google-cloud-bare-metal-solution overview (0.3.2)

A client to Bare Metal Solution API

The interfaces provided are listed below, along with usage samples.


Service Description: Performs management operations on Bare Metal Solution servers.

The service provides management capabilities for Bare Metal Solution servers. To access the API methods, you must assign Bare Metal Solution IAM roles containing the desired permissions to your staff in your Google Cloud project. You must also enable the Bare Metal Solution API. Once enabled, the methods act upon specific servers in your Bare Metal Solution environment.

Sample for BareMetalSolutionClient:

 // This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
 // It may require modifications to work in your environment.
 try (BareMetalSolutionClient bareMetalSolutionClient = BareMetalSolutionClient.create()) {
   InstanceName name = InstanceName.of("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[INSTANCE]");
   Instance response = bareMetalSolutionClient.getInstance(name);