Configure caching behavior

Media CDN serves content as close to users as possible by using Google's global edge caching infrastructure to cache content and reduce load on origin infrastructure.

You can control how content is cached for each route. This lets you optimize behavior based on the type of content, client request attributes, and your freshness requirements.


The following sections describe what responses Media CDN caches and how to improve cache offload.

Default caching behavior

By default, the following cache-related settings apply to each Edge Cache service:

  • Default cache mode of CACHE_ALL_STATIC:

    • Respects origin cache directives, such as Cache-Control or Expires, up to a configurable max TTL.
    • Caches static media types automatically with a default TTL of 3600s, if no origin cache directives are present.
    • Caches HTTP 200 and 206 status codes (negative caching is not enabled).
  • Does not cache responses that have no-store or private cache-control directives or that are otherwise uncacheable.

Responses that are not static content or that are missing valid cache directives are not cached unless caching is explicitly configured. To learn how to override the default behavior, see the documentation on cache modes .

The default behavior is equivalent to the following cdnPolicy. Routes without an explicit cdnPolicy configured behave as if they have the following configuration:

  defaultTtl: 3600s
    includeProtocol: false
    excludeHost: false
    excludeQueryString: false
  signedRequestMode: DISABLED
  negativeCaching: false

Cacheable responses

A cacheable response is an HTTP response that Media CDN can store and quickly retrieve, thus allowing for faster load times. Not all HTTP responses are cacheable.

You can configure cache modes for each route to override this behavior (for example, using the CACHE_ALL_STATIC cache mode to cache common media types) even if the origin does not set a cache control directive in the response.

Requests and responses that meet the criteria defined in uncacheable responses supersedes cacheability.

The following table describes the requirements to cache particular HTTP responses. Both GET and HEAD responses must adhere to these requirements.

HTTP attribute Requirements
Status code The response status code must be one of 200, 203, 206, 300, 301, 302, 307, 308, 400, 403, 404, 405, 410, 451, 500, 501, 502, 503, or 504.
HTTP methods GET and HEAD
Request headers Most caching request directives are ignored. For more information, see Cache control directives.
Response headers

Contains a valid HTTP caching directive such as Cache-Control: max-age=3600, public.

Has a cache mode that caches that content, or has an Expires header with a date in the future.

Response size Up to 100 GiB.

The HTTP Age header is set based on when Media CDN first cached the response, and typically represents the seconds since the object was cached at an origin shielding location. If your origin generates an Age response header, use the FORCE_CACHE_ALL cache mode to prevent revalidations when Age exceeds the cache TTL.

For more information about how Media CDN interprets HTTP caching directives, see Cache control directives.

Origin requirements

To allow Media CDN to cache origin responses larger than 1 MiB, an origin must include the following in the response headers for both HEAD and GET requests, unless specified otherwise:

  • A Last-Modified or ETag HTTP response header (a validator).
  • A valid HTTP Date header.
  • A valid Content-Length header.
  • The Content-Range response header, in response to a Range GET request. The Content-Range header must have a valid value in the form of bytes x-y/z (where z is the object size).

The default origin protocol is HTTP/2. If your origins only support HTTP/1.1, you can set the protocol field explicitly for each origin.

Uncacheable responses

The following table details the request and response attributes that prevent a response from being cached. Responses that are cacheable but that match "uncacheable" criteria aren't cached.

HTTP attribute Requirement
Status code

A status code other than those defined as cacheable, such as HTTP 401, HTTP 412, or HTTP 505.

These status codes are typically representative of client-facing issues and not origin status. Caching those responses can lead to "cache poisoning" scenarios where a user-triggered "bad" response is cached for all users.

Request headers

For requests with an Authorization request header, responses must include a public Cache-Control directive to be cached.

A no-store directive in the request causes the response not to be cached. For more information, see Cache control directives.

Response headers

Has a Set-Cookie header.

Has a Vary header other than Accept, Accept-Encoding, Origin, X-Origin, X-Goog-Allowed-Resources, Sec-Fetch-Dest, Sec-Fetch-Mode, or Sec-Fetch-Site.

In CACHE_ALL_STATIC or USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS mode, has a no-store or private cache control directive.

Response size Greater than 100 GiB.

These rules apply in addition to the configured cache mode. Specifically:

  • With the CACHE_ALL_STATIC cache mode configured, only responses that are considered static content or responses with valid cache directives in their response headers are cached. Other responses are proxied as is.
  • The FORCE_CACHE_ALL cache mode caches all responses unconditionally, subject to the uncacheability requirements stated earlier.
  • The USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS cache mode requires responses to set valid cache directives in their response headers in addition to being a cacheable status code.


  • Responses that are not cached don't have their cache control directives or other headers changed and are proxied as is.
  • Responses can have their Cache-Control and Expires headers collapsed into a single Cache-Control field. For example, a response with Cache-Control: public and Cache-Control: max-age=100 on separate lines would be collapsed as Cache-Control: public,max-age=100.
  • Uncacheable responses (responses that would never be cached) are not counted as Cache Egress from a billing perspective.

Using cache modes

Cache modes allow you to configure when Media CDN should respect origin cache directives, cache static media types, and cache all responses from the origin, regardless of the directives set.

Cache modes are configured at the route-level and, combined with TTL overrides, allow you to configure cache behavior by host, path, query parameters, and headers (any matchable request parameters).

  • By default, Media CDN uses the CACHE_ALL_STATIC cache mode, which automatically caches common static media types for 1 hour (3600 seconds), while prioritizing any cache directives specified by the origin for cacheable responses.
  • You can increase or decrease the cache TTL applied to responses without an explicit cache TTL set (a max-age or s-maxage directive) by setting the cdnPolicy.defaultTtl field on a route.
  • To prevent caching non-success responses for longer than intended, non-2xx (non-success) status codes are not cached according to their Content-Type (MIME type) and don't have the default TTL applied.

The available cache modes, which are set on the cdnPolicy.cacheMode of each route, are shown in the following table.

Cache mode Behavior
USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS Requires origin responses to set valid cache directives and valid caching headers. For a full list of requirements, see Cacheable responses.

Automatically caches successful responses with static content, unless they have a no-store or private directive. Valid caching directives from the origin are prioritized.

Static content includes video, audio, images, and common web assets as defined by the MIME type in the Content-Type response header.


Unconditionally caches successful responses, overriding any cache directives set by the origin.

Make sure not to serve private, per-user content (such as dynamic HTML or API responses) with this mode configured.


Any request that matches a route with this cache mode configured bypasses the cache, even if there is a cached object that matches that cache key.

We recommend using this only for debugging because Media CDN is designed as a planet-scale cache infrastructure and not a general purpose proxy.

Static content MIME types

The CACHE_ALL_STATIC cache mode allows Media CDN to automatically cache common static content such as video, audio, images, and common web assets based on the MIME type returned in the Content-Type HTTP response header. However, regardless of media type, Media CDN prioritizes any explicit Cache-Control or Expires headers in the origin response.

The following table lists the MIME types that can be cached automatically with the CACHE_ALL_STATIC cache mode.

Responses are not automatically cached if they don't have a Content-Type response header with a value that matches the following values. You must ensure that the response sets a valid cache directive, or you must use the FORCE_CACHE_ALL cache mode to unconditionally cache responses.

Category MIME types
Web assets text/css text/ecmascript text/javascript application/javascript
Fonts Any Content-Type matching font/*
Images Any Content-Type matching image/*
Videos Any Content-Type matching video/*
Audio Any Content-Type matching audio/*
Formatted document types application/pdf and application/postscript

Note the following:

  • Your origin's web server software must set the Content-Type for each response. Many web servers automatically set the Content-Type header, including NGINX, Varnish, and Apache.
  • Cloud Storage sets the Content-Type header automatically on upload when you use the Google Cloud console or the gcloud CLI to upload content.
  • Cloud Storage always provides a Cache-Control header to Media CDN. If no value is explicitly chosen, it sends a default value. As a result, all successful Cloud Storage responses are cached according to Cloud Storage default values, unless you explicitly adjust the cache control metadata for objects in Cloud Storage or use FORCE_CACHE_ALL mode to override the values sent by Cloud Storage.

If a response is cacheable based on its MIME type but has a Cache-Control response directive of private or no-store or a Set-Cookie header, it isn't cached.

Other media types, such as HTML (text/html) and JSON (application/json), are not cached by default. These types of responses are typically dynamic (per user), and are also not well suited for Media CDN's architecture. We recommend using Cloud CDN for serving web assets and for caching API responses.

Configure cache TTLs

Time to live (TTL) overrides let you set default TTL values for cached content and override TTL values set in the max-age and s-maxage cache control directives (or Expires headers) set by your origins.

TTLs, whether set by overrides or by using a cache directive, are optimistic. Content that is rarely accessed or unpopular might be evicted from the cache prior to the TTL being reached.

The following table shows three TTL settings.

Setting Default Minimum Maximum Description Applicable cache modes
Default TTL 1 hour
(3600 seconds)
0 seconds 1 year
(31,536,000 seconds)

The TTL to set when the origin has not specified a max-age or an s-maxage header.

If the origin specifies an s-maxage header, it is used instead of the default TTL value here.

When using FORCE_CACHE_ALL to unconditionally cache all responses, the default TTL is used to set the cache TTL. All other values and directives are ignored.



Max TTL 1 day
(86400 seconds)
0 seconds 1 year
(31,536,000 seconds)
For cacheable responses, the maximum TTL to allow. Values greater than this are capped at the value of maxTtl. CACHE_ALL_STATIC
Client TTL Not set by default. 0 seconds 1 day
(86400 seconds)
For cacheable responses, the maximum TTL to allow in the downstream (client-facing) response if this needs to be different from other TTL values.



Setting any TTL value to zero (0 seconds) causes every request to be revalidated with the origin before a response is served and increases load to the origin if set too broadly.

When the cache mode is set to Use Origin Headers, TTL settings cannot be configured because Media CDN relies on the origin to drive behavior.


  • The value for max TTL must always be greater than (or equal to) the value of default TTL.
  • The value for client TTL must always be smaller than (or equal to) the value of max TTL.
  • When Media CDN overrides an origin TTL value, the Cache-Control header to the client also reflects that value.
  • If the origin sets an Expires header and Media CDN overrides the effective TTL (based on the timestamp), the Expires header is replaced with a Cache-Control header in the downstream response to the client.

Negative caching

Negative caching defines how non-success HTTP status codes (those other than 2xx) are cached by Media CDN.

This lets you cache error responses such as redirects (HTTP 301 and 308) and not found (HTTP 404) responses closer to users, as well as reduce origin load more broadly if the response is unlikely to change and can be cached.

By default, negative caching is disabled. The following table shows the default values for each status code when negative caching is enabled and negativeCachingPolicy isn't used.

Status codes Reason-phrase TTL
HTTP 300 Multiple Choices 10 minutes
HTTP 301 and HTTP 308 Permanent Redirect 10 minutes
HTTP 404 Not Found 120 seconds
HTTP 405 Method Not Found 60 seconds
HTTP 410 Gone 120 seconds
HTTP 451 Unavailable for Legal Reasons 120 seconds
HTTP 501 Not Implemented 60 seconds

The default set of negative caching codes matches the heuristically cacheable status codes described in HTTP RFC 9110, with the following exceptions:

  • HTTP code 414 (URI Too Long) is not supported for caching, to avoid cache poisoning.
  • HTTP code 451 (Unavailable for Legal Reasons) is supported for caching, as described in HTTP RFC 7725.

If you need to configure your own per-status code TTLs, and override the default behavior, you can configure a cdnPolicy.negativeCachingPolicy. This lets you set the TTL for any of the status codes allowed by Media CDN: 300, 301, 302, 307, 308, 400, 403, 404, 405, 410, 451, 500, 501, 502, 503, and 504.

For example, to set a short, 5-second TTL for HTTP 404 (Not Found) responses, and a 10-second TTL for HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) responses, use the following YAML definition on each applicable route:

  negativeCaching: true
    "404": 5s
    "405": 10s
  # other status codes to apply TTLs for

To prevent cache poisoning, we don't recommend enabling caching for either status code 400 (Bad Request) or 403 (Forbidden). Ensure that your origin server returns either code as a result of examining only the components of the request that are included in the cache key. Cache poisoning can occur, for example, when the origin server responds with a 403 error response in the absence of a correct Authorization header. In this case, caching the 403 error response results in Media CDN serving the 403 error response to all subsequent requests until the TTL expires, even if the requests have a correct Authorization header.

To disable negative caching:

  • To disable the default negative caching behavior, set cdnPolicy.negativeCaching: false on a route. Note that origin responses with valid cache directives and cacheable status codes are still cached.
  • To prevent negative caching for a specific status code, but still respect origin cache directives, omit the status code (cdnPolicy.negativeCachingPolicy[].code) in your negativeCachingPolicy definition.
  • To explicitly ignore the origin cache directives for a specific status code, set cdnPolicy.negativeCachingPolicy[].ttl to 0 (zero) for that status code.


  • When negativeCaching is enabled on a route, and a response defines valid cache directives, the cache directives in the response take precedence.
  • If you configure an explicit negativeCachingPolicy, and there is a TTL defined for the given status code, the TTL defined in the policy is always used.
  • The maximum value for a TTL set by negativeCachingPolicy is 1800 seconds (30 minutes), but origin cache directives with a higher TTL are respected.
  • If the cache mode is configured as FORCE_CACHE_ALL, origin directives are ignored in all cases.

Cache control directives

Media CDN's behavior with respect to Cache-Control directives is defined here.

If the directive is not applicable to a request or response, such as only-if-cached (a client-only directive), then "N/A" is marked in that column.

Directive Request Response
no-cache The no-cache request directive is ignored to prevent clients from potentially initiating or forcing revalidation to the origin.

A response with no-cache is cached, but requires validation with the origin before it can be served.

This can be overridden on a per-route basis with the FORCE_CACHE_ALL cache mode.

no-store The response to a request with no-store isn't cached.

A response with no-store isn't cached.

This can be overridden on a per-route basis with the FORCE_CACHE_ALL cache mode.

public N/A

A response with the public directive is cached if the response is considered cacheable as a whole and the response has a max-age or an s-maxage directive as well.

When using the CACHE_ALL_STATIC cache or FORCE_CACHE_ALL modes, this is not required.

private N/A

A response with the private directive isn't cached by Media CDN, even if the response is otherwise considered cacheable. Clients (such as browsers) might still cache the result.

This can be overridden on a per-route basis with the FORCE_CACHE_ALL cache mode.

Use no-store to prevent all caching of responses.

max-age=SECONDS The max-age request directive is ignored. A cached response is returned as if this header was not included in the request. A response with the max-age directive is cached up to the defined SECONDS.
s-maxage=SECONDS N/A

A response with the s-maxage directive is cached up to the defined SECONDS.

If both max-age and s-maxage are present, s-maxage is used by the server.

Note that s-max-age (two hyphens) is not valid for the purposes of caching.

min-fresh=SECONDS The min-fresh request directive is ignored. A cached response is returned as if this header was not included in the request. N/A

The max-stale request directive is ignored.

A cached response is returned as if this header was not included in the request.

stale-while-revalidate=SECONDS N/A No effect. This is passed on to the client in the response.
stale-if-error=SECONDS The stale-if-error request directive is ignored. A cached response is returned as if this header was not included in the request. No effect. This is passed on to the client in the response.
must-revalidate N/A

A response with must-revalidate is revalidated with the origin server after it's expired.

proxy-revalidate N/A

A response with proxy-revalidate is revalidated with the origin server after it's expired.

immutable N/A No effect. This is passed on to the client in the response.
no-transform N/A No transforms are applied by Media CDN.
only-if-cached The only-if-cached request directive is ignored. A cached response is returned as if this header was not included in the request. N/A

Where possible, Media CDN is RFC-compliant (HTTP RFC 7234), but favors optimizing for cache offload and minimizing the impact that clients can have on hit rate and overall origin load.

For responses that use the HTTP/1.1 Expires header:

  • The value of the Expires header must be a valid HTTP-date as defined in RFC 7231
  • A date value in the past, an invalid date, or a value of 0 indicates that the content has already expired and requires revalidation.
  • Media CDN ignores the Expires header if a Cache-Control header is present in the response.

The HTTP/1.0 Pragma header, if present in a response, is ignored and passed through as-is to the client.

Cache keys

You can reduce the number of times Media CDN needs to contact your origin by considering what uniquely identifies a request, and removing components that might often change between requests. The set of request components are often referred to as a 'cache key'.

The following sections describe how to configure cache keys.

Cache key components

A cache key is the set of request parameters (such as the host, path, and query parameters) that a cached object is referenced by.

By default, cache keys for Edge Cache services include the request host, path and query parameters from the request, and are scoped to a specific EdgeCacheService.

Component Included by default? Details
Protocol No

Requests over HTTP and HTTPS reference the same cached object.

If you want to return the different responses to http: and https: requests, set cacheKeyPolicy.includeProtocol to true on the associated routes.

Host Yes

Different hosts don't reference the same cached objects.

If you have multiple hostnames directed at the same EdgeCacheService, and they are serving the same content, set cdnPolicy.excludeHost to true.

Path Yes Always included in the cache key and cannot be removed. The path is the minimum representation of an object in cache.
Query parameters Yes

If query parameters don't distinguish between different responses, set cacheKeyPolicy.excludeQueryString to true.

If only some query parameters should be included in a cache key, set includedQueryParameters or excludedQueryParameters, as appropriate.

Headers No

Set cacheKeyPolicy.includedHeaderNames with the names of headers to include in the cache key.

Specifying multiple headers that combine to have a large range of values (for example, the combined header values identify a single user) dramatically lowers the cache hit rate and can result in a higher eviction rate and reduced performance.

Cookies No

Set cacheKeyPolicy.includedCookieNames with the names of cookies to include in the cache key.

Specifying multiple cookies that combine to have a large range of values (for example, the combined cookie values identify a single user) dramatically lowers the cache hit rate and can result in a higher eviction rate and reduced performance.

Note the following:

  • Cache keys are not attached to a configured origin, allowing you to update an origin configuration (or replace the origin entirely) without risk of "flushing" the cache (for example, when migrating origin storage between providers).
  • Cache keys are constrained to an EdgeCacheService. Different EdgeCacheServices have different cache namespaces, which prevents you from accidentally caching objects between prod, staging, and other testing environments, even if the host, path, or other cache key components would match. Deleting an EdgeCacheService effectively invalidates all cached objects for that service.
  • Cache keys are not scoped to an individual route. Multiple routes might refer to the same cache key, especially if those routes match on components that are not included in the cache key, such as request headers or excluded parameters. This can be useful if you want multiple routes to share the same cache but return different response headers or CORS configuration.
  • Cache keys don't include URL rewrite configuration—for example, a cache key is based on the user-facing request and not the final "rewritten" request.
  • When signed requests are configured on a route, the signed attributes are not included in the cache key. The request is treated as if the (signed) query parameters or path component, starting with edge-cache-token and ending at the next path separator ("/"), are not part of the URL.

Include or exclude query parameters

You can include or exclude specific query parameters from a cache key by adding the parameter name to the includedQueryParameters or excludedQueryParameters cache key configuration on a given route.

For example, to include the contentID and country query parameters and ignore all others from the cache key:

  defaultTtl: 86400s
    includedQueryParameters: ["contentID", "country"]

Make sure to include the query parameters that uniquely identify content, and exclude those that don't. For example, exclude analytics query parameters, playback session IDs, or other parameters that are only unique to the client. Including more query parameters than necessary can decrease cache hit rates.

Alternatively, instead of specifying which parameters to include in the cache key, you can choose which parameters to exclude from the cache key. For example, to exclude client-specific playback ID and timestamp information from the cache key, configure the following:

  defaultTtl: 86400s
    excludedQueryParameters: ["playback-id", "timestamp"]

For a given route, you can specify one of includedQueryParameters or excludedQueryParameters.

If query parameters are never used to uniquely identify content across requests, you can remove all query parameters from the cache key for a route. Do this by setting excludeQueryString to true, as follows:

  defaultTtl: 3600s
    excludeQueryString: true

If Signed requests are enabled on a route, query parameters used for signing are not included in the query string, and are ignored if included. Including the signed parameters in the cache key effectively makes each user request unique, and requires that each request be served from the origin.

Query parameter sorting

Query parameters (query strings) are sorted by default to improve cache hit rates, because clients might re-order or otherwise request the same cached object with a different order of query parameters.

For example, the query parameters b=world&a=hello&z=zulu&p=paris and p=paris&a=hello&z=zulu&b=world are sorted as a=hello&b=world&p=paris&z=zulu before the cache key is derived. This allows both requests to map to the same cached object, avoiding an unnecessary request to (and response from) the origin.

If there are multiple instances of a query parameter key, each with distinct values, the parameters are sorted by their full value (for example, a=hello is sorted ahead of a=world). Sorting cannot be disabled.

Include headers

Header names are case-insensitive and are converted to lowercase by Media CDN.

The following headers cannot be included in the cache key:

  • Any header starting with access-control-
  • Any header starting with sec-fetch-
  • accept-encoding
  • accept
  • authorization
  • connection
  • content-md5
  • content-type
  • cookie
  • date
  • forwarded
  • from
  • host
  • if-match
  • if-modified-since
  • if-none-match
  • origin
  • proxy-authorization
  • range
  • referer
  • referrer
  • user-agent
  • want-digest
  • x-csrf-token
  • x-csrftoken
  • x-forwarded-for

To include the HTTP method in the cache key, use the special header name :method.

Include cookies

Cookie names are case-sensitive.

Cookies starting with edge-cache- in any variation of uppercase or lowercase letters cannot be used in the cache key.

Revalidation, eviction, and expiry

Content delivery networks, including Media CDN, operate by caching the most popular content as close to users as possible.

Media CDN's extensive storage, as well as origin shielding, limits the need to evict even unpopular content. Content that is accessed a small number of times per day might eventually be evicted.

  • Cached responses that reach their configured TTL might not be immediately evicted. For popular content, Media CDN revalidates that the cached response is the latest version by issuing a HEAD request to the origin to confirm that the headers have not changed. Under some circumstances, Media CDN instead sends a request to the origin with either or both of these request headers: If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since. In this case, correctly configured origins should return an HTTP 304 (Not Modified) response, without the body bytes, if the cache has the "latest" copy of that response.
  • Responses that set a max-age or an s-maxage cache directive or that use a TTL override to specify a high TTL value (for example, 30 days) might not be stored in cache for the full TTL. There is no guarantee that an object is stored in the cache for the full duration, especially if it is infrequently accessed.

If you are seeing a high rate of evictions, you should ensure that you have configured your cache keys to exclude parameters that don't uniquely identify a response.

Other considerations

The following considerations might also apply with regard to caching.

Vary headers

The Vary header indicates that the response varies depending on the client's request headers. If a Vary header is present in the response, Media CDN doesn't cache it, unless the header specifies either one of the headers that are configured as a cache key setting or one of the following values:

  • Accept: used to indicate which media types the client accepts
  • Accept-Encoding: used to indicate which compression types the client accepts
  • Available-Dictionary: used to provide the hash of an available dictionary for compression
  • Origin/X-Origin: typically used for cross-origin resource sharing
  • X-Goog-Allowed-Resources: supports Google Cloud organization restriction
  • Sec-Fetch-Dest/Sec-Fetch-Mode/Sec-Fetch-Site: used to fetch metadata request headers

Media CDN caches responses with a Vary header in the response by using the value of the header as part of the cache key. If the Vary header in the response has multiple values, they are sorted lexicographically to ensure that the cache key is deterministic.

Media CDN caches up to 100 variants for a given cache key and randomly evicts variants from the cache beyond that limit. When explicitly invalidating the cache for a given URL or cache tag, all variants are invalidated.

Bypass the cache

You can configure the BYPASS_CACHE cache mode on a route to intentionally bypass the cache on matching requests. This can be useful if you need to bypass the cache for a small fraction of non-critical traffic, or debug origin connectivity.

For cases where you need to serve dynamic responses, such as API backends, we recommend configuring an external Application Load Balancer.

It is recommended that you generally limit use of this to debugging scenarios, to avoid unintentional origin load. Traffic egressed when bypassing the cache is priced at internet egress rates.

Cache invalidation

See cache invalidation.

Byte-range requests

Media CDN supports single-part HTTP range requests as defined in RFC 7233.

In addition, Media CDN also uses range requests to fetch larger responses from the origin. This allows Media CDN to cache chunks individually, and does not require the entire object to be fetched at one time to be cached.

  • Objects larger than 1 MiB are fetched as byte range requests ("chunks") of up to 2 MiB each.
  • Responses up to 1 MiB can be fetched without support for byte ranges at the origin.
  • Responses larger than this aren't served if byte ranges are not supported on the origin.

Origin support for byte range requests is determined by the following:

  • An HTTP status code of 200 (OK) or 206 (Partial Content).
  • A valid Content-Length or Content-Range response header.
  • A response validator (ETag or Last-Modified).

Individual origin fill requests for each "chunk" (byte range) are logged as discrete log entries and associated with their parent client request. You can group these requests by matching requests on the jsonPayload.cacheKeyFingerprint.

For more details about what is logged, see the Cloud Logging documentation.

Open-ended range requests

Media CDN supports "open ended" Range requests (for example, a request with Range: bytes=0-) that keep a request open against the origin until the response is closed by the origin (for example, the origin writes all bytes to the wire) or times out.

Open-ended byte ranges are typically used by clients requesting Apple's Low-Latency HLS segments: as each CMAF chunk is written to the wire, the CDN can cache and deliver that chunk to clients.

In other cases, such as when interoperability with DASH is not required, the media playlist indicates to the player which bytes represent each chunk:


You can configure how long Media CDN waits between reads by using the EdgeCacheOrigin.timeouts.readTimeout configuration value. This should typically be configured to a multiple (for example, 2x) of your target duration.

What's next