Class BudgetServiceGrpc.BudgetServiceStub (2.58.0)

public static final class BudgetServiceGrpc.BudgetServiceStub extends AbstractAsyncStub<BudgetServiceGrpc.BudgetServiceStub>

A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service BudgetService.

BudgetService stores Cloud Billing budgets, which define a budget plan and rules to execute as we track spend against that plan.


java.lang.Object > io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub > io.grpc.stub.AbstractAsyncStub > BudgetServiceGrpc.BudgetServiceStub


build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)

protected BudgetServiceGrpc.BudgetServiceStub build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)
Name Description
channel io.grpc.Channel
callOptions io.grpc.CallOptions
Type Description

createBudget(CreateBudgetRequest request, StreamObserver<Budget> responseObserver)

public void createBudget(CreateBudgetRequest request, StreamObserver<Budget> responseObserver)

Creates a new budget. See Quotas and limits for more information on the limits of the number of budgets you can create.

Name Description
request CreateBudgetRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Budget>

deleteBudget(DeleteBudgetRequest request, StreamObserver<Empty> responseObserver)

public void deleteBudget(DeleteBudgetRequest request, StreamObserver<Empty> responseObserver)

Deletes a budget. Returns successfully if already deleted.

Name Description
request DeleteBudgetRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Empty>

getBudget(GetBudgetRequest request, StreamObserver<Budget> responseObserver)

public void getBudget(GetBudgetRequest request, StreamObserver<Budget> responseObserver)

Returns a budget. WARNING: There are some fields exposed on the Google Cloud Console that aren't available on this API. When reading from the API, you will not see these fields in the return value, though they may have been set in the Cloud Console.

Name Description
request GetBudgetRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Budget>

listBudgets(ListBudgetsRequest request, StreamObserver<ListBudgetsResponse> responseObserver)

public void listBudgets(ListBudgetsRequest request, StreamObserver<ListBudgetsResponse> responseObserver)

Returns a list of budgets for a billing account. WARNING: There are some fields exposed on the Google Cloud Console that aren't available on this API. When reading from the API, you will not see these fields in the return value, though they may have been set in the Cloud Console.

Name Description
request ListBudgetsRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<ListBudgetsResponse>

updateBudget(UpdateBudgetRequest request, StreamObserver<Budget> responseObserver)

public void updateBudget(UpdateBudgetRequest request, StreamObserver<Budget> responseObserver)

Updates a budget and returns the updated budget. WARNING: There are some fields exposed on the Google Cloud Console that aren't available on this API. Budget fields that are not exposed in this API will not be changed by this method.

Name Description
request UpdateBudgetRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Budget>