Lookup Cache policy deployment error troubleshooting

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Error Message

Deployment of the API proxy through either the Apigee UI or API fails with this error message:

Error Saving Revision revision_number
CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds value value should be greater than zero.

Example Error Message

Error Saving Revision 2
CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds -1 value should be greater than zero.

Example Error Screenshot

Error saving revision 2.


If the <CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds> element of a LookupCache policy is set to a negative number, then the deployment of the API proxy fails.

For example, if the <CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds> element is -1, then the deployment of the API proxy fails.


  1. Identify the invalid value specified for the <CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds> element in the LookupCache policy. You can find this information in the error message. For example, in the following error, the invalid value used for <CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds> element is -1:

    CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds -1 value should be greater than zero.
  2. Examine all the LookupCache policies in the specific API Proxy where the failure has occurred. There could be one or more LookupCache policies in which the <CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds> element is specified. Identify the LookUpCache policy where the invalid value (identified in step #1 above) is specified for <CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds> element.

    For example, the following policy configuration specifies the value of <CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds> of -1, which matches the error message:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <LookupCache async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="LookupCache-Token">
            <KeyFragment ref="request.queryparam.client_id"/>
  3. If the <CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds> is specified as a negative integer, then that's the cause of the error.


Ensure that the value for the <CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds> element of the LookupCache policy is always specified as a non-negative integer.

To correct the example LookupCache policy shown above, you could modify the <CacheLookupTimeoutInSeconds> element to 30.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupCache async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="LookupCache-Token">
        <KeyFragment ref="request.queryparam.client_id"/>


Error Message

Deployment of the API proxy through either the Apigee UI or API fails with this error message:

Error Deploying Revision revision_number to environment
Invalid cache resource reference [cache_resource] in Step definition [populate_cache_policy_name]. Context Revision:[revision_number];APIProxy:ResponseCache;Organization:[organization];Environment:[environment]

Example Error Message

Error Deploying Revision 2 to test
Invalid cache resource reference tokencache in Step definition LookupCache-Token. Context Revision:2;APIProxy:TestCache;Organization:kkalckstein-eval;Environment:test

Example Error Screenshot

Error deploying revision 2 to test.


This error occurs if the <CacheResource> element is set to a name which does not exist in the environment where the API proxy is being deployed.


  1. Identify the invalid cache used in <CacheResource> element of the LookupCache policy and the environment where the error occurred. You can find both of these items in the error message. For example, in the following error, the name of the invalid cache is tokencache and the environment name is test.

    Invalid cache resource reference tokencache in Step definition LookupCache-Token. Context Revision:2;APIProxy:TestCache;Organization:kkalckstein-eval;Environment:test
  2. Examine all the LookupCache policies in the specific API Proxy where the failure has occurred. Identify the specific LookupCache policy where the invalid cache (identified in step #1) is specified in <CacheResource> element is specified.

    For example, the following policy specifies the value of <CacheResource> as tokencache, which matches the error message:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <LookupCache async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="LookupCache-Token">
            <KeyFragment ref="request.queryparam.client_id"/>
  3. Verify if the cache (determined in step #1) has been defined in the specific environment (identified in step #1).

    In the Apigee UI, navigate to ADMIN > Environment > test and check if the cache exists in the Caches tab of Environment Configuration. If the cache does not exist, then that's the cause of the error.

    For example, notice in the screenshot below that the cache named tokencache does not exist.

    Environment Configuration Caches tab.

    Because the cache named tokencache is not defined in the test environment, you get the error:

    Invalid cache resource reference tokencache in Step definition LookupCache-Token. Context Revision:2;APIProxy:TestCache;Organization:kkalckstein-eval;Environment:test


Ensure that the cache name specified in the <CacheResource> element has been created in the environment where you want to deploy the API proxy.


Error Message

Deployment of the API proxy through either the Apigee UI or API results in an error message like this, and the deployment status of the API Proxy is marked as partially deployed:

Error: Cache : cache_resource, not found in organization : organization__environment.

Example Error Message

Error Cache : configCache, not found in organization : kkalckstein-eval__test


This error occurs if the specific cache mentioned in the error message has not been created on a specific Message Processor component.


Contact Apigee Support for assistance.