Dataproc Metastore version support

This page lists common integrations that Dataproc Metastore supports and the versions of the integrations that you can use.

Apache Hive Metastore version support

When you create a Dataproc Metastore service, you can select the Hive metastore version to use in your service. If you don't select a version, Dataproc Metastore uses Hive version 3.1.2 by default.

Dataproc Metastore supports the following stable Hive patch versions:

  • 3.1.2
  • 2.3.6
  • 2.2.0
  • 1.2.2

Hive version support window

When Dataproc Metastore adds support for a new version of Hive, the previous versions are still supported for the following periods of time.

Months after initial Hive version release New services Existing services
0-12 Supported Supported
12-24 Not Supported Supported
24+ Not supported Not supported

After a Hive version is deprecated, it's no longer supported.

Dataproc version support

When you create a Dataproc Metastore service, you can attach a Dataproc cluster to your service.

Dataproc Metastore supports the following stable versions of Dataproc:

Dataproc Metastore Dataproc
3.1.2 2.x and 1.5*
2.3.6 1.5

* Using Dataproc version 1.5 with Dataproc Metastore 3.1.2 might result in backwards compatibility issues. If you need to use these versions together, we recommend that you use the auxiliary versions feature. To support these versions together, you should set your primary version to Dataproc Metastore 3.1.2 and the auxiliary version to 2.3.6.

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