google.appengine.api.conf module
A library for managing flags-like configuration that update dynamically.
- class google.appengine.api.conf.Config(parent=None, key_name=None, _app=None, **kwds)source
Bases: google.appengine.ext.db.Expando
The representation of a config in the datastore and memcache.
- ah__conf__load_from_yaml(parsed_config)source
Loads all the params from a YAMLConfiguration into expando fields.
We set these expando properties with a special name prefix ‘p_’ to keep them separate from the static attributes of Config. That way we don’t have to check elsewhere to make sure the user doesn’t stomp on our built in properties.
Parametersparse_config – A YAMLConfiguration.
- ah__conf__version
An integer property.
- classmethod kind()source
Override the kind name to prevent collisions with users.
- google.appengine.api.conf.LoadSingleConf(stream)source
Load a conf.yaml file or string and return a YAMLConfiguration object.
Parametersstream – a file object corresponding to a conf.yaml file, or its contents as a string.
ReturnsA YAMLConfiguration instance
- class google.appengine.api.conf.YAMLConfiguration(**attributes)source
Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Validated
This class describes the structure of a conf.yaml file.
At the top level the file should have a params attribue which is a mapping from strings to scalars. For example:
background_color – ‘red’
message_size – 1024
boolean_valued_param – true
- ATTRIBUTES = {'parameters': <class 'google.appengine.api.conf._ParameterDict'>}
- google.appengine.api.conf.get(name, default=None)source
Get the value of a configuration parameter.
This function is guaranteed to return the same value for every call during a single request.
name – The name of the configuration parameter you want a value for.
default – A default value to return if the named parameter doesn’t exist.
The string value of the configuration parameter.
- google.appengine.api.conf.get_all()source
Return an object with an attribute for each conf parameter.
ReturnsAn object with an attribute for each conf parameter.
- google.appengine.api.conf.refresh()source
Update the local config cache from memcache/datastore.
Normally configuration parameters are only refreshed at the start of a new request. If you have a very long running request, or you just need the freshest data for some reason, you can call this function to force a refresh.