Class SearchCatalogRequest (0.8.2)

Request message for SearchCatalog.

Required. The query string in search query syntax. The query must be non-empty. Query strings can be simple as “x” or more qualified as: - name:x - column:x - description:y Note: Query tokens need to have a minimum of 3 characters for substring matching to work correctly. See Data Catalog Search Syntax < to/search-reference>__ for more information.

Optional. Pagination token returned in an earlier [SearchCatal ogResponse.next_page_token][ CatalogResponse.next_page_token], which indicates that this is a continuation of a prior [SearchCatalogRequest][ datacatalog.v1.DataCatalog.SearchCatalog] call, and that the system should return the next page of data. If empty, the first page is returned.



The criteria that select the subspace used for query matching.

The list of project IDs to search within. To learn more about the distinction between project names/IDs/numbers, go to

Optional. The list of locations to search within. 1. If empty, search will be performed in all locations; 2. If any of the locations are NOT in the valid locations list, error will be returned; 3. Otherwise, search only the given locations for matching results. Typical usage is to leave this field empty. When a location is unreachable as returned in the SearchCatalogResponse.unreachable field, users can repeat the search request with this parameter set to get additional information on the error. Valid locations: * asia-east1 * asia-east2 * asia-northeast1 * asia-northeast2 * asia- northeast3 * asia-south1 * asia-southeast1 * australia- southeast1 * eu * europe-north1 * europe-west1 * europe- west2 * europe-west3 * europe-west4 * europe-west6 * global * northamerica-northeast1 * southamerica-east1 * us * us-central1 * us-east1 * us-east4 * us-west1 * us-west2