public static final class AdminServiceGrpc.AdminServiceBlockingStub extends AbstractBlockingStub<AdminServiceGrpc.AdminServiceBlockingStub>
The service that a client application uses to manage topics and
subscriptions, such creating, listing, and deleting topics and subscriptions.
java.lang.Object >
io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub >
io.grpc.stub.AbstractBlockingStub >
Inherited Members
build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)
protected AdminServiceGrpc.AdminServiceBlockingStub build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)
Parameters |
Name | Description |
channel | io.grpc.Channel
callOptions | io.grpc.CallOptions
createReservation(CreateReservationRequest request)
public Reservation createReservation(CreateReservationRequest request)
Creates a new reservation.
createSubscription(CreateSubscriptionRequest request)
public Subscription createSubscription(CreateSubscriptionRequest request)
Creates a new subscription.
createTopic(CreateTopicRequest request)
public Topic createTopic(CreateTopicRequest request)
Returns |
Type | Description |
Topic | |
deleteReservation(DeleteReservationRequest request)
public Empty deleteReservation(DeleteReservationRequest request)
Deletes the specified reservation.
Returns |
Type | Description |
Empty | |
deleteSubscription(DeleteSubscriptionRequest request)
public Empty deleteSubscription(DeleteSubscriptionRequest request)
Deletes the specified subscription.
Returns |
Type | Description |
Empty | |
deleteTopic(DeleteTopicRequest request)
public Empty deleteTopic(DeleteTopicRequest request)
Deletes the specified topic.
Returns |
Type | Description |
Empty | |
getReservation(GetReservationRequest request)
public Reservation getReservation(GetReservationRequest request)
Returns the reservation configuration.
getSubscription(GetSubscriptionRequest request)
public Subscription getSubscription(GetSubscriptionRequest request)
Returns the subscription configuration.
getTopic(GetTopicRequest request)
public Topic getTopic(GetTopicRequest request)
Returns the topic configuration.
Returns |
Type | Description |
Topic | |
getTopicPartitions(GetTopicPartitionsRequest request)
public TopicPartitions getTopicPartitions(GetTopicPartitionsRequest request)
Returns the partition information for the requested topic.
listReservationTopics(ListReservationTopicsRequest request)
public ListReservationTopicsResponse listReservationTopics(ListReservationTopicsRequest request)
Lists the topics attached to the specified reservation.
listReservations(ListReservationsRequest request)
public ListReservationsResponse listReservations(ListReservationsRequest request)
Returns the list of reservations for the given project.
listSubscriptions(ListSubscriptionsRequest request)
public ListSubscriptionsResponse listSubscriptions(ListSubscriptionsRequest request)
Returns the list of subscriptions for the given project.
listTopicSubscriptions(ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest request)
public ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse listTopicSubscriptions(ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest request)
Lists the subscriptions attached to the specified topic.
listTopics(ListTopicsRequest request)
public ListTopicsResponse listTopics(ListTopicsRequest request)
Returns the list of topics for the given project.
seekSubscription(SeekSubscriptionRequest request)
public Operation seekSubscription(SeekSubscriptionRequest request)
Performs an out-of-band seek for a subscription to a specified target,
which may be timestamps or named positions within the message backlog.
Seek translates these targets to cursors for each partition and
orchestrates subscribers to start consuming messages from these seek
If an operation is returned, the seek has been registered and subscribers
will eventually receive messages from the seek cursors (i.e. eventual
consistency), as long as they are using a minimum supported client library
version and not a system that tracks cursors independently of Pub/Sub Lite
(e.g. Apache Beam, Dataflow, Spark). The seek operation will fail for
unsupported clients.
If clients would like to know when subscribers react to the seek (or not),
they can poll the operation. The seek operation will succeed and complete
once subscribers are ready to receive messages from the seek cursors for
all partitions of the topic. This means that the seek operation will not
complete until all subscribers come online.
If the previous seek operation has not yet completed, it will be aborted
and the new invocation of seek will supersede it.
updateReservation(UpdateReservationRequest request)
public Reservation updateReservation(UpdateReservationRequest request)
Updates properties of the specified reservation.
updateSubscription(UpdateSubscriptionRequest request)
public Subscription updateSubscription(UpdateSubscriptionRequest request)
Updates properties of the specified subscription.
updateTopic(UpdateTopicRequest request)
public Topic updateTopic(UpdateTopicRequest request)
Updates properties of the specified topic.
Returns |
Type | Description |
Topic | |