Class Google::Analytics::Admin::V1alpha::EnhancedMeasurementSettings

Singleton resource under a WebDataStream, configuring measurement of additional site interactions and content.


  • Object

Extended By

  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods


  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts



def file_downloads_enabled() -> ::Boolean
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture a file download event each time a link is clicked with a common document, compressed file, application, video, or audio extension.


def file_downloads_enabled=(value) -> ::Boolean
  • value (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture a file download event each time a link is clicked with a common document, compressed file, application, video, or audio extension.
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture a file download event each time a link is clicked with a common document, compressed file, application, video, or audio extension.


def name() -> ::String
  • (::String) — Output only. Resource name of this Data Stream. Format: properties/{property_id}/webDataStreams/{stream_id}/enhancedMeasurementSettings Example: "properties/1000/webDataStreams/2000/enhancedMeasurementSettings"


def outbound_clicks_enabled() -> ::Boolean
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture an outbound click event each time a visitor clicks a link that leads them away from your domain.


def outbound_clicks_enabled=(value) -> ::Boolean
  • value (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture an outbound click event each time a visitor clicks a link that leads them away from your domain.
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture an outbound click event each time a visitor clicks a link that leads them away from your domain.


def page_changes_enabled() -> ::Boolean
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture a page view event each time the website changes the browser history state.


def page_changes_enabled=(value) -> ::Boolean
  • value (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture a page view event each time the website changes the browser history state.
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture a page view event each time the website changes the browser history state.


def page_loads_enabled() -> ::Boolean
  • (::Boolean) — Output only. If enabled, capture a page view event each time a page loads.


def page_views_enabled() -> ::Boolean
  • (::Boolean) — Output only. If enabled, capture a page view event each time a page loads or the website changes the browser history state.


def scrolls_enabled() -> ::Boolean
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture scroll events each time a visitor gets to the bottom of a page.


def scrolls_enabled=(value) -> ::Boolean
  • value (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture scroll events each time a visitor gets to the bottom of a page.
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture scroll events each time a visitor gets to the bottom of a page.


def search_query_parameter() -> ::String
  • (::String) — Required. URL query parameters to interpret as site search parameters. Max length is 1024 characters. Must not be empty.


def search_query_parameter=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) — Required. URL query parameters to interpret as site search parameters. Max length is 1024 characters. Must not be empty.
  • (::String) — Required. URL query parameters to interpret as site search parameters. Max length is 1024 characters. Must not be empty.


def site_search_enabled() -> ::Boolean
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture a view search results event each time a visitor performs a search on your site (based on a query parameter).


def site_search_enabled=(value) -> ::Boolean
  • value (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture a view search results event each time a visitor performs a search on your site (based on a query parameter).
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture a view search results event each time a visitor performs a search on your site (based on a query parameter).


def stream_enabled() -> ::Boolean
  • (::Boolean) — Indicates whether Enhanced Measurement Settings will be used to automatically measure interactions and content on this web stream.

    Changing this value does not affect the settings themselves, but determines whether they are respected.


def stream_enabled=(value) -> ::Boolean
  • value (::Boolean) — Indicates whether Enhanced Measurement Settings will be used to automatically measure interactions and content on this web stream.

    Changing this value does not affect the settings themselves, but determines whether they are respected.

  • (::Boolean) — Indicates whether Enhanced Measurement Settings will be used to automatically measure interactions and content on this web stream.

    Changing this value does not affect the settings themselves, but determines whether they are respected.


def uri_query_parameter() -> ::String
  • (::String) — Additional URL query parameters. Max length is 1024 characters.


def uri_query_parameter=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) — Additional URL query parameters. Max length is 1024 characters.
  • (::String) — Additional URL query parameters. Max length is 1024 characters.


def video_engagement_enabled() -> ::Boolean
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture video play, progress, and complete events as visitors view embedded videos on your site.


def video_engagement_enabled=(value) -> ::Boolean
  • value (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture video play, progress, and complete events as visitors view embedded videos on your site.
  • (::Boolean) — If enabled, capture video play, progress, and complete events as visitors view embedded videos on your site.