Google Security Operations Detection Engine API
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The Google Security Operations Detection Engine API enables you to create, run, and manage security rules to search through the data stored in your Google Security Operations account. You can routinely hunt for security threats within your enterprise with a high degree of specificity.
The Google Security Operations APIs enable customers to programmatically access their security data directly through API calls to the Google Security Operations platform that stores and processes the data. This is the same security data presented in the Google Security Operations UI through your Google Security Operations customer account. This capability enables you to develop new applications or modify existing applications to retrieve and process all your security data currently stored in Google Security Operations.
How to authenticate with the Google Security Operations API
This Google Security Operations API uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. Your application can complete these tasks using either of the following implementations:
Using the Google API Client Library for your computer language.
Directly interfacing with the OAuth 2.0 system using HTTP.
See the reference documentation for the Google Authentication library in Python.
Google Authentication libraries are a subset of the Google API client libraries. See other language implementations.
Getting API authentication credentials
Your Google Security Operations representative will provide you with a Google Developer Service Account Credential to enable the API client to communicate with the API.
You also must provide the Auth Scope when initializing your API client. OAuth 2.0 uses a scope to limit an application's access to an account. When an application requests a scope, the access token issued to the application is limited to the scope granted.
Use the following scope to initialize your Google API client:
Python example
The following Python example demonstrates how to use the OAuth2 credentials
and HTTP client using google.oauth2
and googleapiclient
# Imports required for the sample - Google Auth and API Client Library Imports.
# Get these packages from or run $ pip
# install google-api-python-client from your terminal
from google.auth.transport import requests
from google.oauth2 import service_account
SCOPES = ['']
# The apikeys-demo.json file contains the customer's OAuth 2 credentials.
# SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE is the full path to the apikeys-demo.json file
# ToDo: Replace this with the full path to your OAuth2 credentials
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = '/customer-keys/apikeys-demo.json'
# Create a credential using Google Developer Service Account Credential and Google Security Operations API
# Scope.
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE, scopes=SCOPES)
# Build a requests Session Object to make authorized OAuth requests.
http_session = requests.AuthorizedSession(credentials)
# Your endpoint GET|POST|PATCH|etc. code will vary below
# Reference List example (for US region)
url = ''
# You might need another regional endpoint for your API call; see
# requests GET example
response = http_session.request("GET", url)
# POST example uses json
body = {
"foo": "bar"
response = http_session.request("POST", url, json=body)
# PATCH example uses params and json
params = {
"foo": "bar"
response = http_session.request("PATCH", url, params=params, json=body)
# For more complete examples, see:
Regional Endpoints
Google Security Operations provides regional endpoints for each API.
- São Paulo—
- Canada—
- Dammam—
- Doha—
- Europe Multi-Region—
- Frankfurt—
- London—
- Mumbai—
- Paris—
- Singapore—
- Sydney—
- Tel Aviv—
- Tokyo—
- Turin—
- United States Multi-Region—
- Zurich—
Detection Engine API reference
This section describes the Google Security Operations Detection Engine API methods.
All requests must be made using authenticated Google API client libraries as described in How to Authenticate with the Google Security Operations API. All responses are provided in JSON.
Archive the specified rule.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | Required | Unique rule identifier for the rule you want to archive. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
Sample request
Returns an empty JSON with 200 OK, indicating the operation has completed successfully.
Cancel a retrohunt for the specified rule.
Canceling retrohunt for the latest version of a rule:
Canceling retrohunt for a specific version of a rule:
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
retrohuntId | string | Required | Unique identifier for a retrohunt, defined and returned by the server. You must specify exactly one retrohunt identifier. |
ruleId | string | One of ruleId and versionId | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one rule identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
versionId | string | One of ruleId and versionId | Unique identifier for a specific version of a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one version identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: {ruleId}@v_{int64}_{int64} |
Sample request (specific version of rule)
Returns an empty JSON with 200 OK, indicating the operation has completed successfully.
Create a new rule without setting the rule to live.
Request body
"ruleText": "<rule text here>"
Body parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleText | string | Required | Text of the new rule in YARA-L 2.0 format. |
Sample request
"ruleText": "rule singleEventRule2 {
author = \"securityuser\"
description = \"single event rule that should generate detections\"
$e.metadata.event_type = \"NETWORK_DNS\"
Response fields
Same response format of GetRule.
Sample response
"ruleId": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d",
"versionId": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d@v_1605892700_409247000",
"ruleName": "singleEventRule2",
"metadata": {
"author": "securityuser",
"description": "single event rule that should generate detections"
"ruleText": "rule singleEventRule2 {
author = \"securityuser\"
description = \"single event rule that should generate detections\"
$e.metadata.event_type = \"NETWORK_DNS\"
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT",
"versionCreateTime": "2020-11-20T17:18:20.409247Z",
"compilationState": "SUCCEEDED"
"lastAlertStatusChangeTime": "2020-11-20T17:18:20.409247Z",
Creates a new version of an existing rule. The new version of the rule does not have to be based on the latest version.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | Required | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. You must specify exactly one rule identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
Request body
"ruleText": "<rule text here>"
Body parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleText | string | Required | Text of the new rule in YARA-L 2.0 format. |
Sample request
"ruleText": "rule singleEventRule2 {
author = \"securityuser\"
description = \"single event rule that should generate detections\"
$e.metadata.event_type = \"NETWORK_DNS\"
Response fields
Same response format of GetRule.
Sample response
"ruleId": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d",
"versionId": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d@v_1605892822_687503000",
"ruleName": "singleEventRule2",
"metadata": {
"author": "securityuser",
"description": "single event rule that should generate detections"
"ruleText": "rule singleEventRule2 {
author = \"securityuser\"
description = \"single event rule that should generate detections\"
$e.metadata.event_type = \"NETWORK_DNS\"
} ",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT",
"versionCreateTime": "2020-11-20T17:20:22.687503Z",
"compilationState": "SUCCEEDED"
"lastAlertStatusChangeTime": "2020-11-20T17:18:20.409247Z",
Delete the specified rule.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | Required | Unique rule identifier for the rule you want to delete. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
Sample request
Returns an empty JSON with 200 OK, indicating the operation has completed successfully.
Disables alerts for the specified rule.
URL Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | Required | Unique rule identifier for the rule you want to disable alerts for. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
Sample request
Returns an empty JSON with 200 OK, indicating the operation has completed successfully.
Disable the latest version of the rule.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | Required | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. You must specify exactly one rule identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
Sample request
Returns an empty JSON with 200 OK, indicating the operation has completed successfully.
Enables alerts for the specified rule.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | Required | Unique rule identifier for the rule you want to enable alerts for. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
Sample request
Returns an empty JSON with 200 OK, indicating the operation has completed successfully.
Set the latest version of a rule to live.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | Required | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. You must specify exactly one rule identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
Sample request
Returns an empty JSON with 200 OK, indicating the operation has completed successfully.
Return the specified detection for the specified version of a rule.
Detection for the latest version of a rule with a given rule identifier:
Detection for a specific version of a rule with a given version identifier:
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
detectionId | string | Required | Unique identifier for a detection, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one detection identifier. |
ruleId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one rule identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID}. By not specifying a version identifier, Google Security Operations returns the latest version of the rule. |
versionId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a specific version of a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one version identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: {ruleId}@v_{int64}_{int64} |
Sample request
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
type | string | Type of detection (type is always `RULE_DETECTION`). |
detection.ruleName | string | Name of the rule generating the detection, as parsed from `ruleText`. |
detection.ruleId | string | Identifier for the rule generating the detection. |
detection.ruleVersion | string | Identifier for the rule version generating the detection. |
detection.alertState | string | Indicates whether the rule generating this detection currently has alerting enabled or disabled. |
detection.ruleType | string | Whether the rule generating this detection is a single event or multi-event rule ("SINGLE_EVENT" or "MULTI_EVENT"). |
detection.urlBackToProduct | string | URL pointing to the Google Security Operations application page for this detection. |
detection.description | string | Description of the rule that generated the detection. This description is copied from the rule metadata's `description` key, if it is set. |
detection.detectionFields | list | List of fields matching the rules requested match variables, for "MULTI_EVENT" rules. |
detection.detectionFields.key | string | Key for a field specified in the rule, for "MULTI_EVENT" rules. |
detection.detectionFields.value | string | Value for a field specified in the rule, for "MULTI_EVENT" rules. |
detection.ruleLabels | list | List of fields specified in rule metadata. |
detection.ruleLabels.key | string | Key for a field specified in the rule metadata. |
detection.ruleLabels.value | string | Value for a field specified in the rule metadata. |
createdTime | string | Time the detection was created. |
detectionTime | string | String representing the time period the detection was found in. |
id | string | Identifier for the detection. Same as "detection_id". |
timeWindow.startTime | string | String representing the start of the time window in which the detection was found, in RFC 3339 format. |
timeWindow.endTime | string | String representing the end of the time window in which the detection was found, in RFC 3339 format. |
collectionElements | list | A list of references to sample UDM events causing this detection, grouped by variable. |
collectionElements.label | string | The variable a given set of UDM events belongs to. |
collectionElements.references | list | A list of references to sample UDM events, grouped by the given label. |
collectionElements.references.event | UDM | A UDM event. |
Sample response
"detection": [
"ruleName": "singleEventRule2",
"ruleId": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d",
"ruleVersion": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d@v_1605892822_687503000",
"alertState": "NOT_ALERTING",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT"
"createdTime": "2020-12-03T19:19:21.325134Z",
"id": "de_ce594791-09ed-9681-27fa-3b7c8fa6054c",
"timeWindow": {
"startTime": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z",
"endTime": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z"
"collectionElements": [
"references": [
"event": {
"metadata": {
"eventTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z",
"collectedTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.666064010Z",
"eventType": "NETWORK_DNS",
"productName": "ProductName",
"ingestedTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:50:49.494542Z"
"principal": {
"ip": [
"target": {
"ip": [
"securityResult": [
"action": [
"network": {
"applicationProtocol": "DNS",
"dns": {
"questions": [
"name": "",
"type": 1,
"class": 1
"id": 12345,
"recursionDesired": true
"label": "e"
"detectionTime": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z"
Return the specified error.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
errorId | string | Required | Unique identifier for an error, defined and returned by the server. |
Sample request
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
errorId | string | Unique identifier for an error generated by a rule, defined and returned by the server. |
category | string | Type of error. |
text | string | Description of the error, including information about how to resolve it. |
errorTime | string | String representing the time the error was recorded, in RFC 3339 format. |
ruleExecution.windowStartTime | string | String representing the time rule execution was started, in RFC 3339 format. |
ruleExecution.windowEndTime | string | String representing the time rule execution was ended, in RFC 3339 format |
ruleExecution.ruleId | string | Unique identifier for the rule causing this error, defined and returned by the server. Returned in the following format: ru_{UUID} |
ruleExecution.versionId | string | Unique identifier for the specific version of a rule causing this error, defined and returned by the server. Returned in the following format: {rule_id}@v_{int64}_{int64} |
Sample response
"errorId": "ed_77d0e45f-5b68-065a-ac0f-d7c12158c978",
"text": "rule needs to be updated: validating rule: variable email_reply_to used in both condition
section and match section, should only be used in one",
"errorTime": "2020-10-31T22:17:49.314016Z",
"ruleExecution": {
"windowStartTime": "2020-10-31T21:00:00Z",
"windowEndTime": "2020-10-31T22:00:00Z",
"ruleId": "ru_d27d2fdc-010a-417a-a773-7f886b3d08c7",
"versionId": "ru_d27d2fdc-010a-417a-a773-7f886b3d08c7@v_1597880575_633631000"
Getting the retrohunt for the specified version of a rule.
Retrohunt for the latest version of a rule with a specified retrohunt identifier:
Retrohunt for a specific version of a rule with a specified retrohunt identifier:
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
retrohuntId | string | Required | Unique identifier for a retrohunt, defined and returned by the server. You must specify exactly one retrohunt identifier. |
ruleId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one rule identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
versionId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a specific version of a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one version identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: {ruleId}@v_{int64}_{int64} |
Sample request
Response fields
Field Name | Type | Description |
retrohuntId | string | Unique identifier for the retrohunt. |
ruleId | string | Unique rule identifier for this retrohunt. |
versionId | string | Identifier for the version of the rule generating the retrohunt. |
eventStartTime | string | Start time for the time range of logs being processed, in RFC 3339 format. |
eventEndTime | string | End time for the time range of logs being processed, in RFC 3339 format. |
retrohuntStartTime | string | Start time for the retrohunt, in RFC 3339 format. |
retrohuntEndTime | string | End time for the retrohunt (assuming the retrohunt completes), in RFC 3339 format. |
state | enum | Current state of the retrohunt:
progressPercentage | float | Percentage progress towards retrohunt completion (0.00 to 100.00). |
Sample response
"retrohuntId": "oh_126c03c9-8179-4620-8b72-258d2f4fd039",
"ruleId": "ru_30979d84-aa89-47d6-bf4d-b4bb0eacb497",
"versionId": "ru_30979d84-aa89-47d6-bf4d-b4bb0eacb497@v_1612472807_179679000",
"eventStartTime": "2021-01-14T20:00:00Z",
"eventEndTime": "2021-01-30T20:00:00Z",
"retrohuntStartTime": "2021-02-04T22:01:56.068077Z",
"retrohuntEndTime": "2021-02-04T22:02:44.201404Z",
"state": "RUNNING",
"progressPercentage": 96.55
Return the specified rule.
Latest version of a rule with a given rule identifier:
Specific version of a rule with a given version identifier:
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one rule identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
versionId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a specific version of a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one version identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: {ruleId}@v_{int64}_{int64} |
Sample request
Getting the latest version of a rule with a given rule identifier:
Getting a specific version of a rule with a given rule identifier and version:
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
ruleId | string | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. Returned in the following format: ru_{UUID} |
versionId | string | Unique identifier for a specific version of a rule, defined and returned by the server. Returned in the following format: {rule_id}@v_{int64}_{int64} |
ruleName | string | Name of the rule as parsed from "ruleText". |
metadata | map<string>, <string> | Metadata for the rule as parsed from "ruleText". |
ruleText | string | Source code for the rule as defined by the user. |
ruleType | string | Type of rule. Can be either SINGLE_EVENT or MULTI_EVENT. |
liveRuleEnabled | boolean | Whether the rule is enabled to run as a Live Rule. Note: False boolean values are omitted. |
alertingEnabled | boolean | Whether the rule is enabled to generate alerts. Note: False boolean values are omitted. |
lastAlertStatusChangeTime | string | The time when alertingEnabled was last updated from true to false or from false to true . |
versionCreateTime | string | The time in RFC 3339 format. |
compilationState | string | Compilability of the rule ("SUCCEEDED" or "FAILED)". |
compilationError | string | If "compilationState" is "FAILED", a compilation error for the rule is returned. Does not appear if "compilationState" is "SUCCEEDED". |
Sample response
"ruleId": "ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f",
"versionId": "ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f@v_1602631093_146879000",
"ruleName": "SampleRule",
"metadata": {
"description": "Sample Description of the Rule",
"author": ""
"ruleText": "rule SampleRule {
description = \"Sample Description of the Rule\"
author = \"\"
// This will just generate lots of detections
$event.metadata.event_type = \"NETWORK_HTTP\"
} ",
"liveRuleEnabled": true,
"versionCreateTime": "2020-10-13T23:18:13.146879Z",
"compilationState": "SUCCEEDED"
"alertingEnabled": true,
"lastAlertStatsuChangeTime": "2020-10-14T12:16:45:413463Z"
List Google Security Operations rules with detections.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
page_size |
integer |
Optional | Specify the maximum number of rules to return (range is 1 through 1,000). The default is 100. |
page_token |
string |
Optional | Page token received from a previous call. Use to retrieve the next page. |
Sample request
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
curatedRules |
array |
Array of Google Security Operations rules in the below format. |
nextPageToken |
string |
Page token. Can be provided to the next call to view the next page of rules. Does not appear if this is the last page of rules. |
CuratedRule fields
Field Name | Type | |
ruleId |
string |
Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. |
ruleName |
string |
Name of the rule. |
metadata |
map<string, string> |
Metadata for the rule. |
severity |
string |
Severity of the rule ("Info", "Low", or "High"). |
ruleType |
string |
Type of the rule ("SINGLE_EVENT" or "MULTI_EVENT"). |
precision |
string |
Precision of the rule ("BROAD" or "PRECISE"). |
tactics |
[]string |
List of MITRE tactic IDs covered by the rule. |
techniques |
[]string |
List of MITRE technique IDs covered by the rule. |
updateTime |
string |
String representing the time the rule was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. |
ruleSet |
string |
Unique identifier of the Google Security Operations rule set containing the rule. |
description |
string |
Description of the rule. |
Sample response
"curatedRules": [
"ruleId": "ur_mal_GMER__ExecuteCommand",
"ruleName": "GMER Driver Batch File Execution",
"severity": "Low",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT",
"precision": "PRECISE",
"tactics": [
"techniques": [
"updateTime": "2022-12-15T22:52:45.496505Z",
"ruleSet": "51bd0127-93fd-816c-4bc7-fe5630f10432",
"description": "Detects GMER .bat file execution. This is used by malware to execute core functionality and evade detection."
"ruleId": "ur_mal_CobaltStrike_StartW",
"ruleName": "Cobalt Strike Default Entrypoint",
"severity": "Low",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT",
"precision": "PRECISE",
"tactics": [
"techniques": [
"updateTime": "2022-11-16T18:28:45.062531Z",
"ruleSet": "6e6eda02-51b9-e57e-9597-622f1c7f3ee9",
"description": "Identifies CobaltStrike rundll32 execution using the default entrypoint."
"nextPageToken": "CiQ0ODU4NWNjZS04MDZlLTExMjktNzY0MC0wMGViZDI4N2U1OTESGHVyX21hbF9MZW9WQlNfRG93bmxvYWRlcg=="
Return the detections for the specified Google Security Operations rule.
Detections for a Google Security Operations rule with a given rule identifier:
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
alert_state |
enum |
Optional | Filter detections based on whether the alert state is ALERTING or NOT_ALERTING . |
start_time |
string |
Optional | Start time of the time range to return detections for, filtering by the detection field specified in the list_basis parameter. If not specified, then detections are not limited by a lower bound. |
end_time |
string |
Optional | End time of the time range to return detections for, filtering by the detection field specified by the list_basis parameter. If not specified, then detections are not limited by an upper bound. |
list_basis |
enum |
Optional | Sort detections by DETECTION_TIME or by CREATED_TIME . If not specified, defaults to DETECTION_TIME . Detections are returned in descending order of the timestamp. |
page_size |
integer |
Optional | Specify the maximum number of detections to return (range is 1 through 1,000). The default is 100. |
page_token |
string |
Optional | Use to retrieve another page of detections. |
Sample request
Sample request (detections ordered by CreateTimestamp)
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
curatedRuleDetections |
array |
Array of detections in the below format. |
nextPageToken |
string |
Page token. Use for the next call to view the next page of detections. Does not appear on the last page of detections. |
CuratedRuleDetection fields
type |
string |
Type of detection (type is always "GCTI_FINDING"). |
detection.ruleName |
string |
Name of the Google Security Operations rule generating the detection. |
detection.ruleId |
string |
Identifier for the Google Security Operations rule generating the detection. |
detection.alertState |
string |
Indicates whether the Google Security Operations rule generating this detection currently has alerting enabled or disabled. |
detection.ruleType |
string |
Whether the Google Security Operations rule generating this detection is a single event or multi-event rule ("SINGLE_EVENT" or "MULTI_EVENT"). |
detection.urlBackToProduct |
string |
URL pointing to the Google Security Operations application page for this detection. |
detection.detectionFields |
list |
List of fields matching the Google Security Operations rule's requested match variables, for "MULTI_EVENT" rules. |
detection.detectionFields.key |
string |
Key for a field specified in the Google Security Operations rule, for "MULTI_EVENT" rules. |
detection.detectionFields.value |
string |
Value for a field specified in the Google Security Operations rule, for "MULTI_EVENT" rules. |
detection.ruleLabels |
list |
List of fields specified in Google Security Operations rule metadata. |
detection.ruleLabels.key |
string |
Key for a field specified in the Google Security Operations rule metadata. |
detection.ruleLabels.value |
string |
Value for a field specified in the Google Security Operations rule metadata. |
detection.summary |
string |
Summary for the generated detection. |
detection.ruleSet |
string |
Identifier of the Google Security Operations rule set that generated this detection. |
detection.ruleSetDisplayName |
string |
Display name of the Google Security Operations rule set that generated this detection. |
detection.description |
string |
Description of the Google Security Operations rule that generated the detection. |
detection.severity |
string |
Severity of the detection ("INFORMATIONAL" or "LOW" or "HIGH"). |
createdTime |
string |
Time the detection was created. |
detectionTime |
string |
String representing the time period the detection was found in. |
id |
string |
Identifier for the detection. |
timeWindow.startTime |
string |
String representing the start of the time window in which the detection was found, in RFC 3339 format. |
timeWindow.endTime |
string |
String representing the end of the time window in which the detection was found, in RFC 3339 format. |
collectionElements |
list |
A list of references to sample UDM events causing this detection, grouped by variable. |
collectionElements.label |
string |
The variable a given set of UDM events belongs to. |
collectionElements.references |
list |
A list of references to sample UDM events, grouped by the given label. |
collectionElements.references.event |
A UDM event. |
lastUpdatedTime |
string |
Time the detection was last updated. |
tags |
list |
A list of MITRE tactic and technique IDs covered by the Google Security Operations rule. |
Sample Response
"curatedRuleDetections": [
"type": "GCTI_FINDING",
"detection": [
"ruleName": "Cobalt Strike Default Entrypoint",
"summary": "Rule Detection",
"description": "Identifies CobaltStrike rundll32 execution using the default entrypoint.",
"severity": "LOW",
"urlBackToProduct": "",
"ruleId": "ur_mal_CobaltStrike_StartW",
"alertState": "ALERTING",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT",
"ruleLabels": [
"key": "rule_name",
"value": "Cobalt Strike Default Entrypoint"
"ruleSet": "6e6eda02-51b9-e57e-9597-622f1c7f3ee9",
"ruleSetDisplayName": "RAT"
"createdTime": "2022-12-05T12:13:23.154544Z",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2022-12-05T12:13:23.154544Z",
"id": "de_227a290c-17e9-6314-7f16-35f7923b554f",
"timeWindow": {
"startTime": "2022-12-05T11:07:12.585Z",
"endTime": "2022-12-05T11:07:12.585Z"
"collectionElements": [
"references": [
"event": {
"metadata": {
"eventTimestamp": "2022-12-05T11:07:12.585Z",
"eventType": "PROCESS_LAUNCH",
"ingestedTimestamp": "2022-12-05T11:06:27.737408Z",
"id": "AAAAA"
"principal": {
"hostname": "admin-1",
"process": {
"pid": "12345",
"command_line": "\"powershell.exe\" {wmic /node: process call create \\\"\"rundll32.exe $env:TEMP\\calc.dll StartW\\\"\"}"
"src": {
"file": {
full_path: "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\"
"target": {
"process": {
"pid": "12345",
"file": {
"sha256": "abcde",
"full_path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\wbem\\WMIC.exe"
command_line: "\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem\\WMIC.exe\" /node: process call create \"rundll32.exe C:\\Users\\ADMIN-1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\calc.dll StartW\""
"label": "e"
"detectionTime": "2022-12-05T11:07:12.585Z",
"tags": [
"type": "GCTI_FINDING",
"detection": [
"ruleName": "Cobalt Strike Default Entrypoint",
"summary": "Rule Detection",
"description": "Identifies CobaltStrike rundll32 execution using the default entrypoint.",
"severity": "LOW",
"urlBackToProduct": "",
"ruleId": "ur_mal_CobaltStrike_StartW",
"alertState": "ALERTING",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT",
"ruleLabels": [
"key": "rule_name",
"value": "Cobalt Strike Default Entrypoint"
"ruleSet": "6e6eda02-51b9-e57e-9597-622f1c7f3ee9",
"ruleSetDisplayName": "RAT"
"createdTime": "2022-12-05T11:12:24.406199Z",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2022-12-05T11:12:24.406199Z",
"id": "de_c34ee707-ad5e-4e5e-4955-a3a8e13053ae",
"timeWindow": {
"startTime": "2022-12-05T10:04:28.097Z",
"endTime": "2022-12-05T10:04:28.097Z"
"collectionElements": [
"references": [
"event": {
"metadata": {
"eventTimestamp": "2022-12-05T10:04:28.097Z",
"eventType": "PROCESS_LAUNCH",
"ingestedTimestamp": "2022-12-05T10:04:01Z",
"id": "BBBBB"
"principal": {
"hostname": "admin-2",
"process": {
"pid": "67890",
"command_line": "\"powershell.exe\" {wmic /node: process call create \\\"\"rundll32.exe $env:TEMP\\calc.dll StartW\\\"\"}"
"src": {
"file": {
full_path: "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\"
"target": {
"process": {
"pid": "67890",
"file": {
"sha256": "abcde",
"full_path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\wbem\\WMIC.exe"
command_line: "\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem\\WMIC.exe\" /node: process call create \"rundll32.exe C:\\Users\\ADMIN-2\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\calc.dll StartW\""
"label": "e"
"detectionTime": "2022-12-05T10:04:28.097Z",
"tags": [
"nextPageToken": "CgwIrdncnQYQ6OqRkwISCwiosvKXBhDQ-74JGidkZV8wNDZjZmY0YS1jM2ZkLTM5YWEtYmUyYS0wZTU2Zjk4OWE1YTE="
Return the detections for the specified version of a rule, the latest version of a rule, all versions of a rule, or all versions of all rules.
Detections for the latest version of a rule with a given rule identifier:
Detections for a specific version of a rule with a given version identifier:
Detections for the all versions of a rule with a given rule identifier:
Detections for the all versions of all rules:
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
alert_state | enum | Optional | Filter detections on if they are "ALERTING" or "NOT_ALERTING" |
detection_start_time (deprecated) | string | Optional | Time to begin returning detections, filtering on a detection's "detectionTime". If not specified, the start time is treated as open-ended. |
detection_end_time (deprecated) | string | Optional | Time to stop returning detections, filtering on a detection's "detectionTime". If not specified, the end time is treated as open-ended. |
start_time | string | Optional | Time to begin returning detections, filtering by the detection field specified in the listBasis parameter. If not specified, the start time is treated as open-ended. |
end_time | string | Optional | Time to stop returning detections, filtering by the detection field specified by the listBasis parameter. If not specified, the end time is treated as open-ended. |
list_basis | enum | Optional | Sort detections by "DETECTION_TIME" or by "CREATED_TIME". If not specified, it defaults to "DETECTION_TIME". Detections are returned in descending order of the timestamp. |
page_size | integer | Optional | Specify the maximum number of detections to return (range is 1 through 1,000). The default is 100. |
page_token | string | Optional | Use to retrieve another page of detections. |
ruleId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one rule identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
versionId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a specific version of a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one version identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule:{ruleId}@v_{int64}_{int64} |
Sample request (specific version of a rule)
Sample request (latest version of a rule)
Sample request (all versions of a rule)
Sample request (all versions of all rules, ordered by CreateTimestamp)
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
detections | array | Array of detections in the same format defined for GetDetection. |
nextPageToken | string | Page token. Use for the next call to view the next page of detections. Does not appear on the last page of detections. |
Sample Response
"detections": [
"detection": [
"ruleName": "singleEventRule2",
"description": "description of this rule",
"urlBackToProduct": "
"ruleId": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d",
"ruleVersion": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d@v_1605892822_687503000",
"alertState": "NOT_ALERTING",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT"
"ruleLabels": [
"key": "description",
"value": "description of this rule"
"createdTime": "2020-12-03T19:19:19.720174Z",
"id": "de_69d1ff3c-3528-6171-fb48-28ee813ec3ec",
"timeWindow": {
"startTime": "2020-12-03T16:59:55.124243Z",
"endTime": "2020-12-03T16:59:55.124243Z"
"collectionElements": [
"references": [
"event": {
"metadata": {
"eventTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:59:55.124243Z",
"collectedTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:59:55.126201345Z",
"eventType": "NETWORK_DNS",
"productName": "ProductName",
"ingestedTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:59:59.011915Z"
"principal": {
"ip": [
"target": {
"ip": [
"securityResult": [
"action": [
"network": {
"applicationProtocol": "DNS",
"dns": {
"questions": [
"name": "",
"type": 1,
"class": 1
"id": 12345,
"recursionDesired": true
"label": "e"
"detectionTime": "2020-12-03T16:59:55.124243Z"
"detection": [
"ruleName": "singleEventRule2",
"description": "description of this rule",
"urlBackToProduct": "
"ruleId": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d",
"ruleVersion": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d@v_1605892822_687503000",
"alertState": "NOT_ALERTING",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT"
"ruleLabels": [
"key": "description",
"value": "description of this rule"
"createdTime": "2020-12-03T19:19:19.720174Z",
"id": "de_ec2bc52b-a522-aeaf-6a94-f7c7ce0eff15",
"timeWindow": {
"startTime": "2020-12-03T16:59:48.916995Z",
"endTime": "2020-12-03T16:59:48.916995Z"
"collectionElements": [
"references": [
"event": {
"metadata": {
"eventTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:59:48.916995Z",
"collectedTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:59:48.918238257Z",
"eventType": "NETWORK_DNS",
"productName": "ProductName",
"ingestedTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:59:59.011915Z"
"principal": {
"ip": [
"target": {
"ip": [
"securityResult": [
"action": [
"network": {
"applicationProtocol": "DNS",
"dns": {
"questions": [
"name": "",
"type": 1,
"class": 1
"id": 12346,
"recursionDesired": true
"label": "e"
"detectionTime": "2020-12-03T16:59:48.916995Z"
"nextPageToken": "CgsIkdvj_gUQ2M2IXBIMCISzpP4FELj3oLUDGidkZV9lYzJiYzUyYi1hNTIyLWFlYWYtNmE5NC1mN2M3Y2UwZWZmMTU="
List the latest rule errors.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
page_size | integer | Optional | Specify the maximum number of errors to return (range is 1 through 1,000). The default is 100. |
rule_filter.version_id | string | Optional | Specify the unique identifier for a specific version of a rule, defined and returned by the server. Returned in the following format:{rule_id}@v_{int64}_{int64}. |
start_time | string | Optional | Specify the start time for when to view error messages, filtering on "errorTime". If not specified, the start time is treated as open-ended. |
end_time | string | Optional | Specify the end time for when to view error messages, filtering on "errorTime". If not specified, the end time is treated as open-ended. |
Sample request
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
errors | array | Array of errors in the same format defined for GetError. |
nextPageToken | string | Page token. Use for the next call to view the next page of errors. Does not appear on the last page of errors. |
Sample response
"errors": [
"errorId": "ed_8c07d6d7-4b94-adbb-cc86-f9114e63b53e",
"text": "rule needs to be updated: validating rule: variable email_reply_to used in both condition
section and match section, should only be used in one",
"errorTime": "2020-10-31T23:17:53.983116Z",
"ruleExecution": {
"windowStartTime": "2020-10-31T22:00:00Z",
"windowEndTime": "2020-10-31T23:00:00Z",
"ruleId": "ru_d27d2fdc-010a-417a-a773-7f886b3d08c7",
"versionId": "ru_d27d2fdc-010a-417a-a773-7f886b3d08c7@v_1597880575_633631000"
"errorId": "ed_77d0e45f-5b68-065a-ac0f-d7c12158c978",
"text": "rule needs to be updated: validating rule: variable email_reply_to used in both condition section
and match section, should only be used in one",
"errorTime": "2020-10-31T22:17:49.314016Z",
"ruleExecution": {
"windowStartTime": "2020-10-31T21:00:00Z",
"windowEndTime": "2020-10-31T22:00:00Z",
"ruleId": "ru_d27d2fdc-010a-417a-a773-7f886b3d08c7",
"versionId": "ru_d27d2fdc-010a-417a-a773-7f886b3d08c7@v_1597880575_633631000"
"nextPageToken": "CgwIjcX3_AUQgILelQESJ2VkXzc3ZDBlNDVmLTViNjgtMDY1YS1hYzBmLWQ3YzEyMTU4Yzk3OA=="
Listing the retrohunts for a rule.
Listing retrohunts for the latest version of a rule:
Listing retrohunts for a specific version of a rule:
Listing retrohunts for all versions of a rule:
Listing retrohunts for all versions of all rules:
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
page_size | integer | Optional | Specify the maximum number of retrohunts to return (range is 1 through 1,000). The default is 100. |
page_token | string | Optional | Page token received from a previous call. Use to retrieve the next page. |
state | enum | Optional | Filter retrohunts based on whether they are:
ruleId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one rule identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
versionId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a specific version of a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one version identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: {ruleId}@v_{int64}_{int64} |
Sample request (all versions of all rules)
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
retrohunts | array | Array of retrohunts in the same format defined for GetRetrohunt. |
nextPageToken | string | Page token. Use for the next call to view the next page of retrohunts. Does not appear on the last page of retrohunts. |
Sample response (all versions of all rules)
"retrohunts": [
"retrohuntId": "oh_fdb84ab6-4cf4-4b67-b4c3-cd3957466109",
"ruleId": "ru_68f627ca-debb-4a66-843f-73ee6daa0cb8",
"versionId": "ru_68f627ca-debb-4a66-843f-73ee6daa0cb8@v_1612760951_992879000",
"eventStartTime": "2021-02-01T23:00:00Z",
"eventEndTime": "2021-02-05T23:00:00Z",
"retrohuntStartTime": "2021-02-08T05:09:54.205127Z",
"retrohuntEndTime": "2021-02-08T05:11:24.652436Z",
"state": "DONE",
"progressPercentage": 100
"retrohuntId": "oh_1d5c21db-b103-470a-9b19-d2dd63b1b6d4",
"ruleId": "ru_30979d84-aa89-47d6-bf4d-b4bb0eacb497",
"versionId": "ru_30979d84-aa89-47d6-bf4d-b4bb0eacb497@v_1612760147_997855000",
"eventStartTime": "2021-02-01T00:00:00Z",
"eventEndTime": "2021-02-05T23:00:00Z",
"retrohuntStartTime": "2021-02-08T04:57:22.006365Z",
"retrohuntEndTime": "2021-02-08T04:57:44.658049Z",
"state": "DONE",
"progressPercentage": 100
"retrohuntId": "oh_d928fe45-6e81-4195-8373-19c43c448f90",
"ruleId": "ru_30979d84-aa89-47d6-bf4d-b4bb0eacb497",
"versionId": "ru_30979d84-aa89-47d6-bf4d-b4bb0eacb497@v_1612472807_179679000",
"eventStartTime": "2020-10-11T00:00:00Z",
"eventEndTime": "2021-02-05T23:00:00Z",
"retrohuntStartTime": "2021-02-08T04:13:32.105735Z",
"retrohuntEndTime": "2021-02-08T04:18:04.581268Z",
"state": "DONE",
"progressPercentage": 100
List the latest versions of all rules.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
page_size | integer | Optional | Specify the maximum number of rules to return (range is 1 through 1,000). The default is 100. |
page_token | string | Optional | Page token received from a previous call. Use to retrieve the next page. |
state |
enum |
Optional | List rules based on their state: ACTIVE, ARCHIVED or ALL. Default is ACTIVE. |
Sample request
The following sample request gets the latest version of all of the rules listed with their rule identifiers:
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
rules | array | Array of rules using the same format defined for GetRule. |
nextPageToken | string | Page token. Can be provided to the next call to view the next page of rules. Does not appear if this is the last page of rules. |
Sample response
"rules": [
"ruleId": "ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f",
"versionId": "ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f@v_1602631093_146879000",
"ruleName": "SampleRule",
"metadata": {
"description": "Sample Description of the latest version of the Rule",
"author": ""
"ruleText": "rule SampleRule {
// Multi event rule to detect logins from a single user for
// multiple cities within a 5 minute window.
description = \"Sample Description of the latest version of the Rule\"
author = \"\"
$e.metadata.event_type = \"USER_LOGIN\"
$e.principal.user.userid = $user
$ = $city
$user over 5m
#city > 1
} ",
"liveRuleEnabled": true,
"versionCreateTime": "2020-10-13T23:18:13.146879Z",
"compilationState": "SUCCEEDED",
"ruleType": "MULTI_EVENT",
"lastAlertStatusChangeTime": "2020-10-13T23:18:13.146879Z"
"ruleId": "ru_1971c2ac-8d5b-41aa-bb30-f95d220e9439",
"versionId": "ru_1971c2ac-8d5b-41aa-bb30-f95d220e9439@v_1598398482_260223000",
"ruleName": "SampleRule2",
"metadata": {
"description": "Sample Description of the latest version of the Rule",
"author": ""
"ruleText": "rule SampleRule2 {
description = \"Sample Description of the latest version of the Rule\"
author = \"\"
// Single event rule to generate detections for network events involving
$ = \"\"
} ",
"versionCreateTime": "2020-08-25T23:34:42.260223Z",
"compilationState": "SUCCEEDED",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT",
"lastAlertStatusChangeTime": "2020-08-25T23:34:42.260223Z"
List all versions of a specific rule. The versions are listed in descending order by the rule version creation time.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | Required | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
page_size | integer | Optional | Specify the maximum number of versions to return (range is 1 through 1,000). The default is 100. |
page_token | string | Optional | Page token received from a previous call. Use this to retrieve the next page. |
Sample request
Getting all versions of the rule with the specified rule identifier:
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
rules | array | Array of rules in the same format defined for GetRule. |
nextPageToken | string | Page token. Use for the next call to view the next page of rule versions. Does not appear on the last page of rules. |
Sample response
"rules": [
"ruleId": "ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f",
"versionId": "ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f@v_1602631093_146879000",
"ruleName": "SampleRule",
"metadata": {
"description": "Sample Description of the latest version of the Rule",
"author": ""
"ruleText": "rule SampleRule {
// Multi event rule to detect logins from a single user for
// multiple cities within a 5 minute window.
description = \"Sample Description of the latest version of the Rule\"
author = \"\"
$e.metadata.event_type = \"USER_LOGIN\"
$e.principal.user.userid = $user
$ = $city
$user over 5m
#city > 1
} ",
"liveRuleEnabled": true,
"versionCreateTime": "2020-10-13T23:18:13.146879Z",
"compilationState": "SUCCEEDED",
"ruleType": "MULTI_EVENT",
"lastAlertStatusChangeTime": "2020-10-13T23:18:13.146879Z",
"ruleId": "ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f",
"versionId": "ru_e6abfcb5-1b85-41b0-b64c-695b3250436f@v_1602519130_121984000",
"ruleName": "SampleRule",
"metadata": {
"description": "Sample Description of an older version of the Rule",
"author": ""
"ruleText": "rule SampleRule {
description = \"Sample Description of an older version of the Rule\"
author = \"\"
// Single event rule that will generate lots of detections related to DNS events
$event.metadata.event_type = \"NETWORK_DNS\"
} ",
"versionCreateTime": "2020-10-12T16:12:10.121984Z",
"compilationState": "SUCCEEDED",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT",
"lastAlertStatusChangeTime": "2020-10-12T16:12:10.121984Z",
Initiate a retrohunt for the specified rule.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | One of ruleId and versionId | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. You must specify exactly one rule identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
Request body
"startTime": "<startTime here>"
"endTime": <endTime here>"
Body parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
startTime | string | Required | Start time for the time range of logs being processed, in RFC 3339 format. |
endTime | string | Required | End time for the time range of logs being processed, in RFC 3339 format. |
Sample request
"startTime": "2021-01-14T23:00:00Z",
"endTime": "2021-01-30T23:00:00Z"
Response fields
Same response format of GetRetrohunt.
Sample response
"retrohuntId": "oh_d738c8ea-8fd7-4cc1-b43d-25835b8e1785",
"ruleId": "ru_30979d84-aa89-47d6-bf4d-b4bb0eacb497",
"versionId": "ru_30979d84-aa89-47d6-bf4d-b4bb0eacb497@v_1612472807_179679000",
"eventStartTime": "2021-01-14T23:00:00Z",
"eventEndTime": "2021-01-30T23:00:00Z",
"retrohuntStartTime": "2021-02-08T02:40:59.192113Z",
"state": "RUNNING"
Continuously receive Detection Engine results over an HTTP stream as the detections are discovered.
The StreamDetectionAlerts API returns detections created by both user-created rules and Google Security Operations Rules. It only returns the detections created by rules whose alerting status was enabled at the time of detection. Enable alerting using the Google Security Operations UI by setting the Alerting option to enabled. For user-created rules, use the Rules Dashboard to enable each rule's alerting status.
Set the Alert status to enabled from the Rules Dashboard for user-created rules
For Google Security Operations Rules, enable alerting status of the Rule Set to get detections created by corresponding rules.
Set the Alert status to Enabled for the rule sets.
Request body
"continuationTime": "<continuationTime here>"
Body parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
continuationTime | string | Optional | Timestamp in RFC 3339 format used to request all detections after the specified time. If omitted, all detections after the current time are transmitted. If a |
Sample request
"continuationTime": "2020-09-15T21:59:17.081331Z"
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
continuationTime | string | Timestamp in RFC 3339 format. This value can be used in a request to stream next batch of detections. |
heartbeat | bool | Always set to `true`. It ensure the connection does not time out and should be ignored. |
detections | array | Array of detections in the following format. |
Detection fields
type | string | Type of detection (`RULE_DETECTION` or `GCTI_FINDING`). |
detection.ruleName | string | Name of the rule generating the detection. |
detection.ruleId | string | Identifier for the rule generating the detection. |
detection.ruleVersion | string | Identifier for the rule version generating the detection. Only populated for `RULE_DETECTION` type detections. |
detection.alertState | string | Indicates whether the rule generating this detection currently has alerting enabled or disabled. |
detection.ruleType | string | Whether the rule generating this detection is a single event or multi-event rule ("SINGLE_EVENT" or "MULTI_EVENT"). |
detection.urlBackToProduct | string | URL pointing to the Google Security Operations application page for this detection. |
detection.detectionFields | list | List of fields matching the rules requested match variables, for "MULTI_EVENT" rules. |
detection.detectionFields.key | string | Key for a field specified in the rule, for "MULTI_EVENT" rules. |
detection.detectionFields.value | string | Value for a field specified in the rule, for "MULTI_EVENT" rules. |
detection.ruleLabels | list | List of fields specified in rule metadata. |
detection.ruleLabels.key | string | Key for a field specified in the rule metadata. |
detection.ruleLabels.value | string | Value for a field specified in the rule metadata. |
detection.summary | string | Summary for the generated detection. Only populated for `GCTI_FINDING` type detections. |
detection.ruleSet | string | Identifier of the Google Security Operations Rule Set that generated this detection. Only populated for `GCTI_FINDING` type detections. |
detection.ruleSetDisplayName | string | Display name of the Google Security Operations Rule Set that generated this detection. Only populated for `GCTI_FINDING` type detections. |
detection.description | string | Description of the rule that generated the detection. Always populated for `GCTI_FINDING` detections. If type is `RULE_DETECTION`, this description is copied from the rule metadata's `description` key, if it is set. |
detection.severity | string | Severity of the detection ("INFORMATIONAL" or "LOW" or "HIGH"). Only populated for `GCTI_FINDING` type detections. |
createdTime | string | Time the detection was created. |
detectionTime | string | String representing the time period the detection was found in. |
id | string | Identifier for the detection. |
timeWindow.startTime | string | String representing the start of the time window in which the detection was found, in RFC 3339 format. |
timeWindow.endTime | string | String representing the end of the time window in which the detection was found, in RFC 3339 format. |
collectionElements | list | A list of references to sample UDM events causing this detection, grouped by variable. |
collectionElements.label | string | The variable a given set of UDM events belongs to. |
collectionElements.references | list | A list of references to sample UDM events, grouped by the given label. |
collectionElements.references.event | UDM | A UDM event. |
lastUpdatedTime | string | Time the detection was last updated. Only populated for `GCTI_FINDING` type detections. |
tags | list | A list of MITRE tactic and technique IDs covered by the rule. Only populated for `GCTI_FINDING` type detections. |
Sample Heartbeat Response (can be ignored by clients)
"heartbeat": true
Sample Response (without detections list)
"continuationTime": "2019-04-15T21:59:17.081331Z"
Sample Response (with detections list including detections from both user-created rules and Google Security Operations Rules)
"continuationTime": "2019-05-29T05:00:04.123073Z",
"detections": [
"detection": [
"ruleName": "singleEventRule2",
"urlBackToProduct": "
"ruleId": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d",
"ruleVersion": "ru_1f54ab4b-e523-48f7-ae25-271b5ea8337d@v_1605892822_687503000",
"alertState": "ALERTING",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT"
"createdTime": "2020-12-03T19:19:21.325134Z",
"id": "de_ce594791-09ed-9681-27fa-3b7c8fa6054c",
"timeWindow": {
"startTime": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z",
"endTime": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z"
"collectionElements": [
"references": [
"event": {
"metadata": {
"eventTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z",
"collectedTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.666064010Z",
"eventType": "NETWORK_DNS",
"productName": "ProductName",
"ingestedTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:50:49.494542Z"
"principal": {
"ip": [
"target": {
"ip": [
"securityResult": [
"action": [
"network": {
"applicationProtocol": "DNS",
"dns": {
"questions": [
"name": "",
"type": 1,
"class": 1
"id": 12345,
"recursionDesired": true
"label": "e"
"detectionTime": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z"
"type": "GCTI_FINDING",
"detection": [
"ruleName": "Google Cloud Global SSH Keys",
"urlBackToProduct": "
"ruleId": "ur_ttp_GCP__GlobalSSHKeys_Added",
"alertState": "ALERTING",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT",
"summary": "Rule Detection",
"ruleSet": "11c505d4-b424-65e3-d918-1a81232cc76b",
"ruleSetDisplayName": "Admin Action",
"description": "Identifies instances of project-wide SSH keys being
added where there were previously none.",
"severity": "LOW"
"createdTime": "2020-12-03T19:19:21.325134Z",
"id": "de_ce594791-09ed-9681-27fa-3b7c8fa6054c",
"timeWindow": {
"startTime": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z",
"endTime": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z"
"collectionElements": [
"references": [
"event": {
"metadata": {
"eventTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z",
"collectedTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.666064010Z",
"eventType": "NETWORK_DNS",
"productName": "ProductName",
"ingestedTimestamp": "2020-12-03T16:50:49.494542Z"
"principal": {
"ip": [
"target": {
"ip": [
"securityResult": [
"action": [
"network": {
"applicationProtocol": "DNS",
"dns": {
"questions": [
"name": "",
"type": 1,
"class": 1
"id": 12345,
"recursionDesired": true
"label": "e"
"detectionTime": "2020-12-03T16:50:47.647245Z",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2020-12-03T19:19:21.325134Z",
"tags": ["TA0003", "TA0004"]
... ]
Detections are returned in the same format defined for GetDetection.
Sample code
Sample code for the StreamDetectionAlerts API method is available on GitHub
Client development for StreamDetectionAlerts
When developing your client, be aware of the following:
- Activate the HTTP stream connection by sending a POST request. Use a library that can incrementally receive information from an HTTP stream (for example, use Python's requests library to make a POST request with
). - The HTTP response uses chunked transfer encoding as described in RFC 2616.
- Your client must maintain a persistent HTTP connection.
- Use a library which can handle reassembling the chunks into a stream of bytes.
- If you use a library which supports streaming, you can view the
stream response from Google Security Operations as a stream of bytes that
represent a continuous JSON array (for example,
[{"key1": "value1"},{"key2": "value2"}, {"key3": "value3"}, ...]
- For this code sample, one element of the JSON array is referred to as a "detection batch".
For example,
{"key1": "value1"}
is one element of the JSON array shown above. - The client might not receive the closing bracket (
) from the JSON array. \r\n
is sent in between batches (this could be used for parsing).- If they exist in the UDM data, actual
characters are escaped as\\r
respectively. - If you treat each batch as a JSON object, you can use your language's JSON package to deserialize it into a Python dictionary (or a golang map, if using golang).
- For this code sample, one element of the JSON array is referred to as a "detection batch".
For example,
Interpreting results
Use the following as guidelines when interpreting the results returned by StreamDetectionAlerts:
- If the client receives a 503 error (perhaps due to server maintenance), it should simply reconnect with exponential backoff.
- The server sends heartbeat messages about every 15 seconds; a heartbeat message contains the key "heartbeat", which will be set to true. These heartbeats from the server ensure the connection does not time out and should be ignored.
- Standard results include a key continuationTime (in RFC 3339 format) and, optionally, include key detections whose value is a list of dictionaries containing detections from user-created and Google Security Operations rules.
- Detections are not sorted in any particular order.
Specifying the continuationTime parameter
Be aware of the following when specifying the continuationTime parameter:
- Your client should store the most recent continuationTime received from the stream connection (it is also the maximum continuationTime received).
- When reconnecting, provide the most recent continuationTime to obtain results starting from the last time the client disconnected. This prevents the client from missing any detections.
- Specify a continuationTime of no more than one week ago, otherwise the connection is rejected with a 400 error. Specifying a future continuationTime also returns a 400 error.
Test a rule over a specified time range. Return any errors and any detections up to the specified maximum without persistence (detections are not retained).
Request body
"rule": {
"ruleText": "<ruleText here>"
"startTime": "<startTime here>",
"endTime": "<endTime here>",
"maxResults": "<maxResults here>",
Body parameters
Parameter Name | Value | Required | Description |
rule.ruleText | string | Required | Text of the new rule in YARA-L 2.0 format. |
startTime | string | Required | Start time for the time range of logs being processed, in RFC 3339 format. |
endTime | string | Required | End time for the time range of logs being processed, in RFC 3339 format. |
maxResults | integer | Optional | Maximum number of results to return. Specify a value between 1 and 10,000. The default is 1,000. |
Sample request
"rule": {
"ruleText": "<ruleText here>"
"startTime": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"endTime": "2021-01-14T00:00:00Z",
"maxResults": 2
When using the StreamTestRule method, be aware of the following limitations:
- Results either contain a detection
{ "detection": <detection> }
or an error{ "error": <error> }
. - There is a five minute timeout. After five minutes, the method stops returning detections and errors.
- The max_results parameter only limits the number of detections returned, not the number of errors.
Detections have the same format as those returned by the ListDetections and GetDetection methods, except that the following fields are not returned since the rule is not persisted by the test:
- detection.ruleId
- detection.ruleVersion
- detection.alertState
- detection.urlBackToProduct
- createdTime
Errors have the same format as those returned by the ListErrors and GetError methods, except that the following fields are not returned since the rule is not persisted by the test:
- errorId
- errorTime
- ruleExecution.ruleId
- ruleExecution.ruleVersion
Sample response
"error": {
"ruleExecution": {
"windowStartTime": "2021-01-01T18:00:00Z",
"windowEndTime": "2021-01-01T20:00:00Z"
"detection": {
"detection": [
"ruleName": "singleEventRule2",
"ruleType": "SINGLE_EVENT"
"id": "de_13503ebe-b96b-7b63-bb89-0e6d218628c9",
"timeWindow": {
"startTime": "2021-01-03T03:17:49.781746Z",
"endTime": "2021-01-03T03:17:49.781746Z"
"collectionElements": [
"references": [
"event": {
"metadata": {
"eventTimestamp": "2021-01-03T03:17:49.781746Z",
"collectedTimestamp": "2021-01-03T03:17:49.791689822Z",
"eventType": "NETWORK_DNS",
"productName": "DNS pcap",
"ingestedTimestamp": "2021-01-03T03:17:52.016198Z"
"principal": {
"ip": [
"target": {
"ip": [
"securityResult": [
"action": [
"network": {
"applicationProtocol": "DNS",
"dns": {
"questions": [
"name": "",
"type": 1,
"class": 1
"id": 12345,
"recursionDesired": true,
"label": "e"
"detectionTime": "2021-01-01T03:17:49.781746Z"
Unarchive the specified rule.
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | Required | Unique rule identifier for the rule you want to unarchive. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
Sample request
Returns an empty JSON with 200 OK, indicating the operation has completed successfully.
Verifies that a rule is a valid YARA-L 2.0 rule without creating a new rule or evaluating it over data.
Request body
"ruleText": "<ruleText here>"
Body parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
ruleText | string | Required | Text of the new rule in YARA-L 2.0 format. |
Sample request
"ruleText": "rule singleEventRule2 {
author = \"securityuser\"
description = \"single event rule that should generate detections\"
$e.metadata.event_type = \"NETWORK_DNS\"
Response fields
Field Name | Type | |
success | bool | True if the rule is a valid YL2 rule, false otherwise. |
context | string | Contains the context of the success or failure of the verification. This field will contain the compilation error if the verification failed. |
Sample response (valid YARA-L 2.0 rule)
"success": "true",
"context": "identified no known errors"
Sample response (invalid YARA-L 2.0 rule)
"context": "generic::invalid_argument invalid token line: 1-2, column: 3-4"
Enables you to determine whether or not a retrohunt currently in progress has completed within the time period specified. If the retrohunt completes within the time period, WaitRetrohunt returns the retrohunt data. Otherwise, it returns an error indicating that timeout has been reached without the retrohunt completing.
Waiting for a retrohunt for the latest version of a rule to complete:
Waiting for a retrohunt for a specific version of a rule to complete:
URL parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
retrohuntId | string | Required | Unique identifier for a retrohunt, defined and returned by the server. You must specify exactly one retrohunt identifier. |
ruleId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one rule identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: ru_{UUID} |
versionId | string | One of ruleId or versionId | Unique identifier for a specific version of a rule, defined and returned by the server. You can specify exactly one version identifier. Use the following format to specify the rule: {ruleId}@v_{int64}_{int64} |
Request body
"timeout": "<timeout here>"
Body parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
timeout | string | Optional | Time in seconds to wait for the retrohunt specified to complete. If timeout is not specified, the default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The minimum timeout is 3 seconds and the maximum timeout is 5 minutes. |
Sample request (specific version of rule)
"timeout": "30s",
Response fields
Same response format of GetRetrohunt.
Sample response (specific version of rule - retrohunt done)
"retrohuntId": "oh_95805380-2d44-4aab-9306-929789eba814",
"ruleId": "ru_30979d84-aa89-47d6-bf4d-b4bb0eacb497",
"versionId": "ru_30979d84-aa89-47d6-bf4d-b4bb0eacb497@v_1612472807_179679000",
"eventStartTime": "2021-01-01T23:00:00Z",
"eventEndTime": "2021-01-30T23:00:00Z",
"retrohuntStartTime": "2021-02-08T03:22:57.910122Z",
"retrohuntEndTime": "2021-02-08T03:23:44.510819Z",
"state": "DONE",
"progressPercentage": 100
See the detailed list of the Chronicle API query limits.