Package (0.126.11)



Utility to create an in-memory storage configuration for testing. Storage options can be obtained via the #getOptions() method. Returned options will point to FakeStorageRpc.

Note, the created in-memory storage configuration supports limited set of operations and is not thread-safe:

  • Supported operations
    • object create
    • object get
    • object delete
    • list the contents of a bucket
  • Unsupported operations
    • bucket create
    • bucket get
    • bucket delete
    • list all buckets
    • generations
    • file attributes
    • patch
    • continueRewrite
    • createBatch
    • checksums, etags
    • IAM operations
  • FakeStorageRpc#list(String, java.util.Map) lists all the objects that have been created rather than the objects in the provided bucket. Since this class does not support creating, listing and deleting buckets, the parameter bucket here is not actually used and on serves as a placeholder.
