Template AstraDB ke BigQuery

Template AstraDB ke BigQuery adalah pipeline batch yang membaca data dari AstraDB dan menulisnya ke BigQuery.

Jika tabel tujuan tidak ada di BigQuery, pipeline akan membuat tabel dengan nilai berikut:

  • Dataset ID, yang diwarisi dari ruang kunci Cassandra.
  • Table ID, yang diwarisi dari tabel Cassandra.

Skema tabel tujuan disimpulkan dari tabel Cassandra sumber.

  • List dan Set dipetakan ke kolom REPEATED BigQuery.
  • Map dipetakan ke kolom RECORD BigQuery.
  • Semua jenis lainnya dipetakan ke kolom BigQuery dengan jenis yang sesuai.
  • Jenis yang ditentukan pengguna (UDT) dan jenis data tuple Cassandra tidak didukung.

Persyaratan pipeline

  • Akun AstraDB dengan token

Parameter template

Parameter yang diperlukan

  • astraToken: Nilai token atau ID resource secret. Contoh, AstraCS:abcdefghij.
  • astraDatabaseId: ID unik database (UUID). Contoh, cf7af129-d33a-498f-ad06-d97a6ee6eb7.
  • astraKeyspace: Nama keyspace Cassandra di dalam database Astra.
  • astraTable: Nama tabel di dalam database Cassandra. Contoh, my_table.

Parameter opsional

  • astraQuery: Kueri yang akan digunakan untuk memfilter baris, bukan membaca seluruh tabel.
  • astraDatabaseRegion: Jika tidak disediakan, default akan dipilih, yang berguna dengan database multi-region.
  • minTokenRangesCount: Jumlah minimum pemisahan yang akan digunakan untuk mendistribusikan kueri.
  • outputTableSpec: Lokasi tabel BigQuery tempat output akan ditulis. Gunakan format <PROJECT_ID>:<DATASET_NAME>.<TABLE_NAME> Skema tabel harus cocok dengan objek input.

Menjalankan template

  1. Buka halaman Create job from template Dataflow.
  2. Buka Buat tugas dari template
  3. Di kolom Nama tugas, masukkan nama tugas yang unik.
  4. Opsional: Untuk Endpoint regional, pilih nilai dari menu drop-down. Region defaultnya adalah us-central1.

    Untuk mengetahui daftar region tempat Anda dapat menjalankan tugas Dataflow, lihat Lokasi Dataflow.

  5. Dari menu drop-down Dataflow template, pilih the AstraDB to BigQuery template.
  6. Di kolom parameter yang disediakan, masukkan nilai parameter Anda.
  7. Klik Run job.

Di shell atau terminal, jalankan template:

gcloud dataflow flex-template run JOB_NAME \
    --template-file-gcs-location=gs://dataflow-templates-REGION_NAME/VERSION/flex/AstraDB_To_BigQuery \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \
    --region=REGION_NAME \
    --parameters \

Ganti kode berikut:

  • JOB_NAME: nama tugas unik pilihan Anda
  • VERSION: versi template yang ingin Anda gunakan

    Anda dapat menggunakan nilai berikut:

  • REGION_NAME: region tempat Anda ingin men-deploy tugas Dataflow—misalnya, us-central1
  • ASTRA_TOKEN: token Astra
  • ASTRA_DATABASE_ID: ID database
  • ASTRA_KEYSPACE: ruang kunci Cassandra
  • ASTRA_TABLE: tabel Cassandra

Untuk menjalankan template menggunakan REST API, kirim permintaan POST HTTP. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang API dan cakupan otorisasinya, lihat projects.templates.launch.

POST https://dataflow.googleapis.com/v1b3/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/flexTemplates:launch
   "launchParameter": {
     "jobName": "JOB_NAME",
     "parameters": {
       "astraToken": "ASTRA_TOKEN",
       "astraDatabaseId": "ASTRA_DATABASE_ID",
       "astraKeyspace": "ASTRA_KEYSPACE",
       "astraTable": "ASTRA_TABLE",
     "containerSpecGcsPath": "gs://dataflow-templates-LOCATION/VERSION/flex/AstraDB_To_BigQuery",
     "environment": { "maxWorkers": "10" }

Ganti kode berikut:

  • PROJECT_ID: ID project Google Cloud tempat Anda ingin menjalankan tugas Dataflow
  • JOB_NAME: nama tugas unik pilihan Anda
  • VERSION: versi template yang ingin Anda gunakan

    Anda dapat menggunakan nilai berikut:

  • LOCATION: region tempat Anda ingin men-deploy tugas Dataflow—misalnya, us-central1
  • ASTRA_TOKEN: token Astra
  • ASTRA_DATABASE_ID: ID database
  • ASTRA_KEYSPACE: ruang kunci Cassandra
  • ASTRA_TABLE: tabel Cassandra
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package com.google.cloud.teleport.v2.astradb.templates;

import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession;
import com.dtsx.astra.sdk.db.DatabaseClient;
import com.google.api.services.bigquery.model.TableReference;
import com.google.api.services.bigquery.model.TableSchema;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.BigQuery;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.BigQueryOptions;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.DatasetId;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.DatasetInfo;
import com.google.cloud.teleport.metadata.Template;
import com.google.cloud.teleport.metadata.TemplateCategory;
import com.google.cloud.teleport.v2.astradb.options.AstraDbToBigQueryOptions;
import com.google.cloud.teleport.v2.astradb.transforms.AstraDbToBigQueryMappingFn;
import com.google.cloud.teleport.v2.common.UncaughtExceptionLogger;
import com.google.cloud.teleport.v2.utils.SecretManagerUtils;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.SerializableCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.astra.db.AstraDbIO;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.astra.db.CqlSessionHolder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.astra.db.mapping.AstraDbMapper;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.astra.db.mapping.BeamRowDbMapperFactoryFn;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.bigquery.BigQueryIO;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.bigquery.BigQueryUtils;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptions;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptionsFactory;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.SerializableFunction;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.Row;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * The {@link AstraDbToBigQuery} pipeline is a batch pipeline which ingests data from AstraDB and
 * outputs the resulting records to BigQuery.
 * <p>Check out <a
 * href="https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/DataflowTemplates/blob/main/v2/astradb-to-bigquery/README_AstraDB_to_BigQuery.md">README</a>
 * for instructions on how to use or modify this template.
    name = "AstraDB_To_BigQuery",
    category = TemplateCategory.BATCH,
    displayName = "AstraDB to BigQuery",
    description = {
      "The AstraDB to BigQuery template is a batch pipeline that reads records from AstraDB and writes them to BigQuery.",
      "If the destination table doesn't exist in BigQuery, the pipeline creates a table with the following values:\n"
          + "- The `Dataset ID` is inherited from the Cassandra keyspace.\n"
          + "- The `Table ID` is inherited from the Cassandra table.\n",
      "The schema of the destination table is inferred from the source Cassandra table.\n"
          + "- `List` and `Set` are mapped to BigQuery `REPEATED` fields.\n"
          + "- `Map` are mapped to BigQuery `RECORD` fields.\n"
          + "- All other types are mapped to BigQuery fields with the corresponding types.\n"
          + "- Cassandra user-defined types (UDTs) and tuple data types are not supported."
    optionsClass = AstraDbToBigQuery.Options.class,
    flexContainerName = "astradb-to-bigquery",
    documentation =
    contactInformation = "https://cloud.google.com/support",
    preview = true,
    requirements = {"AstraDB account with a token"})
public class AstraDbToBigQuery {

  /** Logger for the class. */
  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AstraDbToBigQuery.class);

  /** If not provided, it is the default token range value. */
  public static final int DEFAULT_TOKEN_RANGE = 18;

   * Options for the sample
   * <p>Inherits standard configuration options.
  public interface Options
      extends PipelineOptions,
          AstraDbToBigQueryOptions.BigQueryWriteOptions {}

  /** Main operations. */
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    LOGGER.info("Starting pipeline");

    try {

      Options options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().as(Options.class);
      LOGGER.debug("Pipeline Arguments (options) validated");

      // --------------------------------
      // AstraDbIO.Read<Row>
      // --------------------------------

      // Credentials are read from secrets manager
      AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<String, byte[]> astraCredentials =
      LOGGER.debug("Astra Credentials parsed");

      // Map Cassandra Table Schema into BigQuery Table Schema
      SerializableFunction<AstraDbIO.Read<?>, TableSchema> bigQuerySchemaFactory =
          new AstraDbToBigQueryMappingFn(options.getAstraKeyspace(), options.getAstraTable());
      LOGGER.debug("Schema Mapper has been initialized");

      // Map Cassandra Rows into (Apache) Beam Rows (DATA)
      SerializableFunction<CqlSession, AstraDbMapper<Row>> beamRowMapperFactory =
          new BeamRowDbMapperFactoryFn(options.getAstraKeyspace(), options.getAstraTable());
      LOGGER.debug("Row Mapper has been initialized");

      // Distribute reads across all available Cassandra nodes
      int minimalTokenRangesCount =
          (options.getMinTokenRangesCount() == null)
              ? DEFAULT_TOKEN_RANGE
              : options.getMinTokenRangesCount();

      // Source: AstraDb
      AstraDbIO.Read<Row> astraSource =
      LOGGER.debug("AstraDb Source initialization [OK]");

      // --------------------------------
      //  BigQueryIO.Write<Row>
      // --------------------------------

      TableReference bqTableRef = parseBigQueryDestinationTable(options);
      createBigQueryDestinationTableIfNotExist(options, bqTableRef);
      LOGGER.debug("BigQuery Sink Table has been initialized");

      // Sink: BigQuery
      BigQueryIO.Write<Row> bigQuerySink =
              // Specialized function reading cassandra source table and mapping to BigQuery Schema
              // Provided by google, convert a Beam Row to a BigQuery TableRow
              .withFormatFunction(row -> row != null ? BigQueryUtils.toTableRow(row) : null)
              // Table Will be created if not exist
      LOGGER.debug("BigQuery Sink initialization [OK]");

      // --------------------------------
      //  Pipeline
      // --------------------------------

      Pipeline astraDbToBigQueryPipeline = Pipeline.create(options);
          .apply("Read From Astra", astraSource)
          .apply("Write To BigQuery", bigQuerySink);

    } finally {
      // Cassandra Connection is stateful and needs to be closed

   * Parse Astra Credentials from secrets in secret Manager. - SecretManagerUtils is not used as
   * only applied to String secrets
   * @param options pipeline options
   * @return a pair with the token and the secure bundle
  private static AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<String, byte[]> parseAstraCredentials(
      Options options) {

    String astraToken = options.getAstraToken();
    if (!astraToken.startsWith("AstraCS")) {
      astraToken = SecretManagerUtils.getSecret(options.getAstraToken());
    LOGGER.info("Astra Token is parsed, value={}", astraToken.substring(0, 10) + "...");
     * Accessing the devops Api to retrieve the secure bundle.
    DatabaseClient astraDbClient = new DatabaseClient(astraToken, options.getAstraDatabaseId());
    if (!astraDbClient.exist()) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Astra Database does not exist, please check your Astra Token and Database ID");
    byte[] astraSecureBundle = astraDbClient.downloadDefaultSecureConnectBundle();
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(options.getAstraDatabaseRegion())) {
      astraSecureBundle =
    LOGGER.info("Astra Bundle is parsed, length={}", astraSecureBundle.length);
    return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(astraToken, astraSecureBundle);

   * Create the Bog Query table Reference (provided or based on Cassandra table name).
   * @param options pipeline options
   * @return the big query table reference
  private static TableReference parseBigQueryDestinationTable(Options options) {
     * bigQueryOutputTableSpec argument is the Big Query table specification. This is parameter
     * is optional. If not set, the table specification is built from the cassandra source table
     * attributes: keyspace=dataset name, table=table name.
    String bigQueryOutputTableSpec = options.getOutputTableSpec();
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(bigQueryOutputTableSpec)) {
      bigQueryOutputTableSpec =
          options.getProject() + ":" + options.getAstraKeyspace() + "." + options.getAstraTable();
    TableReference bigQueryTableReference = BigQueryUtils.toTableReference(bigQueryOutputTableSpec);
    LOGGER.info("Big Query table spec has been set to {}", bigQueryOutputTableSpec);
    return bigQueryTableReference;

   * Create destination dataset and tables if needed (schema mapped from Cassandra).
   * @param options pipeline options
   * @param bqTableRef big query table reference
  private static void createBigQueryDestinationTableIfNotExist(
      Options options, TableReference bqTableRef) {
    BigQuery bigquery =
    if (null
        == bigquery.getDataset(
            DatasetId.of(bqTableRef.getProjectId(), bqTableRef.getDatasetId()))) {
          "Dataset was not found: creating DataSet {} in region {}",
      LOGGER.debug("Dataset has been created [OK]");
    } else {
      LOGGER.info("Dataset {} already exist", bqTableRef.getDatasetId());

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