Configure an origin

You can configure origins for Media CDN in many ways. This page shows you how to configure origins.

Configure a Cloud Storage bucket as an origin

Media CDN supports Cloud Storage buckets as backends for content. Each service can reference multiple buckets by configuring routes for host, paths, and other request attributes.

Cloud Storage buckets are configured by using the bucket URL, such as gs://my-bucket, as the origin address when creating an origin resource.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Media CDN Origins page.

    Go to Origins

  2. Click Create origin.

  3. Enter a name for the origin. For example: cloud-storage-origin.

  4. Optional: Enter a description.

  5. For the Origin address, choose Select a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

  6. Browse to your Cloud Storage bucket and select it.

  7. For Cloud Storage, retain the default protocol and port settings.

  8. Optional: For origin request header overrides to take precedence over headers sent by the client or manipulated by route-level header actions, do the following:

    1. Select Enable origin override.
    2. In the Headers section, specify headers by adding one or more name-value pairs.
  9. Optional: Select a failover origin to try in case this origin becomes unreachable. You can update this field later.

  10. Select redirect conditions.

  11. Select retry conditions.

  12. For Max attempts, select the maximum number of attempts to fill cache from this origin.

  13. Optional: Specify the following timeout values:

    1. For Connect timeout, select the maximum duration to wait for the origin connection to be established.
    2. For Response timeout, select the maximum duration to allow for a response to complete.
    3. For Read timeout, select the maximum duration to wait between reads of a single HTTP connection or stream.
  14. Optional: Click Add label and specify one or more key-value pairs.

  15. Click Create origin.


Use the gcloud edge-cache origins create command:

gcloud edge-cache origins create ORIGIN \

Replace the following:

  • ORIGIN: the name of the new origin
  • ADDRESS: the bucket name—for example, gs://my-bucket

This is the same whether the bucket is multi-regional, dual-region, or regional.

When configuring a service, you can route your video-on-demand content to one bucket and live streaming content to a second bucket. This is useful if you have different teams managing each workflow. To reduce cache fill latency, you can similarly route the region to a multiregional Cloud Storage bucket located in the EU and the region (or match on path, header, or query parameter) to a US-based storage bucket.

Media CDN buckets.
Media CDN buckets (click to enlarge).

For cases where write latency is critical, such as low-latency live streaming, you can configure a regional Cloud Storage endpoint as close to your users as possible.

Authenticate requests

To confirm that a request is coming from Media CDN, use one of the following supported approaches:

  • Validate that the connecting IP address is from Media CDN's cache fill ranges. These ranges are shared across all customers, but are always used by EdgeCacheService resources when connecting to an origin.
  • Add a custom request header with a token value that you validate on the origin (for example, a random 16-byte value). Your origin can then reject requests that don't include this value.

Configure an origin protocol

For origins that support only HTTPS (HTTP/1.1 over TLS) or HTTP/1.1 (without TLS), set the protocol field explicitly by doing the following:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Media CDN Origins page.

    Go to Origins

  2. Select your origin and click Edit.

  3. For the protocol, select HTTPS or HTTP. For HTTP, also specify the port as 80.

  4. Click Update origin.


Use the gcloud edge-cache origins update command:

gcloud edge-cache origins update LEGACY_ORIGIN \

If your origin supports HTTP/2, you don't need to explicitly set the protocol.

Configure private Cloud Storage buckets

Media CDN can pull content from any internet-reachable HTTP or HTTPS endpoint. In some cases, you might want to require authentication, in order to only allow Media CDN to pull content, and prevent unauthorized access. Cloud Storage supports this through IAM permissions.

For Cloud Storage origins, do the following:

  • Grant the Media CDN service account the objectViewer IAM permission on the Cloud Storage buckets you are using as your origins.
  • Remove the allUsers permission.
  • Optional: Remove the allAuthenticatedUsers permission.

To change permissions of a Cloud Storage bucket, you need the Storage Admin IAM role.

The Media CDN service account is owned by the Media CDN project, and it won't appear in your project's list of service accounts.

The service account has the following format, and grants access only to Media CDN resources in the projects that you explicitly allow.

To grant Media CDN access to a bucket, grant the objectViewer role to the service account:

gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://BUCKET \ \

Use the gcloud storage buckets remove-iam-policy-binding command to remove permissions granted to the allUsers role for the given bucket. For example, if the bucket grants allUsers the objectViewer role, remove the grant using the following command:

gcloud storage buckets remove-iam-policy-binding gs://BUCKET \
--member=allUsers --role=roles/storage.objectViewer

To validate that public access has been removed, open an incognito browser window and attempt to access a bucket object by using

To allow EdgeCacheService resources within one project access to a Cloud Storage bucket in another project, you can grant the Media CDN service account in that project access to the storage bucket.

To do so, ensure that PROJECT_NUM in is the project number of the project with the EdgeCacheService resources that need access. You can repeat this for multiple projects, especially if some of them house different Media CDN environments (such as development, staging, or production) and a separate project contains your video or media assets.

You can protect access to your Cloud Storage origin without enabling signed requests for that route.

Configuring private Cloud Storage doesn't prevent your cached content from being directly accessed from Media CDN. For information about how you can issue signed requests to individual users, see signed requests.

Configure an external Application Load Balancer as an origin

If you require active health-checking, round-robin, or load-aware steering across Compute Engine, GKE, or on-premises origins, you can configure an external Application Load Balancer as an origin.

This lets you configure (for example) your live streaming packagers behind Media CDN or a group of Envoy proxies managed by Cloud Service Mesh for connecting back to your on-premises infrastructure.

Load balancers let you configure backends for the following:

An architecture that combines an external Application Load Balancer origin for serving video manifests and a Cloud Storage origin for segment storage resembles the following, with two origins mapped to different routes.

Edge cache deployment.
Edge cache deployment (click to enlarge).

To configure an external Application Load Balancer as an origin, you need to create an origin resource with the IP address or public hostname pointing to your load balancer's forwarding rules. A public hostname (domain name) is preferred, because this is required for an SSL (TLS) certificate and for modern HTTP versions (HTTP/2 and HTTP/3).

You must also ensure the following:

  • Your load balancer has a route that matches the hostname used for your EdgeCacheService resource or that you have configured a urlRewrite.hostRewrite for routes where your load balancer is configured as the origin.
  • Your load balancer has a publicly trusted SSL (TLS) certificate configured for these hostnames.

For example, if the public domain name pointed at your load balancer's forwarding rule is, then you need to create an origin with the originAddress set to this name.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Media CDN Origins page.

    Go to Origins

  2. Click Create origin.

  3. Enter a name for the origin. For example: load-balancer-origin.

  4. Optional: Enter a description.

  5. For the Origin address, choose Specify a FQDN or IP address.

  6. Enter the FQDN or IP address for your Google Cloud load balancer.

  7. Optional: Select a failover origin to try in case this origin becomes unreachable. You can update this field later.

  8. Select retry conditions.

  9. For Max attempts, select the maximum number of attempts to fill cache from this origin.

  10. Optional: Specify the following timeout values:

    1. For Connect timeout, select the maximum duration to wait for the origin connection to be established.
    2. For Response timeout, select the maximum duration to allow for a response to complete.
    3. For Read timeout, select the maximum duration to wait between reads of a single HTTP connection or stream.
  11. Optional: Click Add label and specify one or more key-value pairs.

  12. Click Create origin.


Use the gcloud edge-cache origins create command:

gcloud edge-cache origins create LB_ORIGIN \

Replace the following:

  • LB_ORIGIN: the name of the origin
  • LB_ADDRESS: the FQDN or IP address—for example,

If you are using the IP address of your forwarding rule as the origin address, or you don't have an SSL certificate attached to your load balancer, you can set the protocol to HTTP to fall back to unencrypted connections. We recommend that you do this only for development or testing.

Configure origin failover

The following sections show you how to configure origin failover behavior.

Origin failover without redirect following

The following is a basic failover EdgeCacheOrigin configuration:


Media CDN retries the route's primary origin a maximum of three times before attempting a failover origin. In this configuration, after trying the primary origin three times, Media CDN attempts a single request against the FAILOVER_ORIGIN. If the failover origin also fails to respond successfully, then Media CDN returns either the entire origin response or, if no status code is received, an HTTP 502 Bad Gateway response.

Cache fill latency increases with the number of retries and failover events. Increasing the origin timeout values (such as connectTimeout) further impacts cache fill latency because it increases the time spent waiting for an overloaded or busy origin server to respond.

The following example demonstrates a configuration that sends fill requests to MY_ORIGIN. The configuration causes Media CDN to retry on connection errors (such as DNS, TCP, or TLS errors), HTTP 5xx responses from the origin, or HTTP 404 Not Found. After two attempts, it fails over to FAILOVER_ORIGIN.

A total maximum of four attempts are made across your configured origins: the original attempt plus up to three retry attempts. You can configure a maxAttempts value per origin to determine how many retries are made before attempting to fail over.

originAddress: DOMAIN_NAME
maxAttempts: 2 # the number of attempts to make before trying the failoverOrigin
failoverOrigin: FAILOVER_ORIGIN
# what conditions trigger a retry or failover
- HTTP_5xx # any HTTP 5xx response
- NOT_FOUND # retry on a HTTP 404
  maxAttemptsTimeout: 10s # set a deadline for all retries and failover

Origin failover with redirect following

For example, suppose that you have configured the following EdgeCacheOrigin resources and that your EdgeCacheService resource's routes are configured to use PrimaryOrigin for cache fill:

name: PrimaryOrigin
originAddress: ""
maxAttempts: 2
failoverOrigin: "SecondaryOrigin"
retryConditions: [CONNECT_FAILURE]
  redirectConditions: [FOUND, TEMPORARY_REDIRECT]
name: SecondaryOrigin
originAddress: ""
maxAttempts: 3
  redirectConditions: [FOUND, TEMPORARY_REDIRECT]

In this example, when Media CDN performs a cache fill, Media CDN reads the configuration of the PrimaryOrigin and responds accordingly.

Suppose that Media CDN connects to as attempt #1 to contact the origin. If returns a successful response, Media CDN uses that response for the cache fill.

Suppose now that returns an HTTP 302 Found Redirect to Location: Then as attempt #2 to contact the origin, Media CDN follows the redirect to In this case, Media CDN does the following:

  • If returns a successful response, Media CDN uses that response for the cache fill.
  • If returns a redirect or a failure response, Media CDN fails over to the configured SecondaryOrigin. This is because, in this example, PrimaryOrigin is configured for two maxAttempts.

If Media CDN fails over to SecondaryOrigin, Media CDN uses the SecondaryOrigin configuration and attempts to connect to This is attempt #1 to contact the origin, and attempt #3 overall.

In this case, Media CDN does the following:

  • If returns a successful response, Media CDN uses that response for the cache fill.
  • If returns an HTTP 302 Found Redirect to Location:, Media CDN attempts to contact In this example, this is attempt #2 for SecondaryOrigin and attempt #4 overall.

If the attempt to contact returns a successful response, Media CDN uses that response for the cache fill. If the attempt returns a redirect that Media CDN is configured to follow, Media CDN returns an HTTP 502 Bad Gateway error because it has exhausted the maximum attempts to contact an origin. Media CDN makes at most four attempts across all origins, regardless of EdgeCacheOrigin configurations. Lastly, if Media CDN fails to contact, Media CDN returns either a 504 Gateway Timeout response or a 502 Bad Gateway response.

If you require health checking, round-robin, or load-aware steering across origins, you can configure an external Application Load Balancer as a primary origin.

Configure following origin redirects

Media CDN supports following redirects returned by your origin internally during cache fill, rather than returning redirect responses directly to the client. When Media CDN is configured to follow origin redirects, Media CDN retrieves content from the redirect location before caching and returning the redirected response to the client. Media CDN follows redirects across domains.

As a best practice, configure origin redirection only for origins that you trust and control. Ensure that you trust every origin in a redirect chain because each origin produces content that is served by your EdgeCacheService.

To enable following origin redirects, add the following configuration to your EdgeCacheOrigin resource:

originAddress: "DOMAIN_NAME"
maxAttempts: 2
  redirectConditions: [FOUND, TEMPORARY_REDIRECT]

Media CDN uses the protocol specified in the redirects to reach all servers. Ensure that all servers that Media CDN might be redirected to support your required protocols. In particular, if the protocol is set to HTTPS, HTTP/2, or HTTP/3, Media CDN doesn't fall back to HTTP/1.1 connections to follow insecure redirects. The host header sent to the redirected origin matches the redirected URL. Media CDN follows a single redirect per EdgeCacheOrigin attempt before returning the final response or evaluating retry or failover conditions.

The redirectConditions setting specifies which HTTP response codes cause Media CDN to follow a redirect for each origin.

Condition Description
MOVED_PERMANENTLY Follow redirect for response code HTTP 301
FOUND Follow redirect for response code HTTP 302
SEE_OTHER Follow redirect for response code HTTP 303
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT Follow redirect for response code HTTP 307
PERMANENT_REDIRECT Follow redirect for response code HTTP 308

Configure origin-specific host rewrites or header modifications

If your origin requires an origin-specific host rewrite or header modification, use the following originOverrideAction configuration example to set them:

    hostRewrite: "FAILOVER_ORIGIN_HOST"
    - headerName: "Authorization"
      headerValue: "AUTH-KEY"
      replace: true

The originOverrideAction.hostRewrite setting takes precedence over any existing header rewrites configured on routes that point to this origin.

You can use requestHeadersToAdd unique, per-origin headers requested by that particular origin. A common use case adds static Authorization headers. Because these header manipulations are run during the origin request, headers added per origin either replace or append to existing headers of the same field name. By default, Media CDN appends to existing headers. To replace existing headers, set headerAction.replace to true.

For information about how to set request headers per route, see Set custom headers.

Troubleshooting origins

If an origin isn't behaving as expected, check how to troubleshoot origins.

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