Google Distributed Cloud runs in your data center in a vSphere 6.5 or 6.7 Update 3 environment. This topic describes requirements for your vSphere environment, including storage, CPU, RAM, and virtual networks.
vSphere requirements
The vSphere requirements vary according to which version of Google Distributed Cloud you are using. For more information, see the version compatibility matrix for fully supported versions and earlier versions.
vSphere is VMware's server virtualization software. Google Distributed Cloud uses VMware's vCenter Server to manage your clusters. To learn about installing vSphere and vCenter Server, see Overview of the vSphere Installation and Setup Process in the VMware documentation.
License edition and version requirements
Google Distributed Cloud requires VMware vSphere 6.5 or 6.7 Update 3. You need the following VMware licenses:
A vSphere Enterprise Plus or vSphere Standard license.
The Enterprise Plus license is recommended, because it allows you to enable the VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS).
Along with this license, you must purchase a support subscription for at least one year.
A vCenter Server Standard license.
Along with this license, you must purchase a support subscription for at least one year.
Hardware requirements
Google Distributed Cloud runs on a set of physical hosts that run the VMware ESXi hypervisor. To learn about the hardware requirements for ESXi, see ESXi Hardware Requirements.
By default, Google Distributed Cloud automatically creates VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) anti-affinity rules for your admin cluster and user cluster's nodes, causing them to be spread across at least three physical hosts in your datacenter.
This feature requires that your vSphere environment meets the following conditions:
VMware DRS is enabled. VMware DRS requires vSphere Enterprise Plus license edition.
Your vSphere user account has the
Host.Inventory.Modify cluster
privilege.There are at least three physical hosts available.
Recall that if you have a vSphere Standard license, you cannot enable VMware DRS.
If you do not have DRS enabled, or if you do not have at least three hosts where
vSphere VMs can be scheduled, set antiAffinityGroups.enabled
to false
admin cluster and user cluster configurations.
vSphere storage requirements
Google Distributed Cloud does not support Storage vMotion and Storage DRS.
vCenter user account privileges
You can define custom roles in vCenter or use a vCenter system roles for the various various users in your organization, including your Anthos cluster administrator and the users who develop on those clusters.
The vCenter user account that you use to install Google Distributed Cloud must have sufficient privileges. For example, a user account that is assigned the vCenter's Administrator role has privileges for complete access to all vCenter objects and provides an Anthos cluster administrator with full access.
For other vCenter user accounts, you create custom roles to assign the necessary privileges to your cluster's users.
- Use the following table to understand what the minimum
required set of privileges are for your Anthos cluster users.
View the minimum set of required vCenter privileges.
Entity Privilege Cloud Native Storage - Searchable
Datastore - Allocate space
- Browse datastore
- Low level file operations
- Remove file
- Update virtual machine files
- Update virtual machine metadata
Folder - Create folder
- Delete folder
- Move folder
- Rename folder
Host Inventory - Modify cluster
vSphere Tagging - Assign or Unassign vSphere Tag
Root vCenter Server - Validate session
Network - Assign network
Resource - Apply recommendation
- Assign virtual machine to resource pool
- Migrate powered off virtual machine
- Migrate powered on virtual machine
- Query vMotion
Storage views - View
System - Anonymous
- Read
- View
Tasks - Create task
- Update task
vApp - Import
- vApp application configuration
- vApp instance configuration
Virtual machines - Configuration
- Add existing disk
- Add new disk
- Add or remove device
- Advanced
- Change CPU count
- Change resource
- Configure managedBy
- Disk change tracking
- Disk lease
- Display connection settings
- Extend virtual disk
- Host USB device
- Memory
- Modify device settings
- Query Fault Tolerance compatibility
- Query unowned files
- Raw device
- Reload from path
- Remove disk
- Rename
- Reset guest information
- Set annotation
- Settings
- Swapfile placement
- Toggle fork parent
- Upgrade virtual machine compatibility
- Guest operations
- Guest operation alias modification
- Guest operation alias query
- Guest operation modifications
- Guest operation program execution
- Guest operation queries
- Interaction
- Answer question
- Backup operation on virtual machine
- Configure CD media
- Configure floppy media
- Console interaction
- Create screenshot
- Defragment all disks
- Device connection
- Drag and drop
- Guest operating system management by VIX API
- Inject USB HID scan codes
- Pause or Unpause
- Perform wipe or shrink operations
- Power off
- Power on
- Record session on virtual machine
- Replay session on virtual machine
- Reset
- Resume Fault Tolerance
- Suspend
- Suspend Fault Tolerance
- Test failover
- Test restart Secondary VM
- Turn off Fault Tolerance
- Turn on Fault Tolerance
- VMware Tools install
- Inventory
- Create from existing
- Create new
- Move
- Register
- Remove
- Unregister
- Provisioning
- Allow disk access
- Allow file access
- Allow read-only disk access
- Allow virtual machine download
- Allow virtual machine files upload
- Clone template
- Clone virtual machine
- Create template from virtual machine
- Customize
- Deploy template
- Mark as template
- Mark as virtual machine
- Modify customization specification
- Promote disks
- Read customization specifications
- Service configuration
- Allow notifications
- Allow polling of global event notifications
- Manage service configurations
- Modify service configuration
- Query service configurations
- Read service configuration
- Snapshot management
- Create snapshot
- Remove snapshot
- Rename snapshot
- Revert to snapshot
- vSphere Replication
- Configure replication
- Manage replication
- Monitor replication
- A user account with administrator privileges can use the following commands to
create a custom vCenter role, define the minimum required privileges to that
role, and then assign that custom role to an existing vCenter user account.
View the commands to create and assign user roles.
ADMINISTRATOR_ACCOUNT @vsphere.local export GOVC_PASSWORD=ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD cat <<END |xargs govc role.create anthos Datastore.AllocateSpace Datastore.Browse Datastore.Config Datastore.DeleteFile Datastore.FileManagement Datastore.UpdateVirtualMachineFiles Datastore.UpdateVirtualMachineMetadata Folder.Create Folder.Delete Folder.Move Folder.Rename Host.Inventory.EditCluster InventoryService.Tagging.CreateTag Network.Assign Resource.ApplyRecommendation Resource.AssignVMToPool Resource.ColdMigrate Resource.HotMigrate Resource.QueryVMotion Sessions.ValidateSession StorageViews.View System.Anonymous System.Read System.View Task.Create Task.Update VApp.ApplicationConfig VApp.Import VApp.InstanceConfig VirtualMachine.Config.AddExistingDisk VirtualMachine.Config.AddNewDisk VirtualMachine.Config.AddRemoveDevice VirtualMachine.Config.AdvancedConfig VirtualMachine.Config.Annotation VirtualMachine.Config.CPUCount VirtualMachine.Config.ChangeTracking VirtualMachine.Config.DiskExtend VirtualMachine.Config.DiskLease VirtualMachine.Config.EditDevice VirtualMachine.Config.HostUSBDevice VirtualMachine.Config.ManagedBy VirtualMachine.Config.Memory VirtualMachine.Config.MksControl VirtualMachine.Config.QueryFTCompatibility VirtualMachine.Config.QueryUnownedFiles VirtualMachine.Config.RawDevice VirtualMachine.Config.ReloadFromPath VirtualMachine.Config.RemoveDisk VirtualMachine.Config.Rename VirtualMachine.Config.ResetGuestInfo VirtualMachine.Config.Resource VirtualMachine.Config.Settings VirtualMachine.Config.SwapPlacement VirtualMachine.Config.ToggleForkParent VirtualMachine.Config.UpgradeVirtualHardware VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.Execute VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.Modify VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.ModifyAliases VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.Query VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.QueryAliases VirtualMachine.Hbr.ConfigureReplication VirtualMachine.Hbr.MonitorReplication VirtualMachine.Hbr.ReplicaManagement VirtualMachine.Interact.AnswerQuestion VirtualMachine.Interact.Backup VirtualMachine.Interact.ConsoleInteract VirtualMachine.Interact.CreateScreenshot VirtualMachine.Interact.CreateSecondary VirtualMachine.Interact.DefragmentAllDisks VirtualMachine.Interact.DeviceConnection VirtualMachine.Interact.DisableSecondary VirtualMachine.Interact.DnD VirtualMachine.Interact.EnableSecondary VirtualMachine.Interact.GuestControl VirtualMachine.Interact.MakePrimary VirtualMachine.Interact.Pause VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOff VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOn VirtualMachine.Interact.PutUsbScanCodes VirtualMachine.Interact.Record VirtualMachine.Interact.Replay VirtualMachine.Interact.Reset VirtualMachine.Interact.SESparseMaintenance VirtualMachine.Interact.SetCDMedia VirtualMachine.Interact.SetFloppyMedia VirtualMachine.Interact.Suspend VirtualMachine.Interact.TerminateFaultTolerantVM VirtualMachine.Interact.ToolsInstall VirtualMachine.Interact.TurnOffFaultTolerance VirtualMachine.Inventory.Create VirtualMachine.Inventory.CreateFromExisting VirtualMachine.Inventory.Delete VirtualMachine.Inventory.Move VirtualMachine.Inventory.Register VirtualMachine.Inventory.Unregister VirtualMachine.Namespace.Event VirtualMachine.Namespace.EventNotify VirtualMachine.Namespace.Management VirtualMachine.Namespace.ModifyContent VirtualMachine.Namespace.Query VirtualMachine.Namespace.ReadContent VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Clone VirtualMachine.Provisioning.CloneTemplate VirtualMachine.Provisioning.CreateTemplateFromVM VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Customize VirtualMachine.Provisioning.DeployTemplate VirtualMachine.Provisioning.DiskRandomAccess VirtualMachine.Provisioning.DiskRandomRead VirtualMachine.Provisioning.FileRandomAccess VirtualMachine.Provisioning.GetVmFiles VirtualMachine.Provisioning.MarkAsTemplate VirtualMachine.Provisioning.MarkAsVM VirtualMachine.Provisioning.ModifyCustSpecs VirtualMachine.Provisioning.PromoteDisks VirtualMachine.Provisioning.PutVmFiles VirtualMachine.Provisioning.ReadCustSpecs VirtualMachine.State.CreateSnapshot VirtualMachine.State.RemoveSnapshot VirtualMachine.State.RenameSnapshot VirtualMachine.State.RevertToSnapshot END govc permissions.set -principalCLUSTER_USER_ACCOUNT @vsphere.local \ -role anthos -propagate=true
To learn how to manage privileges, refer to Managing Permissions for vCenter Components.
vCenter user account privileges with folders
Starting with Google Distributed Cloud version 1.4, you can place VM images and templates in a separate VM folder, as opposed to the global datacenter folder. This is only supported in the v1 format of the admin cluster configuration.
In your
admin cluster configuration file,
create a new key called folder
. Set the value of folder
to the name of the
vCenter folder that you want to use for this Google Distributed Cloud deployment.
All user clusters will inherit the folder automatically. Do not specify a folder
in your
user cluster configuration files.
If the folder
key is not specified, or if the value is left blank, the top
level Datacenter VM folder is used. Like other vCenter resources, the folder
must be created prior to deployment, with the appropriate permissions.
For example, in the admin-cluster.yaml
for your deployment:
apiVersion: v1 kind: AdminCluster #... vCenter: address: mtv-example-vc01.anthos datacenter: mtv-example-vc01 cluster: admin-permissions resourcePool: example-cluster-resourcepool datastore: example-cluster-datastore # insert the following new line with the path to the vcenter folder here. folder: my-vm-folder
Setting permissions when using a folder
In Google Distributed Cloud versions older than 1.4, we required a set of permissions to be applied to the entire vCenter cluster. While this was simpler to configure, these permissions did not constrain the Google Distributed Cloud vCenter user sufficiently. While the set of permissions remain the same in Google Distributed Cloud 1.4, we can now apply them to a much smaller set of objects, provided a folder is specified for the deployment, as described above.
The following is a set of roles, their permissions, and the objects the roles must be applied to. Entries marked "(recursively)" must be applied with the Propagate field set to true, so the permissions are inherited by all child objects.
Role: ClusterEditor
Description: Apply DRS rules to Clusters + Read Only Access
Objects: $VCenter.Cluster(recursively)
Privileges: System.Read System.View System.Anonymous Host.Inventory.EditCluster
Role: SessionValidator
Description: Validate an existing VCenter session + Read Only Access
Objects: $VCenter.Root
Privileges: System.Read System.View System.Anonymous Session.ValidateSessions
Role: ReadOnly
Description: Built in role that permits enumerating objects
Objects: $VCenter.Datacenter(recursively), $VCenter "VM Network"
Privileges: System.Read System.View System.Anonymous
Role: Anthos
Description: Set of permissions required to deploy, manage and monitor clusters. This role represents the set of permissions that was applied to the entire VCenter environment in GKE OnPrem 1.3 and earlier.
Objects: $VCenter.Datastore(recursively), $VCenter.ResourcePool(recursively), $VCenter.Folder(recursively), $VCenter.Network(recursively)
Click to see the privileges in the Anthos role.
- Datastore.AllocateSpace
- Datastore.Browse
- Datastore.Config
- Datastore.DeleteFile
- Datastore.FileManagement
- Datastore.UpdateVirtualMachineFiles
- Datastore.UpdateVirtualMachineMetadata
- Folder.Create
- Folder.Delete
- Folder.Move
- Folder.Rename
- Host.Inventory.EditCluster
- InventoryService.Tagging.CreateTag
- Network.Assign
- Resource.ApplyRecommendation
- Resource.AssignVMToPool
- Resource.ColdMigrate
- Resource.HotMigrate
- Resource.QueryVMotion
- Sessions.ValidateSession
- StorageViews.View
- System.Anonymous
- System.Read
- System.View
- Task.Create
- Task.Update
- VApp.ApplicationConfig
- VApp.Import
- VApp.InstanceConfig
- VirtualMachine.Config.AddExistingDisk
- VirtualMachine.Config.AddNewDisk
- VirtualMachine.Config.AddRemoveDevice
- VirtualMachine.Config.AdvancedConfig
- VirtualMachine.Config.Annotation
- VirtualMachine.Config.CPUCount
- VirtualMachine.Config.ChangeTracking
- VirtualMachine.Config.DiskExtend
- VirtualMachine.Config.DiskLease
- VirtualMachine.Config.EditDevice
- VirtualMachine.Config.HostUSBDevice
- VirtualMachine.Config.ManagedBy
- VirtualMachine.Config.Memory
- VirtualMachine.Config.MksControl
- VirtualMachine.Config.QueryFTCompatibility
- VirtualMachine.Config.QueryUnownedFiles
- VirtualMachine.Config.RawDevice
- VirtualMachine.Config.ReloadFromPath
- VirtualMachine.Config.RemoveDisk
- VirtualMachine.Config.Rename
- VirtualMachine.Config.ResetGuestInfo
- VirtualMachine.Config.Resource
- VirtualMachine.Config.Settings
- VirtualMachine.Config.SwapPlacement
- VirtualMachine.Config.ToggleForkParent
- VirtualMachine.Config.UpgradeVirtualHardware
- VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.Execute
- VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.Modify
- VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.ModifyAliases
- VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.Query
- VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.QueryAliases
- VirtualMachine.Hbr.ConfigureReplication
- VirtualMachine.Hbr.MonitorReplication
- VirtualMachine.Hbr.ReplicaManagement
- VirtualMachine.Interact.AnswerQuestion
- VirtualMachine.Interact.Backup
- VirtualMachine.Interact.ConsoleInteract
- VirtualMachine.Interact.CreateScreenshot
- VirtualMachine.Interact.CreateSecondary
- VirtualMachine.Interact.DefragmentAllDisks
- VirtualMachine.Interact.DeviceConnection
- VirtualMachine.Interact.DisableSecondary
- VirtualMachine.Interact.DnD
- VirtualMachine.Interact.EnableSecondary
- VirtualMachine.Interact.GuestControl
- VirtualMachine.Interact.MakePrimary
- VirtualMachine.Interact.Pause
- VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOff
- VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOn
- VirtualMachine.Interact.PutUsbScanCodes
- VirtualMachine.Interact.Record
- VirtualMachine.Interact.Replay
- VirtualMachine.Interact.Reset
- VirtualMachine.Interact.SESparseMaintenance
- VirtualMachine.Interact.SetCDMedia
- VirtualMachine.Interact.SetFloppyMedia
- VirtualMachine.Interact.Suspend
- VirtualMachine.Interact.TerminateFaultTolerantVM
- VirtualMachine.Interact.ToolsInstall
- VirtualMachine.Interact.TurnOffFaultTolerance
- VirtualMachine.Inventory.Create
- VirtualMachine.Inventory.CreateFromExisting
- VirtualMachine.Inventory.Delete
- VirtualMachine.Inventory.Move
- VirtualMachine.Inventory.Register
- VirtualMachine.Inventory.Unregister
- VirtualMachine.Namespace.Event
- VirtualMachine.Namespace.EventNotify
- VirtualMachine.Namespace.Management
- VirtualMachine.Namespace.ModifyContent
- VirtualMachine.Namespace.Query
- VirtualMachine.Namespace.ReadContent
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Clone
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.CloneTemplate
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.CreateTemplateFromVM
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Customize
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.DeployTemplate
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.DiskRandomAccess
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.DiskRandomRead
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.FileRandomAccess
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.GetVmFiles
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.MarkAsTemplate
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.MarkAsVM
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.ModifyCustSpecs
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.PromoteDisks
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.PutVmFiles
- VirtualMachine.Provisioning.ReadCustSpecs
- VirtualMachine.State.CreateSnapshot
- VirtualMachine.State.RemoveSnapshot
- VirtualMachine.State.RenameSnapshot
- VirtualMachine.State.RevertToSnapshot
Known issue: installer fails when creating vSphere datadisk
(Issue ID 156233307)
The Google Distributed Cloud installer can fail if custom roles are bound at the wrong permissions level.
When the role binding is incorrect, creating a vSphere datadisk with
hangs and the disk is created with a size equal to 0.
To fix the issue, you should bind the custom role at the
vSphere vcenter level (root).
If you want to bind the custom role at the DC level (or lower than root), you also need to to bind the read-only role to the user at the root vCenter level.
For more information on role creation, see vCenter user account privileges.
Resource requirements for admin workstation, admin cluster, and user clusters
The physical ESXi hosts in your data center must provide enough storage, CPU, and RAM resources to fulfill the needs of the virtual machines that you will create during your initial installation of Google Distributed Cloud. Your data center must also provide enough virtual disk space to fulfill PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) created by Prometheus and Google Cloud Observability.
The initial installation of Google Distributed Cloud requires these resources:
- 36 vCPU
- 98241 MB RAM
- 2280 GB virtual disk space
For more detailed information on resource requirements, see CPU, RAM, and Storage requirements.