REST Resource: projects.instances.databases.backupSchedules

Resource: BackupSchedule

BackupSchedule expresses the automated backup creation specification for a Spanner database. Next ID: 10

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "spec": {
    object (BackupScheduleSpec)
  "retentionDuration": string,
  "encryptionConfig": {
    object (CreateBackupEncryptionConfig)
  "updateTime": string,

  // Union field backup_type_spec can be only one of the following:
  "fullBackupSpec": {
    object (FullBackupSpec)
  "incrementalBackupSpec": {
    object (IncrementalBackupSpec)
  // End of list of possible types for union field backup_type_spec.


Identifier. Output only for the [backupSchedules.create][DatabaseAdmin.CreateBackupSchededule] operation. Required for the backupSchedules.patch operation. A globally unique identifier for the backup schedule which cannot be changed. Values are of the form projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/databases/<database>/backupSchedules/[a-z][a-z0-9_\-]*[a-z0-9] The final segment of the name must be between 2 and 60 characters in length.


object (BackupScheduleSpec)

Optional. The schedule specification based on which the backup creations are triggered.


string (Duration format)

Optional. The retention duration of a backup that must be at least 6 hours and at most 366 days. The backup is eligible to be automatically deleted once the retention period has elapsed.

A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".


object (CreateBackupEncryptionConfig)

Optional. The encryption configuration that will be used to encrypt the backup. If this field is not specified, the backup will use the same encryption configuration as the database.


string (Timestamp format)

Output only. The timestamp at which the schedule was last updated. If the schedule has never been updated, this field contains the timestamp when the schedule was first created.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

Union field backup_type_spec. Required. Backup type spec determines the type of backup that is created by the backup schedule. Currently, only full backups are supported. backup_type_spec can be only one of the following:

object (FullBackupSpec)

The schedule creates only full backups.


object (IncrementalBackupSpec)

The schedule creates incremental backup chains.


Defines specifications of the backup schedule.

JSON representation

  // Union field schedule_spec can be only one of the following:
  "cronSpec": {
    object (CrontabSpec)
  // End of list of possible types for union field schedule_spec.
Union field schedule_spec. Required. schedule_spec can be only one of the following:

object (CrontabSpec)

Cron style schedule specification.


CrontabSpec can be used to specify the version time and frequency at which the backup should be created.

JSON representation
  "text": string,
  "timeZone": string,
  "creationWindow": string


Required. Textual representation of the crontab. User can customize the backup frequency and the backup version time using the cron expression. The version time must be in UTC timzeone.

The backup will contain an externally consistent copy of the database at the version time. Allowed frequencies are 12 hour, 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. Examples of valid cron specifications: * 0 2/12 * * * : every 12 hours at (2, 14) hours past midnight in UTC. * 0 2,14 * * * : every 12 hours at (2,14) hours past midnight in UTC. * 0 2 * * * : once a day at 2 past midnight in UTC. * 0 2 * * 0 : once a week every Sunday at 2 past midnight in UTC. * 0 2 8 * * : once a month on 8th day at 2 past midnight in UTC.



Output only. The time zone of the times in CrontabSpec.text. Currently only UTC is supported.


string (Duration format)

Output only. Schedule backups will contain an externally consistent copy of the database at the version time specified in schedule_spec.cron_spec. However, Spanner may not initiate the creation of the scheduled backups at that version time. Spanner will initiate the creation of scheduled backups within the time window bounded by the versionTime specified in schedule_spec.cron_spec and versionTime + creationWindow.

A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".


Encryption configuration for the backup to create.

JSON representation
  "encryptionType": enum (EncryptionType),
  "kmsKeyName": string,
  "kmsKeyNames": [

enum (EncryptionType)

Required. The encryption type of the backup.



Optional. The Cloud KMS key that will be used to protect the backup. This field should be set only when encryptionType is CUSTOMER_MANAGED_ENCRYPTION. Values are of the form projects/<project>/locations/<location>/keyRings/<key_ring>/cryptoKeys/<kmsKeyName>.



Optional. Specifies the KMS configuration for the one or more keys used to protect the backup. Values are of the form projects/<project>/locations/<location>/keyRings/<key_ring>/cryptoKeys/<kmsKeyName>.

The keys referenced by kmsKeyNames must fully cover all regions of the backup's instance configuration. Some examples:

  • For regional (single-region) instance configurations, specify a regional location KMS key.
  • For multi-region instance configurations of type GOOGLE_MANAGED, either specify a multi-region location KMS key or multiple regional location KMS keys that cover all regions in the instance configuration.
  • For an instance configuration of type USER_MANAGED, specify only regional location KMS keys to cover each region in the instance configuration. Multi-region location KMS keys aren't supported for USER_MANAGED type instance configurations.


Encryption types for the backup.

USE_DATABASE_ENCRYPTION Use the same encryption configuration as the database. This is the default option when encryptionConfig is empty. For example, if the database is using Customer_Managed_Encryption, the backup will be using the same Cloud KMS key as the database.
GOOGLE_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION Use Google default encryption.
CUSTOMER_MANAGED_ENCRYPTION Use customer managed encryption. If specified, kmsKeyName must contain a valid Cloud KMS key.


This type has no fields.

The specification for full backups. A full backup stores the entire contents of the database at a given version time.


This type has no fields.

The specification for incremental backup chains. An incremental backup stores the delta of changes between a previous backup and the database contents at a given version time. An incremental backup chain consists of a full backup and zero or more successive incremental backups. The first backup created for an incremental backup chain is always a full backup.



Creates a new backup schedule.


Deletes a backup schedule.


Gets backup schedule for the input schedule name.


Gets the access control policy for a database or backup resource.


Lists all the backup schedules for the database.


Updates a backup schedule.


Sets the access control policy on a database or backup resource.


Returns permissions that the caller has on the specified database or backup resource.