
本页面介绍了如何以您偏好的编程语言开始使用 Vision API。

如需直接在 Cloud Shell Editor 中按照此任务的分步指南来执行操作,请点击操作演示



  1. 登录您的 Google Cloud 账号。如果您是 Google Cloud 新手,请创建一个账号来评估我们的产品在实际场景中的表现。新客户还可获享 $300 赠金,用于运行、测试和部署工作负载。
  2. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  3. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  4. Create or select a Google Cloud project.

    • Create a Google Cloud project:

      gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating.

    • Select the Google Cloud project that you created:

      gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud project name.

  5. 确保您的 Google Cloud 项目已启用结算功能

  6. Enable the Vision API:

    gcloud services enable vision.googleapis.com
  7. Grant roles to your user account. Run the following command once for each of the following IAM roles: roles/storage.objectViewer

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member="USER_IDENTIFIER" --role=ROLE
    • Replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID.
    • Replace USER_IDENTIFIER with the identifier for your user account. For example, user:myemail@example.com.

    • Replace ROLE with each individual role.
  8. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  9. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  10. Create or select a Google Cloud project.

    • Create a Google Cloud project:

      gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating.

    • Select the Google Cloud project that you created:

      gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud project name.

  11. 确保您的 Google Cloud 项目已启用结算功能

  12. Enable the Vision API:

    gcloud services enable vision.googleapis.com
  13. Grant roles to your user account. Run the following command once for each of the following IAM roles: roles/storage.objectViewer

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member="USER_IDENTIFIER" --role=ROLE
    • Replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID.
    • Replace USER_IDENTIFIER with the identifier for your user account. For example, user:myemail@example.com.

    • Replace ROLE with each individual role.



go get cloud.google.com/go/vision/apiv1


如需详细了解如何设置 Java 开发环境,请参阅 Java 开发环境设置指南

If you are using Maven, add the following to your pom.xml file. For more information about BOMs, see The Google Cloud Platform Libraries BOM.



If you are using Gradle, add the following to your dependencies:

implementation 'com.google.cloud:google-cloud-vision:3.44.0'

If you are using sbt, add the following to your dependencies:

libraryDependencies += "com.google.cloud" % "google-cloud-vision" % "3.44.0"

If you're using Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, or Eclipse, you can add client libraries to your project using the following IDE plugins:

The plugins provide additional functionality, such as key management for service accounts. Refer to each plugin's documentation for details.


如需详细了解如何设置 Node.js 开发环境,请参阅 Node.js 开发环境设置指南

npm install --save @google-cloud/vision


如需详细了解如何设置 Python 开发环境,请参阅 Python 开发环境设置指南

pip install --upgrade google-cloud-vision


现在,您可以使用 Vision API 来请求图片中的信息,例如标签检测。请运行以下代码以执行您的第一个图片标签检测请求。


试用此示例之前,请按照《Vision 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Go 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision Go API 参考文档

如需向 Vision 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

// Sample vision-quickstart uses the Google Cloud Vision API to label an image.
package main

import (

	vision "cloud.google.com/go/vision/apiv1"

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Creates a client.
	client, err := vision.NewImageAnnotatorClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create client: %v", err)
	defer client.Close()

	// Sets the name of the image file to annotate.
	filename := "../testdata/cat.jpg"

	file, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to read file: %v", err)
	defer file.Close()
	image, err := vision.NewImageFromReader(file)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create image: %v", err)

	labels, err := client.DetectLabels(ctx, image, nil, 10)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to detect labels: %v", err)

	for _, label := range labels {


试用此示例之前,请按照《Vision 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Java 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision Java API 参考文档

如需向 Vision 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

// Imports the Google Cloud client library

import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.AnnotateImageRequest;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.AnnotateImageResponse;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.BatchAnnotateImagesResponse;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.EntityAnnotation;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.Feature;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.Feature.Type;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.Image;
import com.google.cloud.vision.v1.ImageAnnotatorClient;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class QuickstartSample {
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (ImageAnnotatorClient vision = ImageAnnotatorClient.create()) {

      // The path to the image file to annotate
      String fileName = "./resources/wakeupcat.jpg";

      // Reads the image file into memory
      Path path = Paths.get(fileName);
      byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path);
      ByteString imgBytes = ByteString.copyFrom(data);

      // Builds the image annotation request
      List<AnnotateImageRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>();
      Image img = Image.newBuilder().setContent(imgBytes).build();
      Feature feat = Feature.newBuilder().setType(Type.LABEL_DETECTION).build();
      AnnotateImageRequest request =

      // Performs label detection on the image file
      BatchAnnotateImagesResponse response = vision.batchAnnotateImages(requests);
      List<AnnotateImageResponse> responses = response.getResponsesList();

      for (AnnotateImageResponse res : responses) {
        if (res.hasError()) {
          System.out.format("Error: %s%n", res.getError().getMessage());

        for (EntityAnnotation annotation : res.getLabelAnnotationsList()) {
              .forEach((k, v) -> System.out.format("%s : %s%n", k, v.toString()));


试用此示例之前,请按照《Vision 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Node.js 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision Node.js API 参考文档

如需向 Vision 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

async function quickstart() {
  // Imports the Google Cloud client library
  const vision = require('@google-cloud/vision');

  // Creates a client
  const client = new vision.ImageAnnotatorClient();

  // Performs label detection on the image file
  const [result] = await client.labelDetection('./resources/wakeupcat.jpg');
  const labels = result.labelAnnotations;
  labels.forEach(label => console.log(label.description));


试用此示例之前,请按照《Vision 快速入门:使用客户端库》中的 Python 设置说明进行操作。如需了解详情,请参阅 Vision Python API 参考文档

如需向 Vision 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为本地开发环境设置身份验证

# Imports the Google Cloud client library
from google.cloud import vision

def run_quickstart() -> vision.EntityAnnotation:
    """Provides a quick start example for Cloud Vision."""

    # Instantiates a client
    client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()

    # The URI of the image file to annotate
    file_uri = "gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/label/wakeupcat.jpg"

    image = vision.Image()
    image.source.image_uri = file_uri

    # Performs label detection on the image file
    response = client.label_detection(image=image)
    labels = response.label_annotations

    for label in labels:

    return labels

恭喜!您已向 Vision 发送了第一个请求。



为避免系统因本快速入门中使用的资源向您的 Google 账号收取费用,请按照以下步骤操作:


详细了解我们的 Vision API 客户端库