Automate TLS certificate management for Cloud Service Mesh ingress gateway using Certificate Authority Service

This tutorial shows platform operators how to use the Certificate Authority Service (CA Service) issuer for the cert-manager tool to automate TLS certificate management for the Cloud Service Mesh ingress gateway. The certificates enable the ingress gateway to terminate HTTPS and other TLS and mTLS traffic originating from clients in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) but outside the service mesh. The tutorial assumes basic familiarity with Kubernetes and TLS certificates.


Cloud Service Mesh provisions TLS certificates to every workload in the service mesh. These certificates enable encrypted and mutually authenticated TLS (mTLS) communication between workloads in the service mesh. One of the supported CAs issues and signs the certificates.

However, Cloud Service Mesh doesn't automatically provision certificates to the ingress gateway for traffic entering the service mesh. A common solution is to use the open source cert-manager tool to automate the management of ingress gateway certificates.

The cert-manager tool requests certificates from an issuer, which represents a certificate authority (CA). CA Service is a Google Cloud service that enables you to create your own private CA. The cert-manager tool can request certificates from CA Service by using the open source external issuer for CA Service.

A private CA can issue TLS certificates that authenticate and encrypt traffic inside an internal network. Cloud Service Mesh ingress gateways are often set up to allow incoming traffic from clients that are inside your VPC but outside the service mesh. For internal network traffic, you can use a private CA in CA Service to issue certificates for the ingress gateway.

This tutorial shows you how to set up the cert-manager tool and the CA Service issuer to automate TLS certificate provisioning and renewal for the ingress gateway. the cert-manager tool provisions certificates as Kubernetes Secret resources of type TLS. When the cert-manager tool renews a certificate, it updates the Secret resource with a new certificate. The ingress gateway runs the Envoy Proxy, and it supports Envoy's secret discovery service (SDS). SDS enables the ingress gateway to start using a new certificate without requiring an administrator to restart or reload the process.

Sidecar proxies that are part of the mesh can obtain TLS certificates from either CA Service or Cloud Service Mesh certificate authority. In this tutorial, you use CA Service for both sidecar proxy and ingress gateway certificates. This enables you to use one root CA for all TLS certificates.

The following diagram shows the resources you provision in this tutorial. You provision an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer for the ingress gateway. The internal passthrough Network Load Balancer is not a proxy, so it doesn't terminate TCP connections or perform TLS handshakes. Instead, it routes connections to the pods of the istio-ingressgateway deployment.

The hello-example-com-credential Secret contains a certificate and a private key. The hello gateway configures the pods of the istio-ingressgateway deployment to use this certificate and private key to perform TLS handshakes for requests with the hostname

mtls management with ca service

The pods of the google-cas-issuer deployment in the cert-manager namespace request certificates from the CA that you create in CA Service. You create a Identity and Access Management policy binding that allows the ca-service-isser pods to impersonate a Google service account using Workload Identity Federation for GKE. You grant this Google service account permission to request certificates from your CA in CA Service by creating an IAM policy binding on your CA pool.



This tutorial uses the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

When you finish this tutorial, you can avoid ongoing billing by deleting the resources you created. For more information, see Clean up.

Before you begin

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the project selector page, and then select or create a project.

  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  3. In the Google Cloud console, go to Cloud Shell.

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session opens and displays a command-line prompt. You use Cloud Shell to run all the commands in this tutorial.

  4. Set the Google Cloud console project you want to use for this tutorial:

    gcloud config set core/project PROJECT_ID

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the project ID of your Cloud project.

    In the Authorize Cloud Shell dialog, click Authorize. By clicking Authorize, you allow gcloud commands that you run in Cloud Shell to use your user credentials to authenticate to Google APIs.

  5. Enable the Resource Manager, GKE, GKE Hub, Cloud Service Mesh certificate authority, and CA Service APIs:

    gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \

Configure CA Service

In this section, you create a root CA and two subordinate CAs in CA Service. One subordinate CA issues certificates to the ingress gateway, and the other subordinate CA issues certificates to sidecar proxies in the mesh.

For simplicity, you use the same project for the GKE cluster and the root and subordinate CAs in this tutorial. In your own environment, you can use a different project for the GKE cluster and the CAs.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a CA pool to use for the root CA:

    gcloud privateca pools create ROOT_CA_POOL \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --tier enterprise
    • ROOT_CA_POOL is the name of the CA pool. For example, root-ca-pool-tutorial.
    • CA_LOCATION is the location of the CA pool. For example, us-central1.

    You can list the available CA Service locations using this command: gcloud privateca locations list

  2. Create and enable a root CA:

    gcloud privateca roots create ROOT_CA \
        --auto-enable \
        --key-algorithm ec-p384-sha384 \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --pool ROOT_CA_POOL \
        --subject "CN=Example Root CA, O=Example Organization" \
        --use-preset-profile root_unconstrained
    • ROOT_CA is the name you want to use for the root CA. For example, root-ca-tutorial.
  3. Create a CA pool to use for the subordinate CA that issues certificates to the ingress gateway:

    gcloud privateca pools create SUBORDINATE_CA_POOL_GATEWAYS \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --tier devops
    • SUBORDINATE_CA_POOL_GATEWAYS is the name of the CA pool. For example, subordinate-ca-mtls-pool-gateways-tutorial.
  4. Create and enable the subordinate CA that issues certificates to the ingress gateway:

    gcloud privateca subordinates create SUBORDINATE_CA_GATEWAYS \
        --auto-enable \
        --issuer-location CA_LOCATION \
        --issuer-pool ROOT_CA_POOL \
        --key-algorithm ec-p256-sha256 \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --subject "CN=Example Gateway mTLS CA, O=Example Organization" \
        --use-preset-profile subordinate_mtls_pathlen_0
    • SUBORDINATE_CA_GATEWAYS is the name you want to use for the subordinate CA. For example, subordinate-ca-mtls-gateways-tutorial.
    • The --use-preset-profile flag configures the subordinate CA to use the Subordinate mTLS certificate profile. This profile enables the subordinate CA to issue both client and server TLS certificates for mTLS.

    If you want your ingress gateway to use simple TLS instead of mTLS, your subordinate CA only needs to issue server TLS certificates. In this case, you can use the Subordinate server TLS (subordinate_server_tls_pathlen_0) certificate profile instead.

  5. Create a certificate issuance policy:

    cat << EOF > policy.yaml
          digitalSignature: true
          keyEncipherment: true
          serverAuth: true
          clientAuth: true
        isCa: false
      allowSubjectPassthrough: false
      allowSubjectAltNamesPassthrough: true
        expression: subject_alt_names.all(san, san.type == URI && san.value.startsWith("spiffe://") )

    This issuance policy constrains CAs to only issue certificates for workloads in the mesh.

  6. Create a CA pool to use for the subordinate CA that issues certificates to the sidecar proxies in the mesh. Apply the issuance policy to the CA pool:

    gcloud privateca pools create SUBORDINATE_CA_POOL_SIDECARS \
     --issuance-policy policy.yaml \
     --location CA_LOCATION \
     --tier devops
    • SUBORDINATE_CA_POOL_SIDECARS is the name of the CA pool. For example, subordinate-ca-mtls-pool-sidecars-tutorial.
  7. Create and enable the subordinate CA that issues certificates to the sidecar proxies in the mesh:

    gcloud privateca subordinates create SUBORDINATE_CA_SIDECARS \
        --auto-enable \
        --issuer-location CA_LOCATION \
        --issuer-pool ROOT_CA_POOL \
        --key-algorithm ec-p256-sha256 \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --subject "CN=Example Sidecar mTLS CA, O=Example Organization" \
        --use-preset-profile subordinate_mtls_pathlen_0
    • SUBORDINATE_CA_GATEWAYS is the name you want to use for the subordinate CA. For example, subordinate-ca-mtls-sidecars-tutorial.

Create a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a GKE cluster:

    gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
        --enable-ip-alias \
        --num-nodes 4 \
        --release-channel regular \
        --scopes cloud-platform \
        --workload-pool \
        --zone ZONE

    Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name you want to use for the cluster. For example, asm-ingress-cert-manager-ca-service.

    Replace ZONE with the zone you want to use for the cluster. For example, us-central1-f.

    Note the following about the command:

    • The --release-channel flag selects the GKE release channel for the cluster.
    • Both Cloud Service Mesh and the CA Service issuer for the cert-manager tool require that you set the cloud-platform scope on the cluster nodes.
    • The --workload-pool argument enables Workload Identity Federation for GKE, which allows the CA Service issuer Kubernetes service account to impersonate a Google service account. This impersonation means that the CA Service issuer pods can access the CA Service API without downloading a key file for the Google service account.
  2. Grant cluster administrator permissions to your user account:

    kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
        --clusterrole cluster-admin \
        --user $(gcloud config get-value core/account)

    You need the permissions provided by the Kubernetes cluster-admin ClusterRole to create the role-based access control (RBAC) rules for Cloud Service Mesh, and to install the cert-manager tool.

Install the Anthos Service Mesh control plane

In this tutorial, you install managed Cloud Service Mesh for a GKE cluster on Google Cloud, with all resources in one project. In your own environment, you can apply the solution described in this document using either managed Cloud Service Mesh or an in-cluster control plane.

Cloud Service Mesh provides a range of installation options for different scenarios. After completing this tutorial, we recommend that you review the installation guide to select the option that best fits your environment.

  1. In Cloud Shell, download the asmcli installation tool:

    curl --location --output asmcli
    chmod +x asmcli

    You use asmcli to install the Cloud Service Mesh control plane.

  2. Install the Cloud Service Mesh control plane:

    ./asmcli install \
        --ca gcp_cas \
        --ca_pool projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/CA_LOCATION/caPools/SUBORDINATE_CA_POOL_SIDECARS \
        --cluster_location ZONE \
        --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME \
        --enable_all \
        --enable_registration \
        --fleet_id PROJECT_ID \
        --managed \
        --output_dir asm-files \
        --project_id PROJECT_ID \

    Installation takes several minutes. When the installation is complete, you see the following output:

    asmcli: Successfully installed ASM.

Install the ingress gateway

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a Kubernetes namespace for the ingress gateway:

    kubectl create namespace GATEWAY_NAMESPACE
    • GATEWAY_NAMESPACE is the name of the namespace you want to use for the ingress gateway. For example, istio-ingress.
  2. Reserve a static internal IP address to use for the ingress gateway internal passthrough Network Load Balancer:

    LOAD_BALANCER_IP=$(gcloud compute addresses create \
        asm-ingress-gateway-ilb \
        --region REGION \
        --subnet default \
        --format 'value(address)')
    • Replace REGION with the region that contains the zone or zones that your GKE cluster nodes use. For example, if your cluster uses the us-central1-f zone, replace REGION with us-central1.

    This command reserves an IP address from the default subnet in the region you specify.

  3. Create an operator manifest for the ingress gateway:

    cat << EOF > ingressgateway-operator.yaml
    kind: IstioOperator
      name: ingressgateway-operator
      annotations: "true"
      profile: empty
      revision: asm-managed
        - name: istio-ingressgateway
          namespace: GATEWAY_NAMESPACE
          enabled: true
            - apiVersion: apps/v1
              kind: Deployment
              name: istio-ingressgateway
              - path: spec.template.metadata.annotations
              - path: spec.template.metadata.labels.sidecar\.istio\.io/inject
                value: "true"
              - path: spec.template.spec.containers[name:istio-proxy]
                  name: istio-proxy
                  image: auto
              loadBalancerIP: $LOAD_BALANCER_IP

    Note the following about the operator manifest:

  4. Create the ingress gateway installation manifest using the operator manifest and the istioctl tool that the asmcli script downloaded when you installed the control plane:

    ./asm-files/istioctl manifest generate \
        --filename ingressgateway-operator.yaml \
        --output ingressgateway
  5. Install the ingress gateway:

    kubectl apply --recursive --filename ingressgateway/

Install the cert-manager tool

  1. In Cloud Shell, download and apply the cert-manager tool installation manifest:

    curl --location --output cert-manager.yaml "${CERT_MANAGER_VERSION}/cert-manager.yaml"
    kubectl apply --filename cert-manager.yaml

    Installing the cert-manager tool takes about a minute to complete.

Install the CA Service issuer controller

The CA Service issuer controller enables the cert-manager tool to request certificates using CA Service. The controller uses the cert-manager tool external issuer extension mechanism.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a Google service account:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create CAS_ISSUER_GSA \
        --display-name "CA Service issuer for cert-manager"
    • CAS_ISSUER_GSA is the name of the Google service account. For example, cert-manager-ca-service-issuer.

    The Certificate Authority Service issuer controller uses this Google service account to authenticate to the Certificate Authority Service APIs.

  2. Create an Identity and Access Management policy binding that allows the Certificate Authority Service issuer controller Google service account to request certificates from the CA pool that contains your subordinate CA:

    gcloud privateca pools add-iam-policy-binding SUBORDINATE_CA_POOL_GATEWAYS \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --member "" \
        --role roles/privateca.certificateRequester
  3. Download the Certificate Authority Service issuer controller installation manifest:

    curl --location --output ca-service-issuer.yaml "${CAS_ISSUER_VERSION}/google-cas-issuer-${CAS_ISSUER_VERSION}.yaml"
  4. Create an IAM policy binding to allow the ksa-google-cas-issuer Kubernetes service account in the cert-manager namespace to impersonate the Google service account (GSA) using Workload Identity Federation for GKE:

    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \ \
        --member "[cert-manager/ksa-google-cas-issuer]" \
        --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser

    The CA Service issuer controller pods use the ksa-google-cas-issuer Kubernetes service account.

  5. Install the CA Service issuer controller in your GKE cluster:

    kubectl apply --filename ca-service-issuer.yaml
  6. Add the Workload Identity Federation for GKE annotation to the Kubernetes service account used by the CA Service issuer controller pods:

    kubectl annotate serviceaccount ksa-google-cas-issuer --namespace cert-manager \

    This annotation informs GKE that the Kubernetes service account can impersonate the Google service account to access Google APIs.

Create a certificate issuer

  1. In Cloud Shell, create and apply a GoogleCASIssuer manifest:

    cat << EOF > gateway-cas-issuer.yaml
    kind: GoogleCASIssuer
      name: gateway-cas-issuer
      namespace: GATEWAY_NAMESPACE
      location: CA_LOCATION
      project: PROJECT_ID
    kubectl apply --filename gateway-cas-issuer.yaml

    The issuer enables the cert-manager tool to provision certificates from your subordinate CA pool in your ingress gateway namespace

Deploy a sample application

In this section, you verify that the cert-manager tool can use the CA Service issuer to obtain certificates from CA Service. To verify, you deploy a sample application with request routing configuration and a certificate for the ingress gateway.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a namespace for the sample application resources:

    cat << EOF > sample-app-namespace.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: APP_NAMESPACE
      annotations: '{"managed":"true"}'
      labels: asm-managed
    kubectl apply --filename sample-app-namespace.yaml
    • APP_NAMESPACE is the name of the namespace for the sample application. For example, sample-app.

    The annotation enables the managed data plane for the namespace.

    The label asm-managed selects the Regular release channel for the managed data plane in the sample application namespace. Change the value of this label if you use the Rapid or Stable release channels.

  2. Create a Deployment resource for the sample application:

    cat << EOF > deployment.yaml
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: hello
      namespace: APP_NAMESPACE
        app: hello
      replicas: 1
          app: hello
            app: hello
          - image:
            name: hello-app
            - containerPort: 8080
    kubectl apply --filename deployment.yaml
  3. Create a Service resource for the sample application:

    cat << EOF > service.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: SERVICE_NAME
      namespace: APP_NAMESPACE
      - name: http-hello
        port: 8080
        app: hello
      type: ClusterIP
    kubectl apply --filename service.yaml
    • SERVICE_NAME is the name of the service. For example, hello.
  4. Create a Certificate resource for the domain name using the certificate issuer:

    cat << EOF > certificate.yaml
    kind: Certificate
      name: hello-example-com-certificate
      namespace: GATEWAY_NAMESPACE
      secretName: hello-example-com-credential
      duration: 24h
      renewBefore: 8h
        kind: GoogleCASIssuer
        name: gateway-cas-issuer
    kubectl apply --filename certificate.yaml

    The Certificate namespace must match the ingress gateway namespace. Typically, only platform administrators can change resources in this namespace, since changes can affect the entire service mesh. the cert-manager tool creates the Secret resource for the TLS certificate in the same namespace. This means that application administrators do not need to have access to the ingress gateway namespace.

    You can add additional hostnames in the dnsNames list in the Certificate. These hostnames are included in the certificate as Subject Alternate Names (SANs).

  5. Create a Gateway resource for the sample application:

    cat << EOF > gateway.yaml
    kind: Gateway
      name: GATEWAY_NAME
      namespace: GATEWAY_NAMESPACE
        istio: ingressgateway
      - hosts:
        - APP_NAMESPACE/
          name: https-hello
          number: 443
          protocol: HTTPS
          credentialName: hello-example-com-credential
          mode: MUTUAL
    kubectl apply --filename gateway.yaml
    • GATEWAY_NAME is the gateway name. For example, hello.
    • The credentialName field in the Gateway matches the secretName field in the Certificate. the cert-manager tool creates a Kubernetes Secret with the TLS certificate from CA Service. This certificate enables the ingress gateway to terminate TLS traffic destined to

    The Gateway manifest specifies MUTUAL TLS (mTLS). If you want to configure the gateway for regular TLS, set the TLS mode of the Gateway to SIMPLE instead.

  6. Create a VirtualService resource for the sample application:

    cat << EOF > virtual-service.yaml
    kind: VirtualService
      name: hello
      namespace: APP_NAMESPACE
      - route:
        - destination:
            host: SERVICE_NAME
              number: 8080
    kubectl apply --filename virtual-service.yaml

    The Gateway and VirtualService use different namespaces. This common pattern restricts changes to host-based routing in the Gateway to platform administrators who have permissions to change resources in the ingress gateway namespace.

    Application administrators with permissions to edit the VirtualService in the sample application namespace can change routing by other request fields, such as URL path, without coordinating with platform administrators.

If you want to explore other configuration options, read the API documentation for the Certificate, Gateway, and VirtualService resources.

You can apply authentication and authorization policies to traffic entering the service mesh through the ingress gateway. To do so, read the documentation for the Istio PeerAuthentication and AuthorizationPolicy APIs.

Verify the solution

In this section, you verify that you can send HTTPS requests using mTLS to the sample application from outside the service mesh. To verify, you create a Compute Engine VM instance, request a client TLS certificate from CA Service, and use this certificate to authenticate the request to the sample application.

You need SSH access to the VM instance. The default network includes a firewall rule that allows SSH access. If you don't have SSH access, follow the firewall rules documentation to create a firewall rule that allows incoming TCP connections on port 22.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a Google service account:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create CLIENT_VM_GSA \
        --display-name "CA Service tutorial VM instance service account"
    • CLIENT_VM_GSA is the name of the Google service account. For example, cas-tutorial-client.

    You assign this Google service account to the Compute Engine VM instance.

  2. Grant the CA Service Certificate Requester role on the gateways subordinate CA pool to the Google service account:

    gcloud privateca pools add-iam-policy-binding SUBORDINATE_CA_POOL_GATEWAYS \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --member "" \
        --role roles/privateca.certificateRequester

    This role provides permissions to request certificates from the CA pool.

  3. Create a Compute Engine VM instance in the same VPC as the GKE cluster:

    gcloud compute instances create cas-tutorial-client \
        --scopes cloud-platform \
        --service-account \
        --zone ZONE

    The VM instance requires the cloud-platform scope to access the CA Service API.

  4. Save the IP address of the ingress gateway internal passthrough Network Load Balancer to a file:

    kubectl get services istio-ingressgateway \
       --namespace GATEWAY_NAMESPACE \
       --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}' > ilb-ip.txt
  5. Save the public key certificate of your root CA to a file:

    gcloud privateca roots describe ROOT_CA \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --pool ROOT_CA_POOL \
        --format 'value(pemCaCertificates)' > root-ca-cert.pem
  6. Copy the root CA certificate and the file containing the IP address of the ingress gateway internal passthrough Network Load Balancer to the VM instance:

    gcloud compute scp root-ca-cert.pem ilb-ip.txt cas-tutorial-client:~ \
       --zone ZONE
  7. Connect to the VM instance using SSH:

    gcloud compute ssh cas-tutorial-client --zone ZONE

    Run the rest of the commands in this section from the SSH session.

  8. Install the ca-certificates and coreutils packages, and the curl, openssl, and jq command-line tools:

    sudo apt-get update --yes
    sudo apt-get install --yes ca-certificates coreutils curl jq openssl
  9. Create a key pair for the client TLS certificate:

    openssl genrsa -out private-key.pem 2048
    openssl rsa -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
  10. Query the metadata server to get the email address of the Google service account identity attached to the VM instance:

    GSA_EMAIL=$(curl --silent --header "Metadata-Flavor: Google"
  11. Create a JSON file that you use as the request body when requesting a client TLS certificate from the Certificate Authority Service API:

    cat << EOF > request.json
      "config": {
        "publicKey": {
          "format": "PEM",
          "key": "$(base64 --wrap 0 public-key.pem)"
        "subjectConfig": {
          "subject": {
            "commonName": "$(hostname --short)",
            "organization": "Example Organization"
          "subjectAltName": {
            "dnsNames": [
              "$(hostname --fqdn)"
            "emailAddresses": [
        "x509Config": {
          "caOptions": {
            "isCa": false
          "keyUsage": {
            "baseKeyUsage": {
              "digitalSignature": true,
              "keyEncipherment": true
            "extendedKeyUsage": {
              "clientAuth": true
      "lifetime": "86400s"

    To learn more about the fields in the config section, see the CertificateConfig type in the CA Service API documentation.

  12. Request an OAuth 2.0 access token from the metadata server:

    TOKEN=$(curl --silent --header "Metadata-Flavor: Google" | jq --raw-output ".access_token")

    This access token provides the permissions granted to the Google service account that is attached to the VM instance.

  13. Request a client TLS certificate from the CA Service API and store the response body in a file:

    curl --silent --request POST \
        --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
        --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --data @request.json \
        --output response.json \

    The command uses the access token to authenticate the API request.

  14. Save the client certificate and certificate chain to a file:

    jq --raw-output --join-output ".pemCertificate , .pemCertificateChain[]" response.json > client-cert-chain.pem
  15. Use curl to send an HTTPS request from the VM instance to the sample application:

    curl --cert client-cert-chain.pem --key private-key.pem \
        --cacert root-ca-cert.pem \
        --resolve$(cat ilb-ip.txt) \
        --silent | head -n1

    The output looks like this:

    Hello, world!

    This response shows that curl successfully sent the HTTPS request using mTLS. The sample application responded with the message you see in the terminal output.

    The curl command does the following:

    • The --cert and --key flags instruct curl to use the client TLS certificate and private key to authenticate the request. The client certificate file contains the full chain of certificates, from the client certificate to the root CA.

    • The --cacert flag instructs curl to verify that the root CA you created in this tutorial, or one of its subordinate CAs, issued the server certificate.

      If you omit this flag, curl attempts to verify the server certificate using the default CA bundle of your operating system, such as the ca-certificates package on Debian. Verification fails because the default CA bundle does not include the root CA you created in this tutorial.

    • The --resolve flag instructs curl to use the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer IP address as the destination for requests to host on port 443.

      If you omit this flag, curl attempts to use DNS to resolve the hostname. DNS resolution fails because there is no DNS entry for this hostname.

      In your own environment, we recommend that you create a DNS A record that points to the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer IP address ($LOAD_BALANCER_IP). Create this record using Cloud DNS, by following the documentation on managing records.

    • The --silent flag suppresses response download progress reporting in the terminal output.

    • The command pipes the curl output to head -n1. The result is that the output in the terminal only includes the first line of the response body.

  16. Leave the SSH session:


In this section, you requested a client TLS certificate directly from the CA Service API. In the situation where the client is the egress gateway of another service mesh in a separate Kubernetes cluster, you can use the cert-manager tool and the Certificate Authority Service issuer with the same root CA to provide client certificates to the egress gateway.

In other situations you can use tools such as Hashicorp Vault, Terraform, or gcloud to request client TLS certificates for workloads outside the service mesh. For more information, see the CA Service documentation for sample solutions, and the gcloud documentation for CA Service.

(Optional) Add CA certificates to trust store

This optional section shows how to add CA certificates to the store of trusted CA certificates for the Debian distribution of Linux. These instructions also apply to distributions derived from Debian, such as Ubuntu.

Adding your CA certificates to this store means that you don't need to specify the location of trusted CA certificates when sending HTTPS requests using curl, Python, Go, and Ruby.

  1. Connect to the VM instance using SSH:

    gcloud compute ssh cas-tutorial-client --zone ZONE

    Run the rest of the commands in this section from the SSH session.

  2. Copy the root CA certificate to the directory /usr/local/share/ca-certificates, and ensure the file has the extension .crt:

    sudo cp root-ca-cert.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/cas-rootca.crt
  3. Set the file permissions so all users can read the root CA certificate file:

    sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/cas-rootca.crt
  4. Run the update-ca-certificates script:

    sudo update-ca-certificates

    This script adds the certificate to the set of trusted certificates in the directory /etc/ssl/certs, and to the file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt.

    The output is the following:

    Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
    1 added, 0 removed; done.
    Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...
  5. Use curl to send an HTTPS request from the VM instance to the sample application:

    curl --cert client-cert-chain.pem --key private-key.pem \
       --resolve$(cat ilb-ip.txt) \
       --silent | head -n1

    The output looks like this:

    Hello, world!

    This response shows that curl successfully sent the HTTPS request using mTLS, and validated the server TLS certificate from the ingress gateway using the default CA certificate store.

  6. Leave the SSH session:



If the CA Service issuer controller doesn't create the TLS certificate secret, view the logs of the CA Service issuer controller:

kubectl logs deployment/google-cas-issuer --namespace cert-manager

If you encounter problems installing Cloud Service Mesh, run the asmcli tool to validate your Cloud project and GKE cluster.

If you run into other problems with this tutorial, we recommend that you review these documents:

Clean up

To avoid incurring continuing charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, you can either delete the project or delete the individual resources.

Delete the project

  1. In Cloud Shell, delete the project:

    gcloud projects delete PROJECT_ID

Delete the resources

If you want to keep the Google Cloud project you used in this tutorial, delete the individual resources:

  1. In Cloud Shell, unregister the GKE cluster from GKE Hub:

    gcloud container hub memberships unregister CLUSTER_NAME \
        --gke-cluster ZONE/CLUSTER_NAME
  2. Delete the GKE cluster:

    gcloud container clusters delete CLUSTER_NAME \
        --zone ZONE --async --quiet
  3. Delete the IAM policy bindings on the subordinate CA pool:

    gcloud privateca pools remove-iam-policy-binding SUBORDINATE_CA_POOL_GATEWAYS \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --member "" \
        --role roles/privateca.certificateRequester
    gcloud privateca pools remove-iam-policy-binding SUBORDINATE_CA_POOL_GATEWAYS \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --member "" \
        --role roles/privateca.certificateRequester
  4. Disable and schedule deletion of the subordinate CAs and the root CA:

    gcloud privateca subordinates disable SUBORDINATE_CA_GATEWAYS \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
    gcloud privateca subordinates delete SUBORDINATE_CA_GATEWAYS \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --ignore-active-certificates \
    gcloud privateca subordinates disable SUBORDINATE_CA_SIDECARS \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
    gcloud privateca subordinates delete SUBORDINATE_CA_SIDECARS \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --ignore-active-certificates \
    gcloud privateca roots disable ROOT_CA \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --pool ROOT_CA_POOL \
    gcloud privateca roots delete ROOT_CA \
        --location CA_LOCATION \
        --pool ROOT_CA_POOL \
        --ignore-active-certificates \
  5. Delete the IAM policy binding for the CA Service issuer controller Google service account:

    gcloud iam service-accounts remove-iam-policy-binding \ \
        --member "[cert-manager/ksa-google-cas-issuer]" \
        --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser
  6. Delete the Google service accounts:

    gcloud iam service-accounts delete --quiet \
    gcloud iam service-accounts delete --quiet \
  7. Delete the reserved load balancer IP address:

    gcloud compute addresses delete asm-ingress-gateway-ilb \
        --region REGION --quiet
  8. Delete the Compute Engine VM instance:

    gcloud compute instances delete cas-tutorial-client \
        --zone ZONE --quiet

What's next