Vertex AI V1 API - Module Google::Cloud::AIPlatform::V1::FeatureView::IndexConfig::DistanceMeasureType (v0.45.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Vertex AI V1 API module Google::Cloud::AIPlatform::V1::FeatureView::IndexConfig::DistanceMeasureType.

The distance measure used in nearest neighbor search.



value: 0
Should not be set.


value: 1
Euclidean (L_2) Distance.


value: 2
Cosine Distance. Defined as 1 - cosine similarity.

We strongly suggest using DOT_PRODUCT_DISTANCE + UNIT_L2_NORM instead of COSINE distance. Our algorithms have been more optimized for DOT_PRODUCT distance which, when combined with UNIT_L2_NORM, is mathematically equivalent to COSINE distance and results in the same ranking.


value: 3
Dot Product Distance. Defined as a negative of the dot product.