
パスワードの漏洩と認証情報侵害を検出して、アカウントの乗っ取り(ATO)やクレデンシャル スタッフィング攻撃を防止します。





reCAPTCHA に対する認証を行うには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証の設定をご覧ください。

import com.google.cloud.recaptcha.passwordcheck.PasswordCheckResult;
import com.google.cloud.recaptcha.passwordcheck.PasswordCheckVerification;
import com.google.cloud.recaptcha.passwordcheck.PasswordCheckVerifier;
import com.google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import com.google.recaptchaenterprise.v1.Assessment;
import com.google.recaptchaenterprise.v1.CreateAssessmentRequest;
import com.google.recaptchaenterprise.v1.PrivatePasswordLeakVerification;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64;

public class CreatePasswordLeakAssessment {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // Google Cloud Project ID.
    String projectID = "project-id";

    // Username and password to be checked for credential breach.
    String username = "username";
    String password = "password";

    checkPasswordLeak(projectID, username, password);

   * Detect password leaks and breached credentials to prevent account takeovers
   * (ATOs) and credential stuffing attacks.
   * For more information, see:
   * https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha-enterprise/docs/check-passwords and
   * https://security.googleblog.com/2019/02/protect-your-accounts-from-data.html

   * Steps:
   * 1. Use the 'create' method to hash and Encrypt the hashed username and
   * password.
   * 2. Send the hash prefix (26-bit) and the encrypted credentials to create
   * the assessment.(Hash prefix is used to partition the database.)
   * 3. Password leak assessment returns a list of encrypted credential hashes to
   * be compared with the decryption of the returned re-encrypted credentials.
   * Create Assessment also sends back re-encrypted credentials.
   * 4. The re-encrypted credential is then locally verified to see if there is
   * a match in the database.
   * To perform hashing, encryption and verification (steps 1, 2 and 4),
   * reCAPTCHA Enterprise provides a helper library in Java.
   * See, https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/java-recaptcha-password-check-helpers

   * If you want to extend this behavior to your own implementation/ languages,
   * make sure to perform the following steps:
   * 1. Hash the credentials (First 26 bits of the result is the
   * 'lookupHashPrefix')
   * 2. Encrypt the hash (result = 'encryptedUserCredentialsHash')
   * 3. Get back the PasswordLeak information from
   * reCAPTCHA Enterprise Create Assessment.
   * 4. Decrypt the obtained 'credentials.getReencryptedUserCredentialsHash()'
   * with the same key you used for encryption.
   * 5. Check if the decrypted credentials are present in
   * 'credentials.getEncryptedLeakMatchPrefixesList()'.
   * 6. If there is a match, that indicates a credential breach.
  public static void checkPasswordLeak(
      String projectID, String username, String password)
      throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException {

    // Instantiate the java-password-leak-helper library to perform the cryptographic functions.
    PasswordCheckVerifier passwordLeak = new PasswordCheckVerifier();

    // Create the request to obtain the hash prefix and encrypted credentials.
    PasswordCheckVerification verification =
        passwordLeak.createVerification(username, password).get();

    byte[] lookupHashPrefix = Base64.encode(verification.getLookupHashPrefix());
    byte[] encryptedUserCredentialsHash = Base64.encode(

    // Pass the credentials to the createPasswordLeakAssessment() to get back
    // the matching database entry for the hash prefix.
    PrivatePasswordLeakVerification credentials =

    // Convert to appropriate input format.
    List<byte[]> leakMatchPrefixes =
            .map(x -> Base64.decode(x.toByteArray()))

    // Verify if the encrypted credentials are present in the obtained match list.
    PasswordCheckResult result =

    // Check if the credential is leaked.
    boolean isLeaked = result.areCredentialsLeaked();
    System.out.printf("Is Credential leaked: %s", isLeaked);

  // Create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise assessment.
  // Returns:  PrivatePasswordLeakVerification which contains
  // reencryptedUserCredentialsHash and credential breach database
  // whose prefix matches the lookupHashPrefix.
  private static PrivatePasswordLeakVerification createPasswordLeakAssessment(
      String projectID,
      byte[] lookupHashPrefix,
      byte[] encryptedUserCredentialsHash)
      throws IOException {
    try (RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient client = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.create()) {

      // Set the hashprefix and credentials hash.
      // Setting this will trigger the Password leak protection.
      PrivatePasswordLeakVerification passwordLeakVerification =

      // Build the assessment request.
      CreateAssessmentRequest createAssessmentRequest =
              .setParent(String.format("projects/%s", projectID))
                      // Set request for Password leak verification.

      // Send the create assessment request.
      Assessment response = client.createAssessment(createAssessmentRequest);

      // Get the reCAPTCHA Enterprise score.
      float recaptchaScore = response.getRiskAnalysis().getScore();
      System.out.println("The reCAPTCHA score is: " + recaptchaScore);

      // Get the assessment name (id). Use this to annotate the assessment.
      String assessmentName = response.getName();
          "Assessment name: " + assessmentName.substring(assessmentName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1));

      return response.getPrivatePasswordLeakVerification();

import {RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient} from '@google-cloud/recaptcha-enterprise';
import {PasswordCheckVerification} from 'recaptcha-password-check-helpers';

// TODO(developer): Uncomment and set the following variables
// Google Cloud Project ID.
// const projectId: string = "PROJECT_ID"

// Username and password to be checked for credential breach.
// const username: string = "user123";
// const password: string = "1234@abcd";

// Create a client.
const client = new RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient();

* Detect password leaks and breached credentials to prevent account takeovers
* (ATOs) and credential stuffing attacks.
* For more information, see:
* https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha-enterprise/docs/check-passwords and
* https://security.googleblog.com/2019/02/protect-your-accounts-from-data.html

* Steps:
* 1. Use the 'create' method to hash and Encrypt the hashed username and
* password.
* 2. Send the hash prefix (26-bit) and the encrypted credentials to create
* the assessment.(Hash prefix is used to partition the database.)
* 3. Password leak assessment returns a list of encrypted credential hashes to
* be compared with the decryption of the returned re-encrypted credentials.
* Create Assessment also sends back re-encrypted credentials.
* 4. The re-encrypted credential is then locally verified to see if there is
* a match in the database.
* To perform hashing, encryption and verification (steps 1, 2 and 4),
* reCAPTCHA Enterprise provides a helper library in Typescript.
* See, https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/typescript-recaptcha-password-check-helpers

* If you want to extend this behavior to your own implementation/ languages,
* make sure to perform the following steps:
* 1. Hash the credentials (First 26 bits of the result is the
* 'lookupHashPrefix')
* 2. Encrypt the hash (result = 'encryptedUserCredentialsHash')
* 3. Get back the PasswordLeak information from
* reCAPTCHA Enterprise Create Assessment.
* 4. Decrypt the obtained 'credentials.getReencryptedUserCredentialsHash()'
* with the same key you used for encryption.
* 5. Check if the decrypted credentials are present in
* 'credentials.getEncryptedLeakMatchPrefixesList()'.
* 6. If there is a match, that indicates a credential breach.
async function checkPasswordLeak(projectId, username, password) {
  // Instantiate the recaptcha-password-check-helpers library to perform the
  // cryptographic functions.
  // Create the request to obtain the hash prefix and encrypted credentials.
  const verification = await PasswordCheckVerification.create(

  const lookupHashPrefix = Buffer.from(
  const encryptedUserCredentialsHash = Buffer.from(
  console.log('Hashes created.');

  // Pass the credentials to the createPasswordLeakAssessment() to get back
  // the matching database entry for the hash prefix.
  const credentials = await createPasswordLeakAssessment(

  // Convert to appropriate input format.
  const reencryptedUserCredentialsHash = Buffer.from(

  const encryptedLeakMatchPrefixes = credentials.encryptedLeakMatchPrefixes.map(
    prefix => {
      return Buffer.from(prefix.toString(), 'base64');

  // Verify if the encrypted credentials are present in the obtained
  // match list to check if the credential is leaked.
  const isLeaked = verification
    .verify(reencryptedUserCredentialsHash, encryptedLeakMatchPrefixes)

  console.log(`Is Credential leaked: ${isLeaked}`);

// Create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise assessment.
// Returns: PrivatePasswordLeakVerification which contains
// reencryptedUserCredentialsHash and credential breach database whose prefix
// matches the lookupHashPrefix.
async function createPasswordLeakAssessment(
) {
  // Build the assessment request.
  const createAssessmentRequest = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}`,
    assessment: {
      // Set the hashprefix and credentials hash.
      // Setting this will trigger the Password leak protection.
      privatePasswordLeakVerification: {
        lookupHashPrefix: lookupHashPrefix,
        encryptedUserCredentialsHash: encryptedUserCredentialsHash,

  // Send the create assessment request.
  const [response] = await client.createAssessment(createAssessmentRequest);

  // Get the reCAPTCHA Enterprise score.
  console.log(`The reCAPTCHA score is: ${response.riskAnalysis.score}`);
  // Get the assessment name (id). Use this to annotate the assessment.
  console.log(`Assessment name: ${response.name}`);

  if (!response.privatePasswordLeakVerification) {
    throw `Error in obtaining response from Private Password Leak Verification ${response}`;

  return response.privatePasswordLeakVerification;

checkPasswordLeak(projectId, username, password).catch(err => {
  process.exitCode = 1;

import {google} from '@google-cloud/recaptcha-enterprise/build/protos/protos';
import {RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient} from '@google-cloud/recaptcha-enterprise';
import {PasswordCheckVerification} from 'recaptcha-password-check-helpers';

// TODO(developer): Uncomment and set the following variables
// Google Cloud Project ID.
// const projectId: string = "PROJECT_ID"

// Username and password to be checked for credential breach.
// const username: string = "user123";
// const password: string = "1234@abcd";

// Create a client.
const client: RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient =
  new RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient();

* Detect password leaks and breached credentials to prevent account takeovers
* (ATOs) and credential stuffing attacks.
* For more information, see:
* https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha-enterprise/docs/check-passwords and
* https://security.googleblog.com/2019/02/protect-your-accounts-from-data.html

* Steps:
* 1. Use the 'create' method to hash and Encrypt the hashed username and
* password.
* 2. Send the hash prefix (26-bit) and the encrypted credentials to create
* the assessment.(Hash prefix is used to partition the database.)
* 3. Password leak assessment returns a list of encrypted credential hashes to
* be compared with the decryption of the returned re-encrypted credentials.
* Create Assessment also sends back re-encrypted credentials.
* 4. The re-encrypted credential is then locally verified to see if there is
* a match in the database.
* To perform hashing, encryption and verification (steps 1, 2 and 4),
* reCAPTCHA Enterprise provides a helper library in Typescript.
* See, https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/typescript-recaptcha-password-check-helpers

* If you want to extend this behavior to your own implementation/ languages,
* make sure to perform the following steps:
* 1. Hash the credentials (First 26 bits of the result is the
* 'lookupHashPrefix')
* 2. Encrypt the hash (result = 'encryptedUserCredentialsHash')
* 3. Get back the PasswordLeak information from
* reCAPTCHA Enterprise Create Assessment.
* 4. Decrypt the obtained 'credentials.getReencryptedUserCredentialsHash()'
* with the same key you used for encryption.
* 5. Check if the decrypted credentials are present in
* 'credentials.getEncryptedLeakMatchPrefixesList()'.
* 6. If there is a match, that indicates a credential breach.
async function checkPasswordLeak(
  projectId: string,
  username: string,
  password: string
) {
  // Instantiate the recaptcha-password-check-helpers library to perform the
  // cryptographic functions.
  // Create the request to obtain the hash prefix and encrypted credentials.
  const verification: PasswordCheckVerification =
    await PasswordCheckVerification.create(username, password);

  const lookupHashPrefix: string = Buffer.from(
  const encryptedUserCredentialsHash: string = Buffer.from(
  console.log('Hashes created.');

  // Pass the credentials to the createPasswordLeakAssessment() to get back
  // the matching database entry for the hash prefix.
  const credentials: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1.IPrivatePasswordLeakVerification =
    await createPasswordLeakAssessment(

  // Convert to appropriate input format.
  const reencryptedUserCredentialsHash: Uint8Array = Buffer.from(
  const encryptedLeakMatchPrefixes: Uint8Array[] =
    credentials.encryptedLeakMatchPrefixes!.map(prefix => {
      return Buffer.from(prefix.toString(), 'base64');

  // Verify if the encrypted credentials are present in the obtained
  // match list to check if the credential is leaked.
  const isLeaked: boolean = verification
    .verify(reencryptedUserCredentialsHash, encryptedLeakMatchPrefixes)

  console.log(`Is Credential leaked: ${isLeaked}`);

// Create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise assessment.
// Returns: PrivatePasswordLeakVerification which contains
// reencryptedUserCredentialsHash and credential breach database whose prefix
// matches the lookupHashPrefix.
async function createPasswordLeakAssessment(
  projectId: string,
  lookupHashPrefix: string,
  encryptedUserCredentialsHash: string
): Promise<google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1.IPrivatePasswordLeakVerification> {
  // Build the assessment request.
  const createAssessmentRequest: google.cloud.recaptchaenterprise.v1.ICreateAssessmentRequest =
      parent: `projects/${projectId}`,
      assessment: {
        // Set the hashprefix and credentials hash.
        // Setting this will trigger the Password leak protection.
        privatePasswordLeakVerification: {
          lookupHashPrefix: lookupHashPrefix,
          encryptedUserCredentialsHash: encryptedUserCredentialsHash,

  // Send the create assessment request.
  const [response] = await client.createAssessment(createAssessmentRequest);

  // Get the reCAPTCHA Enterprise score.
  console.log(`The reCAPTCHA score is: ${response.riskAnalysis?.score}`);
  // Get the assessment name (id). Use this to annotate the assessment.
  console.log(`Assessment name: ${response.name}`);

  if (!response?.privatePasswordLeakVerification) {
    throw `Error in obtaining response from Private Password Leak Verification ${response}`;

  return response.privatePasswordLeakVerification;

checkPasswordLeak(projectId, username, password).catch(err => {
  process.exitCode = 1;


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