Apache Cassandra to Bigtable 模板

Apache Cassandra to Bigtable 模板会将 Apache Cassandra 中的表复制到 Bigtable。 此模板需要最低限度的配置,可在 Bigtable 中尽可能接近地复制 Cassandra 中的表结构。

Apache Cassandra to Bigtable 模板适用于以下情况:

  • 在可以接受短时间停机的情况下,迁移 Apache Cassandra 数据库。
  • 定期将 Cassandra 表复制到 Bigtable 以便提供全球服务。


  • 在运行此流水线之前,目标 Bigtable 表必须已存在。
  • Dataflow 工作器与 Apache Cassandra 节点之间建立了网络连接。


Apache Cassandra to Bigtable 模板会自动将 Apache Cassandra 数据类型转换为 Bigtable 的数据类型。

大多数原语在 Bigtable 和 Apache Cassandra 中的表示方式相同;但以下原语的表示方式有所不同:

  • DateTimestamp 会转化为 DateTime 对象
  • UUID 被转换为 String
  • Varint 被转换为 BigDecimal

Apache Cassandra 还原生支持更复杂的类型,例如 TupleListSetMap。此流水线不支持元组,因为 Apache Beam 中没有相应的类型。

例如,在 Apache Cassandra 中,您有一个 List 类型的列,名为“mylist”,还有一些类似下表内容的值。

row mylist
1 (a,b,c)

流水线会将列表列扩展为三个不同的列(在 Bigtable 中称为列限定符)。列名称为“mylist”,但流水线还会附加上列表中各项的索引编号,例如“mylist[0]”。

row mylist[0] mylist[1] mylist[2]
1 a b c


row mymap
1 {"first_key":"first_value","another_key":"different_value"}


row mymap[0].key mymap[0].value mymap[1].key mymap[1].value
1 first_key first_value another_key different_value


在 Apache Cassandra 中,主键是使用数据定义语言定义的。主键可以是简单的、复合的,或者是与聚簇列复合的。Bigtable 支持手动行键构造,按字典顺序对字节数组进行排序。此流水线会收集有关键类型的信息,并遵循基于多个值构建行键的最佳做法构建键。



  • cassandraHosts:以英文逗号分隔的列表中的 Apache Cassandra 节点的主机。
  • cassandraKeyspace:表所在的 Apache Cassandra 键空间。
  • cassandraTable:要复制的 Apache Cassandra 表。
  • bigtableProjectId:与 Bigtable 实例关联的 Google Cloud 项目 ID。
  • bigtableInstanceId:Apache Cassandra 表复制到的 Bigtable 实例的 ID。
  • bigtableTableId:Apache Cassandra 表复制到的 Bigtable 表的名称。


  • cassandraPort:用于在节点上访问 Apache Cassandra 的 TCP 端口。默认值为 9042
  • defaultColumnFamily:Bigtable 表的列族名称。默认值为 default
  • rowKeySeparator:用于构建行键的分隔符。默认值为 #
  • splitLargeRows:用于启用将大行拆分为多个 MutateRows 请求的标志。请注意,当一个较大的行被拆分为多个 API 调用时,对该行的更新不是原子性的。。
  • writetimeCassandraColumnSchema:用于将 Cassandra 写入时间复制到 Bigtable 的架构的 GCS 路径。用于生成此架构的命令为 cqlsh -e "select json * from system_schema.columns where keyspace_name='$CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE' and table_name='$CASSANDRA_TABLE'`" > column_schema.json。将 $WRITETIME_CASSANDRA_COLUMN_SCHEMA 设置为 GCS 路径,例如 gs://$BUCKET_NAME/column_schema.json。然后将架构上传到 GCS:gcloud storage cp column_schema.json $WRITETIME_CASSANDRA_COLUMN_SCHEMA。需要 Cassandra 2.2 及更高版本才能支持 JSON。
  • setZeroTimestamp:用于在没有 Cassandra 写入时间时将 Bigtable 单元格时间戳设为 0 的标志。如果未设置此标志,默认行为是将 Bigtable 单元格时间戳设置为模板复制时间,即当前时间。


  1. 转到 Dataflow 基于模板创建作业页面。
  2. 转到“基于模板创建作业”
  3. 作业名称字段中,输入唯一的作业名称。
  4. 可选:对于区域性端点,从下拉菜单中选择一个值。默认区域为 us-central1

    如需查看可以在其中运行 Dataflow 作业的区域列表,请参阅 Dataflow 位置

  5. Dataflow 模板下拉菜单中,选择 the Cassandra to Cloud Bigtable template。
  6. 在提供的参数字段中,输入您的参数值。
  7. 点击运行作业

在 shell 或终端中,运行模板:

gcloud dataflow jobs run JOB_NAME \
    --gcs-location gs://dataflow-templates-REGION_NAME/VERSION/Cassandra_To_Cloud_Bigtable \
    --region REGION_NAME \
    --parameters \


  • JOB_NAME:您选择的唯一性作业名称
  • VERSION:您要使用的模板的版本


  • REGION_NAME:要在其中部署 Dataflow 作业的区域,例如 us-central1
  • BIGTABLE_PROJECT_ID:Bigtable 所在项目的 ID
  • BIGTABLE_TABLE_ID:Bigtable 表名称
  • CASSANDRA_HOSTS:Apache Cassandra 主机列表;如果提供了多个主机,请按照此说明了解如何转义逗号
  • CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE:表格所在的 Apache Cassandra 键空间
  • CASSANDRA_TABLE:需要迁移的 Apache Cassandra 表

如需使用 REST API 来运行模板,请发送 HTTP POST 请求。如需详细了解 API 及其授权范围,请参阅 projects.templates.launch

POST https://dataflow.googleapis.com/v1b3/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/templates:launch?gcsPath=gs://dataflow-templates-LOCATION/VERSION/Cassandra_To_Cloud_Bigtable
   "jobName": "JOB_NAME",
   "parameters": {
       "bigtableProjectId": "BIGTABLE_PROJECT_ID",
       "bigtableInstanceId": "BIGTABLE_INSTANCE_ID",
       "bigtableTableId": "BIGTABLE_TABLE_ID",
       "cassandraHosts": "CASSANDRA_HOSTS",
       "cassandraKeyspace": "CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE",
       "cassandraTable": "CASSANDRA_TABLE"
   "environment": { "zone": "us-central1-f" }


  • PROJECT_ID:您要在其中运行 Dataflow 作业的 Google Cloud 项目 ID
  • JOB_NAME:您选择的唯一性作业名称
  • VERSION:您要使用的模板的版本


  • LOCATION:要在其中部署 Dataflow 作业的区域,例如 us-central1
  • BIGTABLE_PROJECT_ID:Bigtable 所在项目的 ID
  • BIGTABLE_TABLE_ID:Bigtable 表名称
  • CASSANDRA_HOSTS:Apache Cassandra 主机列表;如果提供了多个主机,请按照此说明了解如何转义逗号
  • CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE:表格所在的 Apache Cassandra 键空间
  • CASSANDRA_TABLE:需要迁移的 Apache Cassandra 表
 * Copyright (C) 2019 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package com.google.cloud.teleport.bigtable;

import com.datastax.driver.core.Session;
import com.google.cloud.teleport.bigtable.CassandraToBigtable.Options;
import com.google.cloud.teleport.metadata.Template;
import com.google.cloud.teleport.metadata.TemplateCategory;
import com.google.cloud.teleport.metadata.TemplateParameter;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.SerializableCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.cassandra.CassandraIO;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.cassandra.Mapper;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.bigtable.BigtableIO;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.Default;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptions;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptionsFactory;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.ValueProvider;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDo;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.SerializableFunction;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.Row;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * This Dataflow Template performs a one off copy of one table from Apache Cassandra to Cloud
 * Bigtable. It is designed to require minimal configuration and aims to replicate the table
 * structure in Cassandra as closely as possible in Cloud Bigtable.
 * <p>Check out <a
 * href="https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/DataflowTemplates/blob/main/v1/README_Cassandra_To_Cloud_Bigtable.md">README</a>
 * for instructions on how to use or modify this template.
    name = "Cassandra_To_Cloud_Bigtable",
    category = TemplateCategory.BATCH,
    displayName = "Cassandra to Cloud Bigtable",
    description = {
      "The Apache Cassandra to Cloud Bigtable template copies a table from Apache Cassandra to Cloud Bigtable. "
          + "This template requires minimal configuration and replicates the table structure in Cassandra as closely as possible in Cloud Bigtable.",
      "The Apache Cassandra to Cloud Bigtable template is useful for the following:\n"
          + "- Migrating Apache Cassandra database when short downtime is acceptable.\n"
          + "- Periodically replicating Cassandra tables to Cloud Bigtable for global serving."
    optionsClass = Options.class,
    documentation =
    contactInformation = "https://cloud.google.com/support",
    requirements = {
      "The target Bigtable table must exist before running the pipeline.",
      "Network connection between Dataflow workers and Apache Cassandra nodes."
final class CassandraToBigtable {

  /** TODO - refactor to extend BigtableCommonOptions.WriteOptions. */
  public interface Options extends PipelineOptions {

        order = 1,
        groupName = "Source",
        regexes = {"^[a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-,]*$"},
        description = "Cassandra Hosts",
        helpText = "The hosts of the Apache Cassandra nodes in a comma-separated list.")
    ValueProvider<String> getCassandraHosts();

    void setCassandraHosts(ValueProvider<String> hosts);

        order = 2,
        groupName = "Source",
        optional = true,
        description = "Cassandra Port",
        helpText =
            "The TCP port to use to reach Apache Cassandra on the nodes. The default value is `9042`.")
    ValueProvider<Integer> getCassandraPort();

    void setCassandraPort(ValueProvider<Integer> port);

        order = 3,
        groupName = "Source",
        regexes = {"^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,47}$"},
        description = "Cassandra Keyspace",
        helpText = "The Apache Cassandra keyspace where the table is located.")
    ValueProvider<String> getCassandraKeyspace();

    void setCassandraKeyspace(ValueProvider<String> keyspace);

        order = 4,
        groupName = "Source",
        regexes = {"^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$"},
        description = "Cassandra Table",
        helpText = "The Apache Cassandra table to copy.")
    ValueProvider<String> getCassandraTable();

    void setCassandraTable(ValueProvider<String> cassandraTable);

        order = 5,
        groupName = "Target",
        description = "Bigtable Project ID",
        helpText = "The Google Cloud project ID associated with the Bigtable instance.")
    ValueProvider<String> getBigtableProjectId();

    void setBigtableProjectId(ValueProvider<String> projectId);

        order = 6,
        groupName = "Target",
        regexes = {"[a-z][a-z0-9\\-]+[a-z0-9]"},
        description = "Target Bigtable Instance",
        helpText = "The ID of the Bigtable instance that the Apache Cassandra table is copied to.")
    ValueProvider<String> getBigtableInstanceId();

    void setBigtableInstanceId(ValueProvider<String> bigtableInstanceId);

        order = 7,
        groupName = "Target",
        regexes = {"[_a-zA-Z0-9][-_.a-zA-Z0-9]*"},
        description = "Target Bigtable Table",
        helpText = "The name of the Bigtable table that the Apache Cassandra table is copied to.")
    ValueProvider<String> getBigtableTableId();

    void setBigtableTableId(ValueProvider<String> bigtableTableId);

        order = 8,
        groupName = "Target",
        optional = true,
        regexes = {"[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+"},
        description = "The Default Bigtable Column Family",
        helpText =
            "The name of the column family of the Bigtable table. The default value is `default`.")
    ValueProvider<String> getDefaultColumnFamily();

    void setDefaultColumnFamily(ValueProvider<String> defaultColumnFamily);

        order = 9,
        groupName = "Target",
        optional = true,
        description = "The Row Key Separator",
        helpText = "The separator used to build row-keys. The default value is `#`.")
    ValueProvider<String> getRowKeySeparator();

    void setRowKeySeparator(ValueProvider<String> rowKeySeparator);

        order = 10,
        groupName = "Target",
        optional = true,
        description = "If true, large rows will be split into multiple MutateRows requests",
        helpText =
            "The flag for enabling splitting of large rows into multiple MutateRows requests. Note that when a large row is split between multiple API calls, the updates to the row are not atomic. ")
    ValueProvider<Boolean> getSplitLargeRows();

    void setSplitLargeRows(ValueProvider<Boolean> splitLargeRows);

    // TODO(georgecma) - upgrade template to V2 or modify CassandraIO so column schema is
    // automatically processed.
        order = 11,
        optional = true,
        description =
            "GCS path to Cassandra JSON column schema. If set, the template will use the schema info to copy Cassandra write time to Bigtable cells",
        helpText =
            "GCS path to schema to copy Cassandra writetimes to Bigtable. The command to generate this schema is ```cqlsh -e \"select json * from system_schema.columns where keyspace_name='$CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE' and table_name='$CASSANDRA_TABLE'`\" > column_schema.json```. Set $WRITETIME_CASSANDRA_COLUMN_SCHEMA to a GCS path, e.g. `gs://$BUCKET_NAME/column_schema.json`. Then upload the schema to GCS: `gcloud storage cp column_schema.json $WRITETIME_CASSANDRA_COLUMN_SCHEMA`. Requires Cassandra version 2.2 onwards for JSON support.")
    ValueProvider<String> getWritetimeCassandraColumnSchema();

    void setWritetimeCassandraColumnSchema(ValueProvider<String> writetimeCassandraColumnSchema);

        order = 12,
        optional = true,
        description =
            "If true, sets Bigtable cell timestamp to 0 if writetime is not present. Else, the Bigtable cell timestamp defaults to pipeline run time (i.e. now).",
        helpText =
            "The flag for setting Bigtable cell timestamp to 0 if Cassandra writetime is not present. The default behavior for when this flag is not set is to set the Bigtable cell timestamp as the template replication time, i.e. now.")
    ValueProvider<Boolean> getSetZeroTimestamp();

    void setSetZeroTimestamp(ValueProvider<Boolean> setZeroTimestamp);

  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CassandraToBigtable.class);

   * Runs a pipeline to copy one Cassandra table to Cloud Bigtable.
   * @param args arguments to the pipeline
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Options options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().as(Options.class);
    // Split the Cassandra Hosts value provider into a list value provider.
    ValueProvider.NestedValueProvider<List<String>, String> hosts =
            (SerializableFunction<String, List<String>>) value -> Arrays.asList(value.split(",")));

    Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(PipelineUtils.tweakPipelineOptions(options));

    // Create a factory method to inject the CassandraRowMapperFn to allow custom type mapping.
    SerializableFunction<Session, Mapper> cassandraObjectMapperFactory =
        new CassandraRowMapperFactory(options.getCassandraTable(), options.getCassandraKeyspace());

    CassandraIO.Read<Row> source =
                new CassandraWritetimeQueryProvider(

    BigtableIO.Write sink =

    p.apply("Read from Cassandra", source)
            "Convert Row",
        .apply("Write to Bigtable", sink);
