Find recommendations with Recommendation Hub

This page shows you how to use Recommendation Hub to find and apply recommendations from recommenders that support Recommendation Hub. For details about recommenders and supported clients, see Recommenders.

Before you begin

For this quickstart, you need a Google Cloud project.

  1. Go to the Google Cloud console.

  2. Select a Google Cloud project, folder, or organization.

    You can only see recommendations at an organization or folder level if you have permissions for that organization or folder, regardless of your permissions for folders or projects within it.

  3. Ensure you have sufficient Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to view the project's recommendations. If you don't have sufficient permission, you might not be able to view some recommendations, and the Recommendation Hub might appear empty. Grant or request the Recommender Viewer Role or see recommenders for permissions for each recommendation.

Find recommendations in Recommendation Hub

  1. Navigate to Recommendation Hub.

    Go to Recommendation Hub

    This page displays an overview of all recommendations categorized by value pillar (Cost, Security, Performance, Reliability, Management, and Sustainability).

    Hub Dashboard

  2. Select the All recommendations tab.

    This page displays a table of every recommendation that you can filter, sort, and share. You can explore recommendations in detail, see what resources are affected, and what impact applying a recommendation might have.


Apply and dismiss recommendations in Recommendation Hub

  1. In the Recommendation column, click the recommendation you want to learn more about. A details panel opens that shows the observation that led to the recommendation, as well as relevant data that might help you decide whether to apply or dismiss it.

  2. Apply or dismiss recommendations that you have permission to using the apply or dismiss buttons.

    One click apply

    Note that some recommendations might not be directly applicable in the details panel. Follow the instructions listed in the details panel to apply them.

Restore dismissed recommendations

The Applied and dismissed page contains a record of all of the recommendations you have applied or dismissed.

Recommendation Hub Dashboard

You can only restore a recommendation that has the status Dismissed. To restore a dismissed recommendation, click RESTORE in the restore column.

Recommendations that you can't find in Recommendation Hub

Not every recommendation can be found in Recommendation Hub. You can also find and apply recommendations in service pages or using the API. For details about recommenders and supported clients, see Recommenders.

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