{title: "The Hummingbird" }                                                  |