View secret version details

This page describes how to retrieve a list of all the different versions of a secret that have been created over time and view the metadata of a specific secret version.

Required roles

To get the permissions that you need to list secret versions and view version details, ask your administrator to grant you the Secret Manager Viewer (roles/secretmanager.viewer) IAM role on the secret, project, folder, or organization. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

List a secret's versions

Listing a secret's versions is useful in the following ways:

  • You can see see how a secret has changed over time, who made the changes, and when. This is required for auditing and compliance.

  • You can roll back to a previous, known-good version if a secret is accidentally updated or compromised.

  • You can identify versions that are no longer in use and can be safely deleted.

  • You can troubleshoot issues. For example, if an application is experiencing problems, you can examine previous versions of a secret to see if a change to the secret is the cause.

To list all the versions of a secret, use one of the following methods:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Secret Manager page.

    Go to Secret Manager

  2. Click a secret to access its versions.

    The versions belonging to the secret are displayed in the Versions table.

Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

  • SECRET_ID: the ID of the secret or fully qualified identifier for the secret.

Execute the following command:

Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

gcloud secrets versions list SECRET_ID
gcloud secrets versions list SECRET_ID
gcloud secrets versions list SECRET_ID

The response contains the secret.

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • PROJECT_ID: the Google Cloud project ID
  • SECRET_ID: the ID of the secret or fully qualified identifier for the secret

HTTP method and URL:


Request JSON body:


To send your request, choose one of these options:

Save the request body in a file named request.json, and execute the following command:

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \

Save the request body in a file named request.json, and execute the following command:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

  "versions": [
      "name": "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/secrets/SECRET_ID/versions/VERSION_ID",
      "createTime": "2024-09-04T06:41:57.859674Z",
      "state": "ENABLED",
      "etag": "\"1621457b3c1459\""
  "totalSize": 1

To run this code, first set up a C# development environment and install the Secret Manager C# SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

using Google.Cloud.SecretManager.V1;

public class ListSecretVersionsSample
    public void ListSecretVersions(string projectId = "my-project", string secretId = "my-secret")
        // Create the client.
        SecretManagerServiceClient client = SecretManagerServiceClient.Create();

        // Build the resource name.
        SecretName secretName = new SecretName(projectId, secretId);

        // Call the API.
        foreach (SecretVersion secretVersion in client.ListSecretVersions(secretName))
            // ...

To run this code, first set up a Go development environment and install the Secret Manager Go SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

import (

	secretmanager ""

// listSecretVersions lists all secret versions in the given secret and their
// metadata.
func listSecretVersions(w io.Writer, parent string) error {
	// parent := "projects/my-project/secrets/my-secret"

	// Create the client.
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := secretmanager.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create secretmanager client: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	// Build the request.
	req := &secretmanagerpb.ListSecretVersionsRequest{
		Parent: parent,

	// Call the API.
	it := client.ListSecretVersions(ctx, req)
	for {
		resp, err := it.Next()
		if err == iterator.Done {

		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to list secret versions: %w", err)

		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Found secret version %s with state %s\n",
			resp.Name, resp.State)

	return nil

To run this code, first set up a Java development environment and install the Secret Manager Java SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.


public class ListSecretVersions {

  public static void listSecretVersions() throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String secretId = "your-secret-id";
    listSecretVersions(projectId, secretId);

  // List all secret versions for a secret.
  public static void listSecretVersions(String projectId, String secretId) throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (SecretManagerServiceClient client = SecretManagerServiceClient.create()) {
      // Build the parent name.
      SecretName secretName = SecretName.of(projectId, secretId);

      // Get all versions.
      ListSecretVersionsPagedResponse pagedResponse = client.listSecretVersions(secretName);

      // List all versions and their state.
              version -> {
                System.out.printf("Secret version %s, %s\n", version.getName(), version.getState());

To run this code, first set up a Node.js development environment and install the Secret Manager Node.js SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const parent = 'projects/my-project/secrets/my-secret';

// Imports the Secret Manager library
const {SecretManagerServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/secret-manager');

// Instantiates a client
const client = new SecretManagerServiceClient();

async function listSecretVersions() {
  const [versions] = await client.listSecretVersions({
    parent: parent,

  versions.forEach(version => {
    console.log(`${}: ${version.state}`);


To run this code, first learn about using PHP on Google Cloud and install the Secret Manager PHP SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

// Import the Secret Manager client library.
use Google\Cloud\SecretManager\V1\Client\SecretManagerServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\SecretManager\V1\ListSecretVersionsRequest;

 * @param string $projectId Your Google Cloud Project ID (e.g. 'my-project')
 * @param string $secretId  Your secret ID (e.g. 'my-secret')
function list_secret_versions(string $projectId, string $secretId): void
    // Create the Secret Manager client.
    $client = new SecretManagerServiceClient();

    // Build the resource name of the parent secret.
    $parent = $client->secretName($projectId, $secretId);

    // Build the request.
    $request = ListSecretVersionsRequest::build($parent);

    // List all secret versions.
    foreach ($client->listSecretVersions($request) as $version) {
        printf('Found secret version %s', $version->getName());

To run this code, first set up a Python development environment and install the Secret Manager Python SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

def list_secret_versions(project_id: str, secret_id: str) -> None:
    List all secret versions in the given secret and their metadata.

    # Import the Secret Manager client library.
    from import secretmanager

    # Create the Secret Manager client.
    client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()

    # Build the resource name of the parent secret.
    parent = client.secret_path(project_id, secret_id)

    # List all secret versions.
    for version in client.list_secret_versions(request={"parent": parent}):
        print(f"Found secret version: {}")

To run this code, first set up a Ruby development environment and install the Secret Manager Ruby SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

# project_id = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
# secret_id  = "YOUR-SECRET-ID"             # (e.g. "my-secret")

# Require the Secret Manager client library.
require "google/cloud/secret_manager"

# Create a Secret Manager client.
client = Google::Cloud::SecretManager.secret_manager_service

# Build the resource name of the parent.
parent = client.secret_path project: project_id, secret: secret_id

# Get the list of secret versions.
list = client.list_secret_versions parent: parent

# List all secret versions.
list.each do |version|
  puts "Got secret version #{}"

Get details about a secret version

This process lets you view the metadata of a secret version such as the version ID, creation date and time, encryption details, and status. Viewing the metadata of a secret version means accessing information about the secret version, but not the actual secret value itself. To view the secret value, see Access a secret version.

To view a secret version's metadata, use one of the following methods:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Secret Manager page.

    Go to Secret Manager

  2. Click a secret to access its versions.

    The versions belonging to the secret are displayed in the Versions table. For each version, the version ID and its metadata is also displayed in the table.

Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

  • VERSION_ID: the ID of the secret version
  • SECRET_ID: the ID of the secret or fully qualified identifier for the secret.

Execute the following command:

Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

gcloud secrets versions describe VERSION_ID --secret=SECRET_ID
gcloud secrets versions describe VERSION_ID --secret=SECRET_ID
gcloud secrets versions describe VERSION_ID --secret=SECRET_ID

The response contains the secret.

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • PROJECT_ID: the Google Cloud project ID
  • SECRET_ID: the ID of the secret or fully qualified identifier for the secret
  • VERSION_ID: the ID of the secret version

HTTP method and URL:


Request JSON body:


To send your request, choose one of these options:

Save the request body in a file named request.json, and execute the following command:

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \

Save the request body in a file named request.json, and execute the following command:

$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }

Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/secrets/SECRET_ID/versions/VERSION_ID",
  "createTime": "2024-09-04T06:41:57.859674Z",
  "state": "ENABLED",
  "etag": "\"1621457b3c1459\""

To run this code, first set up a C# development environment and install the Secret Manager C# SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

using Google.Cloud.SecretManager.V1;

public class GetSecretVersionSample
    public SecretVersion GetSecretVersion(
      string projectId = "my-project", string secretId = "my-secret", string secretVersionId = "123")
        // Create the client.
        SecretManagerServiceClient client = SecretManagerServiceClient.Create();

        // Build the resource name.
        SecretVersionName secretVersionName = new SecretVersionName(projectId, secretId, secretVersionId);

        // Call the API.
        SecretVersion version = client.GetSecretVersion(secretVersionName);
        return version;

To run this code, first set up a Go development environment and install the Secret Manager Go SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

import (

	secretmanager ""

// getSecretVersion gets information about the given secret version. It does not
// include the payload data.
func getSecretVersion(w io.Writer, name string) error {
	// name := "projects/my-project/secrets/my-secret/versions/5"
	// name := "projects/my-project/secrets/my-secret/versions/latest"

	// Create the client.
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := secretmanager.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create secretmanager client: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	// Build the request.
	req := &secretmanagerpb.GetSecretVersionRequest{
		Name: name,

	// Call the API.
	result, err := client.GetSecretVersion(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get secret version: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Found secret version %s with state %s\n",
		result.Name, result.State)
	return nil

To run this code, first set up a Java development environment and install the Secret Manager Java SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.


public class GetSecretVersion {

  public static void getSecretVersion() throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String secretId = "your-secret-id";
    String versionId = "your-version-id";
    getSecretVersion(projectId, secretId, versionId);

  // Get an existing secret version.
  public static void getSecretVersion(String projectId, String secretId, String versionId)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (SecretManagerServiceClient client = SecretManagerServiceClient.create()) {
      // Build the name from the version.
      SecretVersionName secretVersionName = SecretVersionName.of(projectId, secretId, versionId);

      // Create the secret.
      SecretVersion version = client.getSecretVersion(secretVersionName);
      System.out.printf("Secret version %s, state %s\n", version.getName(), version.getState());

To run this code, first set up a Node.js development environment and install the Secret Manager Node.js SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const name = 'projects/my-project/secrets/my-secret/versions/5';
// const name = 'projects/my-project/secrets/my-secret/versions/latest';

// Imports the Secret Manager library
const {SecretManagerServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/secret-manager');

// Instantiates a client
const client = new SecretManagerServiceClient();

async function getSecretVersion() {
  const [version] = await client.getSecretVersion({
    name: name,
  });`Found secret ${} with state ${version.state}`);


To run this code, first learn about using PHP on Google Cloud and install the Secret Manager PHP SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

// Import the Secret Manager client library.
use Google\Cloud\SecretManager\V1\Client\SecretManagerServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\SecretManager\V1\SecretVersion\State;
use Google\Cloud\SecretManager\V1\GetSecretVersionRequest;

 * @param string $projectId Your Google Cloud Project ID (e.g. 'my-project')
 * @param string $secretId  Your secret ID (e.g. 'my-secret')
 * @param string $versionId Your version ID (e.g. 'latest' or '5');
function get_secret_version(string $projectId, string $secretId, string $versionId): void
    // Create the Secret Manager client.
    $client = new SecretManagerServiceClient();

    // Build the resource name of the secret version.
    $name = $client->secretVersionName($projectId, $secretId, $versionId);

    // Build the request.
    $request = GetSecretVersionRequest::build($name);

    // Access the secret version.
    $response = $client->getSecretVersion($request);

    // Get the state string from the enum.
    $state = State::name($response->getState());

    // Print a success message.
    printf('Got secret version %s with state %s', $response->getName(), $state);

To run this code, first set up a Python development environment and install the Secret Manager Python SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

def get_secret_version(
    project_id: str, secret_id: str, version_id: str
) -> secretmanager.GetSecretVersionRequest:
    Get information about the given secret version. It does not include the
    payload data.

    # Import the Secret Manager client library.
    from import secretmanager

    # Create the Secret Manager client.
    client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()

    # Build the resource name of the secret version.
    name = f"projects/{project_id}/secrets/{secret_id}/versions/{version_id}"

    # Get the secret version.
    response = client.get_secret_version(request={"name": name})

    # Print information about the secret version.
    state =
    print(f"Got secret version {} with state {state}")

To run this code, first set up a Ruby development environment and install the Secret Manager Ruby SDK. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

# project_id = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
# secret_id  = "YOUR-SECRET-ID"             # (e.g. "my-secret")
# version_id = "YOUR-VERSION"               # (e.g. "5" or "latest")

# Require the Secret Manager client library.
require "google/cloud/secret_manager"

# Create a Secret Manager client.
client = Google::Cloud::SecretManager.secret_manager_service

# Build the resource name of the secret version.
name = client.secret_version_path(
  project:        project_id,
  secret:         secret_id,
  secret_version: version_id

# Get the secret version.
version = client.get_secret_version name: name

# Get the state.
state = version.state.to_s.downcase

# Print a success message.
puts "Got secret version #{} with state #{state}"

What's next