public static final class ArtifactRegistryGrpc.ArtifactRegistryBlockingStub extends AbstractBlockingStub<ArtifactRegistryGrpc.ArtifactRegistryBlockingStub>
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service ArtifactRegistry.
The Artifact Registry API service.
Artifact Registry is an artifact management system for storing artifacts
from different package management systems.
The resources managed by this API are:
- Repositories, which group packages and their data.
- Packages, which group versions and their tags.
- Versions, which are specific forms of a package.
- Tags, which represent alternative names for versions.
- Files, which contain content and are optionally associated with a Package
or Version.
java.lang.Object >
io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub >
io.grpc.stub.AbstractBlockingStub >
Inherited Members
public Operation batchDeleteVersions(BatchDeleteVersionsRequest request)
Deletes multiple versions across a repository. The returned operation will
complete once the versions have been deleted.
protected ArtifactRegistryGrpc.ArtifactRegistryBlockingStub build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)
Parameters |
Name |
Description |
channel |
callOptions |
public Operation createAttachment(CreateAttachmentRequest request)
Creates an attachment. The returned Operation will finish once the
attachment has been created. Its response will be the created attachment.
public Operation createRepository(CreateRepositoryRequest request)
Creates a repository. The returned Operation will finish once the
repository has been created. Its response will be the created Repository.
public Rule createRule(CreateRuleRequest request)
Returns |
Type |
Description |
Rule |
public Tag createTag(CreateTagRequest request)
Returns |
Type |
Description |
Tag |
public Operation deleteAttachment(DeleteAttachmentRequest request)
Deletes an attachment. The returned Operation will
finish once the attachments has been deleted. It will not have any
Operation metadata and will return a google.protobuf.Empty
public Operation deleteFile(DeleteFileRequest request)
Deletes a file and all of its content. It is only allowed on generic
repositories. The returned operation will complete once the file has been
public Operation deletePackage(DeletePackageRequest request)
Deletes a package and all of its versions and tags. The returned operation
will complete once the package has been deleted.
public Operation deleteRepository(DeleteRepositoryRequest request)
Deletes a repository and all of its contents. The returned Operation will
finish once the repository has been deleted. It will not have any Operation
metadata and will return a google.protobuf.Empty response.
public Empty deleteRule(DeleteRuleRequest request)
Returns |
Type |
Description |
Empty |
public Empty deleteTag(DeleteTagRequest request)
Returns |
Type |
Description |
Empty |
public Operation deleteVersion(DeleteVersionRequest request)
Deletes a version and all of its content. The returned operation will
complete once the version has been deleted.
public Attachment getAttachment(GetAttachmentRequest request)
public DockerImage getDockerImage(GetDockerImageRequest request)
public File getFile(GetFileRequest request)
Returns |
Type |
Description |
File |
public Policy getIamPolicy(GetIamPolicyRequest request)
Gets the IAM policy for a given resource.
Parameter |
Name |
Description |
request |
Returns |
Type |
Description | |
public MavenArtifact getMavenArtifact(GetMavenArtifactRequest request)
public NpmPackage getNpmPackage(GetNpmPackageRequest request)
public Package getPackage(GetPackageRequest request)
public ProjectSettings getProjectSettings(GetProjectSettingsRequest request)
Retrieves the Settings for the Project.
public PythonPackage getPythonPackage(GetPythonPackageRequest request)
public Repository getRepository(GetRepositoryRequest request)
public Rule getRule(GetRuleRequest request)
Returns |
Type |
Description |
Rule |
public Tag getTag(GetTagRequest request)
Returns |
Type |
Description |
Tag |
public VPCSCConfig getVPCSCConfig(GetVPCSCConfigRequest request)
Retrieves the VPCSC Config for the Project.
public Version getVersion(GetVersionRequest request)
public Operation importAptArtifacts(ImportAptArtifactsRequest request)
Imports Apt artifacts. The returned Operation will complete once the
resources are imported. Package, Version, and File resources are created
based on the imported artifacts. Imported artifacts that conflict with
existing resources are ignored.
public Operation importYumArtifacts(ImportYumArtifactsRequest request)
Imports Yum (RPM) artifacts. The returned Operation will complete once the
resources are imported. Package, Version, and File resources are created
based on the imported artifacts. Imported artifacts that conflict with
existing resources are ignored.
public ListAttachmentsResponse listAttachments(ListAttachmentsRequest request)
public ListDockerImagesResponse listDockerImages(ListDockerImagesRequest request)
public ListFilesResponse listFiles(ListFilesRequest request)
public ListMavenArtifactsResponse listMavenArtifacts(ListMavenArtifactsRequest request)
public ListNpmPackagesResponse listNpmPackages(ListNpmPackagesRequest request)
public ListPackagesResponse listPackages(ListPackagesRequest request)
public ListPythonPackagesResponse listPythonPackages(ListPythonPackagesRequest request)
public ListRepositoriesResponse listRepositories(ListRepositoriesRequest request)
public ListRulesResponse listRules(ListRulesRequest request)
public ListTagsResponse listTags(ListTagsRequest request)
public ListVersionsResponse listVersions(ListVersionsRequest request)
public Policy setIamPolicy(SetIamPolicyRequest request)
Updates the IAM policy for a given resource.
Parameter |
Name |
Description |
request |
Returns |
Type |
Description | |
public TestIamPermissionsResponse testIamPermissions(TestIamPermissionsRequest request)
Tests if the caller has a list of permissions on a resource.
Parameter |
Name |
Description |
request |
Returns |
Type |
Description | |
public File updateFile(UpdateFileRequest request)
Returns |
Type |
Description |
File |
public Package updatePackage(UpdatePackageRequest request)
public ProjectSettings updateProjectSettings(UpdateProjectSettingsRequest request)
Updates the Settings for the Project.
public Repository updateRepository(UpdateRepositoryRequest request)
public Rule updateRule(UpdateRuleRequest request)
Returns |
Type |
Description |
Rule |
public Tag updateTag(UpdateTagRequest request)
Returns |
Type |
Description |
Tag |
public VPCSCConfig updateVPCSCConfig(UpdateVPCSCConfigRequest request)
Updates the VPCSC Config for the Project.
public Version updateVersion(UpdateVersionRequest request)