Package (2.14.7)



Metadata common to all Datastore Admin operations.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.CommonMetadata


Metadata common to all Datastore Admin operations.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.CommonMetadata


The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.CreateIndex.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.CreateIndexRequest


The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.CreateIndex.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.CreateIndexRequest


Google Cloud Datastore Admin API

The Datastore Admin API provides several admin services for Cloud Datastore.


Project, namespace, kind, and entity as defined in the Google Cloud Datastore API. Operation: An Operation represents work being performed in the background. EntityFilter: Allows specifying a subset of entities in a project. This is specified as a combination of kinds and namespaces (either or both of which

may be all).



The Export/Import service provides the ability to copy all or a subset of entities to/from Google Cloud Storage. Exported data may be imported into Cloud Datastore for any Google Cloud Platform project. It is not restricted to the export source project. It is possible to export from one project and then import into another. Exported data can also be loaded into Google BigQuery for analysis. Exports and imports are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each export/import. The state (including any errors encountered) of the export/import may be queried via the Operation resource.


The index service manages Cloud Datastore composite indexes. Index creation and deletion are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each such asynchronous operation. The state of the operation (including any errors encountered) may be queried via the Operation resource.


The Operations collection provides a record of actions performed for the specified project (including any operations in progress). Operations are not created directly but through calls on other collections or resources. An operation that is not yet done may be cancelled. The request to cancel is asynchronous and the operation may continue to run for some time after the request to cancel is made. An operation that is done may be deleted so that it is no longer listed as part of the Operation collection. ListOperations returns all pending operations, but not completed operations. Operations are created by service DatastoreAdmin, but are accessed via service google.longrunning.Operations.


A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service DatastoreAdmin.

Google Cloud Datastore Admin API

The Datastore Admin API provides several admin services for Cloud Datastore.


Project, namespace, kind, and entity as defined in the Google Cloud Datastore API. Operation: An Operation represents work being performed in the background. EntityFilter: Allows specifying a subset of entities in a project. This is specified as a combination of kinds and namespaces (either or both of which

may be all).



The Export/Import service provides the ability to copy all or a subset of entities to/from Google Cloud Storage. Exported data may be imported into Cloud Datastore for any Google Cloud Platform project. It is not restricted to the export source project. It is possible to export from one project and then import into another. Exported data can also be loaded into Google BigQuery for analysis. Exports and imports are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each export/import. The state (including any errors encountered) of the export/import may be queried via the Operation resource.


The index service manages Cloud Datastore composite indexes. Index creation and deletion are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each such asynchronous operation. The state of the operation (including any errors encountered) may be queried via the Operation resource.


The Operations collection provides a record of actions performed for the specified project (including any operations in progress). Operations are not created directly but through calls on other collections or resources. An operation that is not yet done may be cancelled. The request to cancel is asynchronous and the operation may continue to run for some time after the request to cancel is made. An operation that is done may be deleted so that it is no longer listed as part of the Operation collection. ListOperations returns all pending operations, but not completed operations. Operations are created by service DatastoreAdmin, but are accessed via service google.longrunning.Operations.


A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service DatastoreAdmin.

Google Cloud Datastore Admin API

The Datastore Admin API provides several admin services for Cloud Datastore.


Project, namespace, kind, and entity as defined in the Google Cloud Datastore API. Operation: An Operation represents work being performed in the background. EntityFilter: Allows specifying a subset of entities in a project. This is specified as a combination of kinds and namespaces (either or both of which

may be all).



The Export/Import service provides the ability to copy all or a subset of entities to/from Google Cloud Storage. Exported data may be imported into Cloud Datastore for any Google Cloud Platform project. It is not restricted to the export source project. It is possible to export from one project and then import into another. Exported data can also be loaded into Google BigQuery for analysis. Exports and imports are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each export/import. The state (including any errors encountered) of the export/import may be queried via the Operation resource.


The index service manages Cloud Datastore composite indexes. Index creation and deletion are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each such asynchronous operation. The state of the operation (including any errors encountered) may be queried via the Operation resource.


The Operations collection provides a record of actions performed for the specified project (including any operations in progress). Operations are not created directly but through calls on other collections or resources. An operation that is not yet done may be cancelled. The request to cancel is asynchronous and the operation may continue to run for some time after the request to cancel is made. An operation that is done may be deleted so that it is no longer listed as part of the Operation collection. ListOperations returns all pending operations, but not completed operations. Operations are created by service DatastoreAdmin, but are accessed via service google.longrunning.Operations.


Base class for the server implementation of the service DatastoreAdmin.

Google Cloud Datastore Admin API

The Datastore Admin API provides several admin services for Cloud Datastore.


Project, namespace, kind, and entity as defined in the Google Cloud Datastore API. Operation: An Operation represents work being performed in the background. EntityFilter: Allows specifying a subset of entities in a project. This is specified as a combination of kinds and namespaces (either or both of which

may be all).



The Export/Import service provides the ability to copy all or a subset of entities to/from Google Cloud Storage. Exported data may be imported into Cloud Datastore for any Google Cloud Platform project. It is not restricted to the export source project. It is possible to export from one project and then import into another. Exported data can also be loaded into Google BigQuery for analysis. Exports and imports are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each export/import. The state (including any errors encountered) of the export/import may be queried via the Operation resource.


The index service manages Cloud Datastore composite indexes. Index creation and deletion are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each such asynchronous operation. The state of the operation (including any errors encountered) may be queried via the Operation resource.


The Operations collection provides a record of actions performed for the specified project (including any operations in progress). Operations are not created directly but through calls on other collections or resources. An operation that is not yet done may be cancelled. The request to cancel is asynchronous and the operation may continue to run for some time after the request to cancel is made. An operation that is done may be deleted so that it is no longer listed as part of the Operation collection. ListOperations returns all pending operations, but not completed operations. Operations are created by service DatastoreAdmin, but are accessed via service google.longrunning.Operations.


A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service DatastoreAdmin.

Google Cloud Datastore Admin API

The Datastore Admin API provides several admin services for Cloud Datastore.


Project, namespace, kind, and entity as defined in the Google Cloud Datastore API. Operation: An Operation represents work being performed in the background. EntityFilter: Allows specifying a subset of entities in a project. This is specified as a combination of kinds and namespaces (either or both of which

may be all).



The Export/Import service provides the ability to copy all or a subset of entities to/from Google Cloud Storage. Exported data may be imported into Cloud Datastore for any Google Cloud Platform project. It is not restricted to the export source project. It is possible to export from one project and then import into another. Exported data can also be loaded into Google BigQuery for analysis. Exports and imports are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each export/import. The state (including any errors encountered) of the export/import may be queried via the Operation resource.


The index service manages Cloud Datastore composite indexes. Index creation and deletion are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each such asynchronous operation. The state of the operation (including any errors encountered) may be queried via the Operation resource.


The Operations collection provides a record of actions performed for the specified project (including any operations in progress). Operations are not created directly but through calls on other collections or resources. An operation that is not yet done may be cancelled. The request to cancel is asynchronous and the operation may continue to run for some time after the request to cancel is made. An operation that is done may be deleted so that it is no longer listed as part of the Operation collection. ListOperations returns all pending operations, but not completed operations. Operations are created by service DatastoreAdmin, but are accessed via service google.longrunning.Operations.



Metadata for Datastore to Firestore migration operations. The DatastoreFirestoreMigration operation is not started by the end-user via an explicit "creation" method. This is an intentional deviation from the LRO design pattern. This singleton resource can be accessed at: "projects/{project_id}/operations/datastore-firestore-migration"

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreFirestoreMigrationMetadata


Metadata for Datastore to Firestore migration operations. The DatastoreFirestoreMigration operation is not started by the end-user via an explicit "creation" method. This is an intentional deviation from the LRO design pattern. This singleton resource can be accessed at: "projects/{project_id}/operations/datastore-firestore-migration"

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreFirestoreMigrationMetadata


The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.DeleteIndex.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.DeleteIndexRequest


The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.DeleteIndex.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.DeleteIndexRequest


Identifies a subset of entities in a project. This is specified as combinations of kinds and namespaces (either or both of which may be all, as described in the following examples). Example usage: Entire project: kinds=[], namespace_ids=[] Kinds Foo and Bar in all namespaces: kinds=['Foo', 'Bar'], namespace_ids=[] Kinds Foo and Bar only in the default namespace: kinds=['Foo', 'Bar'], namespace_ids=[''] Kinds Foo and Bar in both the default and Baz namespaces: kinds=['Foo', 'Bar'], namespace_ids=['', 'Baz'] The entire Baz namespace: kinds=[], namespace_ids=['Baz']

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.EntityFilter


Identifies a subset of entities in a project. This is specified as combinations of kinds and namespaces (either or both of which may be all, as described in the following examples). Example usage: Entire project: kinds=[], namespace_ids=[] Kinds Foo and Bar in all namespaces: kinds=['Foo', 'Bar'], namespace_ids=[] Kinds Foo and Bar only in the default namespace: kinds=['Foo', 'Bar'], namespace_ids=[''] Kinds Foo and Bar in both the default and Baz namespaces: kinds=['Foo', 'Bar'], namespace_ids=['', 'Baz'] The entire Baz namespace: kinds=[], namespace_ids=['Baz']

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.EntityFilter


Metadata for ExportEntities operations.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ExportEntitiesMetadata


Metadata for ExportEntities operations.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ExportEntitiesMetadata


The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ExportEntities.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ExportEntitiesRequest


The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ExportEntities.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ExportEntitiesRequest


The response for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ExportEntities.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ExportEntitiesResponse


The response for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ExportEntities.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ExportEntitiesResponse


The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.GetIndex.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.GetIndexRequest


The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.GetIndex.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.GetIndexRequest


Metadata for ImportEntities operations.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ImportEntitiesMetadata


Metadata for ImportEntities operations.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ImportEntitiesMetadata


The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ImportEntities.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ImportEntitiesRequest


The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ImportEntities.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ImportEntitiesRequest


Datastore composite index definition.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.Index


Datastore composite index definition.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.Index


A property of an index.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.Index.IndexedProperty


A property of an index.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.Index.IndexedProperty


Metadata for Index operations.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.IndexOperationMetadata


Metadata for Index operations.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.IndexOperationMetadata



The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ListIndexes.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ListIndexesRequest


The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ListIndexes.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ListIndexesRequest


The response for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ListIndexes.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ListIndexesResponse


The response for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ListIndexes.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.ListIndexesResponse


An event signifying the start of a new step in a migration from Cloud Datastore to Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.MigrationProgressEvent


An event signifying the start of a new step in a migration from Cloud Datastore to Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.MigrationProgressEvent


Details for the PREPARE step.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.MigrationProgressEvent.PrepareStepDetails


Details for the PREPARE step.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.MigrationProgressEvent.PrepareStepDetails


Details for the REDIRECT_WRITES step.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.MigrationProgressEvent.RedirectWritesStepDetails


Details for the REDIRECT_WRITES step.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.MigrationProgressEvent.RedirectWritesStepDetails



An event signifying a change in state of a migration from Cloud Datastore to Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.MigrationStateEvent


An event signifying a change in state of a migration from Cloud Datastore to Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.MigrationStateEvent


Measures the progress of a particular metric.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.Progress


Measures the progress of a particular metric.

Protobuf type google.datastore.admin.v1.Progress





Google Cloud Datastore Admin API

The Datastore Admin API provides several admin services for Cloud Datastore.


Project, namespace, kind, and entity as defined in the Google Cloud Datastore API. Operation: An Operation represents work being performed in the background. EntityFilter: Allows specifying a subset of entities in a project. This is specified as a combination of kinds and namespaces (either or both of which

may be all).



The Export/Import service provides the ability to copy all or a subset of entities to/from Google Cloud Storage. Exported data may be imported into Cloud Datastore for any Google Cloud Platform project. It is not restricted to the export source project. It is possible to export from one project and then import into another. Exported data can also be loaded into Google BigQuery for analysis. Exports and imports are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each export/import. The state (including any errors encountered) of the export/import may be queried via the Operation resource.


The index service manages Cloud Datastore composite indexes. Index creation and deletion are performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each such asynchronous operation. The state of the operation (including any errors encountered) may be queried via the Operation resource.


The Operations collection provides a record of actions performed for the specified project (including any operations in progress). Operations are not created directly but through calls on other collections or resources. An operation that is not yet done may be cancelled. The request to cancel is asynchronous and the operation may continue to run for some time after the request to cancel is made. An operation that is done may be deleted so that it is no longer listed as part of the Operation collection. ListOperations returns all pending operations, but not completed operations. Operations are created by service DatastoreAdmin, but are accessed via service google.longrunning.Operations.






















The various possible states for an ongoing Operation.

Protobuf enum google.datastore.admin.v1.CommonMetadata.State


For an ordered index, specifies whether each of the entity's ancestors will be included.

Protobuf enum google.datastore.admin.v1.Index.AncestorMode


The direction determines how a property is indexed.

Protobuf enum google.datastore.admin.v1.Index.Direction


The possible set of states of an index.

Protobuf enum google.datastore.admin.v1.Index.State


Concurrency modes for transactions in Cloud Firestore.

Protobuf enum google.datastore.admin.v1.MigrationProgressEvent.ConcurrencyMode



States for a migration.

Protobuf enum google.datastore.admin.v1.MigrationState


Steps in a migration.

Protobuf enum google.datastore.admin.v1.MigrationStep


Operation types.

Protobuf enum google.datastore.admin.v1.OperationType