Authenticating with OIDC and AD FS

Learn how to configure Google Distributed Cloud to use OpenID Connect (OIDC) with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) for authentication to user clusters. This page covers the process in general to help you understand how to configure an AD FS server as your OpenID provider with Active Directory as the user database.

For an overview of the Google Distributed Cloud authentication flow, see Authentication. To learn how to configure OIDC with other OpenID providers, see the following resources:

Google Distributed Cloud supports OIDC as one of the authentication mechanisms for interacting with a user cluster's Kubernetes API server. With OIDC, you can manage access to Kubernetes clusters by using the standard procedures in your organization for creating, enabling, and disabling user accounts.

There are two ways that users can authorize their accounts:

  • Use the Google Cloud CLI to initiate the OIDC flow and obtain user authorization through a browser-based consent page.

  • Use the Google Cloud console to initiate the OIDC authentication flow.

Before you begin

  • This topic assumes that you are familiar with the following authentication and OpenID concepts:

  • You must have an existing AD FS server and Active Directory user database to complete the steps in this section.

  • OIDC is supported only in AD FS version 2016 and later.

  • You should be aware of the following behaviors in AD FS:

    • In AD FS versions prior to 5.0, the Token-Groups Qualified Names LDAP attribute in your Active Directory database is mapped to the groups claim. In 5.0 and later, the attribute is Token-Groups Qualified by Domain name.

    • The AD FS server returns tokens that include the user's ID, the issuer ID, the openid claim and groups claim. The groups (Group in 5.0) claim lists the security groups in which the user belongs.

  • Headless systems are unsupported. A browser-based authentication flow is used to prompt you for consent and authorize your user account.

  • To authenticate through the Google Cloud console, each cluster that you want to configure for OIDC authentication must be registered with Google Cloud.


This topic refers to three personas:

  • Organization administrator. This person chooses an OpenID provider and registers client applications with the provider.

  • Cluster administrator. This person creates one or more user clusters and creates authentication configuration files for developers who use the clusters.

  • Developer. This person runs workloads on one or more clusters and uses OIDC to authenticate.

Creating redirect URLs

This section is for organization administrators.

You must create redirect URLs for both the gcloud CLI and Google Cloud console that the OpenID provider can use to return ID tokens.

gcloud CLI redirect URL

Google Cloud CLI is installed on each developer's local machine and includes the gcloud CLI. You can specify a port number greater than 1024 to use for the redirect URL:


Replace PORT with your port number.

When you configure your AD FS server, specify http://localhost:PORT/callback as one of your redirect URLs.

Google Cloud console redirect URL

The redirect URL for the Google Cloud console is:

When you configure your AD FS server, specify as one of your redirect URLs.

Configuring AD FS

This section is for organization administrators.

Use a set of AD FS management wizards to configure your AD FS server and Active Directory user database:

  1. Open the AD FS management pane.

  2. Select Application Groups > Actions > Add an Application Group.

  3. Select Server Application. Enter a name and description of your choice. Click Next.

  4. Enter your two redirect URLs. You are given a client ID. This is how the AD FS server identifies the gcloud CLI and the Google Cloud console. Save the client ID for later.

  5. Select Generate a shared secret. The gcloud CLI and the Google Cloud console use this secret to authenticate to the AD FS server. Save the secret for later.

Configuring security groups (optional)

This section is for organization administrators.

  1. In AD FS management, select Relying party trusts > Add a new relying party trust.

  2. Select Claims aware, and click Start.

  3. Select Enter data about relying party manually.

  4. Enter a display name.

  5. Skip the next two steps.

  6. Enter a Relying party trust identifier. Suggestion: token-groups-claim.

  7. For Access control policy, select Permit everyone. This means that all users share their security group information with the gcloud CLI and the Google Cloud console.

  8. Click Finish.

Mapping LDAP attributes to claim names

This section is for organization administrators.

  1. In AD FS management, select Relying party trusts > Edit claim issuance policy.

  2. Select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims, and click Next.

  3. For Claim rule name, enter groups.

  4. For Attribute store, select Active Directory.

  5. In the table, for LDAP Attribute, select:

    • AD FS version 5.0 and later: Token-Groups Qualified by Domain name
    • AD FS versions before 5.0: Token Groups - Qualified Names
  6. For Outgoing Claim Type, select:

    • AD FS version 5.0 and later: Group
    • AD FS versions before 5.0: groups
  7. Click Finish, and click Apply.

Registering the gcloud CLI and Google Cloud console with AD FS

This section is for organization administrators.

Open a PowerShell window in Administrator mode, and enter this command:

Grant-AdfsApplicationPermission `
     -ClientRoleIdentifier "CLIENT_ID" `
     -ServerRoleIdentifier SERVER_ROLE_IDENTIFIER `
     -ScopeName "allatclaims", "openid"

Replace the following:

  • CLIENT_ID: the client ID that you obtained previously

  • SERVER_ROLE_IDENTIFIER: the claim identifier that you entered previously; the suggested identifier was token-groups-claim

Configuring oidc on Google Distributed Cloud clusters

This section is for cluster administrators.

To configure OIDC authentication, you need to configure your user cluster's ClientConfig CRD with authentication details for a cluster. To do this, edit the KRM default object of type clientconfig in the kube-public namespace.

kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -n kube-public edit clientconfig default

Details from the ClientConfig CRD are used to configure OIDC for both the Google Cloud console and the Authentication plugin for GKE Enterprise. The configuration includes the following OIDC information:

  - name: NAME_STRING
      certificateAuthorityData: CERTIFICATE_STRING
      clientID: CLIENT_ID
      clientSecret: CLIENT_SECRET
      cloudConsoleRedirectURI: ""
      deployCloudConsoleProxy: PROXY_BOOLEAN
      extraParams: EXTRA_PARAMS
      groupsClaim: GROUPS_CLAIM
      groupPrefix: GROUP_PREFIX
      issuerURI: ISSUER_URI
      kubectlRedirectURI: KUBECTL_REDIRECT_URI
      scopes: SCOPES
      userClaim: USER_CLAIM
      userPrefix: USER_PREFIX
    proxy: PROXY_URL

The following table describes the fields of the ClientConfig CRD oidc object.

Field Required Description Format
name yes The name of the OIDC configuration to create. String
certificateAuthorityData No

A base64-encoded PEM-encoded certificate for the OIDC provider. To create the string, encode the certificate, including headers, into base64. Include the resulting string in certificateAuthorityData as a single line.

certificateAuthorityData: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tC...k1JSUN2RENDQWFT==

clientID Yes ID for the client application that makes authentication requests to the OpenID provider. String
clientSecret No Shared secret between the OIDC client application and the OIDC provider. String
extraParams No

Additional key-value parameters to send to the OpenID provider. If you are authorizing a group, pass in resource=token-groups-claim.

If your authorization server prompts for consent for authentication with Microsoft Azure and Okta, set extraParams to prompt=consent. For Cloud Identity, set extraParams to prompt=consent,access_type=offline.

Comma-delimited list
groupsClaim No JWT claim that the provider uses to return your security groups. String
groupPrefix No Prefix prepended to group claims to prevent clashes with existing names. For example, if you have two groups named foobar, add a prefix gid-. The resulting group is gid-foobar. String
issuerURI Yes URL where authorization requests are sent to your OpenID, such as The Kubernetes API server uses this URL to discover public keys for verifying tokens. The URI must use HTTPS. URL String
cloudConsoleRedirectURI Yes The redirect URL that Google Cloud console uses for authorization. The value should be URL String
kubectlRedirectURI Yes The redirect URL that kubectl uses for authorization. URL String
scopes Yes Additional scopes to send to the OpenID provider. Microsoft Azure and Okta require the offline_access scope. Comma-delimited list
userClaim Yes JWT claim to use as the username. You can choose other claims, such as email or name, depending on the OpenID provider. However, claims other than email are prefixed with the issuer URL to prevent naming clashes. String
userPrefix No Prefix prepended to username claims to prevent clashes with existing names. If you do not provide this field, and userClaim is a value other than email, the prefix defaults to issuerurl#. You can use the value - to disable all prefixing. String
proxy No Proxy server to use for the auth method, if applicable. For example: http://user:password@ String

Example: Authorizing users and groups

Many providers encode user-identifying properties, such as email and user IDs, in a token. However, these properties have implicit risks for authentication policies:

  • User IDs can make policies difficult to read and audit.

  • Emails can create both an availability risk (if a user changes their primary email) and potentially a security risk (if an email can be re-assigned).

Therefore, it's a best practice to use group policies because a group ID can be both persistent and easier to audit.

Suppose that your provider creates identity tokens that include the following fields:

  'iss': ''
  'sub': 'u98523-4509823'
  'groupList': ['developers@example.corp', 'us-east1-cluster-admins@example.corp']

Given this token format, you would populate your configuration file's oidc specification like the following:

issuerURL: ''
username: 'sub'
usernamePrefix: 'uid-'
group: 'groupList'
groupPrefix: 'gid-'
extraParams: 'resource=token-groups-claim'

After you create the user cluster, you could then use Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) to grant privileged access to the authenticated users. For example, you could create a ClusterRole that grants its users read-only access to the cluster's Secrets, and create a ClusterRoleBinding resource to bind the role to the authenticated group:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: secret-reader
- apiGroups: [""]
  # The resource type for which access is granted
  resources: ["secrets"]
  # The permissions granted by the ClusterRole
  verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: read-secrets-admins
  # Allows anyone in the "us-east1-cluster-admins" group to
  # read Secrets in any namespace within this cluster.
- kind: Group
  name: gid-us-east1-cluster-admins # Name is case sensitive
  # Allows this specific user to read Secrets in any
  # namespace within this cluster
- kind: User
  name: uid-u98523-4509823
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: secret-reader

Note that the Kubernetes API server treats a backslash as an escape character. Therefore, if the name of the user or group contains a double backslash (\\), the API server will read it as a single \ when parsing the field value. To ensure that the API server correctly interprets a \\ in a text field, you must replace it with \\\\. For example, the Kubernetes API server will parse

"unique_name": "EXAMPLE\\\\cluster-developer" as

"unique_name": "EXAMPLE\\cluster-developer".

Creating and distributing the authentication configuration file

This section is for cluster administrators.

After you create a user cluster, you create an authentication configuration file for that cluster. You can configure multiple clusters in a single authentication configuration file. You must provide each authentication configuration file to the users who want to authenticate with each of those clusters.

Creating the authentication configuration file

To create the authentication configuration file in the current directory, run the following gkectl command:

gkectl create-login-config --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

Replace USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the path of your user cluster's kubeconfig file. When you ran gkectl create cluster to create your user cluster, your kubeconfig file was created.

Result: Your authentication configuration file, named kubectl-anthos-config.yaml, is created in the current directory.

Adding multiple clusters to the authentication configuration file

You can store the authentication configuration details for multiple clusters within a single authentication configuration file.

You can use the following command to merge additional user cluster authentication details into an existing authentication configuration file. Given an existing authentication configuration file, you can either merge or combine additional user cluster authentication details:

  • Merge the additional user cluster authentication details into that existing authentication configuration file.
  • Combine the additional user cluster authentication details into a new file.

For example, you might need to manage both the anthos-config-1cluster.yaml and anthos-config-3clusters.yaml authentication configuration files to accommodate the access needs of the multiple user groups in your organization.

To add additional user clusters to your existing authentication configuration file:

  1. Ensure that each cluster has a unique name. If your clusters have the same names, you cannot combine them into the same authentication configuration file. Note that after a cluster is created, that cluster cannot be renamed.

  2. Run the following gkectl command to merge or combine configuration details:

    gkectl create-login-config --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
    --merge-from IN_AUTH_CONFIG_FILE --output OUT_AUTH_CONFIG_FILE

    Replace the following:

    • USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG specifies the kubeconfig file of the user cluster that you want to add.

    • IN_AUTH_CONFIG_FILE specifies the path of the existing authentication configuration file that you want to merge with the additional cluster information.

    • OUT_AUTH_CONFIG_FILE specifies the path of the file where you want to store the merged authentication configuration:

      • Specify the same file as IN_AUTH_CONFIG_FILE to merge the additional cluster information into that existing file.
      • Specify a new path and filename to combine the authentication configuration details into a new file.

Distributing the authentication configuration file

To enable your users to authenticate against your user clusters, you must provide them with access to one or more of the authentication configuration files that you created. Note that the following steps use the default file name and the location that are expected by the gcloud CLI. For information about using alternate file names and locations, see Custom configuration.

Consider distributing the authentication configuration files by:

  • Hosting the file at an accessible URL. If you include the --login-config flag in the gcloud anthos auth login command, the gcloud CLI obtains the authentication configuration file from that location.

    Consider hosting the file on a secure host. See the --login-config-cert flag of the gcloud CLI for more information about using PEM certificates for secure HTTPS access.

  • Manually providing the file to each user. After users download the file, you must instruct them about how to store the file in the default location and with the default filename that the gcloud CLI expects.

    For example, users can run the following commands to store the authentication configuration file with the default kubectl-anthos-config.yaml filename and in the default location:

    mkdir -p  $HOME/.config/google/anthos/
    cp AUTH_CONFIG_FILE $HOME/.config/google/anthos/kubectl-anthos-config.yaml

    where AUTH_CONFIG_FILE is the name of your authentication configuration file. For example kubectl-anthos-config.yaml.

    mkdir -p  $HOME/Library/Preferences/google/anthos/
    cp AUTH_CONFIG_FILE $HOME/Library/Preferences/google/anthos/kubectl-anthos-config.yaml

    where AUTH_CONFIG_FILE is the name of your authentication configuration file. For example kubectl-anthos-config.yaml.

    md "%APPDATA%\google\anthos"
    copy AUTH_CONFIG_FILE "%APPDATA%\google\anthos\kubectl-anthos-config.yaml"

    where AUTH_CONFIG_FILE is the name of your authentication configuration file. For example kubectl-anthos-config.yaml.

  • Using your internal tools to push the authentication configuration file onto each user's machine. For example, you could use your tooling to push files using the default kubectl-anthos-config.yaml filename into their default locations on each user's machine:


Custom configuration

The gcloud CLI expects the authentication configuration file to be stored in the default location and with the default filename kubectl-anthos-config.yaml as mentioned in the prior section. However, you have the option to rename or store your authentication configuration file in an alternate location. If the file's name and location differ from the default, you must append the --login-config flag to each command that you run when you authenticate with the cluster. The extra command flag passes in the custom path and filename. To learn more about the command flag, see Authenticating through the gcloud CLI.

Installing the gcloud CLI

This section is for both cluster administrators and developers.

Each developer or user who needs to authenticate with a cluster, must install Google Cloud CLI on their own machine. The Anthos authentication commands have been integrated into the gcloud CLI as the anthos-auth component.

Removing old plugins

You must uninstall the old plugin before you can use the anthos-auth component of gcloud CLI. You can check whether one of the past kubectl based plugins exists on your machine by running the following command:

kubectl anthos version

  • If the command responds with Error: unknown command "anthos" for "kubectl", no plugin was found and you can skip to the next section.

  • If a 1.0beta version of the plugin was found, you must locate the plugin binary and delete it. Run the following command to list the location and then use that location to remove the binary from your machine:

    kubectl plugin list

Installing gcloud CLI and the gcloud CLI

To install the gcloud CLI you must first first install gcloud CLI:

  1. Install gcloud CLI but skip the gcloud init command.

  2. Run the following commands to install the anthos-auth component:

    gcloud components update
    gcloud components install anthos-auth
  3. Verify that the gcloud CLI was installed successfully by running either of the following commands:

    gcloud anthos auth
    gcloud anthos auth login

    Result: Each command should respond with details about the required arguments and available options.

Obtaining the authentication configuration file

This section is for developers.

Your administrator is responsible for creating your authentication configuration file and then providing it to you. For more details, see Distributing the authentication configuration file.

By default, the gcloud CLI uses a default filename and storage location for your authentication configuration file. If you were manually provided the file and need to save it on your machine, use the defaults to simplify your gcloud authentication commands.

Use the following commands to copy the authentication configuration file to the default location:

mkdir -p  $HOME/.config/google/anthos/
cp AUTH_CONFIG_FILE $HOME/.config/google/anthos/kubectl-anthos-config.yaml

where AUTH_CONFIG_FILE is the name of your authentication configuration file. For example kubectl-anthos-config.yaml.

mkdir -p  $HOME/Library/Preferences/google/anthos/
cp AUTH_CONFIG_FILE $HOME/Library/Preferences/google/anthos/kubectl-anthos-config.yaml

where AUTH_CONFIG_FILE is the name of your authentication configuration file. For example kubectl-anthos-config.yaml.

md "%APPDATA%\google\anthos"
copy AUTH_CONFIG_FILE "%APPDATA%\google\anthos\kubectl-anthos-config.yaml"

where AUTH_CONFIG_FILE is the name of your authentication configuration file. For example kubectl-anthos-config.yaml.

If you choose to use a different filename or location, you have the option to include the --login-config flag with each of your authentication requests. See the following section for details about using the gcloud anthos auth login command.

Authenticating with user clusters

This section is for developers.

Now that gcloud CLI is installed on your machine and the authentication configuration file has been provided to you by your administrator, you can use either the gcloud CLI or the Google Cloud console to authenticate with your clusters.

Authenticating through the gcloud CLI

Run gcloud commands to authenticate with your clusters:

  1. Run the gcloud anthos auth login command to initiate the authentication flow:

    gcloud anthos auth login \
     --cluster CLUSTER_NAME \
     --user USER_NAME \
     --login-config AUTH_CONFIG_FILE_PATH \
     --login-config-cert CA_CERT_PEM_FILE \


    • CLUSTER_NAME (optional) specifies the name of your user cluster. If this flag is omitted, you are prompted to choose from the user clusters that are specified in your authentication configuration file.

    • USER_NAME (optional) specifies the username for the credentials stored in the kubeconfig file. The default value is CLUSTER_NAME-anthos-default-user.

    • AUTH_CONFIG_FILE_PATH (optional) specifies the custom path or URL to where your authentication configuration file is stored or hosted. You can omit this parameter, if the file is in the default location. Example: --login-config /path/to/custom/authentication-config.yaml

    • CA_CERT_PEM_FILE (optional) specifies the path to a PEM certificate file from your CA. If your authentication configuration file is hosted securely, you can use an HTTPS connection to access the file. Example: --login-config-cert my-cert.pem

    • USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG (optional) specifies the custom path to your user cluster's kubeconfig file. The OIDC ID tokens that are returned by your OpenID provider are stored in the kubeconfig file.

      Use this flag if your kubeconfig file resides in a location other than the default. If this flag is omitted, a new kubeconfig file is created in the default location. Example: --kubeconfig /path/to/custom.kubeconfig


    • Authenticate to specific cluster:

      gcloud anthos auth login --cluster my-production-cluster
    • Use a prompt to select which cluster to authenticate with:

      gcloud anthos auth login


      Please use the --cluster flag to specify a cluster from the list below:
      Source: $HOME/.config/google/anthos/kubectl-anthos-config.yaml
      1. Cluster: test-cluster ServerIP:
      2. Cluster: test-cluster-2 ServerIP:
      3. Cluster: my-production-cluster ServerIP:
    • Use a hosted authentication configuration file:

      gcloud anthos auth login \
       --cluster my-production-cluster \
       --login-config HTTPS://my-secure-server/kubectl-anthos-config.yaml \
       --login-config-cert my-cert.pem
  2. Enter your credentials in the browser-based consent screen that opens.

  3. Verify that authentication was successful by running one of the kubectl commands to retrieve details about your cluster. For example:

    kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

Result: Your kubeconfig file now contains an ID token that your kubectl commands will use to authenticate with the Kubernetes API server on your user cluster.

Using SSH to authenticate from a remote machine

Suppose you want to SSH into a remote machine and authenticate to a user cluster from the remote machine. To do this, your authentication configuration file must be on the remote machine, and you must be able to reach your Open ID provider from your local machine.

On your local machine, run the following command:



  • USER_NAME and REMOTE_MACHINE are the standard values used to log in with SSH.

  • LOCAL_PORT is an open port of your choice on your local machine that you will use to access the remote machine.

  • REMOTE_PORT is the port you configured for your OIDC redirect URL. You can find this in the kubectlRedirectURI field of your authentication configuration file.

In your SSH shell, run the following command to initiate authentication:

gcloud anthos auth login --login-config AUTH_CONFIG_FILE

where AUTH_CONFIG_FILE is the path of your authentication configuration file on the remote machine.

On your local machine, in a browser, go to http://localhost:LOCAL_PORT/login and complete the OIDC login flow.

Now the kubeconfig file on your remote machine has the token that you need to access the user cluster.

In your SSH shell, verify that you have access to the user cluster:

kubectl --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get nodes

Authenticating through the Google Cloud console

Initiate the authentication flow from the Kubernetes clusters page in the Google Cloud console:

  1. Open the Google Cloud console:

    Visit the Kubernetes clusters page

  2. Locate your Google Distributed Cloud cluster in the list and then click Login.

  3. Select Authenticate with the Identity Provider configured for the cluster, and then click LOGIN.

    You are redirected to your identity provider, where you might need to log in or consent to the Google Cloud console accessing your account. Then you are redirected back to the Kubernetes clusters page in the Google Cloud console.

Troubleshooting your OIDC configuration

Review the following behaviors and errors to help resolve your OIDC issues:

Invalid configuration
If Google Cloud console cannot read the OIDC configuration from your cluster, the LOGIN button will be disabled.
Invalid provider configuration
If your identity provider configuration is invalid, you will see an error screen from your identity provider after you click LOGIN. Follow the provider-specific instructions to correctly configure the provider or your cluster.
Invalid permissions
If you complete the authentication flow, but still don't see the details of the cluster, make sure you granted the correct RBAC permissions to the account that you used with OIDC. Note that this might be a different account from the one you use to access Google Cloud console.
Error: missing 'RefreshToken' field in 'OAuth2Token' in credentials struct
You might get this error if the authorization server prompts for consent, but the required authentication parameter wasn't provided. Provide the prompt=consent parameter to Google Distributed Cloud configuration file's oidc: extraparams field, and regenerate the client authentication file with the --extra-params prompt=consent flag.

What's next