Package (2.40.0)

GitHub Repository

This package is not the latest GA version!

For this library, we recommend using the package associated with API version v2 for new applications.

Client Classes

Client classes are the main entry point to using a package. They contain several variations of Java methods for each of the API's methods.

Client Description Service Description: This file describes an API for collecting and viewing traces and spans within a trace. A Trace is a collection of spans corresponding to a single operation or set of operations for an application. A span is an individual timed event which forms a node of the trace tree. Spans for a single trace may span multiple services.

Settings Classes

Settings classes can be used to configure credentials, endpoints, and retry settings for a Client.

Settings Description Settings class to configure an instance of TraceServiceClient.

The default instance has everything set to sensible defaults:


Class Description Builder for TraceServiceSettings.