Configure the Ops Agent

This document provides details about the Ops Agent's default and custom configurations. Read this document if any of the following applies to you:

Configuration model

The Ops Agent uses a built-in default configuration; you can't directly modify this built-in configuration. Instead, you create a file of overrides that are merged with the built-in configuration when the agent restarts.

The building blocks of the configuration are as follows:

  • receivers: This element describes what is collected by the agent.
  • processors: This element describes how the agent can modify the collected information.
  • service: This element links receivers and processors together to create data flows, called pipelines. The service element contains a pipelines element, which can contain multiple pipelines.

The built-in configuration is made up of these elements, and you use the same elements to override that built-in configuration.

Built-in configuration

The built-in configuration for the Ops Agent defines the default collection for logs and metrics. The following shows the built-in configuration for Linux and for Windows:


By default, the Ops Agent collects file-based syslog logs and host metrics.

For more information about the metrics collected, see Metrics ingested by the receivers.

      type: files
      - /var/log/messages
      - /var/log/syslog
        receivers: [syslog]
      type: hostmetrics
      collection_interval: 60s
      type: exclude_metrics
      metrics_pattern: []
        receivers: [hostmetrics]
        processors: [metrics_filter]


By default, the Ops Agent collects Windows event logs from System, Application, and Security channels, as well as host metrics, IIS metrics, and SQL Server metrics.

For more information about the metrics collected, see Metrics ingested by the receivers.

      type: windows_event_log
      channels: [System, Application, Security]
        receivers: [windows_event_log]
      type: hostmetrics
      collection_interval: 60s
      type: iis
      collection_interval: 60s
      type: mssql
      collection_interval: 60s
      type: exclude_metrics
      metrics_pattern: []
        receivers: [hostmetrics, iis, mssql]
        processors: [metrics_filter]

These configurations are discussed in more detail in Logging configuration and Metrics configuration.

User-specified configuration

To override the built-in configuration, you add new configuration elements to the user configuration file. Put your configuration for the Ops Agent in the following files:

  • For Linux: /etc/google-cloud-ops-agent/config.yaml
  • For Windows: C:\Program Files\Google\Cloud Operations\Ops Agent\config\config.yaml

Any user-specified configuration is merged with the built-in configuration when the agent restarts.

To override a built-in receiver, processor, or pipeline, redefine it in your config.yaml file by declaring it with the same identifier. Starting with Ops Agent version 2.31.0, you can also configure the agent's log-rotation feature; for more information, see Configure log rotation in the Ops Agent.

For example, the built-in configuration for metrics includes a hostmetrics receiver that specifies a 60-second collection interval. To change the collection interval for host metrics to 30 seconds, include a metrics receiver called hostmetrics in your config.yaml file that sets the collection_interval value to 30 seconds, as shown in the following example:

      type: hostmetrics
      collection_interval: 30s

For other examples of changing the built-in configurations, see Logging configuration and Metrics configuration. You can also turn off the collection of logging or metric data. These changes are described in the example logging service configurations and metrics service configurations.

You can use this file to prevent the agent from collecting self logs and sending those logs to Cloud Logging. For more information, see Collection of self logs.

You also configure the agent's log-rotation feature by using this file; for more information, see Configure log rotation in the Ops Agent.

You can't configure the Ops Agent to export logs or metrics to services other than Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring.

Logging configurations

The logging configuration uses the configuration model described previously:

  • receivers: This element describes the data to collect from log files; this data is mapped into a <timestamp, record> model.
  • processors: This optional element describes how the agent can modify the collected information.
  • service: This element links receivers and processors together to create data flows, called pipelines. The service element contains a pipelines element, which can include multiple pipeline definitions.

Each receiver and each processor can be used in multiple pipelines.

The following sections describe each of these elements.

The Ops Agent sends logs to Cloud Logging. You can't configure it to export logs to other services. You can, however, configure Cloud Logging to export logs; for more information, see Route logs to supported destinations.

Logging receivers

The receivers element contains a set of receivers, each identified by a RECEIVER_ID. A receiver describes how to retrieve the logs; for example, by tailing files, by using a TCP port, or from the Windows Event Log.

Structure of logging receivers

Each receiver must have an identifier, RECEIVER_ID, and include a type element. The valid types are:

  • files: Collect logs by tailing files on disk.
  • fluent_forward (Ops Agent versions 2.12.0 and later): Collect logs sent via the Fluent Forward protocol over TCP.
  • tcp (Ops Agent versions 2.3.0 and later): Collect logs in JSON format by listening to a TCP port.
  • Linux only:
    • syslog: Collect Syslog messages over TCP or UDP.
    • systemd_journald (Ops Agent versions 2.4.0 and later): Collect systemd journal logs from the systemd-journald service.
  • Windows only:
    • windows_event_log: Collect Windows Event Logs using the Windows Event Log API.
  • Third-party application log receivers

The receivers structure looks like the following:

    type: files
    type: syslog

Depending on the value of the type element, there might be other configuration options, as follows:

  • files receivers:

    • include_paths: Required. A list of filesystem paths to read by tailing each file. A wildcard (*) can be used in the paths; for example, /var/log/*.log (Linux) or C:\logs\*.log (Windows).

      For a list of common Linux application log files, see Common Linux log files.

    • exclude_paths: Optional. A list of filesystem path patterns to exclude from the set matched by include_paths.

    • record_log_file_path: Optional. If set to true, then the path to the specific file from which the log record was obtained appears in the output log entry as the value of the label. When using a wildcard, only the path of the file from which the record was obtained is recorded.

    • wildcard_refresh_interval: Optional. The interval at which wildcard file paths in include_paths are refreshed. Given as a time duration, for example, 30s, 2m. This property might be useful under high logging throughputs where log files are rotated faster than the default interval. If not specified, the default interval is 60 seconds.

  • fluent_forward receivers:

    • listen_host: Optional. An IP address to listen on. The default value is

    • listen_port: Optional. A port to listen on. The default value is 24224.

  • syslog receivers (for Linux only):

    • transport_protocol: Optional. Supported values: tcp, udp. The default is tcp.

    • listen_host: Optional. An IP address to listen on. The default value is

    • listen_port: Optional. A port to listen on. The default value is 5140.

  • tcp receivers:

    • format: Required. Log format. Supported value: json.

    • listen_host: Optional. An IP address to listen on. The default value is

    • listen_port: Optional. A port to listen on. The default value is 5170.

  • windows_event_log receivers (for Windows only):

    • channels: Required. A list of Windows Event Log channels from which to read logs.
    • receiver_version: Optional. Controls which Windows Event Log API to use. Supported values are 1 and 2. The default value is 1.

    • render_as_xml: Optional. If set to true, then all Event Log fields, except for jsonPayload.Message and jsonPayload.StringInserts, are rendered as an XML document in a string field named jsonPayload.raw_xml. The default value is false. This cannot be set to true when receiver_version is 1.

Examples of logging receivers

Sample files receiver:

    type: files

    include_paths: [/var/log/*.log]
    exclude_paths: [/var/log/not-this-one.log]
    record_log_file_path: true

Sample fluent_forward receiver:

    type: fluent_forward

    listen_port: 24224

Sample syslog receiver (Linux only):

    type: syslog

    transport_protocol: tcp
    listen_port: 5140

Sample tcp receiver:

    type: tcp

    format: json
    listen_port: 5170

Sample windows_event_log receiver (Windows only):

    type: windows_event_log

    channels: [System,Application,Security]

Sample windows_event_log receiver that overrides the built-in receiver to use version 2:

    type: windows_event_log

    channels: [System,Application,Security]
    receiver_version: 2

Sample systemd_journald receiver:

    type: systemd_journald

Special fields in structured payloads

For processors and receivers that can ingest structured data (the fluent_forward and tcp receivers and the parse_json processor), you can set special fields in the input that will map to specific fields in the LogEntry object that the agent writes to the Logging API.

When the Ops Agent receives external structured log data, it places top-level fields into the LogEntry's jsonPayload field unless the field name is listed in the following table:

Record field LogEntry field

Option 1

"timestamp": {
  "seconds": CURRENT_SECONDS,
  "nanos": CURRENT_NANOS,

Option 2

  "timestampSeconds": CURRENT_SECONDS,
  "timestampNanos": CURRENT_NANOS,
receiver_id (not a record field) logName (HttpRequest) httpRequest (string) severity (struct of string:string) labels (struct) operation (struct) sourceLocation (string) trace (string) spanId

Any remaining structured record fields remain part of the jsonPayload structure.

Common Linux log files

The following table lists common log files for frequently used Linux applications:

Application Common log files
apache For information about Apache log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: Apache Web Server.
cassandra For information about Cassandra log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: Cassandra.
chef /var/log/chef-server/bookshelf/current
gitlab /home/git/gitlab/log/application.log
jenkins /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log
jetty /var/log/jetty/out.log
joomla /var/www/joomla/logs/*.log
magento /var/www/magento/var/log/exception.log
mediawiki /var/log/mediawiki/*.log
memcached For information about Memcached log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: Memcached.
mongodb For information about MongoDB log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: MongoDB.
mysql For information about MySQL log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: MySQL.
nginx For information about nginx log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: nginx.
postgres For information about PostgreSQL log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: PostgreSQL.
puppet /var/log/puppet/http.log
puppet-enterprise /var/log/pe-activemq/activemq.log
rabbitmq For information about RabbitMQ log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: RabbitMQ.
redis For information about Redis log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: Redis.
redmine /var/log/redmine/*.log
salt /var/log/salt/key
solr For information about Apache Solr log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: Apache Solr.
sugarcrm /var/www/*/sugarcrm.log
syslog /var/log/syslog
tomcat For information about Apache Tomcat log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: Apache Tomcat.
zookeeper For information about Apache ZooKeeper log files, see Monitoring third-party applications: Apache ZooKeeper.

Default ingested labels

Logs can contain the following labels by default in the LogEntry:

Field Sample Value Description
labels."" test_vm The name of the virtual machine from which this log originates. Written for all logs.
labels."" The value of the receiver type from which thus log originates, prefixed by Written only by receivers from third-party integrations.

Logging processors

The optional processors element contains a set of processing directives, each identified by a PROCESSOR_ID. A processor describes how to manipulate the information collected by a receiver.

Each processor must have a unique identifier and include a type element. The valid types are:

  • parse_json: Parse JSON-formatted structured logs.
  • parse_multiline: Parse multiline logs. (Linux only)
  • parse_regex: Parse text-formatted logs via regex patterns to turn them into JSON-formatted structured logs.
  • exclude_logs: Exclude logs that match specified rules (starting in 2.9.0).
  • modify_fields: Set/transform fields in log entries (starting in 2.14.0).

The processors structure looks like the following:

    type: parse_json
    type: parse_regex

Depending on the value of the type element, there are other configuration options, as follows.

parse_json processor

Configuration structure

    type: parse_json

    time_key:    <field name within jsonPayload>
    time_format: <strptime format string>

The parse_json processor parses the input JSON into the jsonPayload field of the LogEntry. Other parts of the LogEntry can be parsed by setting certain special top-level fields.

  • time_key: Optional. If the log entry provides a field with a timestamp, this option specifies the name of that field. The extracted value is used to set the timestamp field of the resulting LogEntry and is removed from the payload.

    If the time_key option is specified, you must also specify the following:

    • time_format: Required if time_key is used. This option specifies the format of the time_key field so it can be recognized and analyzed properly. For details of the format, see the strptime(3) guide.
Example configuration
    type: parse_json

    time_key:    time
    time_format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%Z"

parse_multiline processor

Configuration structure

    type: parse_multiline

    - type: <type of the exceptions>
      language: <language name>
  • match_any: Required. A list of one or more rules.

    • type: Required. Only a single value is supported:

      • language_exceptions: Allows the processor to concatenate exceptions into one LogEntry, based on the value of the language option.
    • language: Required. Only a single value is supported:

      • java: Concatenates common Java exceptions into one LogEntry.
      • python: Concatenates common Python exceptions into one LogEntry.
      • go: Concatenates common Go exceptions into one LogEntry.
Example configuration
      type: files
      - /tmp/test-multiline28
      type: parse_multiline
      - type: language_exceptions
        language: java
      type: parse_regex
      field: message
      regex: "^(?<time>[\d-]*T[\d:.Z]*) (?<severity>[^ ]*) (?<file>[^ :]*):(?<line>[\d]*) - (?<message>(.|\\n)*)$"
      time_key: time
      time_format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L"
      type: modify_fields
          move_from: jsonPayload.severity
        receivers: [custom_file1]
        processors: [parse_java_multiline, extract_structure, move_severity]

If you use the preceding configuration and have a log file with the following content:

2022-10-17T22:00:00.187512963Z ERROR HelloWorld:16 - javax.servlet.ServletException: Something bad happened
    at com.example.myproject.OpenSessionInViewFilter.doFilter(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
    at com.example.myproject.ExceptionHandlerFilter.doFilter(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
    at com.example.myproject.OutputBufferFilter.doFilter(
Caused by: com.example.myproject.MyProjectServletException
    at com.example.myproject.MyServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
    at com.example.myproject.OpenSessionInViewFilter.doFilter(
    ... 27 common frames omitted

then the agent ingests the logs into Cloud Logging in the following format:

  "insertId": "...",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "line": "16",
    "message": "javax.servlet.ServletException: Something bad happened\n    at com.example.myproject.OpenSessionInViewFilter.doFilter(\n    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n    at com.example.myproject.ExceptionHandlerFilter.doFilter(\n    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n    at com.example.myproject.OutputBufferFilter.doFilter(\nCaused by: com.example.myproject.MyProjectServletException\n    at com.example.myproject.MyServlet.doPost(\n    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(\n    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(\n    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(\n    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n    at com.example.myproject.OpenSessionInViewFilter.doFilter(\n    ... 27 common frames omitted\n",
    "file": "HelloWorld"
  "resource": {
    "type": "gce_instance",
    "labels": {
      "instance_id": "...",
      "project_id": "...",
      "zone": "..."
  "timestamp": "2022-10-17T22:00:00.187512963Z",
  "severity": "ERROR",
  "labels": {
    "": "..."
  "logName": "projects/.../logs/custom_file",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2022-10-18T03:12:38.430364391Z"

parse_regex processor

Configuration structure

    type: parse_regex

    regex: <regular expression>

    time_key:    <field name within jsonPayload>
    time_format: <format string>
  • time_key: Optional. If the log entry provides a field with a timestamp, this option specifies the name of that field. The extracted value is used to set the timestamp field of the resulting LogEntry and is removed from the payload.

    If the time_key option is specified, you must also specify the following:

    • time_format: Required if time_key is used. This option specifies the format of the time_key field so it can be recognized and analyzed properly. For details of the format, see the strptime(3) guide.
  • regex: Required. The regular expression for parsing the field. The expression must include key names for the matched subexpressions; for example, "^(?<time>[^ ]*) (?<severity>[^ ]*) (?<msg>.*)$".

    The text matched by named capture groups will be placed into fields in the LogEntry's jsonPayload field. To add additional structure to your logs, use the modify_fields processor.

    For a set of regular expressions for extracting information from common Linux application log files, see Common Linux log files.

Example configuration
    type: parse_regex

    regex:       "^(?<time>[^ ]*) (?<severity>[^ ]*) (?<msg>.*)$"
    time_key:    time
    time_format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%Z"

exclude_logs processor

Configuration structure:

type: exclude_logs
  - <filter>
  - <filter>

The top-level configuration for this processor contains a single field, match_any, which contains a list of filter rules.

  • match_any: Required. A list of one or more rules. If a log entry matches any rule, then the Ops Agent doesn't ingest that entry.

    The logs that are ingested by Ops Agent follow the LogEntry structure. Field names are case-sensitive. You can only specify rules based on the following fields and their subfields:

    • httpRequest
    • jsonPayload
    • labels
    • operation
    • severity
    • sourceLocation
    • trace
    • spanId

    The following example rule

    severity =~ "(DEBUG|INFO)"

    uses a regular expression to exclude all DEBUG and INFO level logs.

    Rules follow the Cloud Logging query language syntax but only support a subset of the features that Logging query language supports:

    • Comparison operators: =, !=, :, =~, !~. Only string comparisons are supported.
    • Navigation operator: .. For example jsonPayload.message.
    • Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT.
    • Grouping expressions with ( ).

Example configuration

    type: exclude_logs
    - '(jsonPayload.message =~ "log spam 1" OR jsonPayload.message =~ "log spam 2") AND severity = "ERROR"'
    - 'jsonPayload.application = "foo" AND severity = "INFO"'

modify_fields Processor

The modify_fields processor allows customization of the structure and contents of log entries.

Configuration structure

type: modify_fields
  <destination field>:
    # Source
    move_from: <source field>
    copy_from: <source field>
    static_value: <string>
    # Mutation
    default_value: <string>
      <old value>: <new value>
    type: {integer|float}
    omit_if: <filter>

The top-level configuration for this processor contains a single field, fields, which contains a map of output field names and corresponding translations. For each output field, an optional source and zero or more mutation operations are applied.

All field names use the dot-separated syntax from the Cloud Logging query language. Filters use the Cloud Logging query language.

All transformations are applied in parallel, which means that sources and filters operate on the original input log entry and therefore can not reference the new value of any other fields being modified by the same processor.

Source options: At most one specified source is allowed.

  • No source specified

    If no source value is specified, the existing value in the destination field will be modified.

  • move_from: <source field>

    The value from <source field> will be used as the source for the destination field. Additionally, <source field> will be removed from the log entry. If a source field is referenced by both move_from and copy_from, the source field will still be removed.

  • copy_from: <source field>

    The value from <source field> will be used as the source for the destination field. <source field> will not be removed from the log entry unless it is also referenced by a move_from operation or otherwise modified.

  • static_value: <string>

    The static string <string> will be used as the source for the destination field.

Mutation options: Zero or more mutation operators may be applied to a single field. If multiple operators are supplied, they will always be applied in the following order.

  1. default_value: <string>

    If the source field did not exist, the output value will be set to <string>. If the source field already exists (even if it contains an empty string), the original value is unmodified.

  2. map_values: <map>

    If the input value matches one of the keys in <map>, the output value will be replaced with the corresponding value from the map.

  3. map_values_exclusive: {true|false}

    In case the <source field> value does not match any keys specified in the map_values pairs, the destination field will be forcefully unset if map_values_exclusive is true, or left untouched if map_values_exclusive is false.

  4. type: {integer|float}

    The input value will be converted to an integer or a float. If the string cannot be converted to a number, the output value will be unset. If the string contains a float but the type is specified as integer, the number will be truncated to an integer.

    Note that the Cloud Logging API uses JSON and therefore it does not support a full 64-bit integer; if a 64-bit (or larger) integer is needed, it must be stored as a string in the log entry.

  5. omit_if: <filter>

    If the filter matches the input log record, the output field will be unset. This can be used to remove placeholder values, such as:

      move_from: jsonPayload.referer
      omit_if: httpRequest.referer = "-"

Sample Configurations

The parse_json processor would transform a JSON file containing

  "http_status": "400",
  "path": "/index.html",
  "referer": "-"

into a LogEntry structure that looks like this:

  "jsonPayload": {
    "http_status": "400",
    "path": "/index.html",
    "referer": "-"

This could then be transformed with modify_fields into this LogEntry:

  "httpRequest": {
    "status": 400,
    "requestUrl": "/index.html",

using this Ops agent configuration:

      type: files
      - /var/log/http.json
      type: parse_json
      type: modify_fields
          move_from: jsonPayload.http_status
          type: integer
          move_from: jsonPayload.path
          move_from: jsonPayload.referer
          omit_if: jsonPayload.referer = "-"
      receivers: [in]
      processors: [parse_json, set_http_request]

This configuration reads JSON-formatted logs from /var/log/http.json and populates part of the httpRequest structure from fields in the logs.

Logging service

The logging service customizes verbosity for the Ops Agent's own logs, and links logging receivers and processors together into pipelines. The service section has the following elements:

  • log_level
  • pipelines

Log verbosity level

The log_level field, available with Ops Agent versions 2.6.0 and later, customizes verbosity for Ops Agent logging submodule's own logs. The default is info. Available options are: error, warn, info, debug, trace.

The following configuration customizes log verbosity for the logging submodule to be debug instead:

    log_level: debug

Logging pipelines

The pipelines field can contain multiple pipeline IDs and definitions. Each pipeline value consists of the following elements:

  • receivers: Required for new pipelines. A list of receiver IDs, as described in Logging receivers. The order of the receivers IDs in the list doesn't matter. The pipeline collects data from all of the listed receivers.

  • processors: Optional. A list of processor IDs, as described in Logging processors. The order of the processor IDs in the list matters. Each record is run through the processors in the listed order.

Example logging service configurations

A service configuration has the following structure:

  log_level: CUSTOM_LOG_LEVEL
      receivers:  [...]
      processors: [...]
      receivers:  [...]
      processors: [...]

To stop the agent from collecting and sending either /var/log/message or /var/log/syslog entries, redefine the default pipeline with an empty receivers list and no processors. This configuration does not stop the agent's logging subcomponent, because the agent must be able to collect logs for the monitoring subcomponent. The entire empty logging configuration looks like the following:

        receivers: []

The following service configuration defines a pipeline with the ID custom_pipeline:

        - RECEIVER_ID
        - PROCESSOR_ID

Metrics configurations

The metrics configuration uses the configuration model described previously:

  • receivers: a list of receiver definitions. A receiver describes the source of the metrics; for example, system metrics like cpu or memory. The receivers in this list can be shared among multiple pipelines.
  • processors: a list of processor definitions. A processor describes how to modify the metrics collected by a receiver.
  • service: contains a pipelines section that is a list of pipeline definitions. A pipeline connects a list of receivers and a list of processors to form the data flow.

The following sections describe each of these elements.

The Ops Agent sends metrics to Cloud Monitoring. You can't configure it to export metrics to other services.

Metrics receivers

The receivers element contains a set of receiver definitions. A receiver describes from where to retrieve the metrics, such as cpu and memory. A receiver can be shared among multiple pipelines.

Structure of metrics receivers

Each receiver must have an identifier, RECEIVER_ID, and include a type element. Valid built-in types are:

  • hostmetrics
  • iis (Windows only)
  • mssql (Windows only)

A receiver can also specify the operation collection_interval option. The value is in the format of a duration, for example, 30s or 2m. The default value is 60s.

Each of these receiver types collects a set of metrics; for information about the specific metrics included, see Metrics ingested by the receivers.

You can create only one receiver for each type. For example, you can't define two receivers of type hostmetrics.

Changing the collection interval in the metrics receivers

Some critical workloads might require fast alerting. By reducing the the collection interval for the metrics, you can configure more sensitive alerts. For information on how alerts are evaluated, see Behavior of metric-based alerting policies.

For example, the following receiver changes the collection interval for host metrics (the receiver ID is hostmetrics) from the default of 60 seconds to 10 seconds:

      type: hostmetrics
      collection_interval: 10s

You can also override the collection interval for the Windows iis and mssql metrics receivers using the same technique.

Metrics ingested by the receivers

The metrics ingested by the Ops Agent have identifiers that begin with the following pattern: The GROUP component identifies a set of related metrics; it has values like cpu, network, and others.

The hostmetrics receiver

The hostmetrics receiver ingests the following metric groups. For more information, see the linked section for each group on the Ops Agent metrics page.

Group Metric
cpu CPU load at 1 minute intervals
CPU load at 5 minute intervals
CPU load at 15 minute intervals
CPU usage, with labels for CPU number and CPU state
CPU usage percent, with labels for CPU number and CPU state
disk Disk bytes read, with label for device
Disk bytes written, with label for device
Disk I/O time, with label for device
Disk weighted I/O time, with label for device
Disk pending operations, with label for device
Disk merged operations, with labels for device and direction
Disk operations, with labels for device and direction
Disk operation time, with labels for device and direction
Disk usage, with labels for device and state
Disk utilization, with labels for device and state
Linux only; see About the gpu metrics for other important information.
Current number of GPU memory bytes used, by state
Maximum amount of GPU memory, in bytes, that has been allocated by the process
Percentage of time in the process lifetime that one or more kernels has been running on the GPU
Percentage of time, since last sample, the GPU has been active
Linux only
Total count of network errors
Total count of packets sent over the network
Total number of bytes sent over the network
memory Memory usage, with label for state (buffered, cached, free, slab, used)
Memory usage percent, with label for state (buffered, cached, free, slab, used)
network TCP connection count, with labels for port and TCP state
swap Swap I/O operations, with label for direction
Swap bytes used, with labels for device and state
Swap percent used, with labels for device and state
Windows only
Current percentage of pagefile used by state
processes Processes count, with label for state
Processes forked count
Per-process disk read I/O, with labels for process name + others
Per-process disk write I/O, with labels for process name + others
Per-process RSS usage, with labels for process name + others
Per-process VM usage, with labels for process name + others
The iis receiver (Windows only)

The iis receiver (Windows only) ingests metrics of the iis group. For more information, see the Agent metrics page.

Group Metric
Windows only
Currently open connections to IIS
Network bytes transferred by IIS
Connections opened to IIS
Requests made to IIS
The mssql receiver (Windows only)

The mssql receiver (Windows only) ingests metrics of the mssql group. For more information, see the Ops Agent metrics page.

Group Metric
Windows only
Currently open connections to SQL server
SQL server total transactions per second
SQL server write transactions per second

Metrics processors

The processor element contains a set of processor definitions. A processor describes metrics from the receiver type to exclude. The only supported type is exclude_metrics, which takes a metrics_pattern option. The value is a list of globs that match the Ops Agent metric types you want to exclude from the group collected by a receiver. For example:

Sample metrics processor

The following example shows the exclude_metrics processor supplied in the built-in configurations. This processor supplies an empty metrics_pattern value, so it doesn't exclude any metrics.

    type: exclude_metrics
    metrics_pattern: []

To disable the collection of all process metrics by the Ops Agent, add the following to your config.yaml file:

      type: exclude_metrics

This excludes process metrics from collection in the metrics_filter processor that applies to the default pipeline in the metrics service.

Metrics service

The metrics service customizes verbosity for the Ops Agent metrics module's own logs and links metrics receivers and processors together into pipelines. The service section has two elements: log_level and pipelines.

Metrics verbosity level

log_level, available with Ops Agent versions 2.6.0 and later, customizes verbosity for Ops Agent metrics submodule's own logs. The default is info. Available options are: error, warn, info, debug.

Metrics pipelines

The service section has a single element, pipelines, which can contain multiple pipeline IDs and definitions. Each pipeline definition consists of the following elements:

  • receivers: Required for new pipelines. A list of receiver IDs, as described in Metrics receivers. The order of the receivers IDs in the list doesn't matter. The pipeline collects data from all of the listed receivers.

  • processors: Optional. A list of processor IDs, as described in Metrics processors. The order of the processor IDs in the list does matter. Each metric point is run through the processors in the listed order.

Example metrics service configurations

A service configuration has the following structure:

  log_level: CUSTOM_LOG_LEVEL
      receivers:  [...]
      processors: [...]
      receivers:  [...]
      processors: [...]

To turn off the built-in ingestion of host metrics, redefine the default pipeline with an empty receivers list and no processors. The entire metrics configuration looks like the following:

        receivers: []

The following example shows the built-in service configuration for Windows:

        - hostmetrics
        - iis
        - mssql
        - metrics_filter

The following service configuration customizes log verbosity for the metrics submodule to be debug instead:

    log_level: debug

Collection of self logs

By default, the Ops Agent's Fluent Bit self logs are sent to Cloud Logging. These logs can include a lot of information, and the additional volume might increase your costs to use Cloud Logging.

You can disable the collection of these self logs, starting with Ops Agent version 2.44.0, by using the default_self_log_file_collection option.

To disable self-log collection, add a global section to your user-specified configuration file and set the default_self_log_file_collection option to the value false:

logging:  ...
metrics:  ...
  default_self_log_file_collection: false

Log-rotation configuration

Starting with Ops Agent version 2.31.0, you can also set up the agent's log-rotation feature by using the configuration files. For more information, see Configure log rotation in the Ops Agent.