Creating an admin workstation

This document shows how to create an admin workstation, for Google Distributed Cloud, that you can use to create clusters.

The steps in this document use the gkeadm command-line tool, which is available for 64-bit Linux, Windows 10, Windows Server 2019, and macOS 10.15 and higher.

The instructions here are complete. For a shorter introduction to creating an admin workstation, see Create an admin workstation (quickstart).

Before you begin

Know your vCenter server address.

Know your CA cert path.

Install Google Cloud CLI.

Create one or more Google Cloud projects as described in Using multiple Google Cloud projects.

Planning your service accounts

When you use gkeadm to create an admin workstation, you have the option of letting gkeadm create most of your service accounts and keys for you. In that case, gkeadm also grants the appropriate Identity and Access Management roles to the service accounts.

As an alternative, you can create your service accounts and keys manually. In that case, you must manually grant IAM roles to your service accounts.

Creating service accounts manually gives you more flexibility than having gkeadm create them for you:

  • Automatically created service accounts are all children of your connect project. When you create a service account manually, you can choose the parent Google Cloud project.

  • Automatically created service accounts are all granted IAM roles on your connect project. This is fine if your connect project is the only Google Cloud project associated with your clusters. But if you want to associate your clusters with multiple Google Cloud projects, then you need the flexibility to grant roles to a service account on a Google Cloud project of your choice.

If you decide to create your own service accounts, follow the instructions in Service accounts and keys.

Regardless of whether you have gkeadm create service accounts for you automatically, there is one service account that you must create manually: your component access service account. For instructions on how to create your component access service account and grant it the appropriate IAM roles, see Component access service account.

Generating templates for your configuration files

Download gkeadm to your current directory.

Generate templates:

./gkeadm create config

The preceding command created these files in your current directory:

  • credential.yaml
  • admin-ws-config.yaml

Filling in credential.yaml

In credential.yaml, fill in your vCenter username and password. For example:

kind: CredentialFile
- name: vCenter
  username: "my-account-name"
  password: "AadmpqGPqq!a"

Filling in admin-ws-config.yaml

Several fields in admin-ws-config.yaml are already filled in with default or generated values. You can keep the populated values or make changes as you prefer.

    path: credential.yaml
    entry: vCenter

  name: gke-admin-ws-...
  cpus: 4
  memoryMB: 8192

  diskGB: 50
  dataDiskName: gke-on-prem-admin-workstation-data-disk,,,.vmdk
  dataDiskMB: 512

Fields that you must fill in

Fill in the following required fields. For information on how to fill in the fields, Admin workstation configuration file.

   componentAccessServiceAccountKeyPath: "Fill in"
    address: "Fill in"
  datacenter: "Fill in"
  datastore: "Fill in"
  cluster: "Fill in"
  network: "Fill in"
  resourcePool: "Fill in"
  caCertPath: "Fill in"

If your admin workstation will be behind a proxy server, fill in the proxyURL field:

  proxyURL: "Fill in"

If you want your admin workstation to get its IP address from a DHCP server, set ipAllocationMode to "dhcp", and remove the hostconfig section:

    ipAllocationMode: "dhcp"

If you want to specify a static IP address for your admin workstation, set ipAllocationMode to "static", and fill in the hostconfig section:

    ipAllocationMode: "static"
      ip: "Fill in"
      gateway: "Fill in"
      netmask: "Fill in"
      - "Fill in"

Creating your admin workstation

Enter this command to create your admin workstation. If you want gkeadm to create service accounts for you, include the --auto-create-service-accounts flag. If you want to manually create your own service accounts, omit the flag.

./gkeadm create admin-workstation [--auto-create-service-accounts]

The output gives detailed information about the creation of your admin workstation:

Getting ... service account...
Admin workstation is ready to use.

Admin workstation information saved to /usr/local/google/home/me/my-admin-workstation
This file is required for future upgrades
SSH into the admin workstation with the following command:
ssh -i /usr/local/google/home/me/.ssh/gke-admin-workstation ubuntu@

Getting an SSH connection to your admin workstation

Near the end of the preceding output there is a command you can use to get an SSH connection to your admin workstation. Enter that command now. For example:

ssh -i /usr/local/google/home/me/.ssh/gke-admin-workstation ubuntu@

List the files on your admin workstation:

ls -1

In the output, you can see two cluster configuration files, your CA certificate file, and the JSON key file for your component access service account. If gkeadm created service accounts for you, you can also see the JSON key files for those service accounts. For example:


Verify that gkeadm activated your component access service account on your admin workstation:

gcloud config get-value account

Copying JSON key file to your admin workstation

Before you create a cluster, the JSON key files for your service accounts must be on your admin workstation in the home directory.

The key for your component access service account is already on your admin workstation.

If you included the --auto-create-service-accounts flag when you ran gkeadm create admin-workstation, then then the keys for the following service accounts are already on your admin workstation in the home directory. Otherwise you must manually copy the keys to the home directory of your admin workstation:

  • Connect-register service account
  • Connect-agent service account
  • Logging-monitoring service account

If you created any of the following service accounts, you must manually copy the keys for those service accounts to the home directory of your admin workstation:

  • Usage metering service account
  • Audit logging service account
  • Binary authorization service account

What's next

Creating an admin cluster