Manage documents with folders in Google Cloud console

You can manage your documents with folders in Google Cloud console.

Create a folder

After creating a folder schema, you can create a folder with the schema.

  1. On the documents page, click New Folder.

  2. Add a Display name, select a Folder schema, then click Submit to create the folder.

Delete folders

You can delete folders from a browser table page.

  1. Go to the documents page.
  2. Select one or more folders from the table, then click Delete.

  3. A Confirm dialog should appear asking for your confirmation.

  4. Click Confirm, and the folders should be deleted and removed from the table.

Move a document to a folder

You can move a document to a new folder.

  1. On the documents page, click the document that you want to move.

  2. Click Move, then select a destination folder on the left panel and click Move.