Customizing languages, recordings, & messages

In order to support multiple markets, multiple languages can be activated and used in the channels you make available.

Enabling multiple languages for IVR, mobile, and web channels

Adding languages creates a new queue structure for each channel, enabling all queue settings and assignments, messages, and all queue-specific settings to be set per language.

  • The English US menu is used as the template for all queues during the setup process.

    To add new queues you will need to add via the English US language then configure each new language queue configuration.

  • If you don't want a queue to be active for a specific language, you can skip assigning agents.

  • Once added, the new language will be available for IVR, Mobile, and Web channels.

  • Adding a language creates a new queue structure, allowing you to:

    • Customize the names of the queues.

    • Upload language-specific messages played or displayed.

    • Adds language as a new dimension to reporting.

    • Select from a list of languages when making an outbound call.

Steps to set up a language

  1. Adding the language

  2. Customizing messages

  3. Customizing queues for the language

Adding the language

  1. Go to Settings > Languages & Messages.

  2. Click Add Language and select a language of choice from the dropdown.

Customizing language messages

  1. Go to Settings > Languages & Messages.

  2. Select the language from the drop-down.

    If you are using Multiple Mobile apps, you can select the app from the channel menu on the right to toggle between configured mobile apps.

  3. Once the language is selected, the page contains all messages callers hear. These messages should be configured for the new language.

    (Example of TTS typed in the new language)

  4. Click Apply to save.

Customize queue settings for the language

All languages other than English depend on the setup of the English queues, so as you create new languages you will be editing the English queue structure as a template. To make changes to the queue structure, please use the English settings.

  1. Click Customize Queues to edit each live queue channel for your new language. This will need to be repeated for all channels: IVR, mobile and web.

  2. You can edit the queue names in the new language.

    Click on the name of the queue and type in the new/translated queue name. The queue name will be heard if using text-to-speech for IVR announcements and will be seen if you are using Mobile or Web SDKs.

  3. Mark the checkbox next to Instant Voice Call to enable calls to this queue.

  4. Click Assign agents to assign Agents to this queue for incoming calls.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each menu: Queues will turn from red to white when fully set up and ready to go live.

  6. Go Live: Languages can go live before all messages and queues have been configured, but, be aware that once a language is live, it is available for your consumers to access. Only set a language to live if you have configured all the necessary messages and queues. Once live, make sure to test by calling an assigned number or accessing the queues via SDK.


If the Go live button is not working, try following these steps:

  1. Make sure ALL menu options for all channels have been edited. Some may appear to have been named but it is only the carry-over from the English US queue upon creation and needs to be edited.

  2. Make sure all prompts in the Languages & Messages have something either uploaded or written in the text-to-speech field.

  3. Even if you aren't using a channel, you may need to assign one agent to a queue in each channel to make sure it's active.

Supported languages

Agent facing languages

Admins can configure locations and those locations have default assigned languages. See Localized Languages in the Agent Adapter.

The following agent facing languages are supported:

  • Arabic

  • Chinese

  • English

  • French (France)

  • French (Canada)

  • Japanese

  • German

  • Italian

  • Korean

  • Portuguese

  • Spanish (Mexico)

  • Spanish (Spain)

  • Thai

  • Turkish

  • Vietnamese

Consumer facing languages

For consumer-facing languages, once a language is added:

  • You can customize queue names.

  • Any uploaded language-specific messages are played or displayed.

  • The language is added to Reporting as a new dimension.

  • Agents can select from a list of languages when making an outbound call.

Customer-facing languages currently include:

  • Arabic

  • Czech

  • Chinese, Simplified

  • Chinese, Traditional

  • Danish

  • Dutch

  • English (Australian)

  • English (Canada)

  • English (UK)

  • English (US)

  • Finnish

  • French (France)

  • French (Canada)

  • German

  • Hungarian

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Norwegian

  • Polish

  • Portuguese (Brazil)

  • Portuguese (Portugal)

  • Spanish (Spain)

  • Spanish (Mexico)

  • Swedish

  • Thai

  • Turkish

  • Vietnamese

Customizing mobile and web SDK channel messages

When mobile and web SDKs have been installed, you can customize timely messages displayed to consumers.

Messages can be configured in the global settings and at the queue level.

Setting mobile messages in global settings

Mobile messages are available for the Android and iOS SDKs, and they can be configured by language and app if you use multiple apps.

Global messages are located in Settings > Languages & Messages.

To update Mobile messages, select Original App as the channel.

To update Web SDK messages, select the Web SDK channel.

Once the Display an After Hours Message Mobile option is enabled in Settings > Support Center Details, the After Hour messages can also be configured by queue in Settings > Queue > Mobile > Selected queue menu settings.

  • Default Greeting Message: Used as the first message sent to the consumer when starting a chat conversation.

    Sample Mobile default message: Thanks for reaching out Kat Jones. Please send us any details you can while we connect you to an agent.

  • After Hour Messaging: When the call or chat option is selected for a queue that is outside of operating hours, this message will be displayed in the app.

    • Call: Shows once the call option is selected.

    Sample Mobile call after hours message: We're gone home for the day! Call back between 9am PST and 6pm PST Monday to Friday. If you still need help, email

    • Chat: Shows once the chat option is selected with the option to restart the Mobile menu flow.

    Sample Mobile chat After Hours message:We're gone home for the day! Call back between 9am PST and 6pm PST Monday to Friday.

Web SDK channel messages

The web SDK channel messages are for use with the Web SDKs installed on your web pages and can be configured by language.

  • Default Greeting Message: Used as the first message sent to the consumer once the agent has been assigned to a chat session.

  • After Hour Messaging: When the call or chat option is selected for a queue that is outside of operating hours, and after hour deflection and overcapacity deflection are both disabled, this message will be displayed in the app.

    • Call: Shows once the call option is selected with the option to start a new conversation in another channel

    Sample After Hours call message: We're gone home for the day! Call back between 9am PST and 6pm PST Monday to Friday. If you still need help, email

    • Chat: Shows once the chat option is selected with other queues available for selection below

    Example after hours chat screen:

Sample variable attributes for customizing web and mobile messages

The following variables can be inserted into Mobile and Web SDK messages and reference either information passed from the SDK or wait information.

For a full list see Using variables for dynamic consumer messages.


Description: inserts the name of the consumer.

If you have the Web SDK configured on an unauthenticated page (no login required by the consumer) CCAI Platform will not be able to pass individual information about the consumer.

When authenticated, the Full name is shown.

When unauthenticated, the term Customer is shown.


Description: inserts the name of the Agent.


Description: include this variable to automatically display opening time based on operation hours.

For example: We are closed for today, please try again tomorrow. We open {NEXT_REOPEN_HOUR}.


Description: The numerical value for minutes and / or hours for the current estimated queue wait time is inserted.

After the numerical value, the word Minutes will be appended and will be translated to the associated language.

Sample Inputs

German: Jemand wird so schnell wie möglich bei Ihnen sein. Die derzeitige geschätzte Wartezeit beträgt @{ESTIMATED_WAIT_TIME_IN_MINUTES}.

English:A representative will be with you ASAP. The current estimated wait is @{ESTIMATED_WAIT_TIME_IN_MINUTES}.

Output to consumer

German: Jemand wird so schnell wie möglich bei Ihnen sein. Die derzeitige geschätzte Wartezeit beträgt 5 Minuten.

English: A representative will be with you ASAP. The current estimated wait is 5 minutes.


Description: The numerical value representing the current total number of consumers waiting in queue including the consumer seeing the number is inserted.

When configuring the message, add the supporting label to the end of the variable in the associated language. For the example below, we added in line.

Sample input

A representative will be with you ASAP. You are number @{QUEUE_SIZE} in line.

Output to consumer

A representative will be with you ASAP. You are number 3 in line.


Description: this variable contains the remaining time until the chat is dismissed.

For example, when the Chat dismissal timer = 3min, the dismissal notification timer = 1min TIME_UNTIL_DISMISSAL will insert 2.

When configuring this message, add the supporting label to the end of the variable in the associated language (minute(s)).

Configuring global default greeting and after-hours messages

  1. Go to Settings > Support Center Details.

  2. Scroll to Display an After Hours Message Mobile and toggle to On.

  3. Go to Settings > Languages & Messages.

  4. Scroll to the Mobile and Web SDK section.

  5. Select the language and Channel you want to set the messages for.

    When selecting a Mobile App, the Channel drop-down automatically regulates all message configurations listed in both "Mobile & Web SDK" and "Audible Messages" sections for the selected mobile app, with the following exceptions:

    • IVR Purchase Flow Messages

    • All IVR messages customized for use within a mobile app can currently only be configured for English US.

  6. Messages to enter with examples

    Default Greeting Message: Message sent via chat when the chat is initiated.

    Hi, @{END_USER}. We are sorry to hear that you are having a problem. Please stand by while we connect you to an agent.

    After Hour Messaging Title

    Sorry, we are closed.

    After Hour Messaging Message

    We are closed for today, please try again tomorrow after 9am Pacific Time.

    Waiting for Agent Assignment Message: Message sent to the consumer right after queue selection. If a DAP is being used, this message is sent right away since the queue is auto-selected.

    We're assigning a representative to help you with @{QUEUE}.

    Agent Assigned Message: Message sent to the consumer once an agent has been assigned to the session. @{AGENT} will chat with you about @{QUEUE}

    Dismissal Warning Notification (Web Only): When inactive chats are set to auto-dismiss messages, this message is sent to the consumer based on the timer set in Settings > Chat. Are you still there? Please respond in the next @{TIME_UNTIL_DISMISSAL} minute(s) or the chat session will be closed.

  7. Enter the message.

    Include Variable attributes if needed.

    To add hyperlinks to the message, follow the below structure. The output in the SDK will depend on the version of the Mobile or Web SDK your company has installed:

    Text format structure: {​{ | Visit our website}​}

    Web SDK and Mobile SDK versions >= 0.34.1

    Text displayed: Visit our website

    Mobile SDK versions < 0.34.1

    Text displayed: Visit our website

  8. Click Apply.

  9. Repeat by changing the Channel setting and set the messages for other SDKs if applicable.

Configuring Mobile After Hour Messages by queue

  1. Go to Settings > Queue > Mobile Edit/View.

  2. Select a queue.

  3. Toggle Display After Hour Deflection Message to On.

  4. Select Use custom After Hours message.

  5. Enter the custom message for this queue.

To add hyperlinks to the message, follow the below structure. The output in the SDK will depend on the version of the Mobile or Web SDK your company has installed:

  • Text format structure: {​{ | Visit our website}​}

  • For Web SDK versions >= 1.15 and Mobile SDK versions >= 0.34.

  • Text displayed: Visit our website

  • For Web SDK versions < 1.15 and Mobile SDK versions < 0.34

  • Text displayed: Visit our website

Click Set Custom After Hours Options to save.

Custom Audio Files & Hold Music Details


Almost all messages that are played to callers can be customized with your audio recordings. Below are recommendations and best practices when using custom audio messages.

File types

Supports WAV and MP3 audio formats.

Please note that changing the extension of the audio file does not change the format of the file, so one can not simply rename the file. A converter must be used to do so and can be either downloaded or found online.

Best practices

  • The telephony standard is 8-bit PCM mono with a sampling rate of 8 Khz. That means a 64 kbit/s bitrate (8 kHz sampling frequency × 8 bits per sample).

  • Voice files can have file size reduced, which also affects quality. The minimum recommended levels are 32 kb/s or 16 kb/s.

  • That standard is bandwidth-limited to the 300 Hz - 8Khz audio range and is designed for voice and provides acceptable voice-quality results.

  • CCAI Platform utilizes the OPUS codec where applicable and supports a constant or variable bitrate of 6 kb/s to 510 kb/s, but it is still recommended to keep to the 64 kb/s bitrate for telephony purposes.


For any audio prompts, it's best to start with the highest-quality possible source recording. This means a voice in a room with good acoustics, recorded carefully with a professional quality microphone and preamp.

You can achieve the best results with careful mic placement. For voice, place the mic below or to the side of the speaker's mouth in order to avoid distortion due to plosives (like "P" and "T" sounds). You can also use a pop filter or shield on your microphone to avoid this distortion.

Record your source at a 48Khz sample rate to a 16-bit or 24-bit mono uncompressed WAV file. Instead of mono, you can record in stereo. If you convert in stereo, you'll need to convert the file to mono before uploading to CCAI Platform.


After recording, archive your recordings in that source format. This can be done either by compressing it into a ZIP or RAR file and storing it to an external drive or by uploading it to a cloud service. Keep in mind that uncompressed audio files will be large. Transcoding to audio that is telephony standard will degrade the quality to a large degree.

It's a good idea to keep an archive copy of the initial high-quality audio so that you have the option of reusing the source material or correcting any sound artifacts from post-processing.

Use an audio software editing program such as Audacity (a free, multi-platform audio editing application) to:

  • Trim leading and trailing silence from the recording.

  • Normalize the volume.

  • Remove background noise.

  • Apply equalization to a copy of the source file if desired.

When exporting from Audacity or another program, make sure the export settings are correct.

You may need to download the LAME MP3 encoder for exporting to the MP3 format. Please follow the directions in your audio editor for more information.

If you have stereo sources, convert these to mono prior to your upload. This ensures that you will not encounter any stereo-to-mono phase artifacts.

Make sure your files do not exceed 15 MB in size.

Customizing Wait and Hold Music

You can assign distinct Hold Music and Wait Music in order to differentiate between different stages within the support process.

Using separate music for each step indicates to consumers that they have progressed to a different stage as opposed to always hearing the same music.

Setting the hold and wait music globally and at the queue level

Locate the global settings

  1. Go to Settings > Languages and Messages > Audible Messages.

  2. Go to the Call Music section.

  3. Follow the steps below in adding audio files to set the music.

Locate the queue level setting

  1. Go to Settings > Queue.

  2. Select the desired channel queue menu by clicking on it.

    The menu of configured queues will be displayed, along with the side settings panel.

  3. Click on the queue where you want to set the hold and wait music.

    Go to Call Music in the settings panel.

  4. Follow the steps below in adding audio files to set the music.

Add, modify playback speed, and download audio files

You can add any .mp3 or .wav file to use as the hold or wait music by uploading a file from your computer or using the drag-and-drop method to add the file.

Once the file has been uploaded, you can preview the music, adjust the volume, or modify the playback speed.

There are separate settings for Wait Music and Hold Music, allowing you to assign a different audio file for each.

  1. In the Call music section, click the Replace file icon to upload a new file.

  2. Use the file window that opens to select the audio file to upload and click Open. Alternatively, click Cancel to close the file window and use the drag-and-drop method to add the audio file.

    Once the file has been uploaded, the name of the new file will replace the current file name.

  3. Click the play button to preview the audio.

  4. Click the volume icon () to adjust the volume used during playback by using the slider to increase or decrease the volume.

  5. Click the options icon () to download or modify playback speed.

    Click Download to download a copy of the audio file.

    Click Playback Speed to select a speed anywhere between 0.25 times and 2 times the normal speed.

    1 represents normal speed, 0.25 is equal to a quarter of the original speed (slowing playback down), and 2 is twice as fast as normal.

  6. Repeat these steps for the other type of music (Hold or Wait).

  7. Click Save.

    The audio files will now be used as the Wait and Hold Music across all queues.

IVR message setup: Languages & messages

Once your IVR has been set up, Text-to-speech (TSS) prompts will be added by default to the messages, and you can add your own voice recordings to customize the caller's experience.

Configuring IVR messages

To begin, go to Settings > Languages & Messages.

  1. Language selection message: Prompts consumer to select a language, played at the very top of the queue. This message is only needed if using multiple languages.

    "For English, press 1. For Spanish, press 2. For French, press 3. For German, press 4. For Japanese, press 5"

  2. Save language selection: Saves message for language selection message.

  3. Language dropdown: Adjust between your implemented languages. Once configured to a new language, all messages below represent the messages for that language.

  4. Connecting message: Message heard by the consumer when connecting them to an agent. Always played for all callers.

    "Your call is being connected to a representative"

  5. Record a call message: Message heard when call recording is enabled.

    "Your call may be recorded for training or quality assurance purposes"

  6. Hold Music: Music heard while waiting in queue or on hold during a call.

  7. Voicemail: Message heard when selected or directed to leave a voicemail. This is a universal message used for all voicemail options for the selected language unless a message is set at the queue level for queue-specific After Hour settings.

    "Please leave your name, number, and a brief description..."

  8. IVR Greeting: Initial message heard before the queue menu readout.

    "Thank you for calling (Company Name)"

  9. Back to Previous Menu Message: Message to return to the previous menu, played after sub-queue menu options are played. "and press 0 to go back to the previous menu"

  10. Incorrect Selected Number: Message heard when the consumer selects an option that doesn't exist.

    "You've selected an invalid menu option"

  11. Ask to Record Message: When per-queue recording is enabled, this message will play when the "Ask user for permission to record" is selected. The caller must press 1 to not be recorded. All other entries or a lack of any entry will result in the call being recorded.

    "If you would like to not be recorded for monitoring purposes please press 1."

  12. After hour Deflection: The message heard when a consumer calls in after business hours

    "You've reached us after operating hours. Regular business hours are from..."

  13. Overcapacity Deflection: Message heard when the overcapacity call deflection threshold has been reached.

    "Thank you for waiting, we will be with you shortly"

  14. Overcapacity Deflection Options Message: This message will list the Overcapacity options that have been selected and which number to press in order to select each option. Selections will be listed in the order they appear in the Call Settings page (Settings > Call).

    In this example, Callback is (1) and Keep waiting is (2):

    "To receive a callback and keep your place in the queue, press 1. To remain on the line and keep waiting, press 2."Message play details: the Overcapacity Deflection message will play, then the Overcapacity Options message plays one time. If nothing is selected keep waiting will be auto-selected. The options will repeat every 4 minutes.

  15. Overcapacity Deflection Phone Option: Message heard if the consumer selects the option to deflect to another phone number.

    "Please wait, your call is being redirected"

  16. Overcapacity Deflection Callback Option: Message heard when the caller selects the callback option.

    "We keep your place in queue and will call you back as soon as a representative is available"

  17. Overcapacity Deflection Wait Option: Message to continue to wait on hold for an agent.

    "Thank you for continuing to hold"

  18. Apply: Saves all changes made in #1-17.

  19. Restore Defaults: Restores #1-17 back to their defaults.

Configuring queue-specific messages

IVR menu structure message

  1. Go to Settings > Queue.

  2. Edit / View: Click to edit specific menus within that channel.

  3. IVR Menu Structure: Top Level settings for customizing your queue menu readout either by using TTS or by uploading a custom file.

    "Press one for Product Issues, press 2 for order status, press 3 for billing information"

  4. TTS (Text-to-speech): Type in a TTS message to be read out to consumers: "Press one for [name of queue option 1] press 2 for [name of queue option 2], press 3 for [name of queue option 3]."

  5. Customized record file: Upload a recording of your queue options readout: "Press one for [name of queue option 1] press 2 for [name of queue option 2], press 3 for [name of queue option 3]."

  6. Apply: Saves changes for #3-5

Top-level queue messages (blue indicator)

  1. Click on the name of the queue

  2. Option 1- Text-to-speech

    Default message can not be edited and will announce the sub-queue options according to the name of each sub-queue given below: "For [name of sub-queue 1] press 1, for [name of sub-queue 2], press 2."

  3. Option 2- Customized record file

    Messaging in the custom file should announce the options below: "For [name of sub-queue 1] press 1, for [name of sub-queue 2], press 2."

Sub-queue messages (orange indicator)

  1. Click on the name of the sub-queue

  2. Option 1 - Text-to-speech

    Default message cannot be edited and will announce "You have selected [name of sub-queue]"

  3. Option 2 - Customized record file

    Messaging in the custom file could read "You have selected [name of sub-queue]"


    A blank file can be used to skip the menu selection read-out. For a blank file, contact Support.

IVR Purchase Flow Messages

While the caller is in the payment process, a series of messages are played. You can leave these messages or update the text-to-speech script.

These messages can be customized at Settings > Languages & Messages > IVR Purchase Flow Messages.

Dynamic content variables are available specifically for Secure Payments. See Using Variables for Dynamic Consumer Messages.

Payment Confirmation

The total purchase amount including taxes and shipping is @{TOTAL_AMOUNT}. Please press 1 to confirm, press 2 if it is the incorrect product or price. If you would like to return to the agent at any time please press the star key.

Request Credit Card

Please input your credit card using the dial pad and press pound when you're done.

Invalid Credit Card

Sorry, that credit card number was invalid, please try again! If you would like to return to the agent, press the star key.

Confirm Credit Card

Your credit card number is @{CREDIT_CARD}. Please press 1 to confirm, press 2 to try again.

Request Expiry Date

Please input your 4 digit expiry date using the dial pad and press pound when you're done.

Invalid Expiry Date

Sorry, that expiry date was invalid, please try again! If you would like to return to the agent, press the star key.

Confirm Expiry Date

Your expiry date is @{EXPIRY_DATE}. Please press 1 to confirm, press 2 to try again.

Request CVC

Please input your CVC code using the dial pad and press pound when you're done.

Invalid CVC

Sorry, that CVC code was invalid, please try again! If you would like to return to the agent, press the star key.

Confirm CVC

Your CVC code is @{CVC}. Please press 1 to confirm, press 2 to try again.

Request ZIP Code

Please input your zip code using the dial pad and press pound when you're done.

Invalid ZIP Code

Sorry, that zip code was invalid, please try again! If you would like to return to the agent, press the star key.

Confirm ZIP Code

Your Zip Code is @{ZIP_CODE}. Please press 1 to confirm, press 2 to try again.


Thank you for providing your payment information. It has been sent and you will now be connected back to the agent.

Variables for dynamic consumer messages

Variables are dynamic content tags that allow you to personalize messaging configuration in order to manage secure payments, configure greeting and after-hours messaging, and inform customers of their wait time and place in queue.


The following variables can be used in IVR specific messages.

Messages can be created at Settings > Languages and Messages > IVR-specific Messages.


Description: the numerical value for minutes and / or hours for the current estimated queue wait time is inserted.

After the numerical value, the word Minutes will be appended and will be translated to the associated language.

Sample Input

English:A representative will be with you ASAP. The current estimated wait is @{ESTIMATED_WAIT_TIME_IN_MINUTES}.


Description: this is the name of queue the consumer selected.

Sample input

We're assigning a representative to help you with @{QUEUE}

Secure Payments

The following variables can be used for secure payments messaging.

Messages can be created at  Settings > Languages and Messages > IVR Purchase Flow Messages.

To create a complete purchase flow messaging using variables see IVR Purchase Flow Messages.


Description: inserts the credit card number entered by the customer.

Sample input

Your credit card number is @{CREDIT_CARD}. Please press 1 to confirm, press 2 to try again.


Description: inserts the CVC code as entered by the consumer.

Sample input

Your CVC code is @{CVC}. Please press 1 to confirm, press 2 to try again.


Description: inserts the expiry date as entered by the consumer.

Sample Input

Your expiry date is @{EXPIRY_DATE}. Please press 1 to confirm, press 2 to try again.


Description: inserts the total purchase amount including taxes and shipping.

Sample Input

The total purchase amount including taxes and shipping is @{TOTAL_AMOUNT}. Please press 1 to confirm, press 2 if it is the incorrect product or price. If you would like to return to the agent at any time please press the star key.


Description: inserts the zip code as entered by the consumer.

Sample Input

Your Zip Code is @{ZIP_CODE}. Please press 1 to confirm, press 2 to try again.


Variables can be used to customize the default greeting and after-hours messaging for the Chat channel. See the section Messages to enter with examples in Customizing Mobile and Web SDK Messages.

The following variables are available for Chat.


Description: inserts the full name of the consumer.

If you have the Web SDK configured on an unauthenticated page (no login required by the consumer) CCAI Platform will not be able to pass individual information about the consumer.

When authenticated, the consumer's first and last name is shown.

When unauthenticated, the term Customer is shown.

Sample input

Hi @{END_USER}, thank you for contacting us.


Description: inserts the first name of the Agent.


Description: this is the position in queue; the numerical value representing the current total number of consumers waiting in queue including the consumer seeing the number is inserted.

When configuring the message, add the supporting label to the end of the variable in the associated language. For the example below, we added in line.

Sample input

A representative will be with you ASAP. You are number @{QUEUE_SIZE} in line.


Description: this variable contains the remaining time until the chat is dismissed.

For example, when the Chat dismissal timer = 3min, the dismissal notification timer = 1min TIME_UNTIL_DISMISSAL will insert 2.

When configuring this message, add the supporting label to the end of the variable in the associated language (minute(s)).

Sample Input

Are you still there? Please respond in the next @{TIME_UNTIL_DISMISSAL} minute(s) or the chat session will be closed.

SMS, Social

The following variables are available for SMS, Social (currently only WhatsApp is available).

Pre-defined SMS messages can be created at Settings > Languages and Messages > Pre-session SMS Deflection

Global messages for WhatsApp can be created at Settings > Languages and Messages > WhatsApp


Description: inserts the company name as defined in Support Center Details > Display Name

Sample input

Thank you for contacting @{COMPANY_NAME}. We're assigning a representative to help you.


Description: inserts the full name of the consumer.

If you have the Web SDK configured on an unauthenticated page (no login required by the consumer) CCAI Platform will not be able to pass individual information about the consumer.

When authenticated, the consumer's first and last name is shown.

When unauthenticated, the term Customer is shown.

Sample input

Hi @{END_USER}, thank you for contacting us.


Description: this is the name of queue the consumer selected.

Sample input

We're assigning a representative to help you with @{QUEUE_NAME}


Description: this variable contains the remaining time until the chat is dismissed.

For example, when the Chat dismissal timer = 3min, the dismissal notification timer = 1min TIME_UNTIL_DISMISSAL will insert 2.

When configuring this message, add the supporting label to the end of the variable in the associated language (minute(s)).

Sample Input

Are you still there? Please respond in the next @{TIME_UNTIL_DISMISSAL} minute(s) or the chat session will be closed.

Operation Hours

The following variable can be used to automatically display opening time based on operation hours.


Description: include this variable to automatically display opening time based on operation hours. display opening time based on operation hours set globally and/ or per-queue (operation hours that apply to the queue the message is sent in).

Sample Input

Please try again tomorrow as we are closed today. We will open at @{NEXT_REOPEN_HOUR}..