Microsoft Defender ATP

Integration version: 23.0

Use cases

  1. Use the data gathered in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for enrichments while investigating a particular case.

    Analysts can use the data gathered and stored in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint in investigations—for example, to get information on alerts detected in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint or list machines registered in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

  2. Perform active response actions in potential security incidents like isolating a specific host from a network or running an antivirus scan.

  3. Monitor and inspect the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts as Google Security Operations SOAR alerts fetched by the respective connector.


Before configuring the integration in the Google Security Operations SOAR platform, make sure to complete the following prerequisite steps:

  1. Create the Microsoft Entra app.

  2. Configure the API permissions for your app.

  3. Create a client secret.

We recommend using Application Context instead of User Context when accessing the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint API.

Create Microsoft Entra app

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as a user administrator or a password administrator.

  2. Select Microsoft Entra ID.

  3. Go to App registrations > New registration.

  4. Enter the name of the app.

  5. Click Register.

  6. Save the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID values to use them later when configuring the integration parameters.

Configure API permissions

  1. Go to API Permissions > Add a permission > APIs my organization uses. The Request API permissions dialog opens.

  2. In the Search field, enter WindowsDefenderATP.

  3. Select the WindowsDefenderATP > Application permissions.

  4. Under the Alert permission type, select the following permission:

    • Alert.Read.All
  5. Click Add permissions.

  6. On the API Permissions page, click Add a permission.

  7. Select Microsoft Graph > Delegated permissions.

  8. In the Select Permissions section, select the following required permission:

    • User.Read
  9. Click Add permissions.

  10. On the API Permissions page, click Add a permission.

  11. Select WidnowsDefenderATP > Application permissions.

  12. In the Select Permissions section, select the following required permissions:

    • AdvancedQuery.Read.All
    • Alert.Read.All
    • Alert.ReadWrite.All
    • Event.Write
    • File.Read.All
    • Ip.Read.All
    • Machine.Isolate
    • Machine.Read.All
    • Machine.ReadWrite.All
    • Machine.Scan
    • Machine.StopAndQuarantine
    • Ti.ReadWrite
    • Url.Read.All
    • User.Read.All
  13. Click Grant admin consent for ORGANIZATION_NAME.

    When the Grant admin consent confirmation dialog appears, click Yes.

The example of an API request to get the Defender ATP alerts is as follows (note the $expand parameter that is used to fetch data about IP addresses, domains, and files):

GET /api/alerts?$expand=files,ips,domains HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ...
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.19.0
Accept: */ *
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 2dc0f885-068a-45d4-81a6-2da0d23a58ad,d3dd0e6e-83ab-4d27-94d2-0f3889dff324
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
cache-control: no-cache

To learn more about the request parameters and request options like filter or expand, see Supported Microsoft Defender for Endpoint APIs in the Microsoft documentation.

Create client secret

  1. Navigate to Certificates and secrets > New client secret.

  2. Provide a description for a client secret and set its expiration deadline.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Save the value of the client secret (not the secret ID) to use it as the Client Secret parameter value when configuring the integration. The client secret value is only displayed once.

Enable SIEM integration - Deprecated

  1. In the navigation pane, select Settings > SIEM.

  2. Select Enable SIEM integration.

This activates the SIEM connector access details section with pre-populated values and an application is created under your Azure AD tenant.

  • Choose SIEM type as Generic API.
  • Copy the individual values or select Save details to file to download a file that contains all the values.
  • You will need the values presented on this page to generate a token to access the detections data: Client ID, Client Secret, Resource.

Integrate Microsoft Defender ATP with Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.

Integration parameters

To configure the integration, use the following parameters:

Client ID Required

Client (Application) ID of the Microsoft Entra app to use for the integration.

Client Secret Required

Client secret value of the Microsoft Entra app to use for the integration.

Azure Active Directory ID Required

Microsoft Entra ID (Tenant ID) value.

Verify SSL Optional

If selected, verifies that the SSL certificate for the connection to the Microsoft 365 Defender server is valid.

Selected by default.

API Root Required

API root URL to use with integration. For better performance, you can use a server closest to your location:


Default value is



Test connectivity to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint instance with parameters provided at the integration configuration page.



Use cases

The action is used to test the connectivity and can be executed as manual action, which is not a part of playbooks.

Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False

Enrich Entities

Enrich Google Security Operations SOAR Host, IP Address, or File hash entities based on the information from the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.



Use cases

The action can be used in the playbooks that investigate activity on devices. If the device has the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint agent installed, then the action pulls information from Defender ATP on a device to enrich Google Security Operations SOAR entities. The action also can be used to enrich the alert file hashes with the information from the Defender ATP.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address
  • Filehash

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result

If enrichment works on IP Address or Host:

        "EntityResult": {
            "@odata.context": "$metadata#Machines/$entity",
            "id": "example_id",
            "computerDnsName": "example-name",
            "firstSeen": "2019-11-18T11:13:04.0588699Z",
            "lastSeen": "2019-11-24T18:31:50.581058Z",
            "osPlatform": "Windows10",
            "osVersion": null,
            "osProcessor": "x64",
            "version": "1803",
            "lastIpAddress": "",
            "lastExternalIpAddress": "",
            "agentVersion": "10.4860.17134.982",
            "osBuild": 17134,
            "healthStatus": "Active",
            "rbacGroupId": 0,
            "rbacGroupName": null,
            "riskScore": "High",
            "exposureLevel": "Medium",
            "aadDeviceId": null,
            "machineTags": []

If enrichment works on Filehash:

        "EntityResult": {
            "@odata.context": "$metadata#Files/$entity",
            "sha1": "bdd0d38e113a0c7dd6213cf2e89e6cc6d66b5cdb",
            "sha256": "328954033456d5c13e58fb5bcc6c0232f9f62cb6d9185afa51c7913338992491",
            "md5": "9512e1cc66a1d36feb0a290cab09087b",
            "globalPrevalence": 5205000,
            "globalFirstObserved": "2018-06-22T12:59:21.6460311Z",
            "globalLastObserved": "2019-11-21T00:24:01.921338Z",
            "size": 245760,
            "fileType": "APP",
            "isPeFile": true,
            "filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
            "fileProductName": "Microsoft Windows Operating System",
            "signer": "Microsoft Windows",
            "issuer": "Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011",
            "signerHash": "419e77aed546a1a6cf4dc23c1f977542fe289cf7",
            "isValidCertificate": true
        "EntityResult": {
            "@odata.context": "$metadata#microsoft.windowsDefenderATP.api.InOrgFileStats",
            "sha1": "bdd0d38e113a0c7dd6213cf2e89e6cc6d66b5cdb",
            "orgPrevalence": "1",
            "orgFirstSeen": "2019-11-19T03:54:15Z",
            "orgLastSeen": "2019-11-19T04:21:18Z",
            "globalPrevalence": "5205000",
            "globalFirstObserved": "2018-06-22T12:59:21.6460311Z",
            "globalLastObserved": "2019-11-21T00:24:01.921338Z",
            "topFileNames": ["notepad.exe"]
Entity enrichment

IP and Host

Enrichment Field Name Logic - When to apply
Defender_ATP.sha1 Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.sha256 Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.md5 Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.globalPrevalence Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.globalFirstObserved Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.globalLastObserved Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.size Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.fileType Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.isPeFile Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.filePublisher Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.fileProductName Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.signer Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.issuer Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.signerHash Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.isValidCertificate Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.orgPrevalence Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.orgFirstSeen Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.orgLastSeen Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.topFileNames Returns if it exists in JSON result

File Hash

Enrichment Field Name Logic - When to apply
Defender_ATP.sha1 Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.sha256 Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.md5 Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.globalPrevalence Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.globalFirstObserved Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.globalLastObserved Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.size Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.fileType Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.isPeFile Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.filePublisher Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.fileProductName Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.signer Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.issuer Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.signerHash Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.isValidCertificate Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.orgPrevalence Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.orgFirstSeen Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.orgLastSeen Returns if it exists in JSON result
Defender_ATP.topFileNames Returns if it exists in JSON result

List Alerts

List Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts based on provided search criteria. The action returns information on found alerts in a table and JSON view form as an action output, along with raw alert data that is stored in and attached to the action output JSON file.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Time Frame Integer 3 No Specify a timeframe in hours for which to fetch alerts.
Status String Unknown, New, InProgress, Resolved No

Specify the statuses of alerts to look for.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Severity String N/A No

Specify the severity of the incidents to look for.

If not provided, the action looks for all severities.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Possible Values: UnSpecified, Informational, Low, Medium, and High

Category String N/A No

Specify the alert category to look for.

If not provided, the actions looks for all categories.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Possible Values: 'Collection', 'CommandAndControl', 'CredentialAccess', 'DefenseEvasion', 'Discovery', 'Execution', 'Exfiltration', 'Exploit', 'InitialAccess', 'LateralMovement', 'Malware', 'Persistence', 'PrivilegeEscalation', 'Ransomware', 'SuspiciousActivity', 'UnwantedSoftware'.

Incident ID Integer N/A No Specify the Microsoft Defender Incident ID for which you want to find related alerts.

Use cases

The action may be used to review Defender ATP warnings to Google Security Operations SOAR server for an end-user. For example, when dealing with the warning that came from the Defender ATP connector, the user configures the "List Warnings" action to accept processed alert IncidentId as the input parameter to pull details from the Defender ATP server-there are any other warnings that are part of a single Defender ATP Incident.

Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Alerts",
    "value": [
            "id": "example_id",
            "incidentId": 2,
            "investigationId": null,
            "assignedTo": null,
            "severity": "Medium",
            "status": "New",
            "classification": null,
            "determination": null,
            "investigationState": "UnsupportedAlertType",
            "detectionSource": "WindowsDefenderAtp",
            "category": "Execution",
            "threatFamilyName": null,
            "title": "Unexpected behavior observed by a process run with no command line arguments",
            "description": "The legitimate process by this name does not normally exhibit this behavior when run with no command line arguments. \nSuch unexpected behavior may be a result of extraneous code injected into a legitimate process, or a malicious executable masquerading as the legitimate one by name.",
            "alertCreationTime": "2019-11-19T03:56:35.3007009Z",
            "firstEventTime": "2019-11-19T03:54:16.0441057Z",
            "lastEventTime": "2019-11-19T03:54:16.0441057Z",
            "lastUpdateTime": "2019-11-19T03:56:38.45Z",
            "resolvedTime": null,
            "machineId": "machine-id",
            "alertUser": null,
            "comments": [],
            "alertFiles": [],
            "alertDomains": [],
            "alertIps": [],
            "alertProcesses": []

Update Alert

Update a specific Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Alert. The action can be used to close an alert in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Alert ID String N/A Yes Specify the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Alert ID to update.
Status DDL


Possible Values:

  • New
  • InProgress
  • Resolved
No Specify the status of the alert to update to.
Assigned To String N/A No Specify the user info if you want to update this field.
Classification DDL


Possible Values:

  • Unknown
  • FalsePositive
  • TruePositive
No Specify the classification to update the alert with.
Determination DDL


Possible Values:

  • NotAvailable
  • Apt
  • Malware
  • SecurityPersonnel
  • SecurityTesting
  • UnwantedSoftware
  • Other
No Specify the determination to update the alert with.

Use cases

  • Use the action to update a Defender ATP warning.

  • Use the action to intervene in a workflow involving Defender ATP warning analysis.

    After the alert has been processed in Google Security Operations SOAR, you can ignore the Defender ATP alert to keep the Defender ATP and Google Security Operations SOAR alert lists aligned. Also, you can change the alert to show the progress of the alert analysis (for example, set the assignedTo attribute or set the alert status to inProgress).

Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Alerts/$entity",
    "id": "example-id",
    "incidentId": 1,
    "investigationId": null,
    "assignedTo": null,
    "severity": "Informational",
    "status": "Resolved",
    "classification": null,
    "determination": null,
    "investigationState": "UnsupportedAlertType",
    "detectionSource": "WindowsDefenderAtp",
    "category": "Execution",
    "threatFamilyName": null,
    "title": "[Test Alert] Suspicious Powershell commandline",
    "description": "*** This is a test alert ***\nA suspicious Powershell commandline was found on the machine. This commandline might be used during installation, exploration, or in some cases with lateral movement activities which are used by attackers to invoke modules, download external payloads, and get more information about the system. Attackers usually use Powershell to bypass security protection mechanisms by executing their payload in memory without touching the disk and leaving any trace.",
    "alertCreationTime": "2019-11-18T11:17:48.287421Z",
    "firstEventTime": "2019-11-18T11:15:06.5226815Z",
    "lastEventTime": "2019-11-18T11:15:06.5226815Z",
    "lastUpdateTime": "2019-11-20T04:12:03.6066667Z",
    "resolvedTime": "2019-11-20T04:12:03.4976288Z",
    "machineId": "machine-id",
    "alertUser": {
        "accountName": "Administrator",
        "domainName": "example-domain"
    "comments": [],
    "alertFiles": [
            "sha1": "3ce71813199abae99348f61f0caa34e2574f831c",
            "sha256": "9a7c58bd98d70631aa1473f7b57b426db367d72429a5455b433a05ee251f3236",
            "filePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe",
            "fileName": "cmd.exe"
            "sha1": "1b3b40fbc889fd4c645cc12c85d0805ac36ba254",
            "sha256": "d3f8fade829d2b7bd596c4504a6dae5c034e789b6a3defbe013bda7d14466677",
            "filePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
            "fileName": "powershell.exe"
    "alertDomains": [],
    "alertIps": [],
    "alertProcesses": []

List Machines

Get information about machines registered with the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint server based on the parameters given for the search.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Last Seen Time Frame Integer N/A No Specify the last seen timeframe to look for in hours.
Machine Name String N/A No Specify the full machine name to look for.
Machine IP Address String N/A No Specify the machine IP address to look for.
Machine Risk Score String None, Low, Medium, High No

Specify the machine risk score to look for.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Machine Health Status String Active, Inactive, ImpairedCommunication, NoSensorData, NoSensorDataImpairedCommunication No

Specify the machine health status to look for.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Machine OS Platform String N/A No Specify the machine OS platform to look for.
RBAC Group ID String N/A No Specify the RBAC Group ID to look for.

Use cases

The action can be used for investigation purposes to get information on devices registered on the Defender ATP server. This action is mostly used as manual action, for the user to not have to switch back to Defender ATP console and look for which machines Defender ATP agent is working on.

Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Machines",
    "value": [
            "id": "example-id",
            "computerDnsName": "example-name",
            "firstSeen": "2019-11-18T11:13:04.0588699Z",
            "lastSeen": "2019-11-20T09:59:28.0646303Z",
            "osPlatform": "Windows10",
            "osVersion": null,
            "osProcessor": "x64",
            "version": "1803",
            "lastIpAddress": "",
            "lastExternalIpAddress": "",
            "agentVersion": "10.4860.17134.982",
            "osBuild": 17134,
            "healthStatus": "Active",
            "rbacGroupId": 0,
            "rbacGroupName": null,
            "riskScore": "High",
            "exposureLevel": "Medium",
            "aadDeviceId": null,
            "machineTags": []
            "id": "example-id",
            "computerDnsName": "example-name",
            "firstSeen": "2019-11-20T08:36:16.2721384Z",
            "lastSeen": "2019-11-20T08:36:52.7182837Z",
            "osPlatform": "Windows10",
            "osVersion": null,
            "osProcessor": "x64",
            "version": "1803",
            "lastIpAddress": "",
            "lastExternalIpAddress": "",
            "agentVersion": "10.4850.17134.191",
            "osBuild": 17134,
            "healthStatus": "Active",
            "rbacGroupId": 0,
            "rbacGroupName": null,
            "riskScore": "None",
            "exposureLevel": "Medium",
            "aadDeviceId": null,
            "machineTags": []

Get Machine Log on Users

Get information on a users logon on a specific machine.



Use cases

The action can be used for investigation purposes to get specific details on what users logon on a machine in question from the Defender ATP server.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Users",
    "value": [
            "id": "example\\example.user",
            "accountName": "example.user",
            "accountDomain": "example",
            "accountSid": null,
            "firstSeen": "2019-11-19T03:50:36Z",
            "lastSeen": "2019-11-19T03:50:36Z",
            "mostPrevalentMachineId": null,
            "leastPrevalentMachineId": null,
            "logonTypes": "Interactive",
            "logOnMachinesCount": 1,
            "isDomainAdmin": false,
            "isOnlyNetworkUser": null

Get alerts related to specific machine registered in Defender ATP.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Status String Unknown, New, InProgress, Resolved No

Specify the statuses of alerts to look for.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Severity String UnSpecified, Informational, Low, Medium, High No

Specify the severities of the incidents to look for.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Category String N/A No

Specify the alert category to look for.

If not provided, the action looks for all categories.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Possible Values: 'Collection', 'CommandAndControl', 'CredentialAccess', 'DefenseEvasion', 'Discovery', 'Execution', 'Exfiltration', 'Exploit', 'InitialAccess', 'LateralMovement', 'Malware', 'Persistence', 'PrivilegeEscalation', 'Ransomware', 'SuspiciousActivity', 'UnwantedSoftware'.

Incident ID Integer N/A No Specify the Microsoft Defender Incident ID for which you want to find related alerts.

Use cases

The action can be used for investigation purposes to get alerts related to a specific machine in question from the Defender ATP server.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Alerts",
    "value": [
            "id": "example-id",
            "incidentId": 1,
            "investigationId": null,
            "assignedTo": "",
            "severity": "Informational",
            "status": "Resolved",
            "classification": "FalsePositive",
            "determination": "SecurityTesting",
            "investigationState": "UnsupportedAlertType",
            "detectionSource": "WindowsDefenderAtp",
            "category": "Execution",
            "threatFamilyName": null,
            "title": "[Test Alert] Suspicious Powershell commandline",
            "description": "*** This is a test alert ***\nA suspicious Powershell commandline was found on the machine. This commandline might be used during installation, exploration, or in some cases with lateral movement activities which are used by attackers to invoke modules, download external payloads, and get more information about the system. Attackers usually use Powershell to bypass security protection mechanisms by executing their payload in memory without touching the disk and leaving any trace.",
            "alertCreationTime": "2019-11-18T11:17:48.287421Z",
            "firstEventTime": "2019-11-18T11:15:06.5226815Z",
            "lastEventTime": "2019-11-18T11:15:06.5226815Z",
            "lastUpdateTime": "2019-11-20T04:12:03.91Z",
            "resolvedTime": "2019-11-20T04:12:03.4976288Z",
            "machineId": "machine-id",
            "alertUser": {
                "accountName": "Administrator",
                "domainName": "US-LT-V13007"
            "comments": [],
            "alertFiles": [
                    "sha1": "3ce71813199abae99348f61f0caa34e2574f831c",
                    "sha256": "9a7c58bd98d70631aa1473f7b57b426db367d72429a5455b433a05ee251f3236",
                    "filePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe",
                    "fileName": "cmd.exe"
                    "sha1": "1b3b40fbc889fd4c645cc12c85d0805ac36ba254",
                    "sha256": "d3f8fade829d2b7bd596c4504a6dae5c034e789b6a3defbe013bda7d14466677",
                    "filePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
                    "fileName": "powershell.exe"
            "alertDomains": [],
            "alertIps": [],
            "alertProcesses": []

Isolate Machine

Isolate a machine using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. The Machine can be set under full isolation, or selective isolation. Outlook, Skype for Business, and Teams applications continue to work on a machine under isolation.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Isolation Type DDL


Possible Values:

  • Full
  • Selective
Yes Specify the isolation type.
Comment String N/A Yes Specify a comment as to why the machine needs to be isolated.
Create an Insight? Checkbox Checked If enabled, the action creates a Google Security Operations SOAR Insight with related information if executed successfully.

Use cases

Isolate a machine that is considered to be infected. For example, Defender ATP connector alert was ingested to the Google Security Operations SOAR server, and during an alert analysis it was discovered that related to the alert machine (Case entity), it can be infected and needs to be isolated.

Run on

This action runs on the following actions:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action results

Script result

True if the API Endpoint returned for every provided entity it ran on, status 201, in JSON Response "status": "Pending", which indicates that the API request executed successfully. If at least for one of the entities the action fails, the final result should be fail (False).

Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#MachineActions/$entity",
    "id": "example-id",
    "type": "Isolate",
    "requestor": "requestor-id",
    "requestorComment": "Machine Isolation due to alert ...",
    "status": "Pending",
    "machineId": "machine-id",
    "creationDateTimeUtc": "2019-11-21T03:55:59.5419077Z",
    "lastUpdateDateTimeUtc": "2019-11-21T03:55:59.5419077Z",
    "cancellationRequestor": null,
    "cancellationComment": null,
    "cancellationDateTimeUtc": null,
    "errorHResult": 0,
    "scope": null,
    "relatedFileInfo": null
  • Insight Logic: If machine was isolated using Defender ATP agent, create an insight to indicate this.
  • Type: Entity.
  • Title (String): entity.
  • IdentifierMessage: "Host was isolated using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint."

Unisolate Machine

Unisolate a machine that was previously isolated using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Comment String N/A Yes Specify a comment for why the machine needs to be unisolated.
Create an Insight? Checkbox Checked If enabled, the action creates a Google Security Operations SOAR Insight with related information if executed successfully.

Use cases

The action can be used for situations where the machine was already isolated, but with the new data gathered during playbook processing (for example, first machine was isolated, next we created a threat indicator for a suspicious file, and ran the "Stop and Quarantine" action to remove this file from the affected machine) we can consider it safe to remove the affected machine from isolation.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action results

Script result

True if the API Endpoint returned for every provided entity it ran on, status 201, in JSON Response "status": "Pending", which indicates that the API request executed successfully. If at least for one of the entities the action fails, the final result should be fail (False).

Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#MachineActions/$entity",
    "id": "example-id",
    "type": "Unisolate",
    "requestor": "requestor-id",
    "requestorComment": "Unisolate machine due to the following remediation measures taken...",
    "status": "Pending",
    "machineId": "machine-id",
    "creationDateTimeUtc": "2019-11-21T03:59:34.7389352Z",
    "lastUpdateDateTimeUtc": "2019-11-21T03:59:34.7389352Z",
    "cancellationRequestor": null,
    "cancellationComment": null,
    "cancellationDateTimeUtc": null,
    "errorHResult": 0,
    "scope": null,
    "relatedFileInfo": null
  • Type: Entity
  • Title: entity.
  • IdentifierMessage: Microsoft Defender for Endpoint isolation was removed.

Run Antivirus Scan

Start an antivirus scan on a host using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Two types of Defender ATP scans are available: Full or Quick.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Antivirus Scan Type DDL


Possible Values:

  • Full
  • Quick
Yes Specify whether to start Full or Quick antivirus scan on machine.
Comment String N/A Yes Specify a comment as to why an antivirus scan needs to be executed on the machine.

Use cases

An alert came from the Defender ATP connector, during the alert processing indicators of malware compromises were found on the machine related to the Google Security Operations SOAR case entity, and because of that the user decided to run an antivirus scan on the machine to try to find malware on the host.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action results

Script result

True if the API Endpoint returned for every provided entity it ran on, status 201, in JSON Response "status": "Pending", which indicates that the API request executed successfully. If at least for one of the entities the action fails, the final result should be fail (False).

Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#MachineActions/$entity",
    "id": "example-id",
    "type": "RunAntiVirusScan",
    "requestor": "requestor_id",
    "requestorComment": "Run antivirus scan on suspect",
    "status": "Pending",
    "machineId": "machine-id",
    "creationDateTimeUtc": "2019-11-21T11:07:06.611628Z",
    "lastUpdateDateTimeUtc": "2019-11-21T11:07:06.611628Z",
    "cancellationRequestor": null,
    "cancellationComment": null,
    "cancellationDateTimeUtc": null,
    "errorHResult": 0,
    "scope": null,
    "relatedFileInfo": null

Stop and Quarantine a File on Specific Machine

Stop execution of a file on a specific machine and quarantine it using Microsoft Defender ATP agent. Action works with either Host or IP Google Security Operations SOAR entities.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
SHA1 File Hash to Quarantine String N/A Yes

Specify SHA-1 file hash of the file to stop and quarantine.

Note: The SHA-1 hash needs to be in the lower register for the action to find matching file.

Comment String N/A Yes Specify a comment as to why an antivirus scan needs to be executed on the machine.
Create an Insight? Checkbox Checked If enabled, action will create a Google Security Operations SOAR Insight with related information if executed successfully.

Use cases

During processing of the alert that came from the Defender ATP connector, the "Stop and Quarantine File" action can be used to block the specific file from execution to prevent compromise of the machine. The need for this action might come from the advanced hunting, and the user might discover some potentially malicious files that at the moment the user wants to block on a single machine.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Host
  • IP Address

Action results

Script result

Can be True or False. True if the API Endpoint returned for every provided entity it ran on, status 201, in JSON Response "status": "Pending", which indicates that API request executed successfully. If at least for one of the entities action fail - final result should be fail (False).

Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#MachineActions/$entity",
    "id": "example-id",
    "type": "StopAndQuarantineFile",
    "requestor": "requestor-id",
    "requestorComment": "Stopping and quarantining putty",
    "status": "Pending",
    "machineId": "machine-id",
    "creationDateTimeUtc": "2019-11-25T10:05:21.3641296Z",
    "lastUpdateDateTimeUtc": "2019-11-25T10:05:21.3641296Z",
    "cancellationRequestor": null,
    "cancellationComment": null,
    "cancellationDateTimeUtc": null,
    "errorHResult": 0,
    "scope": null,
    "relatedFileInfo": {
        "fileIdentifier": "d932604ab8e9debe475415851fd26929a0c0dcd1",
        "fileIdentifierType": "Sha1"
  • Type: Entity.
  • Title (String): entity.
  • IdentifierMessage (String): "File with SHA-1 Filehash {0} was stopped and quarantined on {1}". format (filehash,entity.Identifier).

Get alerts related to a file from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint based on the file hash.


Parameter Display Value Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Status String Unknown, New, InProgress, Resolved No

Specify the statuses of alerts to look for.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Severity String UnSpecified, Informational, Low, Medium, High NO

Specify the severities of the incidents to look for.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Category String N/A No

Specify the alert category to look for.

If not provided, the action looks for all categories.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Possible Values: 'Collection', 'CommandAndControl', 'CredentialAccess', 'DefenseEvasion', 'Discovery', 'Execution', 'Exfiltration', 'Exploit', 'InitialAccess', 'LateralMovement', 'Malware', 'Persistence', 'PrivilegeEscalation', 'Ransomware', 'SuspiciousActivity', 'UnwantedSoftware'.

Incident ID Integer N/A No Specify the Microsoft Defender Incident ID for which you want to find related alerts.

‌Use cases

While investigating an alert that came from the Defender ATP connector, this action can be used to gather information if this file is associated with any alerts to get insight on if the file is malicious or not.

Run On

This action runs on the Filehash entity.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Alerts",
    "value": [
            "id": "example_id",
            "incidentId": 2,
            "investigationId": 1,
            "assignedTo": null,
            "severity": "Medium",
            "status": "New",
            "classification": null,
            "determination": null,
            "investigationState": "TerminatedBySystem",
            "detectionSource": "WindowsDefenderAtp",
            "category": "DefenseEvasion",
            "threatFamilyName": null,
            "title": "Suspicious process injection observed",
            "description": "A process abnormally injected code into another process, As a result, unexpected code may be running in the target process memory. Injection is often used to hide malicious code execution within a trusted process. \nAs a result, the target process may exhibit abnormal behaviors such as opening a listening port or connecting to a command and control server.",
            "alertCreationTime": "2019-11-19T03:56:37.7335862Z",
            "firstEventTime": "2019-11-19T03:54:15.7698362Z",
            "lastEventTime": "2019-11-19T03:54:15.7698362Z",
            "lastUpdateTime": "2019-11-20T10:13:31.7266667Z",
            "resolvedTime": null,
            "machineId": "machine-id",
            "alertUser": {
                "accountName": "example.user",
                "domainName": "EXAMPLELAB"
            "comments": [],
            "alertFiles": [
                    "sha1": "1b3b40fbc889fd4c645cc12c85d0805ac36ba254",
                    "sha256": "d3f8fade829d2b7bd596c4504a6dae5c034e789b6a3defbe013bda7d14466677",
                    "filePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
                    "fileName": "powershell.exe"
                    "sha1": "bdd0d38e113a0c7dd6213cf2e89e6cc6d66b5cdb",
                    "sha256": "328954033456d5c13e58fb5bcc6c0232f9f62cb6d9185afa51c7913338992491",
                    "filePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe",
                    "fileName": "notepad.exe"
            "alertDomains": [],
            "alertIps": [],
            "alertProcesses": []

Get machines related to a file from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint based on the file hash.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Machine Name String N/A No Specify the full machine name to look for.
Machine IP Address String N/A No Specify the machine IP address to look for.
Machine Risk Score String N/A No

Specify the machine risk score to look for.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Machine Health Status String Active, Inactive, ImpairedCommunication, NoSensorData, NoSensorDataImpairedCommunication No

Specify the machine health status to look for.

Parameter accepts multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Machine OS Platform String N/A No Specify the machine OS platform to look for.
RBAC Group ID String N/A No Specify the RBAC Group ID to look for.

Use cases

While investigating an alert that came from the Defender ATP connector, this action can be used to gather information on which machines this file was registered to in Defender ATP.

Run on

This action runs on the Filehash entity.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Machines",
    "value": [
            "id": "example_id",
            "computerDnsName": "example-name",
            "firstSeen": "2019-11-18T11:13:04.0588699Z",
            "lastSeen": "2019-11-20T19:35:36.4619266Z",
            "osPlatform": "Windows10",
            "osVersion": null,
            "osProcessor": "x64",
            "version": "1803",
            "lastIpAddress": "",
            "lastExternalIpAddress": "",
            "agentVersion": "10.4860.17134.982",
            "osBuild": 17134,
            "healthStatus": "Active",
            "rbacGroupId": 0,
            "rbacGroupName": null,
            "riskScore": "High",
            "exposureLevel": "Medium",
            "aadDeviceId": null,
            "machineTags": []

Run Advanced Hunting Query

Run Microsoft Defender for Endpoint advanced hunting query. Note that quotes, new lines, or other special symbols need to be escaped, for example, use the backslash for escaping quotes.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Query String N/A Yes Advanced hunting query to execute.

Use cases

The user can have hunting queries that they want to use to query data gathered in Defender ATP during the processing of a specific Defender Alert, with this action the user can run those advanced hunting queries.

Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "Stats": {
        "ExecutionTime": 0.0156652,
        "resource_usage": {
            "cache": {
                "memory": {
                    "hits": 13,
                    "misses": 0,
                    "total": 13
                "disk": {
                    "hits": 0,
                    "misses": 0,
                    "total": 0
            "cpu": {
                "user": "00:00:00.0156250",
                "kernel": "00:00:00",
                "total cpu": "00:00:00.0156250"
            "memory": {
                "peak_per_node": 33554624
        "dataset_statistics": [
                "table_row_count": 2,
                "table_size": 60
    "Schema": [
            "Name": "EventTime",
            "Type": "DateTime"
            "Name": "FileName",
            "Type": "String"
            "Name": "InitiatingProcessFileName",
            "Type": "String"
    "Results": [
            "EventTime": "2019-11-18T11:13:07.043128Z",
            "FileName": "csc.exe",
            "InitiatingProcessFileName": "powershell.exe"
            "EventTime": "2019-11-19T03:54:14.4256361Z",
            "FileName": "csc.exe",
            "InitiatingProcessFileName": "powershell.exe"

Wait for Task Status

Wait for the status of a task.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Task IDs String N/A Yes Task IDs list as a comma-separated string.

Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
        "status": "Succeeded",
        "creation_date_time_utc": "2020-02-08T03:24:52.8526634Z",
        "cancellation_requestor": null,
        "cancellation_date_time_utc": null,
        "id": "2e39d22e-60a7-4267-899c-a1471e800000",
        "last_update_date_time_utc": "2020-02-08T03:25:35.8345081Z",
        "related_file_info": null,
        "cancellation_comment": null,
        "requestor": "e4fc6454-754d-47f7-bbdb-045fad600000",
        "error_h_result": 0,
        "scope": "Selective",
        "machine_id": "fbc85cf3fbcc8bb14d1a84fcf7bbae4531f00000",
        "type": "Isolate",
        "requestor_comment": "test"

Get Current Task Status

Get the current status of a task.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Task IDs String N/A Yes Task IDs list as a comma-separated string.

Run on

This action runs on all entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
        "status": "Succeeded",
        "creation_date_time_utc": "2020-02-08T03:24:52.8526634Z",
        "cancellation_requestor": null,
        "cancellation_date_time_utc": null,
        "id": "2e39d22e-60a7-4267-899c-a1471e800000",
        "last_update_date_time_utc": "2020-02-08T03:25:35.8345081Z",
        "related_file_info": null,
        "cancellation_comment": null,
        "requestor": "e4fc6454-754d-47f7-bbdb-045fad600000",
        "error_h_result": 0,
        "scope": "Selective",
        "machine_id": "fbc85cf3fbcc8bb14d1a84fcf7bbae4531f00000",
        "type": "Isolate",
        "requestor_comment": "test"

Submit Entity Indicators

Submit entities as indicators in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Action DDL


Possible Values:

  • Block
  • Audit
  • Block And Remediate
  • Allow

Specify the action that needs to be applied to the entities.

Note: The "Block And Remediate" value is supported only for the filehash entities.

Severity DDL


Possible Values:

  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
  • Informational
Yes Specify the severity for the found entities.
Application String N/A No Specify an application that is related to the entities.
Indicator Alert Title String N/A Yes Specify the title for the alert, if they are identified in the environment.
Description String Google Security Operations SOAR Remediation Yes Specify the description for the entities.
Recommended Action String N/A No Specify the recommended actions for the handling of the entities.

Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • URL
  • Filehash

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available for one entity (is_success = true): "Successfully submitted the following entities as indicators to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: {entity.identifier}".

If data is not available for one entity (is_success=true): "Action wasn't able to submit the following entities as indicators to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: {entity.identifier}".

If the 403 status code is reported for one entity: "Instance doesn't have enough permissions to submit for the following entities: {entity.identifier}

If data is not available for all entities (is_success=false): "None of the provided entities were submitted as indicators to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint."

If an entity is already an indicator: "The following entities are already indicators in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: {entity.identifier}"

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other: "Error executing action "Submit Entity Indicators". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the 403 status code is reported for all entities: "Error executing action "Submit Entity Indicators". Reason: none of the indicators were created due to instance permissions, please check the configuration.''.


Delete Entity Indicators

Delete entity indicators in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.



Run on

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • URL
  • Filehash

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 204 status code is reported (is_success=true): "Successfully deleted the following entities as indicators in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: {entity.identifier}.

If the incident is not found (is_success=true): "The following entities don't exist as indicators in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: {entity.identifier}.

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Delete Entity Indicators". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)


List Indicators

List indicators in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Indicators CSV N/A No Specify a comma-separated list of indicators that you would like to retrieve.
Indicator Types CSV FileSha1,FileSha256,FileMd5,CertificateThumbprint,IpAddress,DomainName, Url No

Specify a comma-separated list of indicator types that you want to retrieve.

Possible values: FileSha1, FileSha256, FileMd5, CertificateThumbprint, IpAddress,DomainName, Url.

Actions CSV Warn,Block,Audit,Alert,AlertAndBlock,BlockAndRemediate,Allowed No

Specify a comma-separated list of indicator actions that you want to use for filtering.

Possible values: Warn,Block,Audit,Alert, AlertAndBlock,BlockAndRemediate,Allowed

Severity CSV Informational,Low,Medium,High No

Specify a comma-separated list of severities that you want to use for filtering.

Possible values: Informational,Low,Medium,High

Max Results To Return Integer 50 No Specify the number of indicators to return.

Run on

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action results

Script result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON result
    "id": "18",
    "indicatorValue": "110e7d15b011d7fac48f2bd61114db1022197f7a",
    "indicatorType": "FileSha1",
    "action": "Audit",
    "createdBy": "45e9773c-100e-4a9f-ad37-d8e182e9ed26",
    "severity": "Informational",
    "category": 1,
    "application": "demo-test",
    "educateUrl": null,
    "bypassDurationHours": null,
    "title": "test",
    "description": "test",
    "recommendedActions": "nothing",
    "creationTimeDateTimeUtc": "2022-02-08T14:20:34.9071582Z",
    "expirationTime": null,
    "lastUpdateTime": "2022-02-08T14:20:34.9151307Z",
    "lastUpdatedBy": null,
    "rbacGroupNames": [],
    "rbacGroupIds": [],
    "notificationId": null,
    "notificationBody": null,
    "version": null,
    "mitreTechniques": [],
    "historicalDetection": false,
    "lookBackPeriod": null,
    "generateAlert": true,
    "additionalInfo": null,
    "createdByDisplayName": "Example Defender ATP",
    "externalId": null,
    "createdBySource": "PublicApi",
    "certificateInfo": null
Case wall
Result Type Value / Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available (is_success=true): "Successfully found indicators for the provided criteria in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.".

If data is not available (is_success=false): "No indicators were found for the provided criteria in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "List Indicators". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If an invalid "Indicator types" parameter is provided: "Error executing action "List Indicators". Reason: invalid value for the parameter "Indicator Types". Possible values: FileSha1, FileSha256, FileMd5, CertificateThumbprint, IpAddress, DomainName, Url.

If an invalid "Actions" parameter is provided: "Error executing action "List Indicators". Reason: invalid value for the parameter "Actions". Possible values: Warn, Block, Audit, Alert, AlertAndBlock, BlockAndRemediate, Allowed.

If an invalid "Severity" parameter is provided: "Error executing action "List Indicators". Reason: invalid value for the parameter "Actions". Possible values: Informational, Low, Medium, High.

Case Wall Table

Found Indicators

Type: indicatorType

Action: action

Severity: severity Description: description Title: title Recommendation: recommendedActions



For detailed instructions on how to configure a connector in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configuring the connector.

To configure the selected connector use the connector-specific parameters listed in the following tables:

Microsoft Defender ATP Connector

The Defender ATP SIEM API used in the Microsoft Defender ATP Connector for events is deprecated as of March 1, 2022.

The connector periodically connects to the Defender ATP API endpoint and pulls a list of alerts generated for a specific time period. For the alerts processed, the connector in a separate request pulls the information on the detections from the Defender ATP. Detections have an AlertId field that can be used to associate the detections with specific alerts.

Connector parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the connector:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Product Field Name String ProductName Yes Describes the name of the field where the product name is stored.
Event Field Name String AlertName Yes Describes the name of the field where the event name is stored.
Environment Field Name String "" No

Describes the name of the field where the environment name is stored.

If environment field isn't found, environment is "".

Environment Regex Pattern String .* No

A regular expression pattern to run on the value found in the Environment Field Name field.

Default is .* to catch all and return value unchanged.

Used to allow the user to manipulate the environment field using the regular expression logic.

If the regular expression pattern is null or empty, or the environment value is null, the final environment result is "".

API Root String Yes

API root URL to use with integration.

For better performance, you can use a server closest to your location:

Azure Active Directory ID String N/A Yes Microsoft Entra Tenant ID, can be viewed in Active Directory > App Registration > Your application > Directory (tenant) ID.
Integration Client ID String N/A Yes Client (Application) ID that is added for app registration in Microsoft Entra for the integration.
Integration Client Secret Password N/A Yes Secret that is entered for Azure AD app registration for the integration.
SIEM Client ID String N/A Yes Client (Application) ID for the enabled SIEM integration in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
SIEM Client Secret Password N/A Yes Secret for the enabled SIEM integration in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
Offset Time In Hours Integer 24 Yes Fetch alerts from X hours backwards.
Max Alerts Per Cycle Integer 100 Yes Number of alerts that are processed during one connector run.
Alert Statuses to fetch String Unknown, New, InProgress, Resolved Yes

Specify the statuses of the Defender ATP alerts that should be fetched by the Google Security Operations SOAR server.

Parameter can take multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Alert Severities to fetch String UnSpecified, Informational, Low, Medium, High Yes

Specify the severities of the Defender ATP alerts that should be fetched by the Google Security Operations SOAR server.

Parameter can take multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Proxy Server Address IP_OR_HOST N/A No Proxy server to use for connection.
Proxy Server Username String N/A No Proxy server username.
Proxy Server Password Password N/A No Proxy server password.

Connector rules

  • The connector doesn't support blocklist or dynamic list rules.

  • The connector supports proxies.

Microsoft Defender ATP Connector V2

Fetch the Defender ATP alerts using the 365 Defender incident API to get the event data. Use the connector dynamic list to ingest only specific types of alerts based on the alert detectionSource attribute value.

The connector SourceGroupIdentifier attribute can be used to group alerts based on the Defender ATP incident ID.


Before configuring the connector, make sure to grant additional permissions to your Microsoft Entra application:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as a user administrator or a password administrator.

  2. Select Microsoft Entra ID.

  3. Go to API Permissions > Add a permission > APIs my organization uses.

  4. Select Microsoft Threat Protection > Application permissions.

  5. In the Select Permissions section, select the following required permissions:

    • Incident.Read.All
    • Incident.ReadWrite.All
  6. Click Add permissions.

  7. Click Grant admin consent for YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME.

Connector parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the connector:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Product Field Name String :: Yes Describes the name of the field where the product name is stored.
Event Field Name String EventName Yes Describes the name of the field where the event name is stored.
Environment Field Name String "" No

Describes the name of the field where the environment name is stored.

If environment field isn't found, environment is "".

Environment Regex Pattern String .* No

A regular expression pattern to run on the value found in the Environment Field Name field.

Default is .* to catch all and return value unchanged.

Used to allow the user to manipulate the environment field using the regular expression logic.

If the regular expression pattern is null or empty, or the environment value is null, the final environment result is "".

Defender ATP API Root String Yes

API root URL to use with integration

For better performance, you can use a server closest to your location:

365 Defender API Root String Yes API root of the Microsoft 365 Defender instance used to get the Google Security Operations SOAR events data.
Azure Active Directory ID String N/A Yes Microsoft Entra Tenant ID that can be found in Microsoft Entra > App Registration > Your application > Directory (tenant) ID.
Integration Client ID String N/A Yes Client (Application) ID that is added for app registration in Microsoft Entra for the integration.
Integration Client Secret Password N/A Yes Secret that is entered for Azure AD app registration for the integration.
Verify SSL Checkbox Checked Yes If enabled, verifies that the SSL certificate for the connection to the Microsoft 365 Defender server is valid.
Offset Time In Hours Integer 24 Yes Fetch alerts from X hours backwards.
Max Alerts Per Cycle Integer 10 Yes Number of alerts that are processed during one connector run.
Alert Statuses to fetch String Unknown, New, InProgress, Resolved Yes

Specify the statuses of the Defender ATP alerts that should be fetched by the Google Security Operations SOAR server.

Parameter can take multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Alert Severities to fetch String UnSpecified, Informational, Low, Medium, High Yes

Specify the severities of the Defender ATP alerts that should be fetched by the Google Security Operations SOAR server.

Parameter can take multiple values as a comma-separated string.

Disable Overflow Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, the connector ignores the overflow mechanism.
Script Timeout Integer 300 Yes Specify the timeout for connector to run.
Use whitelist as a blacklist Checkbox Unchecked No If enabled, dynamic list is used as a blocklist.
Proxy Server Address IP_OR_HOST N/A No Proxy server to use for connection.
Proxy Server Username String N/A No Proxy server username.
Proxy Server Password Password N/A No Proxy server password.

Connector rules

The connector supports a dynamic list logic based on the detectionSource Defender ATP alert field value.