Configuring Pub/Sub notifications

You can use Pub/Sub to receive notifications when clinical events occur in Cloud Healthcare API data stores. These notifications inform you when:

When one of these events occurs, the Cloud Healthcare API publishes a message to a named Pub/Sub resource called a topic. The message can then be received by applications subscribed to the topic.

For DICOM and HL7v2, these messages do not contain any personal information. They only include the following:

  • The project for which the message is generated
  • The message ID
  • In HL7v2 messages, the HL7v2 message type

FHIR Pub/Sub messages can contain personal information. For more information, see FHIR notifications containing FHIR resource data.

For an overview of using Pub/Sub notifications with the Cloud Healthcare API, see Pub/Sub notifications.

Before you begin

Review Pub/Sub quota

Before configuring Pub/Sub notifications, familiarize yourself with Pub/Sub quotas and limits. For information on how to view your quota, request more quota, and what happens if you run out of quota, see Working with quotas.

Enable the Pub/Sub API

To enable the Pub/Sub API, click the following button:

Enable the API

Configure Pub/Sub permissions

To allow messages to be published from the Cloud Healthcare API to Pub/Sub, you must add the pubsub.publisher role to your project's Cloud Healthcare Service Agent service account. See DICOM, FHIR, and HL7v2 store Pub/Sub permissions for steps to add the required role.

Create a Pub/Sub topic

For each data store for which you want to receive notifications, you must configure a Pub/Sub topic. Individual data stores can have their own Pub/Sub topic, or multiple data stores can share the same topic. You can create a topic using the Google Cloud console or the Google Cloud CLI.

When you create a topic, or refer to a topic in a data store's configuration, you need to use a qualified URI in the following format:


where PROJECT_ID is your Google Cloud project ID and TOPIC_NAME is the name of the topic.

To create a topic, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Pub/Sub Topics page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to the Pub/Sub topics page

  2. Click Create Topic.

  3. Enter a topic name with the URI:


    where PROJECT_ID is your Google Cloud project ID.

  4. Click Create.

To create a topic, run the gcloud pubsub topics create command:

gcloud pubsub topics create projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_NAME

If the request is successful, the command returns the following output:

Created topic [projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_NAME].

Create a Pub/Sub subscription

To receive messages published to a topic, you need to create a Pub/Sub subscription. Every Pub/Sub topic should have at least one Pub/Sub subscription.

The subscription connects the topic to a subscriber application that receives and processes messages published to the topic.

Subscriptions can be configured to use a push model or a pull model.

Subscriptions can be configured to filter messages based on their attributes; see instructions on filtering messages from a subscription.

To create a subscription, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Pub/Sub Topics page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to the Pub/Sub topics page

  2. Click your project's topic.

  3. Click Create Subscription.

  4. Enter a subscription name:


    Leave Delivery Type set to Pull.

  5. Click Create.

To create a topic, run the gcloud pubsub subscriptions create command:

gcloud pubsub subscriptions create SUBSCRIPTION_NAME --topic=TOPIC_NAME

If the request is successful, the command returns the following output:

Created subscription [projects/PROJECT_ID/subscriptions/TOPIC_NAME].

View stored DICOM instance notifications

For information on using Pub/Sub notifications with DICOM data, see DICOM Pub/Sub notifications.

View HL7v2 notifications

The Hl7V2Store resource contains an array notificationConfigs where you can specify Pub/Sub topics and filtering criteria.

When an HL7v2 message is ingested or created in an HL7v2 store, the Cloud Healthcare API publishes a message to the Pub/Sub topics that have a filter that matches the HL7v2 message.

To view a notification for an ingested HL7v2 message, complete the following steps:

  1. Create or edit an HL7v2 store and configure it with a Pub/Sub topic.
  2. Add the required pubsub.publisher role to your project's service account.
  3. Ingest an HL7v2 message into the HL7v2 store. This triggers the Cloud Healthcare API to publish a message to the configured Pub/Sub topic.
  4. To view the message published to the Pub/Sub topic, run the gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull command:

    gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull --auto-ack projects/PROJECT_ID/subscriptions/PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION

    The command returns the following output about the ingested HL7v2 message:

    |                                                                 DATA                                               |    MESSAGE_ID   |   ATTRIBUTES  |
    | projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/datasets/DATASET_ID/hl7V2Stores/HL7V2_STORE_ID/messages/HL7V2_MESSAGE_ID | 123456789012345 | msgType=TYPE  |

Cloud Healthcare API and Pub/Sub message storage policy

To ensure that your Cloud Healthcare API data and the associated data in Pub/Sub messages reside in the same region, you must set a Pub/Sub message storage policy.

You must explicitly set the message storage policy on the Pub/Sub topic configured on the data store to ensure that the data stays in the same region. For example, if your Cloud Healthcare API dataset and FHIR store are in us-central1, the message storage policy must only allow the us-central1 region.

To configure a message storage policy, see Configuring message store policies.

Troubleshoot missed Pub/Sub messages

If a notification can't be published to Pub/Sub, an error is logged to Cloud Logging. For more information, see Viewing error logs in Cloud Logging.

If the rate of error generation exceeds a limit, errors in excess of the limit aren't submitted to Cloud Logging.

What's next

Learn how to configure a Pub/Sub topic in: