Configure SSL (TLS) certificates

After you have created a Media CDN service (or services), you can issue and attach SSL (TLS) certificates to support secure connectivity in browsers and mobile applications.

Issue a managed certificate

To create a managed certificate and attach it to your Media CDN service, you must do the following:

  1. Demonstrate ownership ("authorization") of the domains that you want to issue certificates for by creating a challenge token and adding a DNS record.
  2. Create a certificate of type EDGE_CACHE with one or more domain names based on that authorization.
  3. Attach that certificate to one or more Edge Cache services.

You must have the following Identity and Access Management permissions to authorize, create, and attach certificates to an Edge Cache service:

  • certificatemanager.certs.create
  • certificatemanager.certs.get
  • certificatemanager.certs.list
  • certificatemanager.certs.use
  • certificatemanager.dnsauthorizations.create
  • certificatemanager.dnsauthorizations.get
  • certificatemanager.dnsauthorizations.list
  • certificatemanager.dnsauthorizations.use

Users who need to attach an existing certificate to an Media CDN service require the certificatemanager.certs.get, certificatemanager.certs.list, and certificatemanager.certs.use IAM permissions.

Before you begin

Create a DNS authorization

First, you must create a DNS authorization to demonstrate ownership of the domain before you can issue certificates for it. The DNS authorization uses the DNS-01 ACME challenge, and lets you issue a certificate before directing user-facing traffic to your Edge Cache service.

Set the value of domain to the domain name you intend to create a certificate for, as follows:

Use the gcloud certificate-manager dns-authorizations command:

gcloud certificate-manager dns-authorizations create DOMAIN_NAME_AUTH \
gcloud certificate-manager dns-authorizations describe DOMAIN_NAME_AUTH

The gcloud CLI returns a response with the details of the DNS record that you need to add.

createTime: '2022-01-14T13:35:00.258409106Z'
  type: CNAME
name: projects/myProject/locations/global/dnsAuthorizations/myAuthorization
updateTime: '2022-01-14T13:35:01.571086137Z'
resource "google_certificate_manager_dns_authorization" "default" {
  name        = "example-dns-auth"
  description = "example dns authorization "
  domain      = ""

If you are using Cloud DNS for your domain, see the steps for adding a new record to your hosted domain. If you are using another DNS provider, consult their documentation for adding a CNAME record.

  • You can repeat this step for each domain you need to issue a certificate for.
  • Certificates can contain multiple domains, or you can choose to issue a certificate per domain, as needed. After you have an authorization for a domain, you can use it to issue certificates.
  • We recommend creating fewer total certificates, each with all of the domain names used for your service. This improves client performance when using multiple domains because clients can benefit from TLS resumption more often.
  • Each Edge Cache service can reference up to five certificates. By issuing fewer certificates, you can stay within this limit.

If you need to retrieve the DNS record values at a later date, make a request for the authorizationName that you provided when creating the DNS authorization:

Create a certificate

After you have added the DNS record demonstrating ownership of the domain(s) you want to create a certificate for, you can issue a certificate creation request.

The list of dnsAuthorizations must match the names of existing authorizations you created earlier in the process. If you want to add multiple domains to the same certificate, provide a list of domains[] and matching dnsAuthorizations[] when making the request.

To create a certificate using an authorization for called test-example-com:

Use the gcloud certificate-manager certificates command:

gcloud certificate-manager certificates create CERTIFICATE_NAME \
    --domains="DOMAIN_NAME" \
    --dns-authorizations="DOMAIN_NAME_AUTH" \

This creates a certificate with each DNS authorization in theAUTHORIZING state and the certificate in the PROVISIONING state:

Create request issued for: [DOMAIN_NAME]
Waiting for operation [projects/my-project/locations/global/operations/operatio
n-1613425627385-5bb66ed644e91-3e2a2f1f-71979cf8] to complete...done.
Created certificate [CERTIFICATE_NAME].
resource "google_certificate_manager_certificate" "default" {
  name        = "example-dns-cert"
  description = "example dns certificate"
  scope       = "EDGE_CACHE"
  managed {
    domains = [
    dns_authorizations = [,

It might take a few minutes (and up to an hour) for the certificate creation to complete, depending on the following:

  • How fast your DNS provider propagates configuration changes.
  • How many domains you are attempting to validate and create certificates for.

The state field displays the current status of the certificate:

  • PROVISIONING - the certificate is still being provisioned. This is likely because the certificate creation request was only recently made.
  • FAILED - returned after multiple attempts to validate the domain or issue the certificate. For details, see the provisioning_issue, authorization_attempt_info and failure_reason fields.
  • ACTIVE - the domain was successfully validated and the certificate has been provisioned.

To check the status of the certificate:

Use the gcloud certificate-manager certificates command:

gcloud certificate-manager certificates describe CERTIFICATE_NAME

In this example, the DNS authorization is AUTHORIZED and the certificate state is ACTIVE:

createTime: '2021-02-07T20:03:39.867762684Z'
expireTime: '2021-03-09T19:20:41Z'
  - domain: DOMAIN_NAME
    state: AUTHORIZED
  - projects/111111111111/locations/global/dnsAuthorizations/test-example-com
  state: ACTIVE
name: projects/my-project/locations/global/certificates/test-example-com
updateTime: '2021-02-07T20:03:40.297242738Z'

After the certificate is ACTIVE, you can attach it to an Edge Cache service.

Attach a certificate to a service

After you have created a managed certificate, you can associate it with one or more of your Edge Cache services. Certificates can be attached to both existing and new services by updating the list of edgeSslCertificates in the service.

You must have the following IAM permissions to attach certificates to an Edge Cache service:

  • certificatemanager.certs.get
  • certificatemanager.certs.list
  • certificatemanager.certs.use
  • networkservices.edgeCacheServices.get
  • networkservices.edgeCacheServices.list
  • networkservices.edgeCacheServices.update

To attach a certificate to a service, complete the following steps.

Run the gcloud edge-cache services export command to export your service's YAML file:

gcloud edge-cache services export MY_SERVICE \

Edit the exported YAML file to add your certificate:

- projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/certificates/CERTIFICATE_NAME

Run the gcloud edge-cache services import command:

gcloud edge-cache services import MY_SERVICE \


Request issued for: [MY_SERVICE]
Updated service [MY_SERVICE]

The command returns a description of your service, including the list of edgeSslCertificates now attached:

  name: MY_SERVICE
  - projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/certificates/CERTIFICATE_NAME

After you update the configuration, the certificate propagates to all edge locations within minutes. To test that the certificate is associated with your Edge Cache service before making DNS changes, you can issue a request against the IPv4 or IPv6 address associated with your service.

Replace and remove certificates

Certificates can be added and removed by updating the list of certificates.

When using the gcloud CLI's --edge-ssl-certificate flag, certificates are only appended to the list of existing certificates, and not replaced. This prevents you from accidentally removing a valid, active certificate accidentally.

To remove the test-example-com certificate from our service in the following example, you can export your service to YAML using the import and export commands

  name: my-service
  - projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/certificates/test-example-com
  - projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/certificates/CERTIFICATE_NAME

The following commands show how to export the service, remove the certificate reference, and import the updated service.

Use the gcloud edge-cache services command:

gcloud edge-cache services export MY_SERVICE --destination=my-service.yaml
Exported [projects/my-project/locations/global/edgeCacheServices/MY_SERVICE] to 'my-service.yaml'.

Remove the certificates you no longer want the service to use by using your preferred text editor:

  name: MY_SERVICE
  - projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/certificates/CERTIFICATE_NAME

Save the modified file, and then import the updated service:

Use the gcloud edge-cache services command:

gcloud edge-cache services import MY_SERVICE --source=my-service.yaml
Request issued for: [MY_SERVICE]
Updated service [MY_SERVICE].

There is no limit to the number of services a certificate can be associated with, and each Edge Cache service can reference up to five certificates.

Self-managed certificates

You can upload your own certificates to Media CDN if you have specific use-cases that require it.

To upload a certificate and its associated key to Certificate Manager:

Use the gcloud certificate-manager certificates command. Make sure you specify --scope=EDGE_CACHE for certificates associated with Media CDN.

gcloud certificate-manager certificates create stream-example-com \
    --certificate-file=CERT.pem \
    --private-key-file=PRIVATE_KEY.pem \
Create request issued for: [stream-example-com]
Created certificate [stream-example-com].

After the certificate has been uploaded, you can attach it to an EdgeCacheService as you would a managed certificate.

Troubleshoot certificate issuance

See the troubleshooting guide on how to resolve common certificate authorization and issuance errors.

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