
This guide provides all required setup steps to start using Document AI Warehouse.

About the Google Cloud console

The Google Cloud console is a web UI used to provision, configure, manage, and monitor systems that use Google Cloud products. You use the Google Cloud console to set up and manage Document AI Warehouse resources.

Create a project

To use services provided by Google Cloud, you must create a project.

A project organizes all your Google Cloud resources. A project consists of the following components:

  • A set of collaborators
  • Enabled APIs (and other resources)
  • Monitoring tools
  • Billing information
  • Authentication and access controls

You can create one project, or you can create multiple projects. You can use your projects to organize your Google Cloud resources in a resource hierarchy. For more information about projects, see the Resource Manager documentation.

In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

Go to project selector

Enable billing

A billing account defines who pays for a given set of resources. Billing accounts can be linked to one or more projects. Project usage is charged to the linked billing account. You can configure billing when you create a project. For more information, see the Billing documentation.

Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

Provision and initialize the service

Before using Document AI Warehouse for the first time, you must provision and initialize the resources associated with your project on the Document AI Warehouse Provisioning page.

If you want to provision the resources, you must be granted the Content Warehouse Admin and Service Usage Admin roles of the project.

Provisioning steps

  1. Choose a region.

    On the provisioning page, select the region that you want to enable.

    Each region is independent. Therefore, if you want to use more than one region, provision each region separately.

  2. Enable the core API. {:#enable-core-api}:

    Click Enable. This enables the Document AI Warehouse APIs on your project.

    After the API is enabled, click Next.

  3. Provision the instance.

    This step provisions the resource for your project in the Document AI Warehouse service. You must choose from among three access control modes. Carefully review them to select the right modes for your use case. For more information, see the access control mode page.

    1. Select an access control (ACL) mode.

      • [Recommended] Document-level access control with users in Cloud Identity.

        This is applicable if your organization manages users or groups in the Cloud Identity service.

      • Document-level access control with users in Bring-your-own Identity service access control.

        If your users can't be added or synced to Cloud Identity, use this mode. However:

        • The Document AI Warehouse interface doesn't support this mode; a custom client application might be needed.
        • Your custom client application authenticates users against the identity provider and passes the users and group memberships using the Document AI Warehouse API.
      • Universal access: No document-level access control.

        • The Document AI Warehouse interface supports this mode to authenticate users.
        • This mode is typically used to grant access to public users without requiring authentication.
        • Custom portals can access all documents by using a service account with the desired role (for example, the Document Viewer role) and can relay this access to public users without authentication.
      Document-level access control with users in Cloud Identity Document-level access control with users in Bring-your-own Identity service access control Universal access
      Document-level access Yes Yes No
      Document AI Warehouse UI support Yes No Yes (if users have project-level access)

    2. Enable questioning and answering:

      Check Question & Answering if you want to enable GenAI search in your project. See GenAI Search for more information, including how to get allowlisted to use the feature.

  4. Trigger provisioning:

    Click Provision to start provisioning your project. It will take a while (3-5 mins) to set up the instance.

  5. Create a default schema.

    Click Create in the initialization step. This creates a default schema that can be used for OCR-extracted PDFs or TXT files. It contains the raw text field for indexing but doesn't contain properties.

  6. View instance:

    This finalizes your provision process. If your project uses document-level access control, proceed to the next section to set up project-level permissions.

    If you are in the allowlist to Google Cloud console UI features, you can click Get Started to start using Document AI Warehouse in the Google Cloud console.

    If you aren't in the allowlist to Google Cloud console UI features, you can proceed to configure the web application to learn how to set up the Document AI Warehouse web application.

  7. Configure the required permissions in IAM for your users. If document-level access control is enabled, then project-level permissions and IAM permissions are required. See required permissions for more details.

Set up project-level permissions

If your project enables document-level access control (Option 1 in ACL mode selection), you must grant your administrator account as well as your users project-level permissions.

To do that, in the final view after provisioning, go to Project Permissions:

Follow the steps below to add your admin account as a Document Admin:

  1. Click Add User

  2. Enter your admin's email, and choose Document Admin as the access level. Click Save.

  3. For other users, you can add them as:

    1. Document Admin: A role with full access to all of the documents in the project, including uploading documents and viewing/editing/deleting all documents regardless of the document owners. In addition, document admins can change the permissions of all the documents.

    2. Document Editor: A role with viewing and editing permissions to all documents, but isn't able to create and delete documents in the project and can't change permissions of documents..

    3. Document Viewer: A role with only the viewing permissions to all documents. Document viewers can't create, edit, delete, or change permissions of documents.

    4. Document Creator: A role with only document uploading permissions. Document creators have full permissions to the documents they upload, but have no other permissions to any other documents unless they get explicit permissions for those documents.

  4. The email can be either a single user email or a group email. Choose Group in the Type field when specifying a group email.

Required permissions

In Document AI Warehouse, we have an independent ACL system on top of the IAM. For document-level ACL projects, you need to get additional project-level permissions in Document AI Warehouse's ACL system. For universal access projects, only IAM permissions are required.

Here are summary tables for required permissions:

Document-ACL projects

User type IAM role Document AI Warehouse's project-level permissions
Admin users Content Warehouse Admin Document Admin
Normal users Content Warehouse document Schema Viewer Document Creator/Editor/Viewer, depending on the intended permissions

Universal access projects

User type IAM role
Admin users 1. Content Warehouse Admin
2. Content Warehouse document admin
Normal users 1. Content Warehouse document Schema Viewer
2. Content Warehouse document creator/viewer/editor, depending on the intended permissions
IAM roles for universal access projects
Role Title Role name Purpose
Content Warehouse document creator contentwarehouse.documentCreator Creating documents
Content Warehouse document viewer contentwarehouse.documentViewer Viewing any documents
Content Warehouse document editor contentwarehouse.documentEditor Editing any documents (does not include creating and deleting)
Content Warehouse document admin contentwarehouse.documentAdmin Managing any documents (including creating and deleting)
Content Warehouse Admin contentwarehouse.admin Managing any documents as well as schemas and rules

See IAM roles and permissions for further details.

Set up the access token (for calling the API from the command line)

To call the Document AI Warehouse API with command line tools, follow these steps.

Use the service account key file in your environment

Provide authentication credentials to your application code by setting the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. This variable applies only to your current shell session. If you want the variable to apply to future shell sessions, set the variable in your shell startup file, for example in the ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile file.

Linux or macOS


Replace KEY_PATH with the path of the JSON file that contains your credentials.

For example:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/user/Downloads/service-account-file.json"


For PowerShell:


Replace KEY_PATH with the path of the JSON file that contains your credentials.

For example:


For command prompt:


Replace KEY_PATH with the path of the JSON file that contains your credentials.

Install and initialize the Google Cloud CLI (optional)

The gcloud CLI provides a set of tools that you can use to manage resources and applications hosted on Google Cloud.

The following link provides instructions:

After installing the Google Cloud CLI, initialize it by running the following command:

gcloud init

If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

Generate the access token

If you have set up authentication in previous steps, you can use the Google Cloud CLI to test your authentication environment. Execute the following command and verify that no error occurs and that credentials are returned:

AUTH_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token --scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform)

Expect that the AUTH_TOKEN is set, for example:

$ echo $AUTH_TOKEN

Test the calling the Document AI Warehouse API

The AUTH_TOKEN is used by all Document AI Warehouse API REST samples to authenticate API calls. For example, the following command retrieves all the document schemas you defined that are associated with your project (for most cases, use "us" as the location):

  curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" https://contentwarehouse.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_NUMBER>/locations/LOCATION/documentSchemas

Code Samples


For more information, see the Document AI Warehouse Java API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Document AI Warehouse, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

public class QuickStart {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String location = "your-region"; // Format is "us" or "eu".
    String userId = "your-user-id"; // Format is user:<user-id>
    quickStart(projectId, location, userId);

  public static void quickStart(String projectId, String location, String userId)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
    String projectNumber = getProjectNumber(projectId);

    String endpoint = "contentwarehouse.googleapis.com:443";
    if (!"us".equals(location)) {
      endpoint = String.format("%s-%s", location, endpoint);
    DocumentSchemaServiceSettings documentSchemaServiceSettings = 

    // Create a Schema Service client
    try (DocumentSchemaServiceClient documentSchemaServiceClient =
        DocumentSchemaServiceClient.create(documentSchemaServiceSettings)) {
      /*  The full resource name of the location, e.g.:
      projects/{project_number}/locations/{location} */
      String parent = LocationName.format(projectNumber, location);

      /* Create Document Schema with Text Type Property Definition
       * More detail on managing Document Schemas: 
       * https://cloud.google.com/document-warehouse/docs/manage-document-schemas */
      DocumentSchema documentSchema = DocumentSchema.newBuilder()
          .setDisplayName("My Test Schema")
          .setDescription("My Test Schema's Description")
              .setDisplayName("Searchable text")

      // Define Document Schema request
      CreateDocumentSchemaRequest createDocumentSchemaRequest =

      // Create Document Schema
      DocumentSchema documentSchemaResponse =

      // Create Document Service Client Settings
      DocumentServiceSettings documentServiceSettings = 

      // Create Document Service Client and Document with relevant properties 
      try (DocumentServiceClient documentServiceClient =
          DocumentServiceClient.create(documentServiceSettings)) {
        TextArray textArray = TextArray.newBuilder().addValues("Test").build();
        Document document = Document.newBuilder()
              .setDisplayName("My Test Document")
              .setPlainText("This is a sample of a document's text.")

        // Define Request Metadata for enforcing access control
        RequestMetadata requestMetadata = RequestMetadata.newBuilder()

        // Define Create Document Request 
        CreateDocumentRequest createDocumentRequest = CreateDocumentRequest.newBuilder()

        // Create Document
        CreateDocumentResponse createDocumentResponse =


  private static String getProjectNumber(String projectId) throws IOException { 
    try (ProjectsClient projectsClient = ProjectsClient.create()) { 
      ProjectName projectName = ProjectName.of(projectId); 
      Project project = projectsClient.getProject(projectName);
      String projectNumber = project.getName(); // Format returned is projects/xxxxxx
      return projectNumber.substring(projectNumber.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);


For more information, see the Document AI Warehouse Node.js API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Document AI Warehouse, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
 * const projectNumber = 'YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER';
 * const location = 'YOUR_PROJECT_LOCATION'; // Format is 'us' or 'eu'
 * const userId = 'user:xxx@example.com'; // Format is "user:xxx@example.com"

// Import from google cloud
const {DocumentSchemaServiceClient, DocumentServiceClient} =

const apiEndpoint =
  location === 'us'
    ? 'contentwarehouse.googleapis.com'
    : `${location}-contentwarehouse.googleapis.com`;

// Create service client
const schemaClient = new DocumentSchemaServiceClient({
  apiEndpoint: apiEndpoint,
const serviceClient = new DocumentServiceClient({apiEndpoint: apiEndpoint});

// Get Document Schema
async function quickstart() {
  // The full resource name of the location, e.g.:
  // projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}
  const parent = `projects/${projectNumber}/locations/${location}`;

  // Initialize request argument(s)
  const schemaRequest = {
    parent: parent,
    documentSchema: {
      displayName: 'My Test Schema',
      propertyDefinitions: [
          name: 'testPropertyDefinitionName', // Must be unique within a document schema (case insensitive)
          displayName: 'searchable text',
          isSearchable: true,
          textTypeOptions: {},

  // Create Document Schema
  const documentSchema =
    await schemaClient.createDocumentSchema(schemaRequest);

  const documentRequest = {
    parent: parent,
    document: {
      displayName: 'My Test Document',
      documentSchemaName: documentSchema[0].name,
      plainText: "This is a sample of a document's text.",
      properties: [
          name: 'testPropertyDefinitionName',
          textValues: {values: ['GOOG']},
    requestMetadata: {userInfo: {id: userId}},

  // Make Request
  const response = serviceClient.createDocument(documentRequest);

  // Print out response
    result => console.log(`Document Created: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`),
    error => console.log(`error: ${error}`)


For more information, see the Document AI Warehouse Python API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Document AI Warehouse, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

from google.cloud import contentwarehouse

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# project_number = 'YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER'
# location = 'YOUR_PROJECT_LOCATION' # Format is 'us' or 'eu'
# user_id = "user:xxxx@example.com" # Format is "user:xxxx@example.com"

def quickstart(project_number: str, location: str, user_id: str) -> None:
    # Create a Schema Service client
    document_schema_client = contentwarehouse.DocumentSchemaServiceClient()

    # The full resource name of the location, e.g.:
    # projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}
    parent = document_schema_client.common_location_path(
        project=project_number, location=location

    # Define Schema Property of Text Type
    property_definition = contentwarehouse.PropertyDefinition(
        name="stock_symbol",  # Must be unique within a document schema (case insensitive)
        display_name="Searchable text",

    # Define Document Schema Request
    create_document_schema_request = contentwarehouse.CreateDocumentSchemaRequest(
            display_name="My Test Schema",

    # Create a Document schema
    document_schema = document_schema_client.create_document_schema(

    # Create a Document Service client
    document_client = contentwarehouse.DocumentServiceClient()

    # The full resource name of the location, e.g.:
    # projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}
    parent = document_client.common_location_path(
        project=project_number, location=location

    # Define Document Property Value
    document_property = contentwarehouse.Property(

    # Define Document
    document = contentwarehouse.Document(
        display_name="My Test Document",
        plain_text="This is a sample of a document's text.",

    # Define Request
    create_document_request = contentwarehouse.CreateDocumentRequest(

    # Create a Document for the given schema
    response = document_client.create_document(request=create_document_request)

    # Read the output
    print(f"Rule Engine Output: {response.rule_engine_output}")
    print(f"Document Created: {response.document}")

Next steps