Google SecOps permissions in IAM
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This documentation describes the Chronicle API methods, the permission required to call each method, the Google Security Operations UI pages where the permission is used, and the information recorded in Cloud Audit Logs when the API is called.
You can find a list of all Google SecOps permissions in
IAM permissions reference.
Under the Search for a permission section, search for the term chronicle
You can find the latest list of all predefined Google SecOps roles
in IAM basic and predefined roles reference.
Under the Predefined roles section, either select the Chronicle API roles
service or search for the term chronicle
For more information about audit logs, see Google SecOps audit logs.
The information in this document is grouped by the following Google SecOps resource groups:
- Basic: Instances
- Forwarder management: Collectors and Forwarders
- Feed management: Feeds and LogTypes
- Parser management: Parsers, ParserExtensions, ValidationReports, ExtensionValidationReports, and ValidationErrors
- Curated detections: CuratedRules, CuratedRuleSets, CuratedRuleSetDeployments, and CuratedRuleSetCategories
- Risk Analytics
- Rules: Rules and Retrohunts
- Reference list resources
- Dashboards resources
- Search: Events and Entities
- Legacy resources
- Operations resources
- User data: SearchQueries and PreferenceSet
You can programmatically access security data using API calls to Google Security Operations. This is the same security data presented in the Google Security Operations UI through your Google Security Operations account.
Permissions and API methods by resource group
The Chronicle API follows a Resource-oriented design paradigm. This model is the foundation for controlling access to features using IAM auditing application actions using Cloud Audit Logs.
IAM permissions define access to specific Chronicle API methods. Each method represents an action applied to a specific resource. Permissions are grouped into roles you grant to users or groups. For more information on these concepts, see IAM overview.
Audit logs in the Google Cloud console Logs Explorer contain information about method name and the permission related to access of a feature.
IAM permission names (recorded in the authorizationInfo
> permission
in audit logs take the form chronicle.{resource}.{verb}
. For example, the
permission forwarders.list
refers to chronicle.forwarders.list
. For brevity,
this documentation omits the common service name (chronicle
Method names in Google SecOps logs (recorded in the methodName
follow a namespace format. The fully qualified name of API methods is{version}.{service}.{method}
. For example, the method
refers to
For brevity, this document omits the common method name prefix
After you migrate your Google Security Operations instance to IAM for feature access control,
IAM audit logs are written for all UI access and programmatic
Chronicle API access. For example, if a user tries to load the
Settings > Forwarders page in the UI, Google Security Operations first verifies that
the user has access to the chronicle.forwarders.list
The access attempt and the result is written to an audit log.
Basic: Instances
Instances: Parent resources for all Google Security Operations data. Each Google Security Operations tenant is associated with exactly one instance resource.
Permissions in this section are used by the following Google Security Operations UI pages: Multiple.
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Gets basic information about the Google Security Operations instance. The UI does not call this method. The instances.get permission is required for all Google Security Operations users. |
Admin Editor Viewer LimitedViewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Generates and returns a usage report for this Google Security Operations
instance. This usage report contains things like bytes ingested and most
recent available detection time. This method is not yet used by the UI. |
Admin Editor Viewer LimitedViewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Forwarder management: Collectors and Forwarders
Collectors: Encapsulate configuration for a specific data type produced by each Forwarder. Each Forwarder might contain 0 or more Collectors.
Forwarders: Encapsulate configuration for a client which sends data from the customer instance to Chronicle's Ingestion API. Each Google Security Operations instance might contain 0 or more Forwarders.
Permissions in this section are used by the following Google Security Operations UI pages: Settings > Forwarders
Learn more about Forwarder Management.
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Creates a new collector. Called by the UI when it needs to create a collector, for example when adding or cloning a collector on the Settings > Forwarders page. |
Admin |
Deletes a collector. Called by the UI when it needs to delete a collector, for example when deleting a collector on the Settings > Forwarders page. |
Admin |
Get detailed information about a Collector. Called by the UI when it needs access to information about a collector, for example when loading the Edit Collector Configuration dialog on the Settings > Forwarders page. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Lists Collectors within a Google Security Operations instance. Called by the UI when it needs to list multiple collectors within the Google Security Operations instance, for example when loading the collectors for a Forwarder on the Settings > Forwarders page. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Updates a Collector. Called by the UI when it needs to update a collector, for example when finalizing an update from the Edit Collector Configuration dialog on the Settings > Forwarders page. |
Admin |
Creates a Forwarder. Called by the UI when it needs to create a Forwarder, for example when creating a Forwarder on the Settings > Forwarders page. |
Admin |
Deletes a Forwarder. Called by the UI when it needs to delete a Forwarder, for example when deleting a Forwarder on the Settings > Forwarders page. |
Admin |
Generates and returns configuration files for a Forwarder. Called by the UI when it needs to generate configuration files for a Forwarder, for example when downloading a Forwarder on the Settings > Forwarders page. |
Admin |
Gets detailed information about a Forwarder. Called by the UI when it needs to access information about a Forwarder, for example when loading the Edit Forwarder Configuration dialog on the Settings > Forwarders page. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Lists Forwarders within a Google Security Operations instance. Called by the UI when it needs to list multiple Forwarders within the Google Security Operations instance, for example when loading the Settings > Forwarders page. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Updates a Forwarder. Called by the UI when it needs to update a Forwarder, for example when finalizing an update from the Edit Forwarder Configuration dialog on the Settings > Forwarders page. |
Admin |
Feed management: Feeds and LogTypes
Feeds: Encapsulates the configuration for a data feed being ingested into a Google Security Operations instance.
FeedSourceTypeSchemas: Contains metadata about the feed source types
that are available within the Google Security Operations instance. A feed source is the
origin of the data that is ingested through a feed. For example, Google Cloud
and Third party API
are feed source types.
LogTypeSchemas: Contains metadata about log types that are available
for ingestion within the context of a feed source type. For example, Azure AD
is a log type which might be ingested using a Third Party API
feed source.
Permissions in this section are used by the following Google Security Operations UI pages: Settings > Feeds
For more information, see Feed Management.
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Creates a new feed. Called by the UI when it needs to create a feed, for example when adding a new feed on the Settings > Feeds page. |
Admin |
Deletes a Collector. Called by the UI when it needs to delete a feed, for example when deleting a feed on the Settings > Feeds page. |
Admin |
Disables a feed, stopping ingestion of that feed's data into Google Security Operations. Called by the UI when it needs to disable a feed, for example when toggling the enabled status of a feed on the Settings > Feeds page. |
Admin |
Disables a feed, starting ingestion of that feed's data into Google Security Operations. Called by the UI when it needs to enable a feed, for example when toggling the enabled status of a feed on the Settings > Feeds page. |
Admin |
Get detailed information about a feed. Called by the UI when it needs to access information about a feed, for example when loading the Edit feed dialog on the Settings > Feeds page. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Generates a secret for an HTTPS PUSH feed. Called by the UI when it needs to generate a secret for the HTTPS PUSH feed. |
Admin |
Lists feeds within a Google Security Operations instance. Called by the UI when it needs to list multiple feeds within the Google Security Operations instance, for example when loading feeds on the Settings > Feeds page. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Updates a feed. Called by the UI to update a feed, for example when editing feeds on the Settings > Feeds page. |
Admin |
Lists all FeedSourceSchemas available for a Google Security Operations instance. Called by the UI to populate a list of available FeedSourceSchema, for example when loading the Settings > Feeds page or a Create Feed dialog. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Lists all LogTypeSchemas available for a FeedSourceSchema. Called by the UI to populate a list of available LogTypeSchemas, for example when loading the Settings > Feeds page or a Create Feed dialog. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Parser management: Parsers, ParserExtensions, ValidationReports, ExtensionValidationReports, and ValidationErrors
Parsers: Encapsulates configuration metadata for the logic used to convert incoming logs for a LogType into UDM Events.
ParserExtensions: Encapsulates configuration metadata to extend the logic contained within parsers for a LogType.
ValidationReports: Describes the validation status of a parser or extension at the time of its creation.
ParsingErrors: Encapsulates error information from a ValidationReport for a parser.
ExtensionValidationReports: ValidationReports specific to one or more parser extensions.
ValidationErrors: Encapsulates error information from an ExtensionValidationReport for a ParserExtension.
Permissions in this section are used by the following Google Security Operations UI pages: Settings > Parser Extensions and Settings > Parsers
For more information, see Parser Management.
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Activates a parser used to parse logs of each type. Called by the UI to activate a custom parser as part of the action menu on Settings > Parsers page. |
Admin |
Activates the release candidate parser for this log type. Called by the UI when it selects a new prebuilt parser version. For example, on the Settings > Parsers page, click View Pending Update for a parser which has the status Pending Update. In the prebuilt parser diff viewer page, there is now a button to activate the newer version. |
Admin |
Creates a copy of a prebuilt parser and returns it. Not used by the UI. |
Admin |
Creates a parser. |
Admin |
Deactivates the requested parser and activates the prebuilt release parser. Called by the UI to deactivate a custom parser as part of the action menu in the Settings > Parsers page. |
Admin |
Deletes a parser. Called by the UI to delete a custom parser as part of the action menu on the Settings > Parsers page. |
Admin |
GenerateEventTypesSuggestions generates event types suggestions that can be mapped by a lowcode parser. Used in Low Code parser creation and editing to display the available event types along with their confidence scores. Event types are mapped to the UDM Path " udm.metadata.event_type" |
Admin |
Gets detailed information about a parser. Not used by the UI. |
Admin |
Lists all parsers for each log type. Called by the UI to list all the parsers, for example when loading the Settings > Parsers page. |
Admin |
RunParser runs the parser against a log and returns normalized events or any error that occurred during normalization. |
Admin |
List parsing errors within a validation report. Used to fetch parser errors when creating a new custom parser in the Create Custom Parser view. |
Admin |
Activates a parser extension to parse the logs of the corresponding log type. Called by the UI when activating a parser extension, for example when activating a parser extension from within the Parser Extension Management view. |
Admin |
Creates a new parser extension. Called by the UI when creating a new parser extension, for example when finalizing a new parser extension from the Parser Extension Management view. |
Admin |
Deletes a parser extension. Deletes a parser extension. For example, this method is used to delete a parser extension from the Parser Extension Management view. |
Admin |
Utility function for writing parser extensions which generates and returns key value mappings for a raw log. Called by the UI to list the generated UDM key value mappings when writing a custom parser. |
Admin |
Gets detailed information about a parser extension. For example, this method is used when rendering the Parser Extension Management view. |
Admin |
A function supporting legacy workflows. It creates, validates, and then makes a parser extension live. Method used by customers who don't have parser_management enabled and are still using the legacy Parser Extension view. For example, this method is used when adding a new extension in Settings > Parser Extensions page. |
Admin |
Lists all parser extensions for a log type. Lists the parser extensions setup for the Google Security Operations instance. For example, this method is used when rendering the Parser Extension Management view. |
Admin |
Utility function for writing parser extensions which extracts the structured part of a log from an unstructured log. | Admin |
Lists all validation reports for a parser extension. Lists the parser extension validation reports. For example, this method is used when rendering the Parser Extension Management view. |
Admin |
Gets detailed information about a parser extension validation report. For example, this method is used when rendering the Parser Extension Management view. |
Admin |
Gets detailed information about a parser validation report. Used by the UI to get detailed information about a parser's or parserExtenion's validation report, for example when rendering the Parser Extension Management view. |
Admin |
Lists all validation errors for a parser extension's validation report. Used by the UI to list the parser extension validation errors, for example when rendering the detailed view of a parser extension with the validation errors. |
Admin |
Curated detections: CuratedRules, CuratedRuleSets, CuratedRuleSetDeployments, and CuratedRuleSetCategories
CuratedRules: Represents the Google Cloud Threat Intelligence (GCTI) authored rules.
CuratedRuleSets: Groups of GCTI rules. For example, the CuratedRuleSet OS Privilege Escalation Tools might contain several CuratedRules designed to detect the presence of the same. Each item in CuratedRules is a member of exactly one CuratedRuleSet.
CuratedRuleSetCategories: Groups of CuratedRuleSets. For example, the Linux Threats CuratedRuleSetCategory contains several CuratedRuleSets, including the OS Privilege Escalation Tools CuratedRuleSet described previously. Each item in CuratedRuleSets is a member of exactly one CuratedRuleSetCategory.
CuratedRuleSetDeployments: Contains the configuration state (enablement, alerting state, etc) of each CuratedRuleSet within the Google Security Operations instance. CuratedRuleSets might contain multiple deployments, but each CuratedRuleSetDeployment within the CuratedRuleSet is associated with a unique precision level (either Precise or Broad)
Permissions in this section are used by the following Google Security Operations UI pages: Detection > Rules and Detections > Curated Detections
For more information, see Curated Detections.
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Gets detailed information about a CuratedRule. Called by the UI when it needs to load the detailed view of a CuratedRule. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Lists CuratedRules within a CuratedRuleSet. Called by the UI when it needs to list multiple CuratedRules within the Google Security Operations instance, for example when pivoting into a specific CuratedRuleSet from the Curated Detections view. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Provides a count of the number of detections generated by a CuratedRuleSet.
Called by the UI when it needs to retrieve detection metadata for CuratedRuleSets, for example when loading the Curated Detections tab of the Detection > Rules & Detections page. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Gets detailed information about a CuratedRuleSet. Called by the UI when it needs to load the detailed view of a CuratedRuleSet, for example when pivoting into a specific CuratedRuleSet from the Curated Detections view. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Lists CuratedRuleSets within a CuratedRuleSetCategory. Called by the UI when it needs to list multiple CuratedRuleSets within the Google Security Operations instance, for example when loading the Curated Detections tab of the Detection > Rules & Detections page. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Provides a count of the number of detections generated by all CuratedRuleSets within a CuratedRuleSetCategory Called by the UI when it needs to retrieve detection metadata for CuratedRuleSetCategories, for example when loading the Curated Detections tab of the Detection > Rules & Detections page. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Gets detailed information about a CuratedRuleSetCategory. Called by the UI when it needs to load the detailed view of a CuratedRuleSetCategory, for example when loading the Curated Detections tab of the Detection > Rules & Detections page. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Lists CuratedRuleSetCategories within a Google Security Operations instance. Called by the UI when it needs to list multiple CuratedRuleSetCategories within a Google Security Operations instance, for example when loading the Curated Detections tab of the Detection > Rules & Detections page. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
chronicle.curatedRuleSetDeployments.batchUpdate |
Updates multiple deployments of multiple different CuratedRuleSets. Called by the UI when it needs to update multiple deployment statuses simultaneously, for example when modifying the Alerting or Enabled state for several CuratedRuleSets from the Curated Detections tab of the Detection > Rules & Detections page. |
Admin Editor |
chronicle.curatedRuleSetDeployments.get |
Gets detailed information about a CuratedRuleSetDeployment. Called by the UI when it needs to display the deployment status of a CuratedRuleSet, for example when loading the detailed view page for that CuratedRuleSet. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
chronicle.curatedRuleSetDeployments.list |
Lists all CuratedRuleSetDeployments within a CuratedRuleSet. Called by the UI when it needs to display the deployment status of a CuratedRuleSet, for example when loading the detailed view page for that CuratedRuleSet. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
chronicle.curatedRuleSetDeployments.update |
Updates a CuratedRuleSetDeployment. Called by the UI when it needs to update a single CuratedRuleSetDeployment, for example when modifying the Alerting or Enabled state for a single CuratedRuleSet using the toggles on the CuratedRuleSet details page. |
Admin Editor |
Risk Analytics
EntityRiskScore: Risk scores are set by the source when a finding is created. The original risk score cannot be changed, but it can be modified using the scaling modifiers. For more information, see Modify an entity risk score.
riskConfigs: The risk configurations change how risk scores are generated and calculated. You can specify the risk configurations on the SIEM settings > Entity risk scores page. For more information, see Entity risk scores.
watchlists: Identifiers for all of the watchlists that are configured within the Google Security Operations instance.
Permissions in this section are used by the following Google Security Operations UI page: Detection > Risk Analytics
For more information, see Risk Analytics.
The Risk Analytics permissions are as follows:
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
chronicle.entities.modifyEntityRiskScore |
Updates an entity risk score. Called by the UI when it needs to modify an entity risk score, for example when you modify an entity risk score using Update Entity Risk Score from the Behavioral Analytics tab. |
Admin Editor |
chronicle.entities.queryEntityRiskScoreModifications |
Displays the entity risk scores. Called by the UI when it needs to display the entity risk scores, for example when the entity risk scores are displayed on the Behavioral Analytics tab. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
chronicle.riskConfigs.get |
Displays the risk configurations. The risk configurations change how risk scores are generated and calculated, for example when you specify the risk configurations on the SIEM settings > Entity risk scores page. For more information, see [Entity risk scores](/chronicle/docs/detection/risk-analytics-overview#risk_score_calculation). |
Admin Editor Viewer |
chronicle.riskConfigs.update |
Updates the risk calculation window. Called by the UI when it needs to modify the risk calculation window, for example when you change the Risk calculation window from a 7 day window to a 24 hour window on the Behavioral Analytics tab. |
Admin Editor |
chronicle.watchlists.create |
Creates a new watchlist. Called by the UI when it needs to create a new watchlist, for example when you create a new watchlist by clicking Create Watchlist from the Create Watchlist window. |
Admin Editor |
chronicle.watchlists.delete |
Deletes a watchlist. Called by the UI when it needs to delete a watchlist, for example when you delete a watchlist by clicking Delete Watchlist from the menu option for a watchlist on the Watchlists tab. |
Admin Editor |
chronicle.watchlists.get |
Displays a single watchlist. Called by the UI when it needs to display a single watchlist, for example each time you click on a single watchlist within the Edit display window. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
chronicle.watchlists.list |
Displays all of the watchlists. Called by the UI when it needs to display the watchlists, for example when you navigate to the Watchlists tab. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
chronicle.watchlists.update |
Modifies a watchlist. Called by the UI when it needs to modify a watchlist, for example when you modify a watchlist by clicking Edit Watchlist from the menu option for a watchlist on the Watchlists tab. |
Admin Editor |
Rules: Rules and Retrohunts
Rules: Represent user-created rules.
RuleDeployments: Deployment state of a rule. Each rule has exactly one RuleDeployment.
Retrohunts: Executions of a rule over a time range in the past. Retrohunts that are in progress are represented by the Operation resource.
Permissions in this section are used by the following Google Security Operations UI pages: Detection > Rules & Detections > Rules Dashboard and Detection > Rules & Detections > Rules Editor
Learn more about detection engine.
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Creates a new rule. Called by the UI when it needs to create a new rule, for example when creating a new rule from the Rules Editor. |
Admin Editor |
Deletes a rule. Called by the UI when it needs to delete a rule, for example when deleting a rule from the Rules Editor. |
Admin Editor |
Gets detailed information about a rule. Called by the UI when it needs to render detailed information about a rule, for example when displaying the detections page for a rule. |
Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Lists multiple rules within a Google Security Operations instance. Called by the UI when it needs to list multiple rules within a Google Security Operations instance, for example when rendering the Rules Dashboard. |
Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Updates a rule. Called by the UI when it needs to apply updates to a rule, for example when saving changes from the Rules Editor. |
Admin Editor |
A utility function which verifies the rule text. Called by the UI when needed to verify rule text, for example the Rules Editor calls this function interactively. |
Admin Editor RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Lists all revisions of a rule. Called by the UI when needed to list rule revisions, for example when performing the view rule versions action from the Rules Editor. |
Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Creates and starts a new retrohunt. Called by the UI when needed to create a retrohunt, for example when performing the YARA-L retrohunt action from the Rules Dashboard. |
Admin Editor |
Gets detailed information about a retrohunt. Called by the UI when needed to render detailed information about a retrohunt, for example the UI calls this function interactively after creating a retrohunt to display hunt progress. |
Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Lists all retrohunts for a rule. Called by the UI when needed to list all retrohunts for a rule, for example when rendering the detections page for a rule. |
Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets detailed information about a rule deployment. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Lists multiple rule deployments for a rule or Google Security Operations instance. Called by the UI to render multiple rule deployments, for example when loading the Rules Editor page. |
Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Updates a rule deployment. Called by the UI to update a rule deployment, for example when toggling a rule's liveness or alerting properties from the Rules Editor page. |
Admin Editor |
Reference list resources
The ReferenceLists
resource represents user-defined lists of values you use throughout the
product, for example multiple rules might compare values against one or more
Permissions in this section are used by the following Google Security Operations UI pages: Detection > Rules and Detections > Rules Editor ( > ListManager)
Learn more about reference lists.
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Creates a new reference list. Called by the UI when it needs to create a reference list, for example when creating a new reference list from within the Rules Editor's List Manager. |
Admin Editor |
Gets detailed information about a reference list. Called by the UI when it needs to render detailed information about a reference list, for example when rendering a specific list from within the Rules Editor's List Manager. |
Admin Editor |
Lists all reference lists within a Google Security Operations instance. Called by the UI when it needs to render all reference lists within a Google Security Operations instance, for example when rendering the Rules Editor's List Manager. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Updates a reference list. Called by the UI when it needs to apply updates to a reference list, for example when saving updates to a reference list from within the Rules Editor's List Manager. |
Admin Editor |
A utility function which can validate reference list content and return line errors, if any. Called by the UI when it needs to validate reference list content, for example this is called interactively when creating a new reference list from within the Rules Editor's List Manager. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Dashboard resources
Dashboards encapsulate Looker dashboard metadata within a Google Security Operations instance.
Permissions in this section impact the following Google Security Operations UI pages: Dashboards
Learn more about Google Security Operations dashboards.
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Copies a dashboard. Called by the UI when it needs to copy a dashboard, for example when performing the Copy to Personal or Copy to Shared actions from the Dashboards view. |
Admin Editor |
Creates a dashboard. Called by the UI when it needs to create a dashboard, for example when creating a dashboard from the Dashboards view. |
Admin Editor |
Deletes a dashboard. Called by the UI when it needs to delete a dashboard, for example when deleting a dashboard from the Dashboards view. |
Admin Editor |
Gets detailed information about a dashboard. Called by the UI when it needs to render detailed information about a dashboard. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Lists all dashboards within a Google Security Operations instance. Called by the UI when it needs to list all dashboards within a Google Security Operations instance, for example when rendering the Dashboards view. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Search: Events and Entities
Events: Encapsulate information about activity data.
Entities: Encapsulate additional context about something within a UDM
event (asset, user, etc.). For example, a PROCESS_LAUNCH
event describes that
user abc@example.corp
launched process shady.exe
. The event does not include
information that user
is a recently terminated employee who
administers a server storing finance data. Information stored in one or more
Entities can add this additional context.
Permissions in this section are used by the following Google Security Operations UI pages: Multiple
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Gets detailed information about an event. | Admin Editor RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
A batch endpoint for getting detailed information about multiple events. | Admin Editor RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Performs a UDM search that returns matching events for the query. | Admin Editor RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Validates a UDM search query by compiling that query. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets available product sources along with their statistics. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Finds ingested UDM field values that match a query. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets detailed information about an entity. | Admin Editor RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Returns all entity data over specified time. | Admin Editor RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Finds all the entities associated with the provided entity. | Admin Editor RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Identifies the entity type and retrieves relevant data associated with a specified indicator. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Parses the query and identifies the entities contained within the search query. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Identifies the entity type and retrieves relevant data associated with a specified indicator. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Get alerts for an entity. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Legacy resources
Legacies are generic container resources for legacy operations which are used by the Google SecOps but have not been modeled as part of the Chronicle API resource-oriented paradigm.
Permissions in this section are used by the following Google SecOps UI pages: Multiple
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Fetches data required for rendering an alert view, including a histogram. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Updates an alert. | Admin Editor |
Gets an alert based on its alert ID. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Fetches alert statistics for a time range. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Queries for multiple alerts (including events and raw logs) within a Google Security Operations instance. | Admin Editor Viewer |
Queries for multiple alerts within a Google Security Operations instance for a specific time range. | Admin Editor Viewer |
Lists IoC matches against ingested events. | Admin Editor Viewer |
Queries for IoC details for a particular artifact. | Admin Editor Viewer |
Lists IoC insights on a particular artifact. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Fetches cases for a set of names. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Updates a finding with new feedback. | Admin Editor |
Gets a finding and its associated feedback. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Lists findings. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Fetches events, filters, and histograms matching UDM search. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets the events associated with an asset. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets the events associated with an artifact. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets the events associated with a user. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets the events associated with a raw log search. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets events for an asset indicator. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets events for a raw log search query. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Fetches CSV rows for matching UDM search. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Finds UDM/entity events using tokens or IDs. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Given a list of domain names and a time, returns only the domains that were recently registered relative to that time. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Given a list of domain names, returns time-related statistics for those domains (ex: the first seen in the enterprise time). | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Lists detection counts and last detection timestamp for a list of user-defined rule IDs. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets rule counts. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Lists detection count buckets for a Rules Engine rule. |
Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Lists aggregated results for a Rules Engine rule. |
Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets the list of alerts generated by the Rules Engine for a customer. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Tests a rule and streams back the responses without persisting them. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Lists events associated with a particular detection generated by a Rules Engine rule. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Gets a detection. | Admin Editor Viewer |
Searches detections on a curated rule. | Admin Editor Viewer |
Searches detections on a rule version. | Admin Editor Viewer |
Continuously streams new detection alerts as they are discovered. | Admin Editor Viewer |
Tests the rule text over a specified time range and streams detections/errors back without persisting them. |
Admin Editor Viewer |
Operations resources
Certain Chronicle API calls, such as retrohunt creation, take a long time to complete. These calls are modeled using long-running operations.
Operations represent long-running work for an API.
Learn more about long-running operations.
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Cancels an operation. | Admin Editor |
Deletes an operation. | Admin Editor |
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API service. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Lists service operations that match the specified filter in the request. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
Not implemented. | Admin Editor Viewer RestrictedDataAccessViewer |
User preference: SearchQueries and PreferenceSet
SearchQueries represent a saved UDM search query from a Google Security Operations user. This includes both the query and metadata for the entry.
PreferenceSet is a singleton resource that contains a collection of preferences for UI configuration for users.
Permissions in this section are used by the following Google Security Operations UI pages: Search tab.
Learn more about saved searches.
IAM permission and method name | Description | Predefined roles |
Adds a new saved query entry to the specified collection of user data Called by the UI when a user saves a search query. |
Viewer |
Gets the user's saved query entry. Called by the UI when the user selects a saved search from the Search Manager. |
Viewer |
Deletes a user data saved query entry. Called by the UI when the user deletes a saved search they created. |
Viewer |
Lists the shared saved queries or user-specific saved queries owned by the specified user. Called by the UI when the user opens the Search Manager. |
Viewer |
Updates user data saved query Called by the UI when the user saves modifications to a saved search query they own. |
Viewer |
Updates a user's PreferenceSet Called by the UI when the user changes their localization. |
Viewer |
Fetches a user's PreferenceSet Called by the UI when the user opens the localization toast. |
Viewer |