Enum Mutation.Op (6.72.0)

public enum Mutation.Op extends Enum<Mutation.Op>

Enumerates the types of mutation that can be applied.

Static Fields

Name Description

Deletes rows from a table. Succeeds whether or not the named rows were present.


Inserts a new row in a table. If the row already exists, the write or transaction fails with ErrorCode#ALREADY_EXISTS. When inserting a row, all NOT NULL columns in the table must be given a value.


Like #INSERT, except that if the row already exists, then its column values are overwritten with the ones provided. All NOT NUll columns in the table must be give a value and this holds true even when the row already exists and will actually be updated. Values for all NULL columns not explicitly written are preserved.


Like #INSERT, except that if the row already exists, it is deleted, and the column values provided are inserted instead. Unlike #INSERT_OR_UPDATE, this means any values not explicitly written become NULL.


Updates an existing row in a table. If the row does not already exist, the transaction fails with error ErrorCode#NOT_FOUND.

Static Methods

Name Description
valueOf(String name)