Class ConvexStopConfig (1.62.0)

ConvexStopConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration for ConvexStopPolicy.


Name Description
max_num_steps int
Steps used in predicting the final objective for early stopped trials. In general, it's set to be the same as the defined steps in training / tuning. When use_steps is false, this field is set to the maximum elapsed seconds.
min_num_steps int
Minimum number of steps for a trial to complete. Trials which do not have a measurement with num_steps > min_num_steps won't be considered for early stopping. It's ok to set it to 0, and a trial can be early stopped at any stage. By default, min_num_steps is set to be one-tenth of the max_num_steps. When use_steps is false, this field is set to the minimum elapsed seconds.
autoregressive_order int
The number of Trial measurements used in autoregressive model for value prediction. A trial won't be considered early stopping if has fewer measurement points.
learning_rate_parameter_name str
The hyper-parameter name used in the tuning job that stands for learning rate. Leave it blank if learning rate is not in a parameter in tuning. The learning_rate is used to estimate the objective value of the ongoing trial.
use_seconds bool
This bool determines whether or not the rule is applied based on elapsed_secs or steps. If use_seconds==false, the early stopping decision is made according to the predicted objective values according to the target steps. If use_seconds==true, elapsed_secs is used instead of steps. Also, in this case, the parameters max_num_steps and min_num_steps are overloaded to contain max_elapsed_seconds and min_elapsed_seconds.



ConvexStopConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration for ConvexStopPolicy.