Class PipelineTaskDetail (1.39.0)

PipelineTaskDetail(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The runtime detail of a task execution.


Name Description
task_id int
Output only. The system generated ID of the task.
parent_task_id int
Output only. The id of the parent task if the task is within a component scope. Empty if the task is at the root level.
task_name str
Output only. The user specified name of the task that is defined in pipeline_spec.
create_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. Task create time.
start_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. Task start time.
end_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. Task end time.
Output only. The detailed execution info.
Output only. State of the task.
Output only. The execution metadata of the task.
error google.rpc.status_pb2.Status
Output only. The error that occurred during task execution. Only populated when the task's state is FAILED or CANCELLED.
pipeline_task_status MutableSequence[]
Output only. A list of task status. This field keeps a record of task status evolving over time.
inputs MutableMapping[str,]
Output only. The runtime input artifacts of the task.
outputs MutableMapping[str,]
Output only. The runtime output artifacts of the task.



ArtifactList(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A list of artifact metadata.


InputsEntry(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The abstract base class for a message.

Name Description
kwargs dict

Keys and values corresponding to the fields of the message.

mapping Union[dict, .Message]

A dictionary or message to be used to determine the values for this message.

ignore_unknown_fields Optional(bool)

If True, do not raise errors for unknown fields. Only applied if mapping is a mapping type or there are keyword parameters.


OutputsEntry(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The abstract base class for a message.

Name Description
kwargs dict

Keys and values corresponding to the fields of the message.

mapping Union[dict, .Message]

A dictionary or message to be used to determine the values for this message.

ignore_unknown_fields Optional(bool)

If True, do not raise errors for unknown fields. Only applied if mapping is a mapping type or there are keyword parameters.


PipelineTaskStatus(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A single record of the task status.



Specifies state of TaskExecution

Values: STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unspecified. PENDING (1): Specifies pending state for the task. RUNNING (2): Specifies task is being executed. SUCCEEDED (3): Specifies task completed successfully. CANCEL_PENDING (4): Specifies Task cancel is in pending state. CANCELLING (5): Specifies task is being cancelled. CANCELLED (6): Specifies task was cancelled. FAILED (7): Specifies task failed. SKIPPED (8): Specifies task was skipped due to cache hit. NOT_TRIGGERED (9): Specifies that the task was not triggered because the task's trigger policy is not satisfied. The trigger policy is specified in the condition field of PipelineJob.pipeline_spec.



PipelineTaskDetail(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The runtime detail of a task execution.