Class TargetChange (2.16.1)

TargetChange(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Targets being watched have changed.


Name Description
The type of change that occurred.
target_ids MutableSequence[int]
The target IDs of targets that have changed. If empty, the change applies to all targets. The order of the target IDs is not defined.
cause google.rpc.status_pb2.Status
The error that resulted in this change, if applicable.
resume_token bytes
A token that can be used to resume the stream for the given target_ids, or all targets if target_ids is empty. Not set on every target change.
read_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
The consistent read_time for the given target_ids (omitted when the target_ids are not at a consistent snapshot). The stream is guaranteed to send a read_time with target_ids empty whenever the entire stream reaches a new consistent snapshot. ADD, CURRENT, and RESET messages are guaranteed to (eventually) result in a new consistent snapshot (while NO_CHANGE and REMOVE messages are not). For a given stream, read_time is guaranteed to be monotonically increasing.




The type of change.

    This will be sent after or with a `read_time` that is
    greater than or equal to the time at which the targets were

    Listeners can wait for this change if read-after-write
    semantics are desired.
RESET (4):
    The targets have been reset, and a new initial state for the
    targets will be returned in subsequent changes.

    After the initial state is complete, `CURRENT` will be
    returned even if the target was previously indicated to be