Class Google::Analytics::Admin::V1alpha::BatchGetUserLinksRequest

Request message for BatchGetUserLinks RPC.


  • Object

Extended By

  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods


  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts



def names() -> ::Array<::String>
  • (::Array<::String>) — Required. The names of the user links to retrieve. A maximum of 1000 user links can be retrieved in a batch. Format: accounts/{accountId}/userLinks/{userLinkId}


def names=(value) -> ::Array<::String>
  • value (::Array<::String>) — Required. The names of the user links to retrieve. A maximum of 1000 user links can be retrieved in a batch. Format: accounts/{accountId}/userLinks/{userLinkId}
  • (::Array<::String>) — Required. The names of the user links to retrieve. A maximum of 1000 user links can be retrieved in a batch. Format: accounts/{accountId}/userLinks/{userLinkId}


def parent() -> ::String
  • (::String) — Required. The account or property that all user links in the request are for. The parent of all provided values for the 'names' field must match this field. Example format: accounts/1234


def parent=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) — Required. The account or property that all user links in the request are for. The parent of all provided values for the 'names' field must match this field. Example format: accounts/1234
  • (::String) — Required. The account or property that all user links in the request are for. The parent of all provided values for the 'names' field must match this field. Example format: accounts/1234