Package (0.125.1-alpha)



Logback appender for Google Cloud Logging.

Appender configuration in logback.xml:

    <appender name="CLOUD" class="">
         <!-- Optional: filter logs at and above this level -->
         <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">

         <!-- Optional: defaults to "java.log" -->

         <!-- Optional: defaults to "ERROR" -->

         <!-- Optional: defaults to ASYNC -->

         <!-- Optional: defaults to true -->

         <!-- Optional: defaults to false -->

         <!-- Optional: auto detects on App Engine Flex, Standard, GCE and GKE, defaults to "global". See supported resource types -->

         <!-- Optional: defaults to the default credentials of the environment -->

         <!-- Optional: defaults to the project id obtained during authentication process. Project id is also used to construct resource name of the log entries -->

         <!-- Optional: add custom labels to log entries using LoggingEnhancer classes -->


Adds support for grouping logs by incoming http request



An enhancer for ILoggingEvent log entries. Used to add custom labels to the LogEntry.Builder.