Microsoft Graph Security
This document provides guidance on how to integrate the Microsoft Graph security API with Google Security Operations (Google SecOps).
Integration version: 20.0
This document refers to the Microsoft Graph security API. In the Google SecOps platform, the integration for Microsoft Graph security API is called Microsoft Graph Security.
Before you begin
Before configuring the integration in the Google SecOps platform, complete the following steps:
Create the Microsoft Entra app.
Configure the API permissions for your application.
Create a client secret.
Create Microsoft Entra application
To create the Microsoft Entra application, complete the following steps:
Sign in to the Azure portal as a user administrator or a password administrator.
Select Microsoft Entra ID.
Go to App registrations > New registration.
Enter the name of the application.
In the Redirect URI field, enter
.Click Register.
Save the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID values to use them later for configuring the integration parameters.
Configure API permissions
To configure the API permissions for the integration, complete the following steps:
In Azure portal, go to API Permissions > Add a permission.
Select Microsoft Graph > Application permissions.
In the Select Permissions section, select the following required permissions:
Click Add permissions.
Click Grant admin consent for
.When the Grant admin consent confirmation dialog appears, click Yes.
Create client secret
To create a client secret, complete the following steps:
Navigate to Certificates and secrets > New client secret.
Provide a description for a client secret and set its expiration deadline.
Click Add.
Save the value of the client secret (not the secret ID) to use it as the Secret ID parameter value for configuring the integration. The client secret value is only displayed once.
Integrate the Microsoft Graph security API with Google SecOps
The integration requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Client ID |
Required The client (application) ID of the Microsoft Entra application to use in the integration. |
Secret ID |
Optional The client secret value of the Microsoft Entra application to use in the integration. |
Certificate Path |
Optional If you use authentication based on certificates instead of the client secret, enter the path to the certificate on the Google SecOps server. |
Certificate Password |
Optional If the authentication certificate that you use is password-protected, specify the password to open the certificate file. |
Tenant |
Required The Microsoft Entra ID (tenant ID) value. |
For instructions about configuring an integration in Google SecOps, see Configure integrations.
You can make changes at a later stage if needed. After you configure an integration instance, you can use it in playbooks. For more information about configuring and supporting multiple instances, see Supporting multiple instances.
For more information about actions, see Respond to pending actions from your workdesk and Perform a manual action.
Add Alert Comment
Use the Add Alert Comment action to add a comment to the alert in Microsoft Graph.
This action doesn't run on Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
The Add Alert Comment action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Alert ID |
Required The ID of the alert to update. |
Comment |
Required The comment for the alert. |
Action outputs
The Add Alert Comment action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Not available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Not available |
Output messages | Available |
Script result | Available |
Output messages
The Add Alert Comment action can return the following output messages:
Output message | Message description |
The action succeeded. |
Error executing action "Add Alert Comment". Reason:
The action failed. Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials. |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Add Alert Comment action:
Script result name | Value |
is_success |
True or False |
Get Administrator Consent
Use the Get Administrator Consent action to grant your application the permissions at the Azure portal.
This action runs on all Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
The Get Administrator Consent action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Redirect URL |
Required The redirect URL that you used when you registered in Azure portal. |
Action outputs
The Get Administrator Consent action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Not available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Not available |
Script result | Available |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Get Administrator Consent action:
Script result name | Value |
is_connected |
True or False |
Get Alert
Use the Get Alert action to retrieve the properties and relationships of an alert using the alert ID.
This action runs on all Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
The Get Alert action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Alert ID |
Required The ID of the alert to retrieve details for. |
Action outputs
The Get Alert action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Not available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Not available |
Script result | Available |
JSON result
The following example shows the JSON result output received when using the Get Alert action:
"feedback": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.alertFeedback",
"recommendedActions": ["String"],
"applicationName": "String",
"natDestinationPort": "String",
"destinationAddress": "String",
"localDnsName": "String",
"natDestinationAddress": "String",
"destinationUrl": "String",
"natSourceAddress": "String",
"sourceAddress": "String",
"direction": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.connectionDirection",
"domainRegisteredDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"status": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.connectionStatus",
"destinationDomain": "String",
"destinationPort": "String",
"sourcePort": "String",
"protocol": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.securityNetworkProtocol",
"natSourcePort": "String",
"riskScore": "String",
"urlParameters": "String"
"destinationServiceIp": "String",
"riskScore": "String",
"destinationServiceName": "String"
"detectionIds": ["String"],
"id": "String (identifier)",
"category": "String",
"path": "String",
"riskScore": "String",
"name": "String",
"hashType": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.fileHashType",
"hashValue": "String"
"severity": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.alertSeverity",
"title": "String",
"sourceMaterials": ["String"],
"comments": ["String"],
"assignedTo": "String",
"eventDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"activityGroupName": "String",
"status": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.alertStatus",
"description": "String",
"tags": ["String"],
"confidence": 1024,
"providerVersion": "String",
"vendor": "String",
"subProvider": "String",
"provider": "String"
"emailRole": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.emailRole",
"logonId": "String",
"domainName": "String",
"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": "String",
"userPrincipalName": "String",
"userAccountType": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.userAccountSecurityType",
"logonIp": "String",
"logonDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"logonType": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.logonType",
"logonLocation": "String",
"aadUserId": "String",
"accountName": "String",
"riskScore": "String",
"isVpn": "true"
"category": "String",
"wasRunning": "true",
"name": "String",
"family": "String",
"severity": "String"
"processId": 1024,
"integrityLevel": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.processIntegrityLevel",
"name": "String",
"hashType": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.fileHashType",
"hashValue": "String"
"parentProcessId": 1024,
"createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"commandLine": "String",
"parentProcessName": "String",
"accountName": "String",
"isElevated": "true",
"path": "String",
"parentProcessCreatedDateTime": "String (timestamp)"
"azureTenantId": "String",
"type": "String",
"name": "String",
"value": "String"
"createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"cve": "String",
"severity": "String",
"wasRunning": "true"
"isAzureAadRegistered": "true",
"riskScore": "String",
"fqdn": "String",
"isHybridAzureDomainJoined": "true",
"netBiosName": "String",
"publicIpAddress": "String",
"isAzureAadJoined": "true",
"os": "String",
"privateIpAddress": "String"
"lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"processId": 1024,
"oldKey": "String",
"oldValueName": "String",
"valueType": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.registryValueType",
"oldValueData": "String",
"hive": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.registryHive",
"valueData": "String",
"key": "String",
"valueName": "String",
"operation": "@odata.type: microsoft.graph.registryOperation"
"closedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"azureSubscriptionId": "String"
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Get Alert action:
Script result name | Value |
alert_details |
True or False |
Get Incident
Use the Get Incident action to obtain details of a security incident using the incident ID.
This action doesn't run on Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
The Get Incident action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Incident ID |
Required The ID of the incident to obtain the details for. |
Action outputs
The Get Incident action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Not available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Not available |
Output messages | Available |
Script result | Available |
Output messages
The Get Incident action can return the following output messages:
Output message | Message description |
The action succeeded. |
Error executing action "Get Incident". Reason:
The action failed. Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials. |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Get Incident action:
Script result name | Value |
is_success |
True or False |
Kill User Session
Use the Kill User Session action to invalidate all refresh tokens issued to
applications for a user by resetting the signInSessionsValidFromDateTime
property to the current date and time.
This action runs on all Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
The Kill User Session action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
userPrincipalName| ID |
Required The username or the user Unique ID value used in Microsoft Entra ID. |
Action outputs
The Kill User Session action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Not available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Not available |
Script result | Available |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Kill User Session action:
Script result name | Value |
is_success |
True or False |
List Alerts
Use the List Alerts action to list available alerts in Microsoft Graph.
This action runs on all Google SecOps entities.
The filtering process happens on the Microsoft Graph API side. For products that publish alerts to Microsoft Graph and don't support filtering, Microsoft Graph adds all alerts to the response as if the alerts have passed the filter.
Action inputs
The List Alerts action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Filter Key |
Optional The key to filter alerts. The possible values are as follows:
The default value is |
Filter Logic |
Optional The filter logic to apply. The filter logic
is based on the The possible values are as follows:
The default value is |
Filter Value |
Optional The value to use in the filter. If you select
If you select If don't set a value, the filter doesn't apply. The filter logic
is based on the |
Max Records To Return |
Optional The number of records to return for every action run. The default value is 50. |
Action outputs
The List Alerts action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Not available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Available |
Output messages | Available |
Script result | Available |
JSON result
The following example shows the JSON result output received when using the List Alerts action:
"id": "ID ",
"azureTenantId": "TENANT_ID ",
"azureSubscriptionId": null,
"riskScore": null,
"tags": [],
"activityGroupName": null,
"assignedTo": null,
"category": "ImpossibleTravel",
"closedDateTime": null,
"comments": [],
"confidence": null,
"createdDateTime": "2022-04-29T13:10:59.705Z",
"description": "Sign-in from an atypical location based on the user's recent sign-ins",
"detectionIds": [],
"eventDateTime": "2022-04-29T11:36:59.1520667Z",
"feedback": null,
"incidentIds": [],
"lastEventDateTime": null,
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2022-04-30T14:44:43.4742002Z",
"recommendedActions": [],
"severity": "medium",
"sourceMaterials": [],
"status": "newAlert",
"title": "Atypical travel",
"vendorInformation": {
"provider": "IPC",
"providerVersion": null,
"subProvider": null,
"vendor": "Microsoft"
"alertDetections": [],
"cloudAppStates": [],
"fileStates": [],
"hostStates": [],
"historyStates": [],
"investigationSecurityStates": [],
"malwareStates": [],
"messageSecurityStates": [],
"networkConnections": [],
"processes": [],
"registryKeyStates": [],
"securityResources": [],
"triggers": [],
"userStates": [
"aadUserId": "b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75",
"accountName": "example.user",
"domainName": "",
"emailRole": "unknown",
"isVpn": null,
"logonDateTime": "2022-04-29T11:36:59.1520667Z",
"logonId": null,
"logonIp": "",
"logonLocation": "1800 Amphibious Blvd, Mountain View, CA 94045",
"logonType": null,
"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
"riskScore": null,
"userAccountType": null,
"userPrincipalName": ""
"aadUserId": "b786d3cf-e97d-4511-b61c-0559e9f4da75",
"accountName": "example.user",
"domainName": "",
"emailRole": "unknown",
"isVpn": null,
"logonDateTime": "2022-04-29T11:15:00Z",
"logonId": null,
"logonIp": "",
"logonLocation": "ES",
"logonType": null,
"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
"riskScore": null,
"userAccountType": null,
"userPrincipalName": ""
"uriClickSecurityStates": [],
"vulnerabilityStates": []
Output messages
The List Alerts action can return the following output messages:
Output message | Message description |
The action succeeded. |
Error executing action "List Alerts". Reason:
The action failed. Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials. |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the List Alerts action:
Script result name | Value |
alerts_details |
List Incidents
Use the List Incidents action to list the security incidents from Microsoft Graph based on the criteria provided.
This action doesn't run on Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
The List Incidents action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Filter Key |
Optional The key to filter incidents. The possible values are as follows:
The default value is |
Filter Logic |
Optional The filter logic to apply. The filter logic
is based on the The possible values are as follows:
The default value is |
Filter Value |
Optional The value to use in the filter. If you select
If you select If don't set a value, the filter doesn't apply. The filter logic
is based on the |
Max Records To Return |
Optional The number of records to return for every action run. The default value is 50. |
Action outputs
The List Incidents action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Not available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Not available |
Output messages | Available |
Script result | Available |
Output messages
The List Incidents action can return the following output messages:
Output message | Message description |
The action succeeded. |
Error executing action "List Incidents". Reason:
The action failed. Check the connection to the server, input parameters, or credentials. |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the List Incidents action:
Script result name | Value |
is_success |
True or False |
Use the Ping action to test the connectivity to Microsoft Graph.
This action doesn't run on Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
Action outputs
The Ping action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Not available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Not available |
Script result | Available |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Ping action:
Script result name | Value |
is_success |
True or False |
Update Alert
Use the Update Alert action to update an editable alert property.
This action runs on all Google SecOps entities.
Action inputs
The Update Alert action requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Alert ID |
The ID of the alert to update. |
Assigned To |
The name of the analyst the alert is assigned to for triage, investigation, or remediation. |
Closed Date Time |
The time in ISO 8601 format that the alert was closed, such as
Comments |
Analyst comments on the alert, separated by a comma. The valid values
are as follows: The action ignores the invalid comments. |
Feedback |
The analyst feedback on the alert. The possible values are as follows:
Status |
The alert lifecycle status. The possible values are as follows:
Tags |
Comma-separated, user-defined labels to apply to an alert. |
Action outputs
The Update Alert action provides the following outputs:
Action output type | Availability |
Case wall attachment | Not available |
Case wall link | Not available |
Case wall table | Not available |
Enrichment table | Not available |
JSON result | Not available |
Script result | Available |
Script result
The following table lists the value for the script result output when using the Update Alert action:
Script result name | Value |
is_updated |
True or False |
For detailed instructions on how to configure a connector in Google SecOps, see Ingest your data (connectors).
Microsoft Graph Security Connector
Use the Microsoft Graph Security Connector to ingest alerts that are published in the Microsoft Graph security API as Google SecOps alerts. The connector periodically connects to the Microsoft Graph security endpoint and pulls a list of incidents that are generated for a specific period.
The Microsoft Graph Security Connector requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Product Field Name |
Required The name of the field where the product name is stored. The default value is |
Event Field Name |
Required The field name used to determine the event name (subtype). The default value is |
Script Timeout (Seconds) |
Required The timeout limit (in seconds) for the Python process running the current script. The default value is 30 seconds. |
Environment Field Name |
The name of the field where the environment name is stored. If the
environment field isn't found, the environment is set to |
Pattern |
A regular expression pattern to run on the value found in the
Use the default value If the regular expression pattern is null or empty, or the environment
value is null, the final environment result is |
Client ID |
Required The client (application) ID of the Microsoft Entra application to use in the integration. |
Client Secret |
Optional The client secret value of the Microsoft Entra application to use in the integration. |
Certificate Path |
Optional If you use authentication based on certificates instead of the client secret, enter the path to the certificate on the Google SecOps server. |
Certificate Password |
Optional If the authentication certificate that you use is password-protected, specify the password to open the certificate file. |
Azure Active Directory ID |
Required The Microsoft Entra ID (tenant ID) value. |
Offset Time In Hours |
The number of hours before now to fetch alerts from. The default value is 120 hours. |
Fetch Alerts only from |
Optional A comma-separated list of providers to pull alerts from Microsoft Graph. If you set the |
Alert Statuses to fetch |
A comma-separated list of alert statuses for the Google SecOps server to retrieve. The possible values
are as follows: |
Alert Severities to fetch |
A comma-separated list of alert severities for the Google SecOps server to retrieve. The possible values are as follows:
Max Alerts Per Cycle |
The maximum number of alerts to process in a one-connector iteration. The default value is 50. |
Proxy Server Address |
Optional The address of the proxy server to use. |
Proxy Username |
Optional The proxy username to authenticate with. |
Proxy Password |
Optional The proxy password to authenticate with. |
Connector rules
The connector doesn't support the dynamic list or blocklist rules.
The connector supports proxies.
Microsoft Graph Office 365 Security and Compliance Connector
Use the Microsoft Graph Office 365 Security and Compliance Connector to ingest the Office 365 Security and Compliance alerts using the Microsoft Graph API.
The Microsoft Graph Office 365 Security and Compliance Connector requires the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Product Field Name |
Required The name of the field where the product name is stored. The default value is |
Event Field Name |
Required The field name used to determine the event name (subtype). The default value is |
Script Timeout (Seconds) |
Required The timeout limit (in seconds) for the Python process running the current script. The default value is 30 seconds. |
Environment Field Name |
The name of the field where the environment name is stored. If the
environment field isn't found, the environment is set to |
Environment Regex Pattern |
A regular expression pattern to run on the value found in the
Use the default value If the regular expression pattern is null or empty, or the environment
value is null, the final environment result is |
Client ID |
Required The client (application) ID of the Microsoft Entra application to use in the integration. |
Client Secret |
Optional The client secret value of the Microsoft Entra application to use in the integration. |
Certificate Path |
Optional If you use authentication based on certificates instead of the client secret, enter the path to the certificate on the Google SecOps server. |
Certificate Password |
Optional If the authentication certificate that you use is password-protected, specify the password to open the certificate file. |
Azure Active Directory ID |
Required The Microsoft Entra ID (tenant ID) value. |
Verify SSL |
Optional If selected, the integration verifies that the SSL certificate for the connection to the Microsoft Graph server is valid. Selected by default. |
Offset Time In Hours |
The number of hours before now to fetch alerts. The default value is 120 hours. |
Alert Statuses to fetch |
A comma-separated list of alert statuses for the Google SecOps server to retrieve. The possible values
are as follows: |
Alert Severities to fetch |
A comma-separated list of alert severities for the Google SecOps server to retrieve. The possible values are as follows:
Max Alerts Per Cycle |
The maximum number of alerts to process in a one-connector iteration. The default value is 50. |
Proxy Server Address |
Optional The address of the proxy server to use. |
Proxy Username |
Optional The proxy username to authenticate with. |
Proxy Password |
Optional The proxy password to authenticate with. |
Connector rules
The connector doesn't support the dynamic list or blocklist rules.
The connector supports proxies.
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