Ad copy from video

Write a creative ad copy based on a video.

You can query a model directly and test the results returned when using different parameter values with the Cloud console, or by calling the Vertex AI API directly.

Prompt Freeform

Provide a tourism ad for this video


Feel the rush. Ride the wave.

Experience the ultimate escape at [Name of Location], where crystal-clear waters and perfect waves await.

Imagine yourself gliding effortlessly on a pristine wave, the warm sun on your skin and the sound of the ocean crashing around you. Here, you'll find [mention specific features, e.g., uncrowded beaches, stunning views, friendly locals], creating the perfect setting for an unforgettable surfing adventure.

[Name of Location] is a surfer's paradise. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-timer, our experienced instructors and pristine waves offer the perfect opportunity to learn, improve, and enjoy the thrill of riding the waves.

Book your trip today and discover the magic of [Name of Location].

#surftrip #tropicalparadise #oceanlover #adventureawaits

Model: gemini-1.5-flash-001
Temperature: 1
Max output tokens: 8192
TopK: 40
TopP: 0.95